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Positive Stories

Printed From: OHbaby!
Category: Support
Forum Name: Life After Miscarriage
Forum Description: Up to one in five pregnancies ends in miscarriage, yet for many the loss of a pregnancy is isolating and lonely. Share your thoughts and feelings here with others who have experienced loss.
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Topic: Positive Stories
Posted By: didi99
Subject: Positive Stories
Date Posted: 17 June 2010 at 11:08am
Hi Ladies, I am after your sucess stories Particularly from those who had multiple MC's. Also if you did anything to help prevent them would be interested to know what.

Basicly I just want a thread to help with my positive thinking approach, to get me through those down days when it feels like this is never going to happen.

Thank you all in advance

Angel Babies Nov 09, May 10, Dec 10

Posted By: Mama2two
Date Posted: 17 June 2010 at 3:47pm
I had two miscarriages while trying to concieve my daughter who is now 3. I thought it would never happen for us as it took 5 years in total to get her. I spotted heavily from week 5 with her pregnancy and assumed it was another dud attempt, but she was born 2 weeks before her due date and perfect in every way. We have now gone on to have a gorgeous son as well with no problems.

Don't worry though, it will happen for you. I know exactly how you are feeling right now

Posted By: AzzaNZ
Date Posted: 17 June 2010 at 6:50pm
It took us two years to conceive our daughter.

Then we had a miscarriage trying to conceive a second child. 4 months after the miscarriage we were pregnant again and are now 29 weeks pregnant (viable - yay!)

This is after being diagnosed with a luteal phase defect and told we would never conceive and carry a child to term.


Posted By: Hope
Date Posted: 17 June 2010 at 8:46pm
Hi Didi, got pregnant on my honeymoon and then had a MC. After this I got pregnant with my beautiful son who is now one. The first attempt at getting a sibling for him ended in another MC, but I am now 9 weeks pregnant and feeling very nauseous (which I am glad about!)

Best of luck and sticky, sticky baby dust x

Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 18 June 2010 at 8:31am
Look forward to reading all the positive stories as well - I am off to see the specialist this morning so hoping they can shed some light on my m/c problem. Didi, are you going to see a specialist?

Posted By: didi99
Date Posted: 18 June 2010 at 9:20am
Thanks ladies, it's great hearing all the success stories keep them comming.
mrshopeful as I've only had 2 I don't qualify to see a specialist yet (have to wait to have 1 more got to love that). I have however gone to see a naturopath who specialises in fertility she pretty much has me on herbs and vits to balance hormones, immune system support and thin the blood. I've also got my doc to request some blood tests she wanted. So from what I can tell it's kind of the natural version of what a specialist would do. Let me know what your specialist says/does as t wiould be interesting to compare.

Angel Babies Nov 09, May 10, Dec 10

Posted By: Kicker
Date Posted: 18 June 2010 at 10:06am
Didi - i took 7 years to have my first daughter due to unexplained infertility, then had two missed mc before concieving my second daughter. I fell pregnant in around 3 months each time with the last three pregnancies so quite quickly.

After my two mc we decided to go privately to Repromed and talk to a dr there who specialises in recurrent loss (she actually works at the recurrent loss clinic at greenlane too), we did all the test and found nothing wrong. The only thing i highlighted was that my LP was usually around 9 days so a bit short. I also asked if i could use progesterone support as i had read a lot about women who had suffered from missed mc had low progesterone. As it doesn't harm a pregnancy to use progesterone pessaries i gave them a go, so used them from ovulation until 16 weeks.

I got pregnant the second cycle using the pessaries, and did the early monitoring program that repromed offer, and they checked my progesterone which was on the low side even though i was on supplements, so i think that was definately my problem. Repromed also went out of there way to give me weekly scans from the 7 week one to 12 weeks... they usually only do one scan.

You can see the outcome of that pregancy in my sig

I hope you have a successful pregnancy soon. Wishing you luck.


Posted By: minik8e
Date Posted: 18 June 2010 at 10:20pm
I had 3 m/c prior to conceiving my girls. The first m/c was with my ex, and the last two were with DH. After my third m/c, my doctor referred me to a specialist for tests, which we decided to do privately as the waiting list was approx. 1 year before we would have been seen publicly.

The specialist couldn't find any reason for the m/cs, but suggested it may be to do with my endo, and put me on 5mg folic acid and baby aspirin to try to help. When I got my next BFP (3rd cycle of trying - I don't seem to have a problem getting pg, just keeping them) I had progesterone and HCG tests, which showed that my progesterone was quite low, so I started progesterone pessaries as well. The end result is my signature piccy

It is pretty certain that I will need progesterone pessaries for any future pregnancies as well, I'm thankful that it's such an easily solved problem, in my particular case.

Good luck to you - you can self refer to a specialist if you are able to pay to be seen privately. My appointments were $170-200, and I had 2 of them, from memory (about a month or so apart). A lot of my results/next moves were discussed via phone, which of course I didn't need to pay for.

Posted By: tictacjunkie
Date Posted: 18 June 2010 at 10:59pm
Though we have four children we've lost five along the way, the last two were one after the other, most recent was at 13weeks last sept due to (they think) placenta accreta. This time around I was taking 0.8mg folic, extra vit E along with a prenatal, & rubbed Skybright Wild Yam cream (supposed to be a natural progesterone- the only one i could find that didn't have soy) on my belly from ov til 14weeks, I'm not sure if any of that helped, but certainly hasn't done any harm. =)

Posted By: Tinkerbelle83
Date Posted: 19 June 2010 at 7:58am
Thanks for the post Didi :) It is nice to hear positive stories and it keeps the hope alive :)

I'm in the same position as Mrs Hopeful and I hope for us that it is something like progesterone that we're missing.

My doc has given me tests to do once my next cycle starts and then I'll make an appointment with FA. Decided to go public as well as I just want to find out and go from there.

How did your specialist appointment go Mrs Hopeful?


3 precious Angel babies - Oct 09, Feb 10, June 10

Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 19 June 2010 at 1:51pm
Hi Guys

I had my appointment with the specialist yesterday, all my bloods came back fine apart from one that tested positive. He explained it was something to do with antibodies in my blood ..... sorry, I didn't ask too many questions because I am already a googling freak and I dont need more problems to research on the internet.....but apparently 'easily fixed' with a higher does of low does aspirin and high does folic acid.   I was in there for 20 min, he basically told me I was fine, get amongst it and give them a call when I am pg and they will moniter me carefully with scans etc. If my blood is not thin enough then they will inject me with something else to help.
Stoked!! I felt like I was walking on air yesterday - finally a plan! Of course, nothing is guaranteed but hey its a start.
Didi / Tinkerbelle - maybe just try taking low does aspirin as well? It may or may not work but it wont do you any harm. You could even talk with your doctor about this? I'm gutted I didn't try this with our last pg.
Anyway, thats where I am at - cant wait for my next cycle to start so we can trying again. Bring on the bundle of joy!!

Posted By: didi99
Date Posted: 19 June 2010 at 2:37pm
I am loving these stories, I know they are going to be a huge help over the next few months. Thank you so much everyone for sharing.
Fantastic news from your specialist MrsH great that it is such an easy to fix problem.
I do have a fact sheet thingy about antibodies and MC from my naturopath as it is something that she has already started giving me herbs etc for.

Angel Babies Nov 09, May 10, Dec 10

Posted By: luvmylittlies
Date Posted: 19 June 2010 at 9:54pm
I fell pregnant almost immediately only to discover missed miscarriage at 13 weeks. Then fell pregnant quickly again (after 2 d&c's) but due to problems we had to terminate that pregnancy. Then there was a horrible 18 months where I just didn't fall pregnant again. I finally got the GP to do a referral to Fertility Associates (or whatever it's called) and found out I was pregnant the day I got the appointment letter. When I finally fell pregnant again I was terrified for about half of the pregnancy, checking for blood at every toilet break, anxious about every weird feeling. Anyway, we have our gorgeous daughter now and I'm over the moon in love with her.

Good luck to you. Hope it happens fast and healthily.

Adoring Mum to Talisin 8/9/11 and Kiara 18/01/10

Posted By: jo1979
Date Posted: 21 June 2010 at 2:50pm
Great to read the stories here and was so pleased to see your post Mrs Hopeful (I know you from the October forum) - I got tingly skin reading your good news. PrincessBubs (also from October) had good news at a recent follow up appointment too, so I am looking forward to seeing you both in "due in" forums soon!

Posted By: pickle
Date Posted: 27 June 2010 at 9:32pm
Evening Ladies - I think we all need good news and hope.

My story is got married and we decided to have a baby and no problem 9 months later a beautiful baby boy! about 18months later ok time for a wee brother or sister for our DS. To cut a long story short I had 4 miscarriages in 3 years, 2 resulting in DnC's and 2 natural MC. We desperately wanted a brother or sister for our son and we had booked with Fertility Associates to see if all this heart ache was worth it or were we destined to have one child. The night before our appt I did a test (I was a serial tester ) and it was positive and then the next day same again, cancelled my appt with the FA and held my breath for the next 12 weeks!! i had acupuncture to try to help (dont know if it did) and 9 months later we were blessed with our DD.

Some stories have happy endings and we were so lucky that ours did, Good Luck to all of you. I understand the heart ached and the pain of MC


Posted By: didi99
Date Posted: 28 June 2010 at 6:36pm
Thanks so much, I am loving all the happy endings.

thestaff wow that must of been so heartbreaking having to terminate after 2 MC's my heart really goes out to you, wonderfull you have you beautiful little girl now though.
How ironic that you both got BFP's just before your appointments with FA thestaff and pickle.
acupuncture is something I have been thinking about pickle, sometimes I do wonder if it is more psychologically rather than physically but I guess either is good at the end of the day.

Angel Babies Nov 09, May 10, Dec 10

Posted By: pickle
Date Posted: 01 July 2010 at 1:39pm
didi99 there is a place in Mt Eden which speacialises in Womens Health with conception and also MC and all the bits inbetween. It is on Mt Eden Rd. try this link

good luck


Posted By: didi99
Date Posted: 01 July 2010 at 1:59pm
Yep thats the naturopath I am going to.

Angel Babies Nov 09, May 10, Dec 10

Posted By: jo1979
Date Posted: 01 July 2010 at 4:34pm
I went to a nauropath there too after my missed mc didi - mostly i wanted help with my periods which had become worse after the d&c.

looking forward to your happy ending - although I know not everyone gets one it is encouraging to read these stories isn't it?!

Posted By: Pook72
Date Posted: 14 July 2010 at 11:46am

It's so nice to hear some of these stories, it really gives me hope. I am going through the recurrant miscarriage clinic in Auckland. I have had lots of tests done as well but nothing abnormal has been found, so just a matter of trying again! *sigh*

Good luck to every one

A xx

June 99. June 09, Dec 09, Sept 10 March 12

Posted By: Victoria
Date Posted: 02 August 2010 at 4:29pm
Yay! Positive stories are a wonder to behold. It's hard to imagine that anything every's going to be positive again but you guys have helped.

Here's to keeping our collective chins up!

Posted By: EcoMummy
Date Posted: 26 August 2010 at 7:47pm
hi, I lost 2 in 2 years - after trying for what seemed like forever.
I self referred to a high risk pregnancy specialist, got blood tests etc and found out I have a minor blood clotting disorder that could be fixed with cartia (low dose asprin) the specialist was awesome and he said as i left that day (at least knowing a little bit more about why we lost the other 2) that he would see me back again in 4 months........well almost 4 months to the day I went back with my positive pregnacy result!
It felt like a miracle.
When I got to 20 weeks I had to go off the cartia and go onto clexane shots which I take every day now, because pregnancy thickens your blood so i needed something a bit stronger.
I will be on the clexane until about 36 weeks then go back on cartia until after bubs is born - then back on the clexane for 6 weeks after birth.
I hate giving myself the injections - but it will be worth it in the end to have this little bubs with us.

all the best to those still trying - my thoughts are with you and hopefully all these success stories will give you teh positive thoughts you need to get through.

ps - the book "life after baby loss" was fantastic for me - written in nz and really great stories and factual info.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 31 August 2010 at 4:51pm
EcoMummy, where did you buy that book from? I would be interested in reading it

Posted By: didi99
Date Posted: 07 October 2010 at 10:31am
Just bumping this as it had dissapeared, need to read it every now and then just to keep the hope alive.
Thanks again to all those who have shared, your stories are much needed.

Angel Babies Nov 09, May 10, Dec 10

Posted By: Marengo
Date Posted: 13 October 2010 at 1:26pm
hi didi,

was a bit sad to see you dont have a current ticker ticking away with your baby for you.. it will happen dear just keep your chin up as best you can and dream about your baby!

I also had two known miscarriages (suspect more after thinking back), the second if i hadnt tested i wouldnt have even known as it happened two days before af was due, then finding myself preg again (miracles to me as i have endo and had been trying for two long years and had three operations prior to first preg!) i immediately went ot see a high risk specialist who was just wonderful, he put me on progesterone and low dose aspirin and low and behold i am still utd and still cant really believe it!

i am convinced that the progesterone has been what maintained the pregnancy, my levels when tested (after i had started using it already) were at appropriate amounts if slightly on the low side so i assume if i had gotten tested prior to using progesterone it would have been low.

dont ever stop having hope didi, i cried so many tears over the months and actually began to grieve that i would never have a baby, then one day i woke up and said to myself just have hope and started thinking positive and dreaming of my baby that i will hold one day and it was not long after that that i fell pregnant naturally.

i know how emotionally difficult it can be, sometimes you have to come to a place within yourself where you can accept what will be will be.. and your body will do the rest for you :)

for all the other mummies too aswell as didi (yes you are mummies!) who are trying to concieve..


Our angel Ella Louise born 13.04.

Posted By: Kazzle
Date Posted: 13 October 2010 at 2:59pm
I had 2 early miscarriages before i had Rhiannon (i lost 50kgs) and fell pregnant with Rhiannon.

after Rhiannon i had 4 miscarriages, and 1 of them was a missed miscarriage at 12 weeks.

I went to FA to seek answers and didnt get anywhere and ended up getting a second opinion with someone else...and within 2 weeks we knew why i was miscarrying and what i needed to do...2 cycles later i was pregnant and 9mths after that Cory was born.


Posted By: didi99
Date Posted: 13 October 2010 at 5:57pm
Thanks Girls.
I have been working with a naturopath and an acupuncturist at Mother Well so had a little break from TTC while they have been working their magic. Also got some blood tests done through my GP (yay for having a GP who was happy to work in with a naturopath) and have found out I have ANA anti-bodies and low vit D plus through charting I'm pretty sure my progesterone might be an issue too.
Only been back trying for a month so far, but am overall feeling really great so FX all these herbal concoctions and needles have done the trick.
I really am hoping I can add my own story in here in a few months time.

Angel Babies Nov 09, May 10, Dec 10

Posted By: Princess_Bubs
Date Posted: 14 October 2010 at 8:54am
I have no doubt that your happy story will be in here over the next few months, and also Bobsta and Mrshopeful's too!

I've almost written 2010 off already (because it's just been a nightmare tbh) but Im convinced 2011 is going to be a year of good news for us in here

Just keep on believing, hoping and looking after ourselves!

Can't wait to catch up with you girls xx

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Two Precious Angel Babies 2010 / 2011

Posted By: mitten
Date Posted: 15 December 2010 at 11:53am
I'm another one with fingers crossed (FX?) for third time lucky....

Two books which really helped me (both from an Auckland library) were:

    'After Miscarriage: medical facts and emotional support for pregnancy loss' by Krissi Danielsson
    'Coming to Term: Uncovering the Truth About Miscarriage' by Jon Cohen

Both written by miscarriage sufferers (one F, one M), filled with easy-to-understand medical info, and both books are really sympathetic and ultimately encouraging (but realistic). I really recommend them.

Baby boy born 11 August 2011
January 2010
July 2010

Posted By: Luckymama23
Date Posted: 16 December 2010 at 8:46pm
Great topic! Its awesome to see so many positive stories out there! all the best 4 u ladies :)

Posted By: Orca1
Date Posted: 29 December 2010 at 12:34pm
This is a great topic.   Have had a very difficult week finding out at my 9 week scan that I had miscarried for the third time and decided to let things happen naturally so have had a very up and down time not helped with the timing right on Christmas.   

I am not feeling that positive about things at the moment so it helped reading your stories.

DD born 2008
Oct 2009, April 2010, Dec 2010, June 2011

Posted By: Tinkerbelle83
Date Posted: 06 January 2011 at 1:08pm
Just checking on this thread and thought I'd update you on my story.

I miscarried 3 times in a year but as you can see I'm now 20 weeks pregnant!!! I really still can't believe it but every week that passes I get less worried. Just had the anatomy scan yesterday and everything is looking perfect and it's finally hitting me that I actually have to start think about organising things for the arrival of this much wanted baby.

For anyone that has had recurrent miscarriages I really recommend progesterone tablets and aspirin. FA suggested these and I will never know if this is what pulled me through the first 12 weeks or not but I feel it made some difference and will definately take them next time :) They don't do any harm and have no side effects (as far as I know) and I think you could prob just get a prescription from your GP.

Talking about books - one that helped me was 'Small Miracles' by the Bonnie Babes Foundation.

Good Luck to you all and I hope I can come back on here in a few months and see your success stories!

By the way, I'm so sorry for your recent loss didi, what a hard Christmas that must have been for you. Here's hoping 2011 will be your year!! xox


3 precious Angel babies - Oct 09, Feb 10, June 10

Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 29 March 2011 at 11:33am
****bumping this thread****

Is there anyone else out there that has some uplifting stories for us? We love reading them

Posted By: mitten
Date Posted: 29 March 2011 at 12:18pm
Babygiraffe / MrsHopeful, I'm so sorry to see that heart for March 11 :-( What a hard road you've had.

I'm still UTD with my third pregnancy. I'm 21 weeks now and it's starting to feel more real, but I still get very anxious. I don't think pregnancy is ever easy after losses. I've felt a couple of wee kicks but my placenta is in the front, so I have to wait a bit longer before I get to feel them all the time. Hopefully my worries will disappear then ... but then I guess there will be 'quiet days' that will panic me!

But aside from my paranoia (STILL check my knickers whenever I go to the loo) things are looking good with my bubs - the anatomy scan and nuchal fold tests didn't show anything to worry about. So hopefully I can check back in here in just over four months and tell you about my healthy baby!

Baby boy born 11 August 2011
January 2010
July 2010

Posted By: Faffer
Date Posted: 29 March 2011 at 2:28pm
I had a missed miscarriage in 2009 which was discovered at our 12wk scan, then had months of complications after the D&C. Basically I was bleeding for nearly 5 months, including 2 trips to A&E with haemorrhaging. During that time I was in danger of having to have an emergency hysterectomy, but was still told I'd have another 6 month wait to see a specialist (this was 4 months after the D&C).

Well, thanks to my wonderful, pushy GP I was bumped up the list to see a specialist, got the bleeding under control and my cycles back and we fell pregnant 2 months later.

I was nervous something would go wrong the whole way through the pregnancy. I didn't relax until they handed my baby to me in theatre. I think thats the worst thing about miscarriage - it steals the innocence and joy from being pregnant. But all the tears and worry seem so far away now when I can hold my little Brooke in my arms.

Wishing the same for you all very soon. x


Posted By: didi99
Date Posted: 29 March 2011 at 2:59pm
I had been wondering how you were doing mitten, so pleased to see you at 21 weeks congrats!!

Thanks for bumping this thread babygiraffe I had forgotten about it and it's so good to read.

Angel Babies Nov 09, May 10, Dec 10

Posted By: Pook72
Date Posted: 29 March 2011 at 3:49pm
Wow Mitten, that is such wonderful news, so super exciting (and frightening) for you! xx

Hugs to you babygiraffe. So unfair isn't it!!!!

June 99. June 09, Dec 09, Sept 10 March 12

Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 30 March 2011 at 12:14pm
Hey Pook, I often think of you and wonder how you are doing? Tis so unfair - feeling a bit lost about it all really. Some days its very hard to imainge a baby in my arms. I'm sure we will all get there though.

Congrats on getting to 21 weeks Mittens

Thanks for your messages girls - it gives us hope that all will be well

Posted By: Pook72
Date Posted: 30 March 2011 at 1:33pm
Hi Babygirrafe

I'm ok, still not sure about trying again just yet, need to get into the right head space, also, after a couple of years I am enjoying just being me and not watching what I eat/drink...

Will have one more go as I'm not prepared to admit defeat just yet....

June 99. June 09, Dec 09, Sept 10 March 12

Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 30 March 2011 at 5:06pm
I'm not ready to admit defeat either - I am determined to get my baby one day soon. We will start trying again next month as I dont have time on my side - my clock is ticking rather loudly.

Must be nice to have some time out though Glad to hear you are doing well.

Posted By: Pook72
Date Posted: 01 April 2011 at 11:13am
I know what you mean about time, I'm 39! x

June 99. June 09, Dec 09, Sept 10 March 12

Posted By: Nadia
Date Posted: 04 April 2011 at 5:14pm
Hi there, I though this was a fantastic message board to have! I misscarried with my first baby and it was hard as I never thought that would happen to me. I was very lucky and about 6mnths latter got preggy a second time. I am now 27wks along with a boy. The one thing that really helped was a story I had been told from a friend. There close friend had had 7 misscariges all in a row and was nearly giving up hope. The lady then tried once more and has now got three very healthy children. So don't give up hope and all the best


Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 28 July 2011 at 9:23am
I thought I would bump this thread, it really helped me to read these stories when I was at my lowest....there might be some girls out there that need a lift right now.

Finally after 3 miscarriages I am 15 weeks pregnant and so far so good. I honestly thought I would never be a Mum but hey, what do you know! I know there are a few more girls on this forum that also have some good news to share after numerous miscarriages.

My midwife told me I must have 'got the receipe right'. I didn't really do anything different apart from being on progesterone pesseries until I hit 13 weeks. I had some bleeding on and off throughout the first 12 weeks but after each scan (and there was a lot of them!) all was well. It was a tough 12 weeks, the worry and stress was overwhelming but I feel confident now and excited about our new arrival in Jan.

I hope my sucess story helps you to not give up hope - I am 38 years old and after 3 miscarriages my dream finally is coming true!

Posted By: didi99
Date Posted: 28 July 2011 at 9:30am
Thanks for bumping BG, was just thinking the other day I should go and find it. I know I've said it before but I am so pleased to see you have finally made it, Yay for becoming a mummy in Jan.

Angel Babies Nov 09, May 10, Dec 10

Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 28 July 2011 at 9:57am
Thanks Didi and yay for you too! It will be your turn this time round

Posted By: Orca1
Date Posted: 30 July 2011 at 3:17pm
Thanks for sharing your story Babygiraffe and congratulations!

DD born 2008
Oct 2009, April 2010, Dec 2010, June 2011

Posted By: Atiamuri
Date Posted: 31 July 2011 at 11:07am
Just checking in here as I need a bit of a boost I really need to be reminded that it will happen one day for us... I'm so happy for all of you that have had success and I really hope I will join you all one day soon. These forums are a saviour!

Posted By: Moppet
Date Posted: 01 August 2011 at 11:16am
Hey didi99, I had 4 miscariages over 2 years and then successfully had a little girl now 3yrs old. I unfortunately suffered another misscarrige before conceiving my next little girl, now 1 yr old. I have just found out I am pregnant again, only 4 weeks so certainly not getting too ecxcited yet. It really is so gutting but I am sooooo grateful to have my girls and if we can have another that would be a bonus. I remember thinking after each misccarriage there was no way I could do it all again, but you do and it is totally worth it. It is amazing how strong we really are. Ask for help if you need it and lean on your friends. But above all there IS hope, keep your chin up, I'm living proof!

Posted By: mitten
Date Posted: 16 August 2011 at 11:06am

I just wanted to check in and tell you all that after two heartbreaking miscarriages last year. I am now mum to a lovely wee five-day-old boy. He is gorgeous and although I'd have preferred not to wait, he is so worth waiting for.

My unsolicited advice to everyone is to try and see the miscarriage as a way of growing closer to your partner. It certainly brought my partner and I together in a way that nothing else could have, and now we are parents that shared bond and understanding of each other is making our new family life so much easier and more joyful. You will both appreciate your baby - and each other - SO much when it arrives. Use this extra time as 'just the two of you' to make the two of you stronger than ever.

Kia kaha xxx

Baby boy born 11 August 2011
January 2010
July 2010

Posted By: hopeful69
Date Posted: 16 August 2011 at 12:18pm
Just checking in as I need a big boost as I have just had my third m/c

This recent m/c was dfferent to my previous two as it was spontaneous with bleeding whereas the others were missed m/c.
We have 2 gorgoeus healthy children so feel very blessed but still have the longing for a third.DH doesn't want to go down this road again but I want to try one last time. Obviously there must be a problem and just rading previous postsam thinking possible pregesterone deficiency.
What Woud be the better option - specialist gyne or go the natural route. I have a great homeopath.
Time is also a factoras I am 37 and I would probbly give myself about 6mths therwise it wud becme obsessive and my other 2 kids are growing up youngest is 5 and the gap is gettig biggr and bigger.
Look forward to hearing ur opinion

Posted By: Orca1
Date Posted: 16 August 2011 at 7:05pm
Hi Hopeful69

Very sorry to hear your loss.

I tried both options, went to a gyne and also used acupuncture and took herbal supplements. For me it felt like I was exhausting all avenues and taking some control of a situation which is so often out of your control IYKWIM? Both routes worked for me in different ways, gyne provided me with tests and acupuncture/herbs balanced my body and relaxed me.

Give yourselves some time to work through your m/c and maybe make a few enquiries when you are feeling up to it.   

Good luck with your journey.

DD born 2008
Oct 2009, April 2010, Dec 2010, June 2011

Posted By: Luckymama23
Date Posted: 16 August 2011 at 7:34pm
So sorry to hear of your loss hopeful, take care & good luck with the accupuncture xx

2 superstars
too many miscarriages 2009-2014

Posted By: didi99
Date Posted: 18 August 2011 at 10:07am
hopeful you definately don't have to choose one or the other as specailists and natural can work well together. I am doing both although in saying that the specialist found nothing wrong and are just monitoring me closely (which is great) but it was nice to have my naturopath to fall back on so at least I felt like I was doing something.

mitten it is great to hear from you, I do think about you sometimes as we where both UTD and paranoid with attempt #3 around the same time. Huge congrats on your wee boy.

Thanks for sharing your story too moppet, it is so great to have a little collection here to read.

Angel Babies Nov 09, May 10, Dec 10

Posted By: mitten
Date Posted: 18 August 2011 at 12:19pm
I see you're UTD again Didi, I REALLY hope things work out for you this time. I would be so anxious in your position so I hope you are finding ways of dealing with that as well. It's so hard!

With my 3rd attempt I though about getting my own foetal heartbeat monitor, to reassure myself, then decided not to as I didn't want to freak myself out if I put it on wrong and didn't hear anything. But later in the pregnancy I wished I had gone ahead and got one but it seemed too late to get the full value from it... It is a tough call to make but thought I would mention it as I didn't even know you could buy your own until a friend suggested it.

Wishing you SO much luck!!!

Baby boy born 11 August 2011
January 2010
July 2010

Posted By: Emmi_
Date Posted: 30 August 2011 at 12:41pm
Aww DIDI!!!! biggest of congrats to you!! I have been a bad stalker and didnt even know you were UTD! I hope everything is going smoothly for you this time yay!!! :)
(and you too BG, but I already said congrats to you )


+1 May 09 Angel

Posted By: didi99
Date Posted: 30 August 2011 at 5:33pm
Thanks Mitten and Emmi.
I've been spotting on and off since 5 weeks so been freaking out heaps. But am having scans every Thursday and so far all is good, cannot wait till I get past 12 weeks and can actually start to feel a little "safe".

Angel Babies Nov 09, May 10, Dec 10

Posted By: lostAmber
Date Posted: 30 August 2011 at 7:59pm
aww didi, so happy to see this! fx'd the next 2 weeks go by super quick for you, but after you hit 8wks the chance of m/c drops dramatically, and given all of your scans are looking so wondeful I think you can be hopeful


Posted By: Luckymama23
Date Posted: 31 August 2011 at 6:05pm
yay! stoked to see youre still on track didi xx

2 superstars
too many miscarriages 2009-2014

Posted By: Emmi_
Date Posted: 31 August 2011 at 6:16pm
10 weeks Didi, your 1/4 of the way there!


+1 May 09 Angel

Posted By: Babe
Date Posted: 01 September 2011 at 11:12am
oh Didi

hun huge congrats I haven't been on in ages so also missed the ticker but thats fantastic!! Can't wait to see scan pics then nb pics of your precious new addition


Posted By: Pook72
Date Posted: 01 September 2011 at 8:22pm

June 99. June 09, Dec 09, Sept 10 March 12

Posted By: didi99
Date Posted: 02 September 2011 at 10:14am
Awwww thanks girls gives me warm fuzzys you are all so lovely.

10week scan yesterday went well so I definately seem to be well on my way to a sucess this time, even got over my paranoid fears and organised myself a midwife today.

Angel Babies Nov 09, May 10, Dec 10

Posted By: Emmi_
Date Posted: 02 September 2011 at 1:35pm
Yay!!! Congrats on the MW! Glad its looking good!! I really am so excited for you!


+1 May 09 Angel

Posted By: hopeful69
Date Posted: 23 September 2011 at 4:35pm
Yay!! So happy for you Diddi! Sure that must be some sense of relief for you. Day by day and slowly can start relaxing and enjoying your pregnancy!

I just need a little bit of positiveness
Its been a tough past 6mths having suffered two miscarriages and I thought I was dealing with it all really well but it seems like lately everyone around me is falling pregnant.Have a close friend expecting twins,another friend overseas expecting,one due in a few mths and just found out another friend expectin-and she wasn't even trying!! I am just not feeling happy for them and am actually really struggling with it,alot more than I thought!! I feel like a really bad friend and pretend I'm happy, but all I keep thinking is that I should be pregnant too!!
My DH is not a man of many words and needless to say has not said much and thinks I'm being over sensitive!!

All I can say is m/c are just not fair

Jan 2011
Aug 2011

Posted By: Orca1
Date Posted: 23 September 2011 at 7:07pm
Hi Hopeful

Sorry to hear you are struggling at the moment. I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone and are definitely not a bad friend feeling the way you are at the moment.   I have been TTC #2 for nearly 3 years now and in that time some of my friends have had two babies so I can totaly relate to how you are feeling!

I couldn't agree more, m/c are so not fair!!

Grieving takes time so be patient with yourself and take care.

DD born 2008
Oct 2009, April 2010, Dec 2010, June 2011

Posted By: Luckymama23
Date Posted: 25 September 2011 at 1:29pm
Hugs hopeful,
No words of wisdom, but I can totally relate to how you're feeling, we have been TTC #2 for nearly 2 1/2 years now, and like Orca I have had friends who have had 2 babies in that time. Totally sucks, and while Im happy for them part of me wants to cry everytime someone else announces their pregnancy.(especially the "we werent even trying and here we are preg" people!
m/c are totally unfair.
Wish u all the best xx

2 superstars
too many miscarriages 2009-2014

Posted By: Tinkerbelle83
Date Posted: 16 October 2011 at 11:10am
Just wanted to say Congratulations Didi!! I know you've been on this journey for a while but it looks like this ones a keeper :) 16 weeks now!!! yay!!


3 precious Angel babies - Oct 09, Feb 10, June 10

Posted By: Guest_56754
Date Posted: 06 November 2011 at 1:00am
Hi guys, I was 11 weeks yesterday but had a scan and found out that I must have miscarried a couple of weeks ago. This was my 3rd pregnancy, the first being a mc at 5weeks, the 2nd resulting in my beautiful daughter.

I just wanted to say that I feel for everybody on here that have miscarried, my heart really goes out to those who find it difficult to concieve in the first place, and those who have suffered many without yet being blessed with a baby. This mc was so much easier to deal with than my first because i had my daughter here to focus on.

After my first mc I totally went through the 'hating other pregnant people' stage. It just seemed so unfair. I really do think also that it doesn't necessarily matter when you lose your baby, as I said before my 5 week mc was so much harder than my 11week one.

I really hope that everyone on here gets to experience the joy of having their own baby. Good luck to everyone. I will be looking forward to mu next pregnancy and will be looking forward to a happy future with a positive outlook.

Posted By: didi99
Date Posted: 28 April 2012 at 7:37pm
Hi ladies,
Reading back to when I first started this thread (after my 2nd MC) made me remember how much I just really needed to know that there was still hope, and that other people had been where I was and all had turned out OK in the end. It was so great to hear everyones positive outcomes and really helped through the tough times.
So I thought I might finally add my positive outcome too After 3 MC's my beautiful little man was born just over 4 weeks ago and he was worth all the stress and heartache we went through. I have no idea why this pregnancy stuck and the others didn't I did do alot of work with my naturopath though as the recurrent MC clinic classed me as unexplained.

Thank you so much to everyone who has shared their stories and helped me though my tough times and I hope this thread may give hope to others.

Angel Babies Nov 09, May 10, Dec 10

Posted By: Emmi_
Date Posted: 28 April 2012 at 9:17pm


+1 May 09 Angel

Posted By: Grifanz
Date Posted: 28 April 2012 at 10:05pm
Brought tears to my eyes, so happy for you


Posted By: AzzaNZ
Date Posted: 29 April 2012 at 7:59am
thats fantastic didi!! So happy for you


Posted By: pikelets
Date Posted: 29 April 2012 at 10:18am
Congratulations Didi! So happy for you hun!!


3 Angels - Dec10 / Mar11 / Dec11

Posted By: tigger,roo
Date Posted: 30 April 2012 at 12:15pm
Fantastic news, congrats


Angels - March'11, Nov '10, May '10

Posted By: stella125
Date Posted: 05 May 2012 at 8:39pm
So happy i found this thread! You do lose hope it will ever happen after a mc, Fingers crossed for me, third time lucky Keep the positive stories comming!

-------------" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow"> <

Posted By: Princess_Bubs
Date Posted: 06 May 2012 at 8:20am
*Warm fuzzies*. We got there in the end hun

There were many many times I truly believed it wouldn't happen for me, and it wasn't until I saw my little girl for the first time that I realised this is real.

For those still trying, I know it seems impossible but just look at some of the tickers since this thread was started, there sure are lots of positive stories. Im so happy yours is one of them Didi

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Two Precious Angel Babies 2010 / 2011

Posted By: Roses are Red
Date Posted: 06 May 2012 at 12:44pm
Oh princess_bubs I am so glad you got there in the end. You were so great to me after we miscarried around the same time last year

It is really nice to see there is hope. We decided that another baby was not the best for our family so I got the Jadelle but there is a part of me that always thinks what if...

Good luck to all of you still waiting for your precious take home babies


Angel March 2011

Posted By: redtulip
Date Posted: 09 May 2012 at 6:06pm
Wow! This makes some fantastic reading - and such inspirational tickers too! Thanks ladies, really helps to have this here to look over - great 'pick-me-up'

5 wee Angels - Always in our hearts - Aug '11, Feb '12, Aug '12, Feb '13, Aug '13

Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 12 May 2012 at 9:29am
I am another one with a positive outcome. Our precious wee girl was born on 27th Jan after three m/c. Some days I just stare at her and cant believe she is mine. She is a happy, healthy gorgeous girl and I love her to bits - its overwhelming! She was worth every single minute I had to wait for her, every ounce of pain I had to go through. My m/c were a mystery really, no one could really tell me why I couldn't get past 7 weeks. I took progesterone and low dose aspirin with my last pregnancy....who knows if that helped.
Dont lose hope, it will happen - keep positive and when the time is right your precious baby will come along

I'm hoping to be UTD again soon, I cant wait to be a Mum again. Who knows what the future holds ......

Posted By: Emmi_
Date Posted: 13 May 2012 at 9:26am
yay BG


+1 May 09 Angel

Posted By: tigger,roo
Date Posted: 26 May 2012 at 1:58pm
After having 3 angels we are now over joyed with the arrival of ds2. He was born a week ago and was able to come home on the angelversary of our 1st angel.
I was like many of you how many times will this happen, and the whole time i was preg asking myself will this be the end we want. Even when i was on my way to theatre to have him i was still not 100% sure everything will be ok.
Hugs to you all, never give up hope!!!!


Angels - March'11, Nov '10, May '10

Posted By: redtulip
Date Posted: 27 May 2012 at 9:29am
Hi tigger,roo,

Congratulations on the safe arrival of DS2! Thanks for taking the time to share your story... always really uplifting to read

5 wee Angels - Always in our hearts - Aug '11, Feb '12, Aug '12, Feb '13, Aug '13

Posted By: Pitter patter
Date Posted: 11 November 2012 at 12:14pm
Lovely to read these storiesSmile


TTC number 2 since April 2011
MC Nov 12
Formally Mamma2one

Posted By: tan73
Date Posted: 11 November 2012 at 6:34pm
So nice to have found this page. I didn't realise it was here but it gives me nhope!

-------------" rel="nofollow">

2 Angels - Aug '12 & Mar '13 Always in our hearts.

Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 03 July 2013 at 9:46pm
Just reading this page again to give me a boost - thought I'd also bump it for anyone else feeling a bit down about ttc after having a miscarriage.

Posted By: didi99
Date Posted: 04 July 2013 at 8:52am
Hugs BG I often think about you, really hope your journey to number 2 has a happy ending very soon.

Angel Babies Nov 09, May 10, Dec 10

Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 04 July 2013 at 12:38pm
Hi Didi, so nice to hear from you! Thank you, I hope so too - just gotta keep on being positive :) I read (somewhere) that you might be blessed with No. 2?! That is such lovely news, I hope everything is going well x

Posted By: didi99
Date Posted: 04 July 2013 at 2:41pm
Thanks BG, yes you read correct I just had my first scan today and all is looking good so far, only 7weeks so early days yet trying not to get too excited but it is hard.

Angel Babies Nov 09, May 10, Dec 10

Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 04 July 2013 at 6:54pm
Oh yay that is the best news Didi - always such a nervous time those first few weeks. I dread them :( You must be over the moon though, I hope its smooth sailing from here on in!
Hopefully it wont be long before its my turn again too. Just gotta be patient I guess :)

Posted By: Pitter patter
Date Posted: 19 October 2013 at 6:35pm
Just bumping this up. Loved reading this after our miscarriage


TTC number 2 since April 2011
MC Nov 12
Formally Mamma2one

Posted By: gracia
Date Posted: 22 October 2013 at 1:35am
I had a early miscarriage in May 2012 at 5 weeks. After talking a couple of months off as recommend by my doctor, I found out I was pregnant in August 2012 (4 weeks along).

At 5 weeks I had an appointment to confirm with my Dr - all looked good and at 9 weeks my dating scan was perfect. I didn't have the easiest pregnancy I had Hypermesis (extreme morning sickness), problems with my sinuses and developed cholestasis at 37 weeks. I was induced at 38+1 due to the cholestasis and I now have the most beautiful baby girl who is 6 months old.

I found the 1st 12 weeks really nervy (and I've never felt so sick in my life) and didn't manage to buy anything for baby until I was around 14 weeks. A couple of the hardest days for me was angel baby's due date and being told at 38 weeks that we had increased risk of still birth from the cholestasis.


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