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You know you’re a mummy when...

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Topic: You know you’re a mummy when...
Posted By: pumpkino
Subject: You know you’re a mummy when...
Date Posted: 23 July 2010 at 6:27pm
Hi all

A friend of mine who is pg for the first time was asking me what major changes I had found to day to day life since Toby arrived (I know! She is in for a shock!), and I thought I would share some funnier things some other mummies and I came up with – add yours!

You know you’re a mummy when...:

1.     You accessorise every outfit with a little bit of baby sick.

2.     You manage to go the whole day without brushing your hair – and you don't care.

3.     Anything vaguely emotional makes you cry, even adverts – especially anything with baby animals. And you can’t watch nature documentaries – that gazelle that just got eaten by a lion had a MUMMY you know!

4.     You narrate everything you do out loud and wonder why people look at you strangely - then you realise baby is at home with DH!

5.     Your handbag is the baby’s changing bag.

6.     You can have entire conversations with someone whose vocabulary consists solely on variations of the word 'da',

7.     You sing or hum the tune to your baby’s toys rather than the latest hits.

8.     When out and about with the pram you make stupid faces and noises to amuse your LO, to the point where people start staring at you - and you don't care :)

9.     On the rare occasion you get to go out for lunch, your personal taste preferences go out the window. Instead you scan the menu looking for anything that can be eaten one handed, will still be edible once it has gone cold (as baby will inevitably require attention the moment your plate hits the table) and won't do any your child any harm when they grab some and stuff it in their mouths. Hubby of course can eat whatever he wants, for some reason.

10.     If you are BFing, you answer the door with your boob hanging out because you forgot to put it away in your rush to get to the door.

11.     You rock the trolley in the supermarket back and forth as though it were a pram to keep baby quiet. Then realise that he/she is at home with daddy!!

12.     You look like you're on a gameshow as soon as you put baby down for a nap. I may only have 30 minutes... GO GO GO - washing, cooking, cleaning - GOOOOOOO!

13.     No matter how early they decide to wake the sight of your baby grinning at you from their cot means that you find energy you didn't know you had in order to smile and play with them.

P :)

Posted By: my4beauties
Date Posted: 23 July 2010 at 6:55pm

Ahaha all so true...


You know you're a mummy when

-  you climb into bed at night and you find toys under the sheets that you have to fish out.


- you only notice you have food stains on your shirt (from your child's messy fingers) ONCE you get home from the shops!


- you walk half way round the mall when you notice a bib stuck to your behind by the velco of the bib.


Shame.  Yes all of these have happened to me this week.

My babies:

R (9),G (7), J (5)" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: kiwi2
Date Posted: 23 July 2010 at 6:56pm
When you are fortunate to get a day by yourself every time you get up you look around yourself looking for something you have forgotten.

Posted By: TheKelly
Date Posted: 23 July 2010 at 7:05pm
when you go out with your friends, to a pub/club and you can hear babies crying


Posted By: Bizzy
Date Posted: 23 July 2010 at 7:09pm
ooh look theres a train!


Posted By: Lexidore
Date Posted: 23 July 2010 at 7:10pm
When you are out by yourself and see someone you know and instead of asking how you are they ask where the baby is!


Posted By: High9
Date Posted: 23 July 2010 at 7:17pm
Oh so truee!!!!


Posted By: monkey33
Date Posted: 23 July 2010 at 7:30pm
Ha Anouska - you poor thing wandering around with a bib hanging off you!

All so true - esp the hearing babies crying - I sit watching tv at night and swear I can hear DS crying all the time.

On the rare occasion I find myself going shopping to buy something for myself - I always seem to come home with something for DS instead!


Posted By: MrsEmma
Date Posted: 23 July 2010 at 7:34pm
Oh my gosh.. so many of those are true, I can especially relate to the rocking the trolley!

You know you're a mummy when -

you immediately start rocking back and forth when you sit down - even though you don't even have baby with you (I do this all the time and I'm sure people think I'm nuts)

you go out to take a break and spend the entire time thinking about baby and perhaps call home a few times just to "check in"

when you have some extra money to spend and immediately you think of what baby needs instead of buying something for yourself!


Posted By: Kellz
Date Posted: 23 July 2010 at 7:40pm
You get a rare night our with DH and you spend the whole time talking about the kids!

Posted By: my4beauties
Date Posted: 23 July 2010 at 7:58pm

You get so much more excitment out of buying clothes/toys/accessories for your baby/children than buying for yourself!  I'm always shopping for the kids and forget about what I need!

My babies:

R (9),G (7), J (5)" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: julz85
Date Posted: 23 July 2010 at 8:29pm
your at work, sitting in your office , about to do some work , reach into your handbag to pull out a pen , instead you find a nappy , a rattle , and a baby spoon .... no pen tho! hapend to me today!!!!!


Posted By: MyLilSquishy
Date Posted: 23 July 2010 at 8:44pm
You know you're a mummy when

- its 7pm and you are wearing your 3rd bra of the day, while 2 sit in the dirty clothes pile full of baby sick ready to be put in the wash before bed.

- you give yourself a baby-wipe "shower" because you *just got out an hour ago* and it was only a little dribble...

- blowing raspberries on your childs stomach followed by making faces and sleepy cuddles is your perfect day.

Posted By: High9
Date Posted: 23 July 2010 at 8:51pm
Aww love your last one Kahlia!!

My4beauties I always buy for Lily now!!

Anyway you know your a mummy when...

You get excited about every little thing your baby does!

You would do anything for your child


Posted By: Renee & Lauren
Date Posted: 23 July 2010 at 9:00pm
Originally posted by MrsEmma MrsEmma wrote:

Oh my gosh.. so many of those are true, I can especially relate to the rocking the trolley!

You know you're a mummy when -

you immediately start rocking back and forth when you sit down - even though you don't even have baby with you (I do this all the time and I'm sure people think I'm nuts)

you go out to take a break and spend the entire time thinking about baby and perhaps call home a few times just to "check in"

when you have some extra money to spend and immediately you think of what baby needs instead of buying something for yourself!

all so true - I do all of that


Posted By: myfullhouse
Date Posted: 23 July 2010 at 10:06pm
* when you no longer get to go to the toilet by yourself
* you refer to DH's building tools as Dusty, Turner, Phillipe, Stretch, Pat, Squeeze and Rusty
* 7am is a sleep in and after 9.30pm is a late night!


Posted By: Kazper
Date Posted: 23 July 2010 at 10:13pm
You know your a mummy when:

You get Birthday and Christmas presents from other people that are actually for your baby!

People who don't usually visit, start to visit because they want to see your baby!

when it takes half an hour to get out the door to go to something due to organising children where you only use to have to put shoes, on grab keys and bag and go!

when you have to write a list and prepare the night before before you go away just for a day trip

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Posted By: Kazper
Date Posted: 23 July 2010 at 10:19pm
Oh Linzy that last one is soooo true!

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Posted By: NovemberMum
Date Posted: 24 July 2010 at 12:00am
you know you are mummy when you wait till your 2 year old is in bed before having your chocolate bar cause you know she will want some.


Posted By: jaz
Date Posted: 24 July 2010 at 8:06am
Originally posted by Bizzy Bizzy wrote:

ooh look theres a train!

LOL, I find myself looking for horses when I drive past the pony club even when I don't have Caleb in the car with me.


Posted By: Kazper
Date Posted: 24 July 2010 at 9:33am
Haha NovemberMum, my sis has to do that.

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Posted By: BriAndOlisMum
Date Posted: 24 July 2010 at 10:00am
Originally posted by Linzy Linzy wrote:

* 7am is a sleep in and after 9.30pm is a late night!

I love this one. I'm off to town on friday and don't know how i am going to handle being up so late lol


Posted By: kiwikid
Date Posted: 24 July 2010 at 9:26pm
* you find lego in your stock pot
* your handbag has a ziplock bag of crayons and blank paper
* you chose the Woody (toy story) keyring instead of the pretty girly one cos it had potential 'distract pissy toddler' qualities
* the first 10 apps on your new iPhone4 are toddler ones for the same reason as above
* you are considering paying £200 more pp for your flights because the more expensive one has 24hr Disney channel
* you are constantly inventing new food combinations in the effort to sneak in some extra veggies


Posted By: tishy
Date Posted: 24 July 2010 at 9:41pm
Originally posted by Bizzy Bizzy wrote:

ooh look theres a train!

Choo! Choo! Chugga Chugga Choo Choo!

Oh and you're halfway to work before you realise that you're happily singing along to the Wiggles CD, and then continue listening to it

Posted By: shadowfeet
Date Posted: 24 July 2010 at 11:05pm

You go from being early for everything to being chronically late and you don't care!


Posted By: nathansmummy
Date Posted: 25 July 2010 at 12:55am
... when you say goodbye to everyone and then finally you leave 15mins later after the baby is in the carseat, pushchair and nappy bag safely stowed - by which time the other people have already come out of the house and beaten you down the driveway!!

... when you can't think of anything new to say when someone (without kids) says "so.. what have you been up to?"

... when you've had 5hrs solid sleep after the birth of your baby and you feel "refreshed"

... when most of your veggie intake consists of your baby's left over solids

Posted By: Kazper
Date Posted: 25 July 2010 at 3:53pm
When you go to turn telly on at night for a break and kizone is the first one it flicks to and then without thinking to change the chanel you start singing along to what ever is playing

When you decide to have a late night watching a movie and a glass of wine, but crash on the couch at 8:30pm and only half a glass of wine gone! - yes sadly I have done that!

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Posted By: LittleBug
Date Posted: 25 July 2010 at 9:20pm
... when you stumble around trying to find your glasses inside their trusty black case, and you instead find a handful of tiny teddies, but no glasses.

Chloe (4 years) and Oliver (3 years).

Posted By: KatzWtgn
Date Posted: 26 July 2010 at 10:40am
I love these! All so true...

-no matter how tired you are, and how much you have to do, when your baby falls asleep on you, you are reluctant to put him down in his cot because he just feels so snuggly.


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