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yayyyy!!!! Grays Anatomy tonight!

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Topic: yayyyy!!!! Grays Anatomy tonight!
Posted By: mrs frantic
Subject: yayyyy!!!! Grays Anatomy tonight!
Date Posted: 14 August 2006 at 2:11pm
OMG I just realised it is tonight and my week of waiting is almost over!!! Cant wait to see what happens, I was tempted to look it up on the website but didnt and am very proud of myself for that!

Now that makes Monday seem heaps better!!!!!

Mrs Frantic
Baby Maddisyn born 28 Sept 2006">

Posted By: my2angels
Date Posted: 14 August 2006 at 2:12pm
Oh yeah almost forgot, how exciting. I resisted temptation and didnt peak either

Posted By: james
Date Posted: 14 August 2006 at 2:13pm
yay i love grays

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker" border="0" /></a>

Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 14 August 2006 at 2:20pm
I just have to keep my sleepy eyes awake...

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: newmum
Date Posted: 14 August 2006 at 2:25pm
I know! And we even get ER and one hour of shortland street before it, aaaahhhhh, bliss!!!!


Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 14 August 2006 at 2:28pm
Yep - what do you reckon the story is with Tania and the stalker? What is Ant up to?

And does anyone else think Sarah is a possessive, annoying twit?

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: newmum
Date Posted: 14 August 2006 at 2:32pm
YES EMMA!! She is annoying me so much, lol

That Ant guy is weird


Posted By: Sarah Beth
Date Posted: 14 August 2006 at 3:12pm
I hate Sarah!!! She knew he was working on the presentation, and straight away jumpped to the (right) conclusion that he was with Huia. She makes me so mad, as does Ant, hubby finds it so funny as when he comes on the screen it is like have terrets (sp) and I start yelling abuse at him.

perhaps I should stop watching shorty


Posted By: AlyAyde
Date Posted: 14 August 2006 at 3:21pm
I hate Sarah too. Dont know what Hunky TK see in her


Jayde 25/12/04

Alyssa 08/04/03

Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 14 August 2006 at 3:43pm
I'll say, if TK got a haircut he would be pretty hot...

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: mrs frantic
Date Posted: 14 August 2006 at 3:56pm
TK has the best arms.....!

Mrs Frantic
Baby Maddisyn born 28 Sept 2006">

Posted By: mellybelly
Date Posted: 14 August 2006 at 4:05pm
Greys is on here tonight too, we are up to the episode with the 'bomb' inside the person....also Dr Bailey hasn't had her child far behind is Aussie from NZ???


Posted By: Kels
Date Posted: 14 August 2006 at 4:17pm

Cant wait for Greys either yay..... As for Sarah on Shorty she was the other woman first so what is she crying about..... Thats karma for ya.

i want mark to get back with Tania and I think TK would be good for Libby, May calm her down abit lol 

Busy mum to Miss 15yrs, Miss 10yrs and Master 4yrs

Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 14 August 2006 at 4:20pm
wow quite behind i'd say melly......

Yah TK has nice arms and he knows it!!! He is ok!!
I cant stand Sarah these days...when did she become to annoying?
What up with Jay? is she straight or still Les??? And Ant is freaky...
Stalker what stalker?? HUH???

Yay for Greys...I am locking the door and switching off all the lights and not going to open no doors tonight. Dont wanna miss Greys!!! LOL

I think the vet is sooo cute and she should stay with him but knowing her she wont.....


Posted By: lizzle
Date Posted: 14 August 2006 at 5:00pm
Sarah has always been annoying IMO! I like TK but I'm sure I had the same "page boy" haircut when i was 7,so not so much.
as for Greys's.....I have a little trouble watching it . it's Izzy - she was on Roswell - the only English TV programme in Jpaan for a while. And I can't stand her,

Posted By: mrs frantic
Date Posted: 14 August 2006 at 5:01pm
yeah Kels good thinking, Libby and TK - they are opposites, relaxed and highly strung, kind of like my dh and me lol!

Mrs Frantic
Baby Maddisyn born 28 Sept 2006">

Posted By: nikkitheknitter
Date Posted: 14 August 2006 at 5:12pm
Yay! I was having a moment of longing for Grey's earlier today and was going to post but didn't want to be absurdly geeky... glad I'm not alone!

I don't know if I like the vet. Isn't it Chris O'Donnel??? Robin from Batman Returns or something... ? He was on some other show and just doesn't do it for me.
Mind you, I'm starting to get pissed off with Derek so the vet is better than him.

Sarah still doesn't annoy me (well sometimes I cringe). Maybe it's because she's much like me! A bit flaky, clumsy, and semi-akward. Damn it. Now I know you'd all hate me!

I liked TK originally but he's too pretty boy. I don't do pretty boys. Now maybe if he didn't shave for a couple of days... mmmmmmm. (Yeah, sometimes I wish I was older and it'd be socially acceptable for me to drool over Craig, who is about my dad's age!)

Melly... I think you are about 4-5 weeks behind??? Maybe that's skewed tho because we had a couple of weeks where they didn't play GA. Damn programming. That was a sad few mondays.

And I'm looking forward to getting back into ER. Is it the same episode from yesterday? I missed it and don't want to be behind already!!!

Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 14 August 2006 at 5:18pm
We could never hate you Nikki...I think you are cool!!!

I agree I like the vet better than the doc....and yes he was Robin....and I dont have an opinion on him. I think he is ok. He just seems nicer in the program.

Oh yah I like it when guys have that 5 o'clock shadow going on....LOL

I missed ER yesterday....dammit!!


Posted By: nikkitheknitter
Date Posted: 14 August 2006 at 5:43pm
I see in the pics under "Men and their babies" that Atish usually has a bit of it going on... very nice

Posted By: baalamb
Date Posted: 14 August 2006 at 6:42pm
Oh my gosh, TK's arms! Very, VERY nice I didn't even notice them until I saw Shorty St on mums brand new widescreen TV lol. I think it just made them stand out more than they possibly could!

Posted By: aimeejoy
Date Posted: 14 August 2006 at 7:56pm
ER last night was continuing straight on from last season. And tonight isnt a repeat sorry girls...

Ummm, what happened... Sam and Lukah drove around the country looking for her kid Alex, found him, went back home now Sam is leaving Lukah (stupid girl if you ask me, he wants kids with her, she doesnt want anymore).

Abbey, Ray and Neela (dont know how to spell it) are all residents now and have to teach interns and they have more responsibily etc etc... This woman came in and she was a surrogate for her friends. Baby was footling breech and she was refusing c-section, baby ending up being born naturally but has a brain injury from lack of oxygen, but its biological parents dont want to see him. But the lovely Ray stayed with the baby for the night.

Pratt met his dad and his family.

Ummm, thats all I can think of now. No big dramas, but at the risk of sounding like a bit of a loser, it was nice going straight into it and you already knew everyone...


Hannah 22/10/05
Greer 11/02/08

Posted By: lizzle
Date Posted: 14 August 2006 at 7:58pm
Had to stop watching with the baby bit. baby stuff makes me cry still - am I'm unusually hard-hearted about all that stuff. Nearly cried at the news with the Auntie of those poor twins.

Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 15 August 2006 at 9:14am
He he ha ha Nikki...yes he does ...doesnt he...???

Yay for Greys last whats up with Christina??? And did you see next weeks preview? he kisses her again!!! what up with those two?


Posted By: aimeejoy
Date Posted: 15 August 2006 at 9:18am
What?! Who kisses who? I missed the preview bit...

Izzy has turned into an absolute looper hasnt she? So do you reckon Denny is actually dead and Burke has a paralysed arm? What are we going to talk abou tnext week once the season is over?


Hannah 22/10/05
Greer 11/02/08

Posted By: mrs frantic
Date Posted: 15 August 2006 at 9:31am
AARGGGHHHH!!! ALL WEEK!! I WAITED ALL WEEK!!!! And I STILL dont know what happens...
I was relly annoyed with Christina man, what the heck was wrong with her...?
I hope Denny lives, cos Izzy is going to be in huge trouble if he dies (well she is in trouble anyway) but do you think if he dies she will be charged with murder...? Surely she would?

Mrs Frantic
Baby Maddisyn born 28 Sept 2006">

Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 15 August 2006 at 9:36am
Meredith kisses Derek...and no I dont think Danny Dies or Burke becomes paralized...but then what do I know???


Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 15 August 2006 at 9:42am
ok I change my mind I think Danny will die!!


Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 15 August 2006 at 9:46am
oh oh and they also do the deed!!! He he ha ha


Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 15 August 2006 at 10:19am
Last night at the end, they showed the highlights for next week. Derek and the Vet are both looking at Meredith coming down the stairs. And Yes then Derek and MEredith hook up - naughty. I am so glad George and Meredith have sorted there problems out now and can be friends again. And Izzy what a nut case. I heard one of the Interns leave next series and its not Izzy - she gets to keep her place after what she did to Denny (I think it's Alex, he moves to plastics with that Mark dude that Addison slept with). And... be prepared for tears next week, cos one of those boys in the operating rooms dies, but not on the bed later in the ward.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: mum2paris
Date Posted: 15 August 2006 at 10:55am
ooooh i can't wait. hhhm where are you getting this info from Becks?

Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

Posted By: aimeejoy
Date Posted: 15 August 2006 at 11:18am
STEP AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER!! I so have to resist the urge to check out what happens next week...!


Hannah 22/10/05
Greer 11/02/08

Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 15 August 2006 at 11:19am
Janine...have a look at has all the details...and yes becs is right one of them die in the ward later.


Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 15 August 2006 at 12:04pm
I got a lot of mine from E news and the abc webiste and the website. The thing about Derek and Meredith comes from the E channel, they showed in on the news after it was screened in the states - the next day after!!! E news has a section called watch with Kristen and she finds out everything.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 15 August 2006 at 12:12pm
He he are as bad as I am.....


Posted By: nikkitheknitter
Date Posted: 15 August 2006 at 12:55pm
EEEEEEeeeeeEEEEk I bet it's Burke!

Posted By: newmum
Date Posted: 15 August 2006 at 1:00pm
NOOOOOOOOOO I hope not!!!


Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 15 August 2006 at 1:19pm

So Nikki how much do you want to bet on that its Burke???? My parents are going to be in Hawaii for the first episode of next series so want to see that, only problem, mum is going to miss the last episode in NZ so if she does watch it I think she is going to be so confused.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: nikkitheknitter
Date Posted: 15 August 2006 at 2:16pm
I take it back. I'm so confused!!!!!
Can't wait until next monday

Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 15 August 2006 at 2:26pm
good nikki...stay away from that bet.....


Posted By: mrs frantic
Date Posted: 15 August 2006 at 4:06pm
awww nooooo! I think I just figured out who is going to die by reading these posts...

Mrs Frantic
Baby Maddisyn born 28 Sept 2006">

Posted By: fattartsrock
Date Posted: 15 August 2006 at 9:00pm
Man, can I just say, Izzy needs an uppercut. I was getting so sick of hearing her drivel on and on. I hate her now.

The Honest Un PC Parent of 2, usually stuck in the naughty corner! :P

Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 16 August 2006 at 9:03am
She needs more than an uppercut.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 16 August 2006 at 12:00pm
*Avoiding this thread at all costs - must not spoil it for self*

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: my2angels
Date Posted: 16 August 2006 at 10:21pm
Man christina p*ssed me off! I saw a bit of next week on Oprah but am determined not to cheat and find out what happens even though Im dying ot know

Posted By: nikkitheknitter
Date Posted: 16 August 2006 at 10:53pm
I miss House.

Posted By: ellabellame
Date Posted: 16 August 2006 at 11:20pm
can anyone tell me a site where i can find out what happens on greys next week? i'm going to stay with my parents for a while and they dont have a tv!!! i can't believe i'm going to miss the final episode!


Posted By: newmum
Date Posted: 17 August 2006 at 7:49am
Are you sure you can't postpone and go visit them on Tuesday!!??? LOLOL


Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 17 August 2006 at 9:29am
Do you want me to record for you Ella???

But the site is


Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 17 August 2006 at 9:31am
You can also go to the abc website - they have some stuff there about the episodes.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: ellabellame
Date Posted: 17 August 2006 at 6:21pm
lol, i would postpone visiting them but sam's got a new job in welly so i'm staying with my parents for a couple of weeks (groan).
thanks roksana, but no don't worry about it, we don't have a video player.
i did try to look for a website that told me what happened but they only had up to the episode where doc got sick so that wasn't any help.
i'll go and check out that other site, thanks


Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 21 August 2006 at 10:52am
wooohooo...last episode of Greys tonight (woo hoo for Monday...not for the last episode)


Posted By: Leish
Date Posted: 21 August 2006 at 10:57am
Can't wait!! It's great that we have something to look forward to about Mondays isn't it. Anyone know what will be replacing Greys?


Posted By: ellabellame
Date Posted: 21 August 2006 at 11:14am
argh, someone has to tell me excactly what happens. the site i went to doesn't really tell you much so i'm still left a bit in the dark. there is a third season though isn't there?


Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 21 August 2006 at 11:17am
Ella...go to
Choose Grey's
Choose Season 2
Choose last episode
click on recap
and then scroll down on page

They show you dialogues of what happened...there is no recap on that episode.


Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 21 August 2006 at 11:41am

It will give you some important info about tonights episode and who does who and who dies in the end.

I so want to know what is taking Grey's place. DH said he will finally get his Monday night back again cos it has finally finished, so sad it is, but I so can't wait till tonight.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: my2angels
Date Posted: 21 August 2006 at 2:26pm
I think it will be ER replacing greys, between an hour of shortie st, nz idol and then ER but thats just a guess.
Hubby has started night shift again this week and was gutted he was going to miss the final so went to work early so he could get home in time but Im not allowed to tell any of the guys why he is finishing early!

Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 21 August 2006 at 2:31pm
he he ha ha.....


Posted By: Sarah Beth
Date Posted: 21 August 2006 at 2:47pm
Replacing Greys will be... wait for it... Greys. They are replaying the first season.


Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 21 August 2006 at 2:58pm


Posted By: caraMel
Date Posted: 21 August 2006 at 3:24pm
Lol, thats nuts, but good cos I've missed a few!

Mel, Mummy to E: 6, B: 4 and:

Posted By: ellabellame
Date Posted: 21 August 2006 at 3:29pm
oh what? that's not cool.


Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 21 August 2006 at 4:21pm
No that is cool, I missed the first series due to it being on a Wednesday night. But to make up for that I brought the DVD, so can't wait for the DVD of the second series to come out in NZ.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: Sarah Beth
Date Posted: 21 August 2006 at 4:29pm
Wednesday night??? I thought it was Monday since it started???


Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 21 August 2006 at 6:26pm
No the first series was on Wednesday I had to miss it I was not at all happy when I saw how cool the programme was. I got the DVD of the first series so i'm happy now I have seen it.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: ellabellame
Date Posted: 21 August 2006 at 7:38pm
this is probably the only series (actually maybe scrubs as well) where i would contmplate buying the dvd so i could watch them again and again.


Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 22 August 2006 at 9:02am
OK so what did you guys think of last night?

I hate grey...thats just ...did you see how Derek looked after? who is she going to choose? Argggg

Izzie...looked soooo nice all dressed up...poor her...I felt so bad. Is she leaving I wonder?

I must admit, I cried twice. Once when the dog died and the next when Danny died!


Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 22 August 2006 at 9:15am

I cried from when Doc died right to the end. I have heard that one of the interns is leaving, but its not Izzie, something about the chief having a weak moment (I think because of his niece) and he doesn't kick her out of the programme. But I have to say Alex was such a sweetie with Izzie when Denny died, picking her up like that and giving her cuddles - very sweet. I know who is she going to choose????

Roksana I have heard how long Chris O'Donnell's contract is for so if you want to know let me know I'll PM you that info. Also some stuff about Addison and Mark.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: mrs frantic
Date Posted: 22 August 2006 at 9:22am
I am pretty disgusted that they are just gong to play the first series over again - how cheap! And the new series is only coming out next year!!!
I wasnt blown away by the finale either - bit of an anticlimax I thought... and pretty cliched that the last minute would be her standing there about to choose who she was going to go with, McDreamy or the vet...
But that being said it is still my favourite programme, I will miss it very much on Mondays, esp since I have never really gotten into ER so now I have nothing to watch on Mondays, no desp houswives and no greys...boooo!!!...

Did anyone see that other programme on TV1 last night - "having kids ruined my life" - I watched it for abotu 15 minutes and foudn it a bit scarey to swiched channels...

Mrs Frantic
Baby Maddisyn born 28 Sept 2006">

Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 22 August 2006 at 9:26am
I watched it frantic.....I thought it was a bit silly really...since at the end they all agree that they wont change their babies for the world!! so what the %#&@ were you complaining about???


Posted By: emeldee
Date Posted: 22 August 2006 at 9:37am
I've bought a few tv series - House and Blackadder being top of the re-watch list. I rented the Greys season one DVDs but it seemed to be a short season.


Posted By: mrs frantic
Date Posted: 22 August 2006 at 9:37am
hmm I didnt get that far, I just couldnt stand listening to those people moan abut how sad their lives were whe they had perfectly healthy young kids taht some people would give the world for... didnt like the whole angle at all!

Mrs Frantic
Baby Maddisyn born 28 Sept 2006">

Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 22 August 2006 at 9:39am

Maree, the first few episodes for series 2 were meant to be in series one, but the producers wanted to finish series one with a bang, and the only way they could do it was with Addison walking and seeing Derek and Meredith together. It was only 9 episodes very short.

I switched off that programme on one, bunch of complaining Bi*ches.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 22 August 2006 at 9:52am
The reason I hate Grey and Derek is because I hate cheaters...and both of them are if you are sooooo in love then break up with your partners and be together....this is not the right way!! Arrgggg

I agree Alex was very nice to Izzy....he is a softy afterall.


Posted By: aimeejoy
Date Posted: 22 August 2006 at 10:01am
I crie dtwice too Roksana - with the dog and then Denny! It was a bit of an anticlimax, no t a huge cliff hanger finale, but I am still really looking forward to next year! I've always liked Alex, and he was so llovely last night with Izzy...

Ah well, so what telly programmes are we going to discuss now?!


Hannah 22/10/05
Greer 11/02/08

Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 22 August 2006 at 10:05am


Posted By: Paws
Date Posted: 22 August 2006 at 12:25pm
I so can't wait for Jay to get busted as being a married lesbian by that guy she is sleeping with!!

I so hate cheaters too!!!!!


Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 22 August 2006 at 12:30pm
or by Maya for cheating on her with a MAN!!!

He he ha ha.....

What makes it worse is that she is enjoying it she is bi?? And all this time she was making Maya feel bad that she kissed Mark!! Maya might as well go straight and hook up with that would be an exciting story line!


Posted By: my2angels
Date Posted: 22 August 2006 at 12:54pm
Does anyone know who Grey chooses? If you do can you PM me cos I cant be bothered waiting to find out.
How can she do that when the lovely vet HAD PLANS!!! for the first time since his wife died he had plans, thats just mean.
Oh yeah I really hope Jay gets caught, personally though I would rather be cheated on with a guy than a girl (not that I want my hubby to be gay) but with a guy thats not something I can compete with compaired to a skinny sexy little 20yr old who doesnt have stretch marks and fat rolls

Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 22 August 2006 at 1:08pm
PM sent to you Robyn.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 22 August 2006 at 1:09pm
We are a month away from series 3 starting in the states.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: mrs frantic
Date Posted: 22 August 2006 at 1:10pm
hmm yeah I cant wait for Jay to be busted too - last night she was sayign how this thing with Dylan was "just an experience" but her and Maia were "forever"- hah! we''ll see how that pans out once she gets her cheatign ass busted!!!

I think Shorty needs another psycho baddie - all we got going there at the moment are these twisted love triangles...I love the programme but I must say that I havent exactly been captivated the past few weeks...!

Mrs Frantic
Baby Maddisyn born 28 Sept 2006">

Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 22 August 2006 at 1:33pm
I want that crazy woman fired (Sarah)...he he ha ha
She was so mean to TK when talking to him re the case and she practically blamed it all on TK "OH its his case, his call"...Biatch!!


Posted By: Kellz
Date Posted: 22 August 2006 at 1:42pm
I wish Scarlet had got that student exchange, and would leave! Shes sooo annoying at the mo!

Posted By: jack_&_charli
Date Posted: 22 August 2006 at 2:41pm
stayed up 'late' to watch the finale last night and i must say i was a little disappointed. nothing really exciting happened
i balled my eyes out when doc was put to sleep!!!! didn't help that clyde, our goldie, was sleeping on the bed snuggled up between us
i wasn't that bad when denny died, maybe cos i knew it was coming but when alex stepped in and scooped her up, that got the tears flowing again....what a sweetie!


Posted By: luna
Date Posted: 22 August 2006 at 3:57pm
Ahhh .. somewhere to 'talk' about Grey's Anatomy. I had been thinking about it all again this morning.

Felt so sad for her when the dog died, and was sitting there thinking 'oh no, no, no' when Denny died. Sooo wish that her and Derek would sort things out, or them both just move on, HOWEVER ... that's part of what keeps us all watching it I'm sure?!

As for Shorty, it's been annoying me lately and I haven't been watching it much. Jay having a fling is possibly the most exciting part recently?


Posted By: Paws
Date Posted: 22 August 2006 at 5:03pm
so did Scarlett not get the exchange???? ARGHHHHHHHH just when I thought we could get her gone! What about Eti?? Don't suppose he got it??


Posted By: mum2three
Date Posted: 22 August 2006 at 5:07pm
Eti got the exchange


Posted By: Paws
Date Posted: 22 August 2006 at 8:51pm
So boooooo he's leaving but sorry...serves Scarlett right for being so snotty to him!

And yeah Luna...Jay's fling is about the most exciting thing. Truth by known half the time I only end up watching it because there is nothing else on!


Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 23 August 2006 at 9:32am
ok what the &%@# happened there? Why on earth is Huia quiting!!??


Posted By: mrs frantic
Date Posted: 23 August 2006 at 9:36am
ahhh the whole huia/sarah/craig thing is really just annoyign me now, I am so over them...

Mrs Frantic
Baby Maddisyn born 28 Sept 2006">

Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 23 August 2006 at 9:53am
I know, I agree....but man I cant believe that she is quiting!!! I was hoping Sarah would go!!
Oh well!


Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 28 August 2006 at 2:12pm


Posted By: Millie1976
Date Posted: 28 August 2006 at 2:58pm
I know what you mean and with Desperate Housewives gone now too :( I am gutted cause I was just starting to get into that new show "Big Love" on Wednesday nights but we start our antenatal classes this week so will be missing out

Sebastien 2 years old
Olivier 3 3/4 years old

Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 28 August 2006 at 3:00pm
ER is on... and then I might actually get an early night...
I have to get up early on Tuesdays so I SHOULD be in bed early, but lately TV has been a distraction...

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: mrs frantic
Date Posted: 28 August 2006 at 5:20pm
bummer tonight used to be my best tv night ever - an hour of shorty, desp housewives ANDDDDD greys anatomy... now two of the three are gone and soon it will only be half and hour of shorty... oh well, guess I better get a life and start developing other interests instead of lying infront of the tv lol!
on the bright side there is a 2 hour boston legal on tomorrow night !

Mrs Frantic
Baby Maddisyn born 28 Sept 2006">

Posted By: caraMel
Date Posted: 28 August 2006 at 5:25pm
Lol Frantic, soon you will be looking back fondly on the days when you could actually enjoy a night in front of the telly without falling asleep or being interrupted by the dulcet tones of your newborn!

Mel, Mummy to E: 6, B: 4 and:

Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 28 August 2006 at 7:01pm
SO stocked, I have been given an offer from someone going to the states for her honeymoon to get me a DVD of series 2 Grey's. DH seems to think I have gone crazy and not waiting for it to come out in NZ. It will cost me about $60 to get the DVD from the states and get it at the end of this year (she comes back in November). Or wait till next year and pay a lot. I'm thinking it being a 6 DVD box it'll be around $90. Hmmm I know the option i'm going to take!!!

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: aimeejoy
Date Posted: 28 August 2006 at 8:08pm
Shes finally been busted!!!! YAY! But poor Maia....

I'm still liking Mondays -Shorty, Emergency, ER. Gotta love all the hospital dramas...!!


Hannah 22/10/05
Greer 11/02/08

Posted By: mrs frantic
Date Posted: 29 August 2006 at 8:58am
OMG that was a good bust! I am definately going to be watching tonight !!!!!

Mrs Frantic
Baby Maddisyn born 28 Sept 2006">

Posted By: nikkitheknitter
Date Posted: 29 August 2006 at 9:31am

And I just watched ER for the first time this season. I loooooove Luka.

And 2 hour Boston Legal tonight! Yay! (But it's the end What am I going to do on Tuesdays now??? School work?!?!??! Noooo!)

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