Pain/tenderness at Ovulation?
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Topic: Pain/tenderness at Ovulation?
Posted By: Shezamumof3
Subject: Pain/tenderness at Ovulation?
Date Posted: 27 June 2010 at 5:28pm
Does anyone else feel tender around their scar sometimes at ovulation or AF? I seem to be this month(ovulation), almost feels like it did a month or so after I had her.
Its not bad enough to take panadol or anything its just uncomfy.
Posted By: Manda08
Date Posted: 27 June 2010 at 7:56pm
I did a post about this not so long ago, im exaclty the same, either really itchy or just tender... the girls that replied seem to think dam hormones??
Its dam annoying i feel for ya.
Posted By: Shezamumof3
Date Posted: 27 June 2010 at 8:28pm
Oh its SO annoying, and its not every month just some months. Right now when I press down under my scar its tender, I had the cramps yesterday and today the tenderness, so hopefully tomorrow I'll be ok!
Thanks for replying hun
Posted By: james
Date Posted: 28 June 2010 at 7:51am
yeah just after my frist af it was but now every now and again i also find it can get a bit sore if i am exercising relly annoying
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Posted By: Shezamumof3
Date Posted: 28 June 2010 at 10:15am
yeah i find that too james, definitely annoying!
Posted By: bento
Date Posted: 04 July 2010 at 7:25am
Oh Im so glad I have found this thread. I had my 2nd c-section 15 weeks ago, with a normal recovery, and Ive already had one AF since c.s. On Friday night I had cramping on my left side and was sure my AF was on its way. Since then the cramping has stopped, and I have a slight dull aching pain on my right side it feels like it is my c-section scar, not bad pain but tenderness and annoying more than anything else. Is this the same kind of thing you guys are experiencing?? Im still waiting for the AF...
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Posted By: Shezamumof3
Date Posted: 04 July 2010 at 12:10pm
Mine lasted about 3 or 4 days then went away, so it was definitely to do with ovulation.
Its sucked!! I hope it was a oncer!
Posted By: MissAngel
Date Posted: 11 July 2010 at 6:17pm
Oh I wondered what this was! I'm having the same thing. must be extra careful with contraception!!!!
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