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First time IVF

Printed From: OHbaby!
Category: Support
Forum Name: Coping with infertility
Forum Description: Have you been trying to conceive unsuccessfully? Dealing with primary or secondary infertility? Get support, advice, and help coping here.
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Topic: First time IVF
Posted By: hoping
Subject: First time IVF
Date Posted: 06 June 2010 at 2:47pm
Hi everyone,

Started reading some of the other forums and started getting confused so thought I might start a new one!!
I am about to start my first cycle of IVF. I am very fortunate that we have a daughter who was concieved in the click of our fingers pretty much! But have now been told she was a miracle and we need science to help us grow our family.
I am really anxious/upset/sick of waiting/nervous/angry every emotion under the sun really. My H tries to talk to me but I shut down about it saying all is fine. Feel a bit lost really. Am wondering if there are others out there going through the same or similar situations??
Also, anyone been successful with just one round of IVF?? As I am so worried about how I will cope if it's not.
Look forward to talking.

Posted By: fozziebear
Date Posted: 06 June 2010 at 3:56pm
Hi hoping

I am going through my first IVF cycle as well. There are few us on the other forum who are going through the first time as well but it has been a blessing to have people on there too who have gone through it before to bounce questions off of.

I have a friend who has a lovely baby girl born Jan of this year off ivf and after her first go at it. So there is hope.

I am 10 days into my injections with my first blood test this week.

Good luck to you.

Posted By: hoping
Date Posted: 06 June 2010 at 4:01pm
Thanks for your message fozziebear. I have been reading through the other forum also - is great to hear others experiences. I have an appoinment next week to learn about the injections etc. Best of luck for your cycle and hope all is going well for you :-)

Posted By: oscarboo
Date Posted: 06 June 2010 at 7:54pm
We were luckly enough to have our little girl on our first cycle as well so there is hope.

All the best on your journey

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: 2_ns_lol
Date Posted: 07 June 2010 at 2:47pm
Hi Hoping

I also am on my first IVF cycle. I'm on day 3 of Gonal-f. I have my first scan on Friday to see how things are going

I have found the ladies in the IVF forum to be very welcoming & have been great in answering any questions I've had. I have been in there for about 3 weeks now & have had great support from the ladies

Good luck for your upcoming cycle

TTC#1 since Aug 2006
Me: 27 + PCOS + DH: 38 + low morph
12 x Clomid cycles
4 x IUI
2 x IVF ICSI = BFP on 2nd round!">

Posted By: hoping
Date Posted: 07 June 2010 at 7:00pm
It is so great to have people to talk to - have kept everything bottled in until now as not sure how people will react etc. Oscarboo thank you for your feedback and that is so awesome for you guys!! Trying4no1 best of luck for your journey...I am still wating to be able to start and just wish it was underway now. How strict were you all with following rules?? I enjoy my daily coffee, not instant the real stuff, but am thinking I should totally give it away.....least of my concerns really I suppose!!

Posted By: Leilani
Date Posted: 09 June 2010 at 10:08am
Hi Hoping - I've just started my first IVF cycle, started taking the pill last Friday, hopefulluy will start with the injections in a couple of weeks. I wrote a massively long post int he long IVF thread.

I lurve coffee, when we first started TTC I switched from real to decaf (we got an espresso machine as a wedding pressie), and I really don't want to give it up. Have read that de-caf can be bad because of the chemicals, but I buy beans that have been water-treated rather than chemically treated, so hopefully this is fine. If I really have to, I'll give it up and switch to chai lattes - assuming they are fine!

Where are you?

Posted By: sarahd
Date Posted: 09 June 2010 at 10:30am
Hi Hoping

I too love coffee, and I have tried very hard to find evidence that coffee doesn't affect fertility.

However, everything I read comes out with "even a small amount of caffeine can affect fertility".

So whatever this means to you you need to feel OK with what you are doing to help your fertiity.

If i have the odd instant cup every second day I'm not going to stress, but I definitely wouldn't go for the espressos twice a day.

Posted By: hoping
Date Posted: 10 June 2010 at 6:24pm
Hey Leilani and Sarahd,

Have been away for a few days and have just caught up in the other forum, and here.

Leilani - it sounds like we are doing similar methods, I am doing the pill and then injections too. Just waiting for day 1 to tick around.

And I've done the same Sarah, have read everything possible! Have decided to give it away for now as anything I can do to help has got to be good!!

Where are you guys?? I'm central NI.

Posted By: Leilani
Date Posted: 10 June 2010 at 7:09pm
I'm in Wellington - so super convenient for FA - I have to drive past it everyday on my way to and from work, which hopefully will be handy when I have to go for scans.

Do you have to travel far to go to appointments?

Posted By: Tiff8ny
Date Posted: 10 June 2010 at 8:36pm
Hi girls, just thought I would join this thread. I am from this month currently on the waiting list for IVF after 2 1/2 years of trying.
I am 29 and DH is 27 and we have gone to see Fertility Associates over a year ago. Got told we have unexplained fertility so tried clomidiphene and IUI treatments but all with no success.

Are you all on public funded IVF or private? How long did you have to wait on the waiting lists? I have been told that in auckland the waiting list is at least a good years wait. I am really hoping this year will go fast as I just want to get underway after not having any success of TTC for several years.

Me 32, DH 30
TTC 4+ years
Unexplained Infertility
IVF#1 - Chem Pregnancy,no frosties
IVF#2 - BFP!!!! Plus 1 frostie

Posted By: Leilani
Date Posted: 10 June 2010 at 8:47pm
Hi Tiff8ny - we are going privately for IVF, as we don't qualify to get on the waiting list until August and in Welly the current wqiting time is 11 months, meaning I'd be 39 at the earliest when aI had a baby. We weren't prepared to wait that long, our infertility stems from DH's low sperm count, so IVF is our only chance.

Posted By: Tiff8ny
Date Posted: 10 June 2010 at 9:04pm
Hi Leilani, thanks for the welcome Do you mind me asking how much you are paying for private IVF? We are considering whether we should pay for private or wait for our public funded IVF which prob wont happen until June next year! We are told that we are still young (29 & 27) so should wait for public funding, but if we can afford it I would love to get this IVF underway as we have been so frustrated over the past 2 years of TTC esp when we are told we have unexplained infertility.
All the best with your IVF, hopefully you get that baby you are hoping for these posts are really helpful in knowing what to expect when i eventually have IVF (fingers crossed it wont come to that though)

Me 32, DH 30
TTC 4+ years
Unexplained Infertility
IVF#1 - Chem Pregnancy,no frosties
IVF#2 - BFP!!!! Plus 1 frostie

Posted By: Leilani
Date Posted: 10 June 2010 at 9:12pm
We are doing a scheme where you pay for three rounds, and if unsuccessful you get 70% of your cash back, and it works out just a little bit more than paying as you go for 2 rounds of IVF. Because of my age and hubbies issue we need ICSI which adds about $2000 to the cost. If we conceive first time we've paid waaaaaay over the odds, but hey - we have a baby!

At Fertility Associates the estimated cost of a private regular IVF course is about $9000. Hope that helps - even if you don't go with them, check out their website, it's very up-front about the costs. - give yourself some time, there is a lot to read on their site.

Posted By: Tiff8ny
Date Posted: 11 June 2010 at 7:30am
thanks Leilani, I will check over their website to work out the costs. I guess if you get a baby at the end of it, who cares how much it costs aye!!
All the best for your IVF, keep us up to date with your journey and experiences

Me 32, DH 30
TTC 4+ years
Unexplained Infertility
IVF#1 - Chem Pregnancy,no frosties
IVF#2 - BFP!!!! Plus 1 frostie

Posted By: Leilani
Date Posted: 11 June 2010 at 9:15am
Thanks Tiff8ny - I don't know what I'd do in your shoes, as with unexplained infertility you must always be thinking - maybe this month. You do have age on your side, but then again you've been trying for a while - whatever you decide, it'll be the best decision.

Posted By: Tiff8ny
Date Posted: 11 June 2010 at 10:10am
Yes thats the most frustrating thing it being unexplained!! it could mean that it could happen any month, but your right we have been trying for 2 1/2 years and nothing yet, which makes me think there must be something wrong and that they havent picked it up.
We will have to start saving hard to get some money for IVF then decide I guess if we go private or wait for public.
I was hoping to have at least one child before I was 30 but sadly that doesnt look like its going to happen thats life i guess, it doesnt all go the way we planned it.
I thought I would get a letter from FA this month to say we are now on the waiting list, I must follow that up as I havent received one and hope they havent forgotten to put us on the list!

Me 32, DH 30
TTC 4+ years
Unexplained Infertility
IVF#1 - Chem Pregnancy,no frosties
IVF#2 - BFP!!!! Plus 1 frostie

Posted By: hoping
Date Posted: 11 June 2010 at 12:18pm
Hey girls,

Leilani I'm going through FA as well, have come apts in Palmy but will be in Wgtn for main part as they don't do it in Palmy. I live about an hour out of Palmy. What's the payment plan you are doing? We have to do ICSI as well an are looking at $12k for our round. We have to wait another two years to qualify for public and just can't wait that long!!

Welcome is hard knowing what to do. Is your man on the menevit supplement? That has got some good reviews.

We have our fingers crossed at the mo - my man went to an osteopath who told him his pelvis was totally out of wack and he fixed it all up and reckons that might be the reason for low sperm count as some nerves would have been crushed. So hubby is off for another test next week to see if there is any change - as we are very blessed to have one daughter who we concieved instantly. So we will see.....but in the meantime we are scheduled to start out IVF at the end of this month, but if there is a change in his count we are going to hold off for a couple of months I think......again so hard to know what to do!!

Hope everyone is having a good day

Posted By: Tiff8ny
Date Posted: 11 June 2010 at 12:36pm
Hi hoping,
Yes my man is on menevit supplement and I also take Elevit.
You are so lucky you already have a daughter who was conceived instantly. FX the pelvis being out of whack is the answer and you get to save the money by conceiving naturally again

Me 32, DH 30
TTC 4+ years
Unexplained Infertility
IVF#1 - Chem Pregnancy,no frosties
IVF#2 - BFP!!!! Plus 1 frostie

Posted By: 2_ns_lol
Date Posted: 11 June 2010 at 9:55pm
Hi Hoping - sorry for taking a while to get back to you... I'm in Auckland at Fertility Plus. I was fairly good with sticking to all the rules    In the Fertility Plus IVF Booklet it says the following about coffee:
It is medically recommended that any women experiencing fertility problems should limit
their intake of caffeine to 100-130mg daily. An approximate average for one cup of
coffee is 100mg of caffeine. Tea, chocolate and some medications also contain caffeine.
Decaffeinated coffee should also be restricted, as the chemicals used in the process are
also potentially harmful.

Hope that helps. I used to be a coffee nut before IVF... still miss it a wee bit lol.

Hi Tiff8ny - glad to see you in this thread as well

Fozziebear - how are the injections going?

Had my first scan today see how I'm going. Apparently my follies are growing a wee bit slow but nothing to worry about. The best part was they could see 11 follicles all ranging from 6 to 8mm - for me that is awesome, on Clomiphene I was only ever able to get 1 so I'm personally stoked for 11 hehe
They have increased my buserelin to double what I've been taking so far & are getting me to have another scan on Monday to see how things are going - cant wait!

Hi to the rest of you ladies

TTC#1 since Aug 2006
Me: 27 + PCOS + DH: 38 + low morph
12 x Clomid cycles
4 x IUI
2 x IVF ICSI = BFP on 2nd round!">

Posted By: fozziebear
Date Posted: 12 June 2010 at 4:07pm
trying4no1 - that is a nice number. Fingers crossed for you at the next scan that EC won't be to far away.

Injections are going well. I have had to stay on buserelin at the moment. Blood test last week showed that I had not down reg enough so I have another blood test on Tuesday. It now just seems to be part of the darily routine.

Hope all is good for everyone else on their first time around.

Posted By: hoping
Date Posted: 12 June 2010 at 8:35pm
Hey girls - hope you are all well. Certainly is great having these forums!!

A query - with all the blood tests and scans you keep talking about do they have to be done at the clinic you are going through?? Am starting to wonder as I've had all my apt's in P.Nth but have been told I have to go to Wgtn for EC etc and am now a wondering about the presuming they'll be able to do this in Palmy but will ring the nurse tomorrow for a chat I think.

Posted By: Leilani
Date Posted: 12 June 2010 at 8:39pm
Hi Hoping - I've had all my blood tests done at the usual lab that does everybodies blood tests. The scans will be done at the clinic, but I'm guessing you can get these done by your local nurse, or your schedule will be done to work in with when there are docs in town. I dunno really, just guessing.

You not watching the rugby?

Posted By: 2_ns_lol
Date Posted: 12 June 2010 at 11:33pm
Hi Hoping - I have my bloods done at 2 different places that aren't my clinic, but I do have the scans, EC & ET at the fertility clinic - quite handy really lol. Fingers crossed you dont have to travel far for the scans etc.

Fozziebear - I took about 2 days longer than normal on the buserelin & now responding a little slower than normal on gonal-f.... good things take time right?

Leilani - how long until you start your injections now?

For me... I am starting to get quite tender in the ovaries & feeling extremely bloated lol... fingers crossed hopefully not long to go.

Hope you are all having a nice weekend

TTC#1 since Aug 2006
Me: 27 + PCOS + DH: 38 + low morph
12 x Clomid cycles
4 x IUI
2 x IVF ICSI = BFP on 2nd round!">

Posted By: chiqa
Date Posted: 14 June 2010 at 3:58pm
Hi Ya everyone I just thought I'd pop in and say good luck to everyone.
I was lucky enough to have success on my first ivf cycle even with having very high fsh( I'm only 30) and we have 2 frozen embies for next time too.
These forums totally saved my sanity during all the highs and lows.
Fingers crossed for all of you

Posted By: 2_ns_lol
Date Posted: 14 June 2010 at 5:41pm
Thanks Chiqa! Congrats on the pregnancy!!

Posted By: Happygal
Date Posted: 14 June 2010 at 5:49pm
Hey Fozziebear, I've got my next Blood test tomorrow too! Fingers crossed both of us will have good news, when is your expected EC date? Mine is meant to be 21 June or after..

Trying how are you getting along?

Hope all you other lovely ladies are doing great!


Posted By: fozziebear
Date Posted: 14 June 2010 at 7:20pm
Hay Happygal,

Fingers crossed for you as well tomorrow. My EC date was meant to be the week of June 21st as well but since ih ave been delayed by 5 days on the buserelin i would think that if all goes well from here on out i would think it would be around June 27ish.

chiqa - congrats I hope we are all one day as lucky

trying4no1 - How are you feeling? Hope all is going well for you?

To everyone else keep taking it one day at a time and can't wait to celebrate the goods news

Posted By: 2_ns_lol
Date Posted: 15 June 2010 at 7:29pm
Hi Ladies!

Happygal - how did your blood test go today?

Fozziebear - hope your wait for EC isn't going too badly... I was delayed 2 days on buserelin & found that frustrating enough lol.

I had the call from the clinic today to say I can have my trigger injection tonight!   I have my EC on Thursday morning. woo hoo!! cant believe it has finally come around!      - don't get me wrong I am nervous as anything about the whole procedure, but knowing my body has responded as it should so far has pleased me enough hehe.
When I had my scan yesterday they could count 14 follicles & said there were a few more little ones... fingers crossed we get a few good eggs out of them!

Hope you ladies are having a nice week so far

TTC#1 since Aug 2006
Me: 27 + PCOS + DH: 38 + low morph
12 x Clomid cycles
4 x IUI
2 x IVF ICSI = BFP on 2nd round!">

Posted By: Happygal
Date Posted: 15 June 2010 at 8:23pm
Hey girls,how is everyone doing?

Trying, yippee for trigger tonight, makes it all seem so real... yay 14 follicles too, well done...

Fozziebear, how was your BT? I have another one on Thursday and a scan, so does that means things are quite there yet?? So much to know.. They texted too, so didnt talk to anyone, usually they phone..

Are any of you Auckland girls with FA?


Posted By: hoping
Date Posted: 15 June 2010 at 8:31pm
Yay for you Trying....will be thinking of you for the rest of the week    Fozzie your EC will come round before you know it too.

Happy I'm with FA but in Wellies and Palmy. I missed a call from the clinic today so now wondering what it was for........will try and ring them back tomorrow to find out.

How's things with you Leilani??

Chiqa awesome to read your happy news

My hubby had another test today to see if his visit to the osteopath who totally corrected his pelvis was possibly a cause of our probs......osteopath was quite hopeful it was as a few nerves crushed he reckoned so we will see. Am hoping we might have the results tomorrow......who knows.

Thinking of you all heaps, and fingers crossed and baby dust for all

Posted By: oscarboo
Date Posted: 15 June 2010 at 8:41pm
Hoping - we went through FA in Wellington as well but I had all my blood tests done in Palmy. Palmy was the only place that could get the results down to Wellington in time (Feilding or Marton would have been easier for me but not an option).

Sorry just wanting to see how you were all going. Best of luck for your cycles

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: hoping
Date Posted: 16 June 2010 at 5:48pm
Thanks for that Oscarboo.....I'm still quite a way from Palmy but it's a whole lot closer than Wellington!! So was hoping that was the case.

Hope everyone is well

Posted By: 2_ns_lol
Date Posted: 16 June 2010 at 6:10pm
Thanks heaps for your well wishes ladies!   
Yay no more injections! my poor bruised tummy gets a rest! hehe

Happy - good luck for your scan tomorrow! positive thoughts you can see lots of follies growing away    

I'm with Fertility Plus in Auckland :)

Hope you are all doing nicely in your cycles    bring on the BFP's I say!!

Posted By: hoping
Date Posted: 16 June 2010 at 8:30pm
Funny question for you not that great with needles anyway but how are the injections?? I know that sounds dumb but wondering how you all got on with them.....I have a visit with the clinic next week to go through how to adminster them etc...

Posted By: 2_ns_lol
Date Posted: 17 June 2010 at 3:28pm
Hi hoping - I was surprised with the needles to be honest! they weren't as bad as I thought they would be    Good luck with starting your injections! Once you start them, the time will just fly by.

Happy - How was your scan today?

I had EC this morning. They managed to get 6 eggs out. The embryologist came in after saying that 1 of the eggs wasnt looking the greatest so we're looking at 5 eggs at the moment. they're doing ICSI on them all & will ring me tomorrow to let me know how many fertilise.
EC wasn't so bad, feeling crampy & tender afterwards but nothing I can't handle. There were a couple of times during EC that were sore, but the nurse was great and gave me a few top ups of the pain relief

Hope all you ladies are having a nice day

Posted By: rachb
Date Posted: 19 June 2010 at 8:09pm
after having a read through this thread, you ladies have made me feel a bit more positive about the whole IVF thing.

Good luck with everything ladies and hopefully my turn will come round soon.

Is there anyone else going through FA in Hamilton?

Posted By: hoping
Date Posted: 20 June 2010 at 10:23am
Feeling really impatient over all this waiting, just seems like all I have done for the past 14 months is wait for the next step...for tired of the waiting!!

Posted By: hoping
Date Posted: 20 June 2010 at 4:58pm
Have just posted this in the other thread....thought I would put it in here too as need some so unsure of what to do now!! Just feel like screaming today really.......

Well...I was going to start my round of IVF at the end of the month but have had another possiblity thrown at me and just don't know what to do!! I please need your thoughts about what to do.

I'm over just seems to have been one long wait and I was quite relieved we were finally going to start at the end of the month (in about 10 days roughly). Anyway, it's my hubby's count that seems to be an issue, and while we are still waiting for the results from his test after seeing the osteopath we've got another track we could go down. He has managed to be seen by a naturopath who is apparently really highly regarded for dealing with infertility in both animals and humans. Anyway, we have just today gotten some remedies from him to take, but he told hubby that it could be 3-6 months before we see any change if we I now put IVF on hold or just go for it anyway??? Having finally stopped thinking about all the possiblities once we found out what the prob was, we now have a few paths we could take. I'll be gutted if I wait and there is no change.....and I get so concerned with the age gap as we are blessed to have a three year old. I just don't know what to do!! I know this seems like such a minor concern when so many of you are going through much worse concerns with your results etc but I needed to talk to people who know where I might be coming from.........

Posted By: Leilani
Date Posted: 20 June 2010 at 5:16pm
Hi Hoping - if I were you I would just go straight for the IVF - as you've said, you have spent the past 12 months plus waiting, waiting, waiting. Though if you want to wait at least another 3 months before your hubbies sperms will see any benefit. Has he not been on any supplements up 'til now? And then how many months do you give it before you decide to go back to IVF (if you're not successful)? You could very well be waiting for another 12 months.

To be perfectly honest, I'm not convinced I'd take the word of a naturopath with a good track record with animal infertility! Have you spoken to one of the doctors at FA about how likely it is that your hubby's sperm count could have been affected by his pelvis being out of whack? I've never heard of this - though admittedly I've never Googled it - but is this something that has been well documented/researched by anyone?

Of course, whatever you decide to do, it will be the right decision, and never question it.

If you do go ahead with IVF, make sure you ask about your husband's sperm (though they may just tell you) and if it seems like there has been a big difference in only a few weeks, and then if the IVF isn't successful, you'll have a good idea about what to do next.

My husband has been on Menevit for 4 months now, and he had an SA after being on it 2 months - and whilst the results were much more promising, there still was nowhere near enough volume or count for us to really do anything other than ICSI. We could wait and see if there's been any more improvement, but I'm over all the waiting and wondering - I want action!!

Posted By: hoping
Date Posted: 20 June 2010 at 5:32pm
Hey Leilani - thanks for your msg, and is very much what I am thinking really!! My hubby comes from a family who are big on the natural thing....and who knows while it might work it's a long time to wait again!! We did ask the doc about the pelvis thing, and he couldn't say either way. They aren't sure why, and are a bit surprised as our daughter was concieved are first month of trying with her, so he wasn't committing one way or another when we queried it. I think in general male infertility is less researched???? Not sure though. And yep he's been on Menevit since the start of the year, but all the tests were done once we had personally decided to start him on that so not sure if it's made a diff or not.....apparently counts are low but what are there have good motility. However, IVF with ICSI we will still do I think....if the natural thing works then maybe we will be okay for next time round!! Just can't put off waiting for a baby any longer to be honest!! We will be finished our cycle and pregnant (fx) before the waiting time is up!!

Would do anything for a good nights sleep.....don't feel like I've had one in months!! Always seems to be somethiing on my mind!! Thanks again, and hope all is well with guys

Posted By: rachb
Date Posted: 26 June 2010 at 8:34pm
Lelani - i'm glad to hear that the menevit has helped for ur DH. We have just started on the menevit and are due to go back up for a SA in 2 months or so, so hopefully it will have improved our count as well

Hoping - I would stay on the waiting list, natropaths are great for lots of different things, but it would be heartbreaking if it didn't work and you had to start ur wait on the list again.

Posted By: Tiff8ny
Date Posted: 29 June 2010 at 7:46am
Hi girls. how are all you first time IVF girls doing? Any positive results out there??

I am finally on the waiting list for IVF! Waiting list is 18 months long though so I have a very long time to wait

Me 32, DH 30
TTC 4+ years
Unexplained Infertility
IVF#1 - Chem Pregnancy,no frosties
IVF#2 - BFP!!!! Plus 1 frostie

Posted By: rachb
Date Posted: 29 June 2010 at 9:31pm
Tiff8ny - are you on the waiting list for Hamilton FA?


Posted By: Tiff8ny
Date Posted: 30 June 2010 at 7:39am
Hi rachb, no Im on the waiting list at Auckland FA. I really hope the waiting list isnt as long as the letter said! Are you on the waiting list for Hamilton FA?

Me 32, DH 30
TTC 4+ years
Unexplained Infertility
IVF#1 - Chem Pregnancy,no frosties
IVF#2 - BFP!!!! Plus 1 frostie

Posted By: bunnie
Date Posted: 30 June 2010 at 8:06am
Hi Ladies! Im new at this and just wanted to say hi. We are having ivf at fa in hamilton, well have just finished hopefully, im currenlty waiting to take THEE blood test to see if all has gone to plan, fingers crossed. Im going crazy waiting tho this is by far the hardest part of the whole cycle    anyway ladies have a good day and good luck with your baby dreams.

Posted By: minxynzl
Date Posted: 30 June 2010 at 10:20am
Hi ladies - just popping in to wish you all the best of luck.
We started our first ivf cycle in April and am thrilled we are now 9.5 weeks pregnant!
And hoping he sticks of course :)

It may not happen first time for all but being around these threads I see so many sucesses for people on 2nd, 3rd, 4th tries. Like they all say - much higher sucess rate for those that keep trying.

Whatever your journeys I wish you all the best!

Posted By: rachb
Date Posted: 30 June 2010 at 8:22pm
Originally posted by Tiff8ny Tiff8ny wrote:

Hi rachb, no Im on the waiting list at Auckland FA. I really hope the waiting list isnt as long as the letter said! Are you on the waiting list for Hamilton FA?

We are on the waiting list in hamilton - was told that it was about an 18 month wait as well. We had our first apptment on the 18th (3 weeks ago) and are still waiting for our letter to confirm when we get our turn.

I was told on the phone that it would possibly be jan/feb 2012. Its such a long time away but will be worth the wait.

At least there will be someone else that will be going through it round the same time as me.


Posted By: Tiff8ny
Date Posted: 30 June 2010 at 8:59pm
2012 sounds soooo far away i really hope we both get pregnant before then
I have only just sent off our reisidency questionnaire so awaiting their letter anyday, what was your appointment for?

Me 32, DH 30
TTC 4+ years
Unexplained Infertility
IVF#1 - Chem Pregnancy,no frosties
IVF#2 - BFP!!!! Plus 1 frostie

Posted By: rachb
Date Posted: 01 July 2010 at 7:46pm
2012 is so far away but it is something to look forward to

We went because DF has LSP, we had our initial appt to see if we qualified for public funding and we did so yay!!! Just waiting for the letter to confirm our dates.

have you had an appt yet? What are you guys going for?


Posted By: Tiff8ny
Date Posted: 01 July 2010 at 8:15pm
we went to FA Auckland over a year ago and sadly have unexplained infertility so the rule is you have to have been trying for at least 5 years before you can get public funding with unexplained!! So we have only just been able to get on the waiting list now. In the past year have tried clomid and IUI but have all been unsucessful

I really hope the rest of 2010 and 2011 goes really quickly for us OR even better we get UTD before we need IVF!!

Me 32, DH 30
TTC 4+ years
Unexplained Infertility
IVF#1 - Chem Pregnancy,no frosties
IVF#2 - BFP!!!! Plus 1 frostie

Posted By: rachb
Date Posted: 02 July 2010 at 9:35pm
i'm sorry to hear that, but i totally agree there Tiff8ny, hopefully everything will all just fall into place


Posted By: fozziebear
Date Posted: 05 July 2010 at 7:06pm
Tiff8ny - sorry to hear about your wait.

I haven't posted in here in awhile but I am finally in the 2ww. EC went well and so did ET now we wait. The good news of the week was that we were able to freexe 4 eggs.

Hope all is well with everyone. Remember don't give up hope.

Posted By: hennypenny
Date Posted: 05 July 2010 at 8:43pm
Tiff8ny I was on the waiting list in Auckland FA and was also told 18 months however it actually ended up shorter than that so fingers crossed.

I am starting my injections tomorrow and am a little freaked out about it all. DH can't stand needles so no chance hes going to be any help. Any advice from anyone on how to cope with this. This is our first IVF cycle and have been TTC for 3 years DH morhphology of swimmers not good all else is OK so we are up for IVF with ICSI. Apparently no diet changes etc help the mprphology though the number etc are all good. we are also having acupuncture does anyone have any experience of this?

Posted By: hoping
Date Posted: 08 July 2010 at 8:33am
Hey girls and welcome to the forum - sorry I haven't been into this one in a little while, have been talking in the other IVF thread.

So nice to hear of some others on their first round, I've just started, have just under two weeks until I start the injections, we are doing IVF with ICSI due to hubby having a LSC.

Bunnie have you had the BT yet?? If not it can't be far away....fingers crossed for you!!

Tiff8ny, rachb hang in there am sure your apt's will come around before the expected timeframe!! We can't even get onto the waiting list until 2012 as haven't been trying long enough so have gone private in the meantime as am an impatient person needed to do something now!!

Minx is so nice to hear of success from a first round of IVF!! Am so nervous about it all - did you do ICSI as well??

Anyway, so nice to have a few more people to chat with. Hope that you are all well

Posted By: Tiff8ny
Date Posted: 08 July 2010 at 10:10am
Hi hoping, good luck for your first round of IVF, I really hope that it all goes well for you please keep us up to date with your progress so we can get to know what we are in for

We have considered going private before we qualify for public funded, but cant really afford it at the mo. Is there a waiting list if you go private??

Me 32, DH 30
TTC 4+ years
Unexplained Infertility
IVF#1 - Chem Pregnancy,no frosties
IVF#2 - BFP!!!! Plus 1 frostie

Posted By: Tiff8ny
Date Posted: 08 July 2010 at 10:14am
Hi hennypenny - how long was your wait in the end?? I will be soooo happy if we dont have to wait 18months with FA Auckland, I am still coming to terms with the long expected wait - I have been waiting to get pregnant for 2 1/2 years now and I feel another 18months of TTC and waiting is going to kill me! I just want a baby now

Good luck for your injections, I know what you mean with the whole freaking out thing, its all so foreign and a new experience so must be pretty common to feel anxious about it, but FX its all worth the worry

Me 32, DH 30
TTC 4+ years
Unexplained Infertility
IVF#1 - Chem Pregnancy,no frosties
IVF#2 - BFP!!!! Plus 1 frostie

Posted By: Leilani
Date Posted: 08 July 2010 at 10:18am
Hi Tiff8ny - we decided to go private whilt waiting for the public rounds - and there is no waiting at all (other than waiting to get AF, and then it's all sysstems go). Money talks!

Posted By: Tiff8ny
Date Posted: 08 July 2010 at 10:42am
Thanks Leilani, thats interesting to know as I thought there was still a waiting list for private.

Now I just need to win lotto to be able to afford private!!

Me 32, DH 30
TTC 4+ years
Unexplained Infertility
IVF#1 - Chem Pregnancy,no frosties
IVF#2 - BFP!!!! Plus 1 frostie

Posted By: hoping
Date Posted: 08 July 2010 at 10:44am
Hey Tiff8ny - as Leilani said there is no waiting list, it is sadly true that money talks. We were referred to FA in March, had a few tests discovered hubby had LSC and then had our next apt early May and signed up for IVF there and then. Could have started last month but hubby had been to an osteopath who said his pelvis was completely out of whack and quite crushed, he adjusted it was quite hopeful that some nerves had been squashed and may be reason so we have it another month to see if there was any change but alas not. So started on pill at end of June, with injections starting 21st July. All seems rather unreal though!! We were a bit blown away at the cost.....$12k with ICSI, but luckily when I decided to TTC I had started putting some of my wage away so I had money while on maternity leave. So have used that and scrimped and saved hard has changed dramatically!! But will all be worth it

HennyPenny how are the injections going for you?? I had my session with the nurse a few weeks ago and was amazed how much easier it was than I had anticipated as I am useless with needless and my hubby is even worse!!.....although I didn't actually have to 'push the injection in'!! So we will see. Leilani is into her injections and I'm sure would be happy to talk about it. The girls in the other thread have all been fantastic to bounce thoughts/feelings off.

Posted By: Tiff8ny
Date Posted: 08 July 2010 at 11:45am
thanks hoping, yip it sure is alot of money. We too have enough money saved for when we eventually have a baby but didnt want to dabble into that too early. If I cant wait the 18months then I might have too. I am only 28 so people say Im still young, even though I would rather have a baby by the time Im 30! food for thought there thanks

All the best for your private cycle keep us posted

Me 32, DH 30
TTC 4+ years
Unexplained Infertility
IVF#1 - Chem Pregnancy,no frosties
IVF#2 - BFP!!!! Plus 1 frostie

Posted By: hennypenny
Date Posted: 08 July 2010 at 7:21pm
Hi Ladies

Tiff8ny we waited about 12 monoths on the list but have been ttc for 4 + years so its good to be on the actual IVF road.

Injections are actually going well, I am quite surprised how much easier it is than I thought it would be. Only real issue is extreme fatigue at the moment. First blood test on Tuesday so fingers crossed that all goes Ok and we start the second injection.

Good luck to everyone, we are having IVF with ICSI and apparently at 35 are still young though I feel quite old to be starting a family, I kind of wich we had sought help earlier.

Posted By: Tiff8ny
Date Posted: 08 July 2010 at 7:30pm
thanks hennypenny, i have my FX that we only have to wait for 12 months, I think 18 months will kill me

Me 32, DH 30
TTC 4+ years
Unexplained Infertility
IVF#1 - Chem Pregnancy,no frosties
IVF#2 - BFP!!!! Plus 1 frostie

Posted By: hoping
Date Posted: 12 July 2010 at 11:10am
Hi everyone, just thought I'd check in and see how everyone's week is going.....can't believe it's the second week of holidays already!! (I'm a teacher!!) However it does mean the start of my injections in getting closer which I am keen to get on about to ring the clinic and make the first payment so my drugs can get sent out to me tomorrow, talk about making it more and more real!!!!!

Posted By: rachb
Date Posted: 12 July 2010 at 6:38pm
Originally posted by Tiff8ny Tiff8ny wrote:

Thanks Leilani, thats interesting to know as I thought there was still a waiting list for private.

Now I just need to win lotto to be able to afford private!!

I'm waiting to win lotto as well, on the plus side i have recieved my letter and I will be starting my cycle in February 2012.... can't wait


Posted By: hoping
Date Posted: 22 July 2010 at 11:47am
Hi all - just thought I'd check in as haven't been in this forum for a little while. Hope you are all well. Well....I started my injections yesterday and all is going well. Got a bit nervous yesterday when it came time to actually push the drug in as you only practise sticking the needle in at the nurse visit for the run through of the drugs. But it was easy as, didn't even feel the drug itself going in and the needle is only a small prick as it enters and then you don't feel anything. So now I really feel like things are under way.......had a panic today that I thought I would run out of the first drug as I have gone through a lot already but they assure me it's going to be enough!!
Anyway, that's where I'm looking forward to the weekend!!

Posted By: JaneW
Date Posted: 24 July 2010 at 9:25pm
Hoping well done on your first injection!Sounds like it was a breeze, it's nice to hear someone say it wasn't too bad as thats the part I'm most nervous about going into ICSI....wouldn't mind so much if someone did it for me but guess I'll have to work it out for myself! Did you have to work yourself up to actually jab it in?

Posted By: hoping
Date Posted: 25 July 2010 at 11:27am
Not at all which surprised me a lot as I really don't like needles, but you know you have to do it and it's acutually really easy!! It's just the first prick and then you don't feel a thing, and the first prick is nothing either really!! Trust me, was thinking of how I could get someone to do it for me daily as I really did't think I would cope but it's a piece of cake!!

Posted By: hennypenny
Date Posted: 26 July 2010 at 7:39pm
i agree seems a lot easier than I thought it would be with the injections. Had my first scan today and only have 6 follicles so feeling alittle despondant about it all tonight, trying to be positive and think quality over quantity. Have to have another scan on wednesday. Does anyone have any idea about standard levels of follicles etc 6 doesnt seem like much adn I cant help feeling it reduces our chance of success.

Posted By: hoping
Date Posted: 26 July 2010 at 8:05pm
Stay positive hennypenny - remember it only takes 1 hun!! I have heard of people getting 1 or 2 and they got BFP"S!! Not sure about the standard levels etc....haven't read up about that part of it yet I'm sorry.

Posted By: rosiefarmer
Date Posted: 27 July 2010 at 10:10am
I agree with hoping - hennypenny it only takes one. When I had my scans they said I had 9 folicles, but when it came to EC they only got 5, of that 5 3 fertilized but only 2 made it to day 3. They put 1 back unfortunlately I got a BFN, and they froze the other, so hopefully my frostie is going to be my wee miracle F'xd anyway.
Stay positive and good luck.

Posted By: hennypenny
Date Posted: 28 July 2010 at 7:36pm
Thanks guys, went for a second scan today and they think I may have 8 or 9 follicles now so fingers crossed. Trigger injection tomorrow night and then egg extraction on Saturday morning, can't believe we are at this stage already excited but really nervous too

Hope all is going well with everyone else.

Posted By: Tiff8ny
Date Posted: 28 July 2010 at 7:47pm
all the best hennypenny, 8-9 follicles sounds promising!! i am now officially on the IVF waiting list and they say hopefully I will be getting treatment by sept 2011. it seems soooo far away and im hoping i get UTD before then.
This thread is really good for people like me, its great to know what i am install for next year.
FX for you that it works first time

Me 32, DH 30
TTC 4+ years
Unexplained Infertility
IVF#1 - Chem Pregnancy,no frosties
IVF#2 - BFP!!!! Plus 1 frostie

Posted By: hennypenny
Date Posted: 31 July 2010 at 5:06pm
egg collection this am total of 8 so fingers crossed :-)

Posted By: Tiff8ny
Date Posted: 31 July 2010 at 7:38pm
my fingers are tightly crossed for you hennypenny, lets hope your first time at IVF is sucessful!! Keep us posted

Me 32, DH 30
TTC 4+ years
Unexplained Infertility
IVF#1 - Chem Pregnancy,no frosties
IVF#2 - BFP!!!! Plus 1 frostie

Posted By: hennypenny
Date Posted: 02 August 2010 at 8:31pm
Going to clinic tomorrow for transfer :-) Feeling quite nervous not sure how many embryos we will have by then. This is the most stressed I have felt so far. Have acupuncture first thing so hopefully that will relax me.

Hope everyone else is doing ok.

Posted By: hoping
Date Posted: 02 August 2010 at 8:37pm
Exciting hennypenny.....your ET seems to have come around so fast!! All the very best of luck hun

Posted By: hennypenny
Date Posted: 03 August 2010 at 8:52pm
Well emotional roller coaster continues got to the clinic this morning and after some discussion it was decided to wait for a day 5 blastocyst transfer so that was that a bad nights sleep and stress and then nothing. I am hoping this is a positive thing and that at least one of the embryos makes it to blastocyst they reckon realistically we have 3 potentials and a couple of border lines which seems surprising out of only 6, so drop off doesnt seem to bad at this point. Not sure how I feel really anxious about Thursday and hoping at least one makes it to blastocyst.

Posted By: Tiff8ny
Date Posted: 04 August 2010 at 10:07am
Hi hennypenny. i dont really know what blastocyst transfer is, but good luck. I havent really read up on the IVF process yet, thought I would do that when we get closer to the date.
FX for you hun!

Me 32, DH 30
TTC 4+ years
Unexplained Infertility
IVF#1 - Chem Pregnancy,no frosties
IVF#2 - BFP!!!! Plus 1 frostie

Posted By: hoping
Date Posted: 04 August 2010 at 11:33am
Hennypenny from what I have heard from others that is way better that they are waiting for a 5 day transfer.....I am going to request a 5 day transfer, apparently that is all some clinics do now. So keep positive, it's a positive move

Posted By: hennypenny
Date Posted: 06 August 2010 at 8:28pm
Well 5 day transfer went well, apparently it was a 'beautiful blastocyst' and a clear winner for transfer. Sadly the other 4 all failed overnight so we have nothing to freeze. Not sure how I am feeling about it all now was feeling really positve yesterday but now i know it really all rests on the one blastocsyt. This never gets any easier.

Posted By: hoping
Date Posted: 06 August 2010 at 9:20pm
Hennypenny stay positive hun - it only takes one remember!! And to hear it was a "beautiful blastocyst" would have me positive    Take extra special care of yourself, will be thinking of you during your 2ww....some of the girls in another forum call this the PUPO stage (Pregnant until proven otherwise). Have everything crossed for you and sending you all the luck in the world

Posted By: Tiff8ny
Date Posted: 07 August 2010 at 8:08pm
all the best hennypenny, hopefully you will get a BFP keep us posted. My FX for you x

Me 32, DH 30
TTC 4+ years
Unexplained Infertility
IVF#1 - Chem Pregnancy,no frosties
IVF#2 - BFP!!!! Plus 1 frostie

Posted By: neets1976
Date Posted: 10 August 2010 at 10:39am
Hi Everyone
I to am first time IVF - i am on day 6 of the gonal f and i went for my first scan and they have advised me that tonight i use the trigger injection as my follicles are great - they were amazed at how quickly they have grown - i was blown away.

So egg collection is thursday for me - scary stuff and yet exciting!

Posted By: Tiff8ny
Date Posted: 10 August 2010 at 10:43am
Good luck neets1976, I am waiting for IVF next year so its good to hear what people are going through and I am interested in how successful the first time IVF is for everyone. My FX for you!!

Me 32, DH 30
TTC 4+ years
Unexplained Infertility
IVF#1 - Chem Pregnancy,no frosties
IVF#2 - BFP!!!! Plus 1 frostie

Posted By: neets1976
Date Posted: 10 August 2010 at 10:44am
Originally posted by Tiff8ny Tiff8ny wrote:

Good luck neets1976, I am waiting for IVF next year so its good to hear what people are going through and I am interested in how successful the first time IVF is for everyone. My FX for you!!

Thank you :)

Posted By: hoping
Date Posted: 10 August 2010 at 10:52am
Neets so great to hear of someone else on their first time at the moment.....I had a hiccup when I first started so start my injections again on the long course so is a couple of weeks before I start the next lot of drugs from there. Let me know how you get on....when was your forecasted EC?? Wondering how early it is if you don't mind me asking

Hope everyone is having a good week

Posted By: neets1976
Date Posted: 10 August 2010 at 10:57am
Originally posted by hoping hoping wrote:

Neets so great to hear of someone else on their first time at the moment.....I had a hiccup when I first started so start my injections again on the long course so is a couple of weeks before I start the next lot of drugs from there. Let me know how you get on....when was your forecasted EC?? Wondering how early it is if you don't mind me asking

Hope everyone is having a good week

Hi ya my expected EC date was sometime in the week commencing 16 August - so it's near a week ealry and there are already a couple of follicles at 20 which the doctor was very amazed at. I'm trying to not get too excited as i know that this is the easy part (?) and the how many eggs i can get is the hard part - but at least in here i can be excited and sad as we are all going through it or going through it!

Posted By: hoping
Date Posted: 14 August 2010 at 7:45am
Hi everyone, just thought I'd see how everyone is getting on. Neets how did EC go.....and what day is ET?? Hope you are doing well
Hennypenny when is your BT?? Hope your 2ww isn't dragging on for you!!
Hope that everyone else is well and you all have great weekends

Posted By: JaneW
Date Posted: 14 August 2010 at 8:10am
Hi hoping, I'm just waiting and stalking to see how everyone else is getting on's your jabbing going?
Neets, did you have EC on thursday-how did it go?
Hi to everyone else

DH and I just watched the FA dvd. Have you guys watched it?
I sat on the couch feeling rather faint and dizzy at the section on injecting yourself-and she was demonstrating using the fake tummy thing too! So I'm feeling so so anxious about the jabs...I keep pulling up my shirt and pinching my tummy to try and get myself over this fear, I could handle it if someone else does it but I feel like it's something I SHOULD be able to do myself!
We have an appointment at FAH on the 10th september so looking forward to that and then the countdown until december.

Posted By: hoping
Date Posted: 14 August 2010 at 8:15am
Hey Jane - don't worry, I thought the exact same thing about the injections as I hate needles to begin with. But honestly they are easy as.....all you feel is the first prick as it goes in and then nothing. I have had the DVD for ages but haven't actually gotten around to watching it...probably should!! Don't stress over them - I had anticipated having to get a nurse to do it daily for me but there is no way that is'll be sweet

Posted By: neets1976
Date Posted: 14 August 2010 at 4:25pm
Hi Ladies
EC went really well - hurt a bit, but I can't really remember much LOL

We got 10 eggs, 8 of them fertilised, yesterday we got rung up and only 7 survived (?) is that the word. We have ET tomorrow at 1030am, however the embryo man (can't remember their title lol) said that if tomorrow comes and everything looks great then they will stretch it out till tuesday - the blasto something or other (i'm hopeless with terminology)

And seriously i so didn't want to do the injections either, but they are sooooo easy, thank goodness for the tiny fine needle!!

Posted By: Tiff8ny
Date Posted: 14 August 2010 at 4:29pm
good luck neets1976, hope the ET goes well

Me 32, DH 30
TTC 4+ years
Unexplained Infertility
IVF#1 - Chem Pregnancy,no frosties
IVF#2 - BFP!!!! Plus 1 frostie

Posted By: neets1976
Date Posted: 14 August 2010 at 4:35pm
Thanks Tiff8ny

Exciting and scary - husband has said he will wrap me in bubble wrap and cotton wool if it does happen tomorrow lol

Posted By: Tiff8ny
Date Posted: 14 August 2010 at 5:53pm
yea heres hoping for that one sticky bean!

Me 32, DH 30
TTC 4+ years
Unexplained Infertility
IVF#1 - Chem Pregnancy,no frosties
IVF#2 - BFP!!!! Plus 1 frostie

Posted By: hennypenny
Date Posted: 14 August 2010 at 6:24pm
Hi Guys

2 ww is over and I had my blood test this am. Got a BFP Still cant quite believe it and DH is over the moon.

Good luck with the ET neets1976 we only had 6 eggs so i still cant believe todays results apparently it was a very def positive with no doubts!!

Posted By: neets1976
Date Posted: 14 August 2010 at 6:44pm
omg yay that is fantastic news


Posted By: rosiefarmer
Date Posted: 14 August 2010 at 6:44pm
"Lurker in"'

Thats awesome news hennypenny well done you. Congrats to you and your DH, . You look after yourself now. Take care. Ohhhh and congrats again.

"Lurker out"

Posted By: Tiff8ny
Date Posted: 14 August 2010 at 6:59pm
OMG hennypenny that is a miracle!! congrats!! makes me even more positive that first time IVF can be successful.
Soooo happy for you!
sorry to ask but why did u need IVF? did you or your DH have something wrong or was it unexplained?
congrats once again!

Me 32, DH 30
TTC 4+ years
Unexplained Infertility
IVF#1 - Chem Pregnancy,no frosties
IVF#2 - BFP!!!! Plus 1 frostie

Posted By: rachb
Date Posted: 14 August 2010 at 7:48pm
hennypenny - Congtras!!!! that is such great news, like Tiff8ny said its great to hear of a 1st time IVF being successful.


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