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Caesarean birth plan

Printed From: OHbaby!
Category: Support
Forum Name: C-Section Support
Forum Description: Had a caesarian section? Planning an elective caesar? Or a VBAC? Or want to know about recovering from a c-section? Talk to other mums who have had c-section deliveries here.
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Topic: Caesarean birth plan
Posted By: SarahG
Subject: Caesarean birth plan
Date Posted: 12 August 2010 at 3:35pm
Just wondering whether you were doing a birth plan for your caesareans. And if so, what went on it?


Posted By: Babykatnz
Date Posted: 12 August 2010 at 5:03pm
Not so much a birth plan, but just some things i really wanted to 'achieve' that i missed out on first time... skin-to-skin within the first hour, and attempt to start feeding as soon as I was on wards, we stipulated that DP was to sit up by my head the whole time as he didnt want to see any blood (LOL!) and my midwife was there as my extra support person. One of the hospital midwives was nice enough to take LOTS of photos for us, oh and the catheter I asked to be inserted AFTER the epi had taken effect

Most importantly, since I wasnt in a position to be first to hold baby, we agreed that DP would hold her until our skin-to-skin time could be achieved, the only time she wasnt being held by either of us those first few hours, was when she was weighed and getting apgars done, and while transferring from recovery to my room.

Oh and we asked for Vit K to be given via injection at birth since it was never going to be a straightforward delievery and I was unsuccessful BFing my first, so needed to feel safe that even if it didnt work a 2nd time, she'd still get the Vit K

Brandon - 05/12/2003

Posted By: MissAngel
Date Posted: 12 August 2010 at 10:07pm
Yea you dont really have a 'birth plan' as such - just really what Babykatnz said above.

Alex, Thomas and Lily" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Shezamumof3
Date Posted: 13 August 2010 at 11:40am
Yeah you cant really have a "birth plan" for a CS, as its basicly just go in, get numb, baby is born, into recovery then back to your room lol

I had an emergency CS with my first baby(DS) and it was all rush rush and I didnt hold him until in recovery about an hour or 2 after he was born.
but! with my elective, I made sure that they gave her to me for skin on skin as soon as possible, which was within 5 mins and I breastfed her in recovery, I would have while i was holding her in theater but I was so winded from them trying to get her out as she was kinda stuck, they had to push REALLY hard on my upper tummy and I thought they were going to break my ribs.
When I couldnt hold her anymore(from feeling so winded) they put her down DH's shirt for skin on skin which was lovely for him and her :)


Posted By: Rachael21
Date Posted: 13 August 2010 at 2:45pm
I haven't had a c/s but have been to a few and have noticed some things that sometimes happen.
*Choice of music playing
*Baby does not need to be weighed, measured or given the full baby check until AFTER skin to skin. Baby will need a quick check over and vitamin k (Although some could argue that can wait) but there is no reason why the baby can't have the rest done later as long as your mw is happy to do that.
*Not getting told the sex and letting you or your partner find out.
*Skin to skin ASAP

All the best

Posted By: tracey
Date Posted: 13 August 2010 at 3:53pm
I had an emergency ceasr and i must say there was no plan it was all very full on and rushed. I actually had no time to think about it.

Posted By: mummytobesep08
Date Posted: 16 August 2010 at 3:35pm
Here's a plan for ya:
I read a wee while back about one mums delivering her own baby during a C/S!!! With help if course, but they guided her hands down into her baby and she helped pull him out.

I have also heard of people asking for the screens to be down so that they can see baby come out- definitely NOT for the feint hearted!

(Both with elective C/S)

I'll be doing somewhat of a plan when #2 comes along (which will be an elective C/S)- but like the others have said there's not that much planning you can do. The little things you can control though- like who holds baby, skin to skin etc- it's amazing how much those little things really can make a difference


Angel babes '07 & '10- <3 <3

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