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Repromed CHCH Girls

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Category: Support
Forum Name: Coping with infertility
Forum Description: Have you been trying to conceive unsuccessfully? Dealing with primary or secondary infertility? Get support, advice, and help coping here.
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Topic: Repromed CHCH Girls
Posted By: balcy1
Subject: Repromed CHCH Girls
Date Posted: 01 December 2010 at 9:42pm
Hi all.
Im just wondering how many of you are having treatment at CHCH Repromed?
And if you are, then what stage you are all at?

My DH and I are in the stage of waiting, waiting, waiting. We have been on the waiting list for 7 months now, and I am starting to get a little excited as it should only be a matter or 4 months or so until we get a long awaited letter or phone call stating when IVF treatment will start.

Would love to hear any stories from Repromed CHCH girls...



Posted By: LadyBee
Date Posted: 01 December 2010 at 9:49pm
Im at Repromed but still in the unexplained stage.... on my 4th clomid cycle with a reveiw in the new year to see whats next.
My FS is Dr Catherine Conway

TTC for 4 1/2 years
IVF #1 - April 2012 short BFP, no frosties
IVF #2 - August 2012, BFP!! 3 frosties!" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: MaeBeeBaby
Date Posted: 02 December 2010 at 6:14pm
I have been going there since Jan 09. My signature below tells my story, two of those pregnancies in 2009 were via IUI.

We are currently doing our first IVF, egg collection was yesterday, and egg transfer is Saturday. This is privately funded as I didn't want to wait on the public list, plus my BMI is raised, and I am IMPATIENT. This had never been an option for us previously because I DO get pregnant, but because I hadn't got pregnant since Dec 09 we became eligible/approved for IVF.

We are under Greg Phillipson but now seem to be seeing Michelle Bailey mostly, which is great because we needed a fresh set of eyes and ears and she is just awesome. I met her on their 'lifestyles' course and really warmed to her.

I had a few theories on why I was mc'ing that Greg wasn't too keen on entertaining (auto immune problems), but to give him credit he decided to give me the necessary immune drugs anyway without spending heaps of $$$ on further tests because, as he said, they are everyday drugs (antibiotics and steroids) so I have to thank him a lot for giving me the benefit of the doubt. It's not that he disagreed, it's just to him the glass is half full, whereas for me it's half empty - if you know what I mean. (And I think I got that phrasing the right way round LOL).

All the nurses are fab too :)

Posted By: Chells
Date Posted: 02 December 2010 at 7:58pm
Hey we're currently with Repromed CHCH :-) On our first IVF cycle at the end of the 2WW - we find out tomorrow!!

IVF#1 - November 2010 = SUCCESSFUL." rel="nofollow">
<a href="" rel="nofollow">[IMG]

Posted By: MaeBeeBaby
Date Posted: 02 December 2010 at 8:53pm
Oooooooooooooh good luck Chells!!!!!!!!!!

Posted By: balcy1
Date Posted: 03 December 2010 at 8:58am
Wow MaeBeeBaby and Chells, you must be very excited yet very nervous at the same time right now!

Chells - was your treatment publicly funded, if so, how long was your waiting time? I have heard that treatment can be sooner than expected at times.
I feel like its taking forever, but good things come to those who wait.

MaeBeeBaby - we were eligible straight away with IVF as my DH has a very low count, and we cant even get one past the post.

As far as the glass being half empty, I think it is half empty for all of us going through this. I find it almost impossible to be positive, cos it feels like a dream that will never come true at times...


Posted By: Chells
Date Posted: 03 December 2010 at 2:47pm
So the nurse rang.....and I AM PREGNANT!! Wahoo....what a great day this is, pregnant and in The Press :D

I have found this to be the hardest day of them all - now I can see the sun :-)

balcy1 - we had public funding, the wait time was about 10 months to get to the top of the list, and a further 5-6 months for treatment to commence. It will happen when you least expect it. All the best!

IVF#1 - November 2010 = SUCCESSFUL." rel="nofollow">
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Posted By: MaeBeeBaby
Date Posted: 04 December 2010 at 9:41am

Why are you in The Press?

I am soooooooo happy for you - so glad you are pregnant as it makes me feel all the more positive about my ET today!!!

Posted By: MaeBeeBaby
Date Posted: 04 December 2010 at 9:48am
Balcy if you are feeling impatient, you may want to consider going private - it's expensey, costing us $10,000-$11,000, but well worth it, esp at my age as even though I am qualified for the public list (providing I lose just a few more kgs to meet the BMI criteria), I am terrified it would take up to another year, and I am 39 in February.

My SIL was 28 and was up for IVF public funding in August 2008, she got bumped back at the last minute as they ran out of public funding, so they paid for it themselves - back then it was $7000 - how times have changed!

Give it a few months, but if your biological clock is ticking loudly, listen to it ...

Maybe you could start saving up now in preparation - then if you don't need the $$$ cause you get in faster then you have some $$$ for a flash nursery! We saved a lot of our funds up over a few months simply by paying heaps extra into our Floating mortgage, and then withdraw only what we need as we go - we paid my wages into it as we figure that by the time I have our baby we will only be on one wage anyway so we will continue doing this so we get our debt down a lot before going onto one wage.

I don't know how old you are, but knowing what I do after 4 years of TTC, I wish we had DEMANDED IVF sooner, but because I WAS getting pregnant they weren't keen to do it, despite having multiple miscarriages - but 'IVF is only for people who DON'T get pregnant' they tell us... So as we didn't get pregnant for a year (cause we gave up and didn't try anymore), they allowed us to go onto the List, but we opted to go Private - even though we had given up, we felt we just had to give it 'one more try' - after all, I am on the right side of 40!!!

Balcy - I wonder if you live in Balcairn with a name like that?

Posted By: Chells
Date Posted: 04 December 2010 at 7:24pm
thanks so much :-) I'm glad it has made you feel more positive MaeBeeBaby, I have my fingers and toes crossed for you!

I was in The Press as yesterday was International Day of Disabled people, and I shared my story of having IVF to raise awareness that it is OK for people with impairments (aka disabilities) to have children, we are like anyone else :-)

IVF#1 - November 2010 = SUCCESSFUL." rel="nofollow">
<a href="" rel="nofollow">[IMG]

Posted By: LisaLooo
Date Posted: 05 December 2010 at 9:35pm
Hey Cells - Congrats on your BFP.

I did see you in the Press :) Well done you!!!

IVF ED Oct 2010 BFN
FET April BFP then m/c
ED cycle Feb BFP m/c 8 weeks

Posted By: MaeBeeBaby
Date Posted: 06 December 2010 at 5:17pm
Hi Chells, I will go and check out The Press! xxx

Posted By: chiqa
Date Posted: 07 December 2010 at 9:28pm
We went through repromed last year. All the people there were so wonderful. We were publically funded and had about a 9 month wait and had success on our first cycle. Will be going back in a few months for FET.

Posted By: MaeBeeBaby
Date Posted: 07 December 2010 at 10:18pm
Chells I had a really good look in the Press from Saturday and couldn't find you - what page?

Chiqa GOOD LUCK for your next FET!

Posted By: Plushie
Date Posted: 08 December 2010 at 5:04pm
Congratulations, Chells

Am i ok to lurk in here? I am not going through IVF but was seeing them to donate an egg before i unexpectedly got pregnant. Obviously now thats been put off, but i will be coming back for a second attempt at donation - just with a different family as my first family has got a new donor since i'm out of action for the time being....

just....not sure its an appropriate place for me to hang out, i'll bugger off its a problem for anyone

Posted By: LisaLooo
Date Posted: 08 December 2010 at 9:34pm
Hi Bowie,

congrats on your pregnancy Not long to go for you now, exciting time for you!!

Yes you are more than welcome to hang out in here

We are about to go thru FET in Jan and hoping for a BFP and have 1 more attempt if that one doesnt work then back to the drawing board. If our FET's dont work we will be looking for an egg donor Not sure if that is how you have met potential recipients? Anyway let me know your thoughts

IVF ED Oct 2010 BFN
FET April BFP then m/c
ED cycle Feb BFP m/c 8 weeks

Posted By: Plushie
Date Posted: 08 December 2010 at 9:46pm
I havent met any more recpients, no, since its going to be at least a year before i am able to get up and going with it all again and thats a long wait before we would even begin the process. I would like to donate to a someone rather then a clinic, if that makes sense but eggs are eggs and repromed does have a donor program if i don't find a family. My two gorgeous little cousins were both concieved with the help of an egg donor so i'm looking to give someone else that chance, really!

I'll mostly be lurking to see the realities of the procedures i'll be undergoing so i won't post too much since i can't really relate to what everyone else is saying....just felt like if i'm going to be reading i should let you all know that i'm here!

Posted By: tischler
Date Posted: 09 December 2010 at 12:04pm
Hi guys,

Just thought I'd jump in here as I'm a ChCh Repromed girl. Greg has known us for over 3 years now, and it's been 18 months since we first delved into privately funded IVF cycles. It is expensive, and unfortunately we've now run out of $ (unless I get an awesome Xmas pressy dreams are free) So we're on the waitlist for Sept next year.

It's always great to hear of others in Canterbury - scary and sad at how many of us need Repromed's support

Congrats Chells - and GL to all the rest of you!

5 IVF/ICSI Cycles - 10 embryo's, 8 transfers, all BFN's.
Our journey to parenthood is over, and we join the unfortunate many for whom IVF does not work.

Posted By: LadyBee
Date Posted: 09 December 2010 at 4:48pm

Congrats Chells awesome news!

Maebeebaby, how are you getting on?

Hey Tischler, are you still charting this cycle?

Im really just at the start of my journey and waiting for my next step. I have a review on the 14th and have a feeling Catherine will want me to go in for a LAP after my not so good HSG otherwise she will prob put me on another round/s of clomid
Unexplained infertility is so fustraiting !!

How long have you had to wait on the list for public funded IVF?
I got told I have to be trying for 5 yrs before I can even get on the list

TTC for 4 1/2 years
IVF #1 - April 2012 short BFP, no frosties
IVF #2 - August 2012, BFP!! 3 frosties!" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: tischler
Date Posted: 09 December 2010 at 5:05pm
Hi LadyBee,

The waitlist is quite random. We qualified with our infertility pretty much ASAP but they also take 'time trying' into account and they took that from the first time we saw a specialist - so that was frustrating.

We got our 'you've hit the waitlist' letter in August and it was a 12-13 month timeframe before starting (and that's the tests etc - so I'm going to try and get it rolling just prior by getting my GP to order all the tests).

Yep I'm still charting - I figure why not even though there's not really a chance! As much as hoping for a miracle, I'm also collecting this info for the acupuncturist as I'll go back to that starting March for a good 6 months lead in to IVF - they like to get a history of temps.

It's a really weird month though - it's never been like this before .... FF have given me ov lines again .... day 23!?

Must go visit the charting girls and see what's up!

Hi everyone else - lovely photo in the press Chells - good on you for being so open, getting IVF out there in the media, and showing the world that having a disability is not a disability to living life the way you want

5 IVF/ICSI Cycles - 10 embryo's, 8 transfers, all BFN's.
Our journey to parenthood is over, and we join the unfortunate many for whom IVF does not work.

Posted By: LadyBee
Date Posted: 09 December 2010 at 5:14pm
Catherine my FS has reccorded my time trying since we got married in Feb 08 - so thats nearly 3yrs, but Im counting from when we started trying properly Jan 09
So thats cut my waiting time down a bit

TTC for 4 1/2 years
IVF #1 - April 2012 short BFP, no frosties
IVF #2 - August 2012, BFP!! 3 frosties!" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: MaeBeeBaby
Date Posted: 09 December 2010 at 8:39pm
I still haven't managed to find the Press article with Chells in it? Can someone tell me what section and what page number? I still have the paper from last Sat.

LadyBee I am EXHAUSTED - thanks for asking, how are you doing???

I have never been this tired 'at this stage of 2WW' even when doing natural conception or IUI's which have previously been supplemented by heparin/progesterone/estrogen - so maybe something good is going on!?

Posted By: Chells
Date Posted: 13 December 2010 at 11:05am
Hi MaeBeeBaby,

I'll give you the link to the article on The Press online :-):

It was in Friday 3rd Dec Press, ironically it just happened to be on the day we found out :-)

Tiredness is a good indicator - think positive! Will have my fingers crossed for you on the 17th!

IVF#1 - November 2010 = SUCCESSFUL." rel="nofollow">
<a href="" rel="nofollow">[IMG]

Posted By: MaeBeeBaby
Date Posted: 13 December 2010 at 6:07pm
Thanks Chells! How are you doing???

I just posted in the 2WW that I feel really ill today - moreso than I ever have when in 2WW and on supps - finger's x'd! I'm beginning to feel a bit excited now, but still pretty relaxed about it all.

Posted By: LisaLooo
Date Posted: 13 December 2010 at 7:09pm
Good luck MaeBee this might just be your month

Hope everyone else is well xxx

IVF ED Oct 2010 BFN
FET April BFP then m/c
ED cycle Feb BFP m/c 8 weeks

Posted By: balcy1
Date Posted: 13 December 2010 at 9:23pm
Wow! I havent been on line for a few days. Good to see the CHCH Repromed Girls are chatting away.

Looks like some very good news for some of you.

And Baby Dust to the rest of us...


Posted By: Chells
Date Posted: 17 December 2010 at 3:26pm
Thinking of you today MaeBeBaby - sending heaps of positive thoughts your way!

I'm doing ok so far - had my first scan yesterday and it was way too early at 5.6 weeks! We only saw the sac and a possible embryonic pole - which is what we had read to expect this early on. I have to have another next Thursday with a different Dr, so fingers crossed they pick more up with that one.

IVF#1 - November 2010 = SUCCESSFUL." rel="nofollow">
<a href="" rel="nofollow">[IMG]

Posted By: seb77
Date Posted: 23 January 2011 at 8:14pm
Hi Balcy1
We have also been on the list for about 8 months and have not heard anything.
Have you been given any further information as to when you might be seen?
I am considering IUI but dont really have the money to do it.

Posted By: balcy1
Date Posted: 27 January 2011 at 3:54pm
Hi Seb77
I got a little impatient and e-mailed Repromed to see what happens next.
They e-mailed back saying we would hear from them in March/April, but this may vary by 3-4 months, so not really a definite answer. Guess they gotta make sure they dont give out too much false hope.
How long were you told when you were put on the waiting list?


Posted By: tischler
Date Posted: 27 January 2011 at 5:27pm
Hey Balcy - if they're saying March/April +/- 3-4 months now, what estimated month did they say in your 'you've hit the waitlist' letter?? I'd be really interested to know as I've been tempted to hassle them a wee bit!!

5 IVF/ICSI Cycles - 10 embryo's, 8 transfers, all BFN's.
Our journey to parenthood is over, and we join the unfortunate many for whom IVF does not work.

Posted By: Daisy25
Date Posted: 27 January 2011 at 6:37pm
That's interesting to read about the +/- 3-4 months response. We were told last February that we were on the waitlist and that it was 11 months long. 11 months was up this week. Perhaps I should expect to wait a wee bit longer then.....

Posted By: seb77
Date Posted: 27 January 2011 at 7:01pm
Hi Ladies
Sounds like we are all getting the same generic answer. We went on the list last April and the letter said 11 months.
When I phoned this week I was told March / April.
Lets hope we can get some straight answers or that the stork is en-route to Chch


Posted By: balcy1
Date Posted: 28 January 2011 at 5:05pm
Hi everyone.

AUGUST, if I were you I would be ringing to see when you can expect to hear something.

TISCHLER, when did you get on and how long were you told?

SEB - you must be at the same point as us then, keep in touch and let me know if you hear anything, and Ill do the same.

We got onto the wait list in April last year, and we were then told 11 months.

Would be good to get a more definite answer. I dont think they realise the stress of waiting...


Posted By: tischler
Date Posted: 28 January 2011 at 7:33pm
Thanks Balcy.

I only got my letter in August and they said 12-13 months ..... it's a long shot trying to get it sooner, I'm just concerned they'll run out of funding (which some years they do in August) which means we'd be bumped back ....

5 IVF/ICSI Cycles - 10 embryo's, 8 transfers, all BFN's.
Our journey to parenthood is over, and we join the unfortunate many for whom IVF does not work.

Posted By: seb77
Date Posted: 29 January 2011 at 9:03am
Good morning
August you must be due a call now. I spoke to Jusy yesterday and was told March / April (we got our letter 8 April 2010).
Then you have a series of appointments and have to have tests and smears etc.
So from what i can gather when it will still be a few months from when your name gets to the top of the list.
But we are staying positive. I have put out some food for the stork so hoping he will pop in this month.
I think the last few months are probably the most difficult - a case of so close but so far.
In the meantime I am focussing on my diet and acupuncture to try and ensure a positive outcome.
Have a good weekend ladies

Posted By: chiqa
Date Posted: 29 January 2011 at 9:51am
Wow I had no idea they can run out of funding. We had ours in nov/dec there was never any mention of the possibility of them running out of funding.
The waiting is the worst but at least when you get to the top things start happening while you wait. when we got to the top and got our start date I remember thinking damn that's really soon. Which doesn't make sense of course as we'd been waiting forever but it all happens so fast from there on in. We were told 8 or nine months and it was 8 months. Although if you decide to do a FET after your initial ivf ( we're doing one next month) there's no wait if you're still within the 18 month funding period. Which is great.
good luck and hang in there to all those waiting

Posted By: MAC35
Date Posted: 29 January 2011 at 11:41pm
I found the wait excruiating as my girlfriends all got pregnant around me and delivered. I have posted on another forum that I think a flow chart should be charted to let people know what the wait truely turns out to be so you don't get false expectations,the last two appointments were terrible with me having EDD dates in mind only to be told more waiting. Cried for days.

Our change of address got missed by repromed and delayed treatment by 3 months. We saw specialist Feb 2009 and placed on waiting list should have been contacted March 2010 alas but it was June have started cycle Jan 2011. Should have been end of last year but funding ran out.

Alas everything happens for a reason and I am just trying to stay calm and Michelle and all the nursing staff are great.

Posted By: balcy1
Date Posted: 30 January 2011 at 6:48pm
So can anyone tell me approx how long it takes for treatment to begin once we finally get to the top of the list???

MAC3 - I know the feeling about everyone getting present and giving birth. My SIL has just this month started to try for a baby, and I just know that it will happen for them straight away. Even though I will be happy for them, I just know I will be p**sed off.... Horrible of me I know, but unfortunately true!!!


Posted By: MAC35
Date Posted: 30 January 2011 at 10:18pm
Hang in there Balcy and thanks for your kind words. I told my best friend of 30 years to get off the pill today and get pregnant to the man she plan to marry someday.   

Balcy -Once at top of list we met in June had repeat bloods and f/u september. Started Jan but only because funding ran out for september thru to December. I guess if enough funding it may be only 3-4 mths. Seriously it would good to have this on a FLOW CHART

I hope this helps it is likely to make you angry and sad all at once, get busy with something, I did my Masters - wasn't planning to 2 yrs ago but needed a distraction it helped.    Think now meditation or yoga course may have been more useful lol.

I have been driving DH crazy today with the what ifs of life and discussing follicles and embryo's today, I'm ready to discuss but he ain't yet lol. Poor husband.

Anyone else have this problem, is it not better to be informed before they ask you to make a decision or what.?

Take care and keep in touch

Posted By: Daisy25
Date Posted: 31 January 2011 at 7:39pm
That's crazy that they can run out of funding as early in the year as August?!

I phoned Repromed today to see where we are on the waiting lists. It sounds like our public funding should come through in the next 2 months, but we probably won't reach the top of the sperm donor list for another year or so.

MAC35 - I agree, a flow chart would be great! I have no idea what to expect

Posted By: balcy1
Date Posted: 31 January 2011 at 8:22pm
I think its crazy that they can run out of funding as well. Surely they keep a track how many people they have on the waiting list and work out the wait period a bit more accurately.

August - it must be frustrating knowing that you can get IVF but have to wait another year for a donor.
I saw on the news a few nights ago that there is a shortage of donors out there.

And yea, a flow chart would be great. I also have NO IDEA what to expect...


Posted By: MAC35
Date Posted: 31 January 2011 at 10:31pm
With publically funded I guess the money ran out. Really sucks, at times I wish I had just got a loan.

Chiqua I agree. It was actually kinda surreal when they told me I would start in Jan, with xmas, that wait went so fast and wham here I am.   Good Luck with FET when that happening?

Sorry to hear it may be another year before a donor is available August, that must rip.

Tischler, Seb, Balcy hang in there, but do ring them when those months are up.
I know I didn't want to nag them in case it affected my waiting which is silly really they are all really nice.

Keep the dialogue going I know its helping me.


Posted By: seb77
Date Posted: 02 February 2011 at 9:24pm
Hello ladies
Thank heavens for the internet - you are all such a huge support.
Does anyone ever have the urge to turn to a friend who has recently announced they are pregnant and tell them to get lost?
Maybe I will take out my frustrations on a young teenage mum who had unprotected sex one night with a guy she hardly knows - and fell pregnant.
Other than my dignity that have I got to lose

MAC35 I agree there are times when I wish we had just paid. Has anyone seen that ridiculous ASB advert. Firstly, just because you get a loan doesnt mean it will work. And they only put one embryo back in so triplets is highly unlikely.

Listen to me, I am on a role tonight. Better go take some rescue remedy and calm down - ha ha.

Sending nothing but positive baby vibes to you all

Posted By: MAC35
Date Posted: 02 February 2011 at 10:07pm
Seb77 so so so understand. I had a very very very good friend give birth late last year and it took me a month to visit. I just couldn't I knew she was due but when it happened I froze which I was not expecting. Very profound because I have visited lesser friends in the last year no trouble with new borns. I made every excuse in the book. I was scared I couldn't hide my envious, jealous eyes. She knows me well to know the green eyed monster is not me but ?

Finally when I visited I felt so guilty I over compensated with gifts when all my dear friend needed was a hug and a helping hand in those first few weeks. It was her first baby. I am hoping that I will big enough to apologise next visit but 50/50 on that one. Still grieving abotu having to ahve IVf in the first place. This wa never the damn plan.

TTC has at times turned me into someone I do not recognise. Your thoughts today mirrored mine the other day.

Vent away and I will join in.

Posted By: balcy1
Date Posted: 03 February 2011 at 2:49pm
Im with you both MAC35 and SEB77...

I know I am very lucky to have a son who is 9, and I love him to bits.
The thing I find hard is that when I got pregnant with him, he was a surprise. At that time in my life there was no way I wanted children. However, I wouldnt have it any other way.
But, now I am ready and desperately want my husband to be (in 5 weeks) and I to have a baby, and we cant.
I am also grieving at the fact we have to have IVF. This was never my #@%!* plan either.

And another thing thats makes me sooooooo angry, is when I hear of girls that get pregnant unplanned, but still they continue to drink alcohol and do drugs. These stories turn me in the green eyed monster more than anything.

Anyway, life seems to be a right b**ch if you ask me. So guess Ill just carry on waiting, waiting, waiting....


Posted By: tischler
Date Posted: 03 February 2011 at 4:07pm
Right with you there guys!!!!!!!!! Child abuse and those unplanned unwanted pregnancies just do my head in I'm hoping by not getting too upset by it, and keeping calm (except for the odd OB rant) that it will be good karma for me becoming a Mum too ......

I so desperately want to be a Mumma myself and to have a baby with my delightful DH. I have the blessing at least (if you can really call it that) of 2 step-children which we have with us at least 7/14 days. BUT it is certainly not the same being a step-mum - I'm a great cook and cleaner and taxi!! And DH didn't even want the vasectomy but the ex encouraged it - grrrr.

IVF is really frustrating, but we have to hang in there and think positive that we will all soon have wonderful babes in our arms I almost envy those of you about to go through it for the first time - as it means there's the potential for more ahead for you ..... my ovaries are really 'old' and I'm not sure whether by the time we hit the wait list I'll qualify for public funding anyway ...........

Okay rant over

5 IVF/ICSI Cycles - 10 embryo's, 8 transfers, all BFN's.
Our journey to parenthood is over, and we join the unfortunate many for whom IVF does not work.

Posted By: Daisy25
Date Posted: 03 February 2011 at 7:01pm
Gosh you have all summed up my thoughts exactly! Although I'm sorry that any of us have to go through this sh*tty experience, it's lovely to hear others that can relate to how I feel. People that haven't experienced infertility just don't quite seem to understand the magnitude of it all.
I hear what you are saying about drunken teenagers getting pregnant - grrrr!
MAC35 - try not to feel too guilty, I can relate to how you feel. My sister had a baby a few days before we were diagnosed with our infertility. It took me so much strength to summon up the courage to visit her too.
Tischler - I have my fingers crossed for you that you still qualify for funding when you hit the waitlist.
Balcy - you're getting married soon - how exciting

Posted By: seb77
Date Posted: 03 February 2011 at 9:09pm
I won't claim this quote as my own. It is from a book but when I read it I didn't know whether to cry tears of sadness, frustration or hope.

She sums it up beautifully..

I can't know the pain you may have experienced in your quest for conception - the disappointment, the frustration, the hope and the hopelessness of each negative pregnancy test. Perhaps you, like me, have felt the heartbreak of conceiving and losing a child. Perhaps, like me, you have given the power over your own body to doctors in the hope that somehow they will make everything better. I dont know why we have been chose to undertake such a painful journey, why we must go through such struggles to bring our children into the world.

But I do know that when we look into our babies' faces, they will never have to wonder if they were wanted.

Ours are the children who, no matter how they came to us, will look at their parents and know, from the deepest place in their heart, how much we cherish them, and how we laboured to give them life. And in that there is no greater security and no greater gift.

Posted By: seb77
Date Posted: 03 February 2011 at 9:12pm
A friend sent me an email this evening. She has reached the top of the list. She is down in Dunedin and it only took her 7 months - aaaargh.

Anyway, from what she is saying sounds like you start the drugs about a month before the egg collection. So once your name gets to the top of the list you probably have a couple of months before the embryo is placed back in.

Info from her email:
Egg collection hopefully w/c 7 March. Which means that I start on the hormone drugs this coming Monday. In about 1 month, the 2nd drug is added. I inject myself (stomach) each night

Posted By: LisaLooo
Date Posted: 03 February 2011 at 9:20pm
Hi ladies.....

Seb77 - How lovely is that quote!! Thanks for sharing

Tischler - I know where you are coming from with the step kids - DH & I have his 10 yo DD and love her to bits but would love to have our own baby.

Balcy - Congrats on the wedding hunny!! What an exciting time for you both

FS has just increased my thyroid meds to 1 tab a day rather than 3 per week so bloods again in 4 weeks so hopefully FET will be soon......

Hi to everyone else and hope you are all well and may your name come up on the waiting list very soon

IVF ED Oct 2010 BFN
FET April BFP then m/c
ED cycle Feb BFP m/c 8 weeks

Posted By: balcy1
Date Posted: 03 February 2011 at 9:44pm
Thank you everyone for your good wishes.
When we chose our wedding date, we had 19 weeks to organise, now we are down to 5.

I have to admit that it has been awesome to have something else to concentrate on, instead of counting down the weeks to hopefully hear about IVF. Counting down to a wedding is definately quicker.

SEB77 - what a great quote. So so true!!


Posted By: tischler
Date Posted: 04 February 2011 at 5:29pm
Balcy - hope your wedding goes fantastically. A distraction is a great idea! Seb I love the quote, inspiring!

Just realised that whilst I don't know the exact in's and out's of the public system, I have been through IVF privately twice - so perhaps I should give you a bit of a heads up on how it works! Duh me, sorry for not doing it sooner.

This may be TMI - sorry if so, don't read on if you don't want to know!

When you get your letter I would assume they would ask you to go to an information session on IVF. We were skeptical about it, but it was actually really good, you get to talk to the nurses and the embryologists and they step through the whole system.

You are required to have had a recent smear (within 6 months) and you need to have day 3 and day 21 bloods (get used to blood tests!). I think they also do an internal scan (no biggy) as well ... maybe about day 3-5 [don't quote me on that - can't remember if it was before or just during the drugs etc].

You will go along to see the Nurse to have a drug education session and have a practice of administering an injection (even me as a needle-phobe coped well). Once they have all that sorted they'll put together a drug plan for you. There are lots of different protocols they can put you on depending on your FSH levels etc. Once they have your drug plan you get to start (and I'm sorry I can't remember what day of the cycle it was ... thinking day 1).

You generally start off with drugs to down-regulate your cycle (so you don't ovulate) and once your hormones are at an appropriate level they then introduce another drug to grow lots of follicles. During this time you get regular blood tests and internal scans (after the intro of the second drug) and then once you have enough follicles at a decent size (bigger than 16mm) then they will provide you with a injection to trigger ovulation to have exactly 36 hours before egg collection.

During egg collection you get lots of drugs and they remove the eggs and let you know how many they got. They then either get sperm via PESA/TESA or sample. They then fertilise the eggs and start the wee embies growing. You find out the next day how many have fertilised and then they decide whether to do a Day 3 or Day 5 transfer (depending on number of embryo's, quality etc).

You go in on the appropriate day and have the transfer (about 10 mins in total) and then get pessaries (ick) to use daily until your BT. The BT is between 10 and 14 days post transfer.

Phew - hope that maybe helped a bit. Ask away if you've got any questions. As we paid privately we just started into it (once they'd done the initial tests) and it took 2 months to do the cycle, so it was probably 3 months from initial contact to the pregnancy test.

For thawed transfers (if first try doesn't work) they like you to have one 'normal' cycle after IVF before doing the FET. Or you can choose whenever you wish, just ring them on CD1.

It is pretty intensive and emotional and the drugs do play havock with your system - but it's OK. A counsellor is available also to talk to, which we did once and it was really good.

Have a great weekend all - it's lovely weather

5 IVF/ICSI Cycles - 10 embryo's, 8 transfers, all BFN's.
Our journey to parenthood is over, and we join the unfortunate many for whom IVF does not work.

Posted By: MAC35
Date Posted: 04 February 2011 at 6:58pm
Hi Ladies

Well I have a great read this afternoon from fabulous set of ladies. You gals. I am knackered today, is working fulltime such I good idea I ask myself today?............. I have literally been on the couch for 2 hours now.

I have had to write all you names down to keep track - does that sound stalkerish???

The quote was fantastic Seb, made me cry but made me positive also.

Tischler I hope it all goes well in September and the months fly.   My woes are from a failed vasectomy reversal.   Tisch and Lisal I too have step children 22 and 24 believe it or not. My husband is 14 yrs older. They are more like little sister and brother than children, but I love them very much as a step mother and at times older sibling. They are great but I want my own.    

August - Thanks for the pep talk I try not to think about those so easy unexpected pregnancies out there and how they happen and I do believe in Karma but as I have stated I can get GREEN with ENVY. My husband often states its all about timing. Most times I want to knock his block off but this time half way through my first IVF cycle I have become bizarrely philosophical 11/2 days ago like I am in woodstock festival and all loved up and peace man.   SO ............... I am glad for the first four years of getting to know my step son and step daughter and the last 3 of having hubby and wife time. DINKS - Double income no kids (at home).

Balcy - a wedding soon - how exciting. that has gotta take your mind off it for while I bet. I am sure it will be a wonderful day, have you sorted everything yet or still ticking a few boxes. So much to organise.

I have just added 10GB to our internet connection for the weeks to come when I need to phase out. For 2nd scan and blood Monday EPU Wednesday at the earliest.

So positive and non obsessed today I almost forgot my 6pm injections. I had to smile this is a better day. Two days ago I would have cried.

Roll on Monday - take care gals

Posted By: LisaLooo
Date Posted: 04 February 2011 at 8:31pm
Mac3 - Maybe I should write names down to, i have a terrible memory but tickers help as you can see where everyone is at.

Tischler - Great explaining of the whole process. I am not so familiar as we had a ED so I skipped most of the meds except proygonova and the horrid pesaries.

I'm not liking the increase in thyroid tabs as I get hot flushes and headaches But it will be all worth it in the end.

Weekend is shaping up to be nice and warm so get out and enjoy xxx

IVF ED Oct 2010 BFN
FET April BFP then m/c
ED cycle Feb BFP m/c 8 weeks

Posted By: balcy1
Date Posted: 04 February 2011 at 10:33pm
Hi everyone

Tischler - thank you for the briefing on IVF. It sounds very in depth, but in no way changes my feelings about having treatment.

MAC - I think we pretty much have everything organised. Just all those last minute bits and pieces that cant be done until the week before left to do.

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend... Ill be here checking to see whose popped in no doubt.

Take care everyone


Posted By: seb77
Date Posted: 05 February 2011 at 1:22pm
Great idea about writing down everyones details as I am also losing track.
have a super weekend ladies

Posted By: MAC35
Date Posted: 05 February 2011 at 9:29pm
Hi Lisaloo

I am struggling to get a ticker added any hint or step by step instructions most welcome.

TTC June 2006
ME 35 DH 48
IVF #1 Jan 2011 BFN
FET x1 April 2011 BFN
IVF #2 July 2011
IVF #3 Feb EC 2012

Posted By: balcy1
Date Posted: 05 February 2011 at 10:09pm
It looks like you almost have it right, you will just need to change the format of the URL... But, here is step by step....

First of all you have to make one. Just click on one of mine and you can create one thru the link it will take you to.

Then once you have created in you need to bring up the url - it will need to be in this format PseudoHTML, UBBCode and BB Code ... once you have it up highlight it and copy it.

Then in the forums click on the profile button. The one next to the Private Messenger button, just above the new topic button..

Paste the url you copied into the correct box and you should be all good.

Hope this makes sense... Im not the best at instructions but good luck!


Posted By: LisaLooo
Date Posted: 06 February 2011 at 8:57am
Excellent instructions Balcy :)

Hope you all enjoy the scorcher of a day we are about to have

IVF ED Oct 2010 BFN
FET April BFP then m/c
ED cycle Feb BFP m/c 8 weeks

Posted By: tischler
Date Posted: 06 February 2011 at 3:44pm
It's 37 degrees in Rangiora ......... I'm melting!

5 IVF/ICSI Cycles - 10 embryo's, 8 transfers, all BFN's.
Our journey to parenthood is over, and we join the unfortunate many for whom IVF does not work.

Posted By: MAC35
Date Posted: 06 February 2011 at 6:15pm
Thanks Balcy- to hot to compute at mo and with injections and hard days work have the mind of a 90 yr right now. No offence to any 90 yr olds that can operate computers intended.

Slightly stressed about tomorrow appointment that nothing really going in - ask DH. Will try your instructions tomorrow.

May my follicles be BIG! and my blood PERFECT, very over injections and IVF process today.    

TTC June 2006
ME 35 DH 48
IVF #1 Jan 2011 BFN
FET x1 April 2011 BFN
IVF #2 July 2011
IVF #3 Feb EC 2012

Posted By: balcy1
Date Posted: 06 February 2011 at 9:36pm
All the best for your appt tomorrow... I cant wait to get into the whole IVF process!

Will be checkin in to see how you got on.


Posted By: LisaLooo
Date Posted: 07 February 2011 at 7:45am
Good luck Mac - Let us know how you get on

Hope everyone survived the crazy weather yesterday

IVF ED Oct 2010 BFN
FET April BFP then m/c
ED cycle Feb BFP m/c 8 weeks

Posted By: seb77
Date Posted: 07 February 2011 at 9:13pm
Hey Mac35
Hope everything went well today.

Posted By: MAC35
Date Posted: 08 February 2011 at 9:39am
Hi all good - EPU tomorrow. Positive vibes to all you gals.

Thanks for your support DH and I doing well. Day off today relaxing, massage in an hour. xox

TTC June 2006
ME 35 DH 48
IVF #1 Jan 2011 BFN
FET x1 April 2011 BFN
IVF #2 July 2011
IVF #3 Feb EC 2012

Posted By: GAL51
Date Posted: 09 February 2011 at 4:34pm
Hi all, i am also under repromed in CHCH with Greg, we are doing our first IVF cycle in May, feeling very scared/nervous about it but my husband has very low sperm count and mobility so it isnt going to happen naturally and we have been trying for 3 years. Good luck to all of you going through IVF atm. I am just doing pre ivf test, scans etc :):)

Posted By: LisaLooo
Date Posted: 09 February 2011 at 5:12pm
Hi Gal - Welcome and good luck for you up coming cycle. You must be so excited

Everyone here is lovely and if you have any questions then please ask

IVF ED Oct 2010 BFN
FET April BFP then m/c
ED cycle Feb BFP m/c 8 weeks

Posted By: Daisy25
Date Posted: 09 February 2011 at 5:31pm
Hi Mac - I hope everything went well for you today.

Welcome Gal :) May isn't far away now, but I bet it feels like a life time away for you!

Posted By: balcy1
Date Posted: 09 February 2011 at 6:55pm
Welcome Gal. Just wondering how long it took you to get to the top of the waiting list?


Posted By: tischler
Date Posted: 09 February 2011 at 7:50pm
Welcome to the team Gal! Mac - how'd today go for you?

5 IVF/ICSI Cycles - 10 embryo's, 8 transfers, all BFN's.
Our journey to parenthood is over, and we join the unfortunate many for whom IVF does not work.

Posted By: MAC35
Date Posted: 09 February 2011 at 8:06pm
Hi all.

Not bad, no real pain during procedure and was treated with TLC throughout. A little tender on movement tonight, wheat bag helping and resting quietly. They got 9 eggs so fingers crossed for fertilisation.

Fairly emoionally charged for me today, has been throughout cycle. I can be right as rain and then walk into clinic talk to one person and the tears well up. Hope this gets easier.

What were you like your first cycle like Tischler? My husband often looks at me in exasperation at the tears. He wants me to be positive and I am I just start crying. I wish men cried. Does this make since?

All that said I am feeling good and just venting. Plan at this stage for transfer on Monday.

Welcome Gal, it good just to lurk some days and when times get tough vent or ask that naggig question. Nice bunch of girls here. xox

TTC June 2006
ME 35 DH 48
IVF #1 Jan 2011 BFN
FET x1 April 2011 BFN
IVF #2 July 2011
IVF #3 Feb EC 2012

Posted By: MAC35
Date Posted: 10 February 2011 at 10:02am
Okay well it was DH who was nervous this am and it was cute and actually good to see. I think he asked me 3 times to call him the minute I go the news. The releif in his voice was deafening. He so needs a hug and a drink right now and a pat on the back but he is at work. Early days I know but positive vibes flowing freely today.

9 eggs collected 8 fertilised 7 alive today!!!!!!!

BTW I know that I am sharing the most personal of personal and I hope you all don't mind but its getting me through!

TTC June 2006
ME 35 DH 48
IVF #1 Jan 2011 BFN
FET x1 April 2011 BFN
IVF #2 July 2011
IVF #3 Feb EC 2012

Posted By: LisaLooo
Date Posted: 10 February 2011 at 10:14am
MAC - That is great news may they continue to grow and divide nicely. Its a bit stressful waiting to find out how many have made it to day 3 and how many to day 5 (blastocyst).

From our donor we got 10 eggs and 10 fertilised. 3 made it to blastocyst and we used a fresh one to put back but got BFN so just trying to get my thyroid sorted then we should be able to do FET soon

We are all here for you and its great to be able to share or vent or just talk about your thoughts and feelings and be be re-assured that what you are going through and feeling is perfectly normal

IVF ED Oct 2010 BFN
FET April BFP then m/c
ED cycle Feb BFP m/c 8 weeks

Posted By: MAC35
Date Posted: 10 February 2011 at 10:34am
Thanks Lisa

Thyroid levels please explain? May the bloods be great in 3 weeks.

Yeah its taking over my mind this....... Worried for embies survival.

How many days off do people take post EC? I have taken one and due back at work tomorrow, at the mo just don't feel up to it. Tired, bloated and sore, no appetite and number two's very loose???? Sorry TMI Drama Queen or is this normal. Thinking I might call in sick for tomorrow.

TTC June 2006
ME 35 DH 48
IVF #1 Jan 2011 BFN
FET x1 April 2011 BFN
IVF #2 July 2011
IVF #3 Feb EC 2012

Posted By: chiqa
Date Posted: 10 February 2011 at 10:45am
That's great news MAC35. Grow embies grow!
We got 9 eggs and ended up with 4 day 5 embies implanted 1 and had 3 frozen. I remember feeling kinda sad for the ones that didn't make it.
I took about 3 days off after ec I was ok during and didn't find it painful but was pretty sore for a few days after.

Posted By: LisaLooo
Date Posted: 10 February 2011 at 11:08am
MAC - I think everyone is different with EC. some are very sore and other arent so its an individual thing. Take an extra day off if you are not up to it

Our donor was great after EC and I'm please as she has 2 young boys so would have felt bad had she been really sore!!

I have several issues with my infertility.....

I have premature ovarian failure which I have know about since I was approx 19. I went on depo provera (injection) for 9 months and when I came off it my periods didnt really return. I had a tumor in my left ovary in 2004 and that had to be removed and now I also have a pituitary tumor for which I take regular medication. I got some bad pain in January and went to see repromed and they did scan etc and bloods and found that my thyroid was not stablised so have increased my tablets from 2 per week to three per week and now 1 per day. If your thyroid function is not within normal range then there is a very high chance that you will miscarry so need to get it right before FET as all embies are precious Lucky DH has super sperm as that one less thing we have to worry about. I think I have enough issues for the both of us....

Might also get clinic to do extra scan when I start taking my progesterone as when I got AF after BFN it was very light and nothing like my trial run that I had done a few months before. So I might need more meds as if lining isnt thick enough then embie wont attach.

Well thats a quick run down on me - Sorry for the novel

IVF ED Oct 2010 BFN
FET April BFP then m/c
ED cycle Feb BFP m/c 8 weeks

Posted By: MAC35
Date Posted: 10 February 2011 at 11:09am
Thanks Chiqua

For the info. Congrats on your bub. I think my back is sore from lying down. Gonna ring boss now. Have plenty of sick leave. Want to be in top form for transfer.

TTC June 2006
ME 35 DH 48
IVF #1 Jan 2011 BFN
FET x1 April 2011 BFN
IVF #2 July 2011
IVF #3 Feb EC 2012

Posted By: MAC35
Date Posted: 10 February 2011 at 11:30am
Thanks Lisa for sharing. Not a novel! look at my unrelenting posts lately. I do have laptop on bed with me - lol. Good to understand where everyone is at. It such a touchy subject for us all.

We are infertile due to per sperm quality due to vasecetomy reversal 16 years post op!. I have never been pregnant to my knowledge. I have a not bad, not good e2 level on bloods day 4 post starting gonal F. (? it was 5 and should have 8 ) All other bloods okay I think. They think its because I exercie lots - yeah right not lately too knackered. Not in ticker because not passing blame. We are in this together.

Take care all. Novel writer in the making,

TTC June 2006
ME 35 DH 48
IVF #1 Jan 2011 BFN
FET x1 April 2011 BFN
IVF #2 July 2011
IVF #3 Feb EC 2012

Posted By: Daisy25
Date Posted: 10 February 2011 at 6:52pm
MAC that's great news about your embies - I have my fingers crossed for you that they continue to grow.
Re: your comment about sharing personal information. I say feel free to share away with any thoughts that are on your mind. When we found out that we needed to go down the IUI/IVF path, I can remember thinking that I was the only person in the world inflicted with such bad luck as I knew no-one that had been through IVF. I was so relieved when I stumbled across this forum and realised that there were other people out there who can relate to what I'm going through (although I wish none of us had to be going through IVF!)

LisaLoo - I hope they get your thyroid issues sorted quickly

Balcy - how's the wedding plans coming along?

Posted By: tischler
Date Posted: 10 February 2011 at 7:26pm
Mac35 - great fertilisation rate, fx'd they keep on growing! We are in a similar situation to you - failed vasectomy reversal (this was only after 5 years) and DH has azoospermia - nuda, nothing, zip, zero. Gutting. My AMH was low and FSH high at one point (though it varies). I've never been pregnant, and we believe I could over time if DH had swimmers, but like you - not apportioning blame, we're working together to get a lil bubba.

I've just realised that getting to the wait list in September may mean transfer around December ..... that's so much further away than September

I've just joked with DH that if he wants to spend $12 on farmville I'd do him a deal if I could spend $12000 on a baby (it'd be more but he got the drift) I have absolutely NO idea if we'd have a hope in heck of funding it, but it just seems so far away and that will have been about 18 months since our previous FET

Look forward to hearing more positive news from you all soon!

5 IVF/ICSI Cycles - 10 embryo's, 8 transfers, all BFN's.
Our journey to parenthood is over, and we join the unfortunate many for whom IVF does not work.

Posted By: balcy1
Date Posted: 10 February 2011 at 8:32pm
Well, AF turned up today... She is such a BITCH!!!!
She makes me nothing but grumpy, miserable and emotional every bloody month. Hmmm, its good to get that rant out.

August - Wedding plans are coming along great. Just over 4 weeks to go. It sure is one way to get time to speed along quite nicely. Also, I'm with you about this forum being so awesome. Its so good to realise that I'm not the only person going through this terrible journey.

MAC - thinking of you, and FX'd your embies are growing nicely. I look forward to hearing about how thinks turn out for you.

Its always so nice to hear of someone off here getting preggers, cos we all know the pain and heartache it is taking us all to get what we dream of...

Hope you have had a fantastic day!!!!


Posted By: MAC35
Date Posted: 11 February 2011 at 11:12am
To Darlings Gals

Wow coming through the other side. Hormones and head feel more right today.

August: thank you for your kind words, how you doing?. I have been a bit wacko with a few things lately. Wanting two embies transferred despite my age and willing to pay for it but FS ultimately made the decision due to PF which is the most sensible..... my brain now computes. Terrifeid there will be no embies on Monday. So gonna get occupied!   

The surreal this is that transfer is on Valentines Day, the day we meet 7 years ago when I gate crashed DH birthday party. Well not really, but close, I knew a friend, who had a friend, who had a friend lol.    Hopfefully this is good Karma.

Balcy: I have decided to get outside and paint the fence. Need to be occupied. Not far now, Wedding, post wedding business, that should knock off a few months. A honeymoon planned anywhere special?? Balcy I cried everytime my period came for about the last three years, yeah I was grumpy!.

Speaking of this...... does or did anyone ever look in the mirror with tummy poked out just to try and see what its like to have pregnant belly.

Tischler: Oh dear, more waiting I so know this feeling and realisation of more waiting. I am sad and grumpy with you. Thank you for sharing your fertity issues. I made US downsize housewise 1 year ago so that we could afford treatment if not lucky with PF. I would be glad to live in a cardboard box personally.   

To all other forum member positive vibes.

TTC June 2006
ME 35 DH 48
IVF #1 Jan 2011 BFN
FET x1 April 2011 BFN
IVF #2 July 2011
IVF #3 Feb EC 2012

Posted By: tischler
Date Posted: 11 February 2011 at 4:44pm
Mac35 - I just realised I hadn't answered one of your questions! In regard to emotions ...

Cycle 1 I 'thought' I was okay, pretty on the edge of emotions, crying watching TV etc but didn't seem too bad to me. However according to DH I was a basket case and he got the 'real Jo' back once the drugs had worn off.

Cycle 2 though, was MUCH better (we did a shorter protocol) - not as

Sounds like things are 'righting' themselves for you now though - yay!

I so hope that the V-day transfer and the positive history of the day means the wee emby sticks for you - fx'd

5 IVF/ICSI Cycles - 10 embryo's, 8 transfers, all BFN's.
Our journey to parenthood is over, and we join the unfortunate many for whom IVF does not work.

Posted By: seb77
Date Posted: 12 February 2011 at 7:45am
Hi Ladies
I have had quite a busy week at work this week so apologies for missing out on all the excitement. I am going to focus on Mac35 - who is about to have the best valentines day ever. You know we are all praying for you. And with your fertilisation success rate you may end up with a soccer team.
Have a lovely weekend everyone

PS Loved the question about the belly. Yes - of course I have!!! (I have even had morning sickness - ha ha ha)

Posted By: balcy1
Date Posted: 13 February 2011 at 1:49pm
MAC - will be thinkin of you tomorrow. Oh, and Happy 7 year Anniversary as well.
Hope all goes well. Fingers and Toes crossed for you.



Posted By: tischler
Date Posted: 13 February 2011 at 5:39pm
Ditto to Balcy's comments - hope you get the news you so deserve tomorrow

5 IVF/ICSI Cycles - 10 embryo's, 8 transfers, all BFN's.
Our journey to parenthood is over, and we join the unfortunate many for whom IVF does not work.

Posted By: MAC35
Date Posted: 13 February 2011 at 7:56pm
Thanks Gals for your kind words and positive vibes.

There are going to be great blasts tomorrow - more than one and they are going to stick to my endometrium!.

I will keep you posted. Evidently I then wait 16 days for blood test arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Get busy aye. Doing all those jobs I hate doing.

Have put on 1kg from eating naughty food and no exercise. GRGGHH

TTC June 2006
ME 35 DH 48
IVF #1 Jan 2011 BFN
FET x1 April 2011 BFN
IVF #2 July 2011
IVF #3 Feb EC 2012

Posted By: Daisy25
Date Posted: 13 February 2011 at 8:40pm
MAC - all the very best for you tomorrow. I hope it turns out to be a fantastic Valentines Day for you

Posted By: balcy1
Date Posted: 14 February 2011 at 5:12pm
Hope all went well for you today MAC!!!


Posted By: MAC35
Date Posted: 15 February 2011 at 7:01pm
Thanks for everyones well wishes over the last few days. I was really positive post transfer yesterday, with 9 egg collected, 8 fertilised 24 hour later and on ET 7 alive with 4 looking great. Today I expected a ring but when I heard nothing I rang. I wish I hadn't initally. Apparently they have letter in the post stating they only could freeze one and weren't gonna ring me.

Now I guess I am greedy or unrealistic and I know I am lucky to have two last till blast. But I had to cry
Anyway have been for a long walk on the beach with supportive DH and have righted my sad thoughts with positive hope that this is all gonna work out.   

TTC June 2006
ME 35 DH 48
IVF #1 Jan 2011 BFN
FET x1 April 2011 BFN
IVF #2 July 2011
IVF #3 Feb EC 2012

Posted By: tischler
Date Posted: 15 February 2011 at 7:18pm
Oh Mac it's just gutting isn't it. I was in a similar boat the first time with less getting on to blasty stage. It's almost as if once you have an embryo or two on board they aren't worried about the rest. But for goodness sake, just a quick call to let us know rather than a letter would be sooooo much better eh!

Stay positive though and we will all send sticky vibes to the little 1 (or did you transfer 2?)

Let's hope PUPO turns into UTD

everyone else!

5 IVF/ICSI Cycles - 10 embryo's, 8 transfers, all BFN's.
Our journey to parenthood is over, and we join the unfortunate many for whom IVF does not work.

Posted By: MAC35
Date Posted: 15 February 2011 at 7:22pm
Thanks Tisch - not sure what PUPO means?

TTC June 2006
ME 35 DH 48
IVF #1 Jan 2011 BFN
FET x1 April 2011 BFN
IVF #2 July 2011
IVF #3 Feb EC 2012

Posted By: tischler
Date Posted: 15 February 2011 at 7:27pm
Oh shoot - sorry! One of the IVF girls told me a while ago, it's bandied around a bit on the IVF chat forum I think. I think you'll like it: Pregnant Unless Proven Otherwise!

5 IVF/ICSI Cycles - 10 embryo's, 8 transfers, all BFN's.
Our journey to parenthood is over, and we join the unfortunate many for whom IVF does not work.

Posted By: balcy1
Date Posted: 16 February 2011 at 9:58pm
OK, so heres my gripe for the day.
My SIL has started trying for a baby... First month and she is late!!!


Posted By: balcy1
Date Posted: 16 February 2011 at 9:59pm
Oh, and to top it all off, she wont stop going on about it... Just what I need to hear about right now...


Posted By: LisaLooo
Date Posted: 17 February 2011 at 7:55am
MAC - So sorry you only got to freeze one Sending big hugs to you and I'm sure you will get a BFP

Balcy - Does your SIL know you are going thru IVF? Some people are just lucky hunny but remember all of the IVF babies are treasured as we all have to go thru so much to have them and know that because of this you will be the best Mum

A big "HI" to everyone else xx

IVF ED Oct 2010 BFN
FET April BFP then m/c
ED cycle Feb BFP m/c 8 weeks

Posted By: balcy1
Date Posted: 17 February 2011 at 1:25pm
LisaLooo - Yea, she knows what we have been thru. But she got AF this morning, so she wasnt as lucky as I thought.
Its just hard watching others start trying, and then holding their babies while we are still trying.

MAC - I have my fingers and toes crossed for you...


Posted By: Daisy25
Date Posted: 17 February 2011 at 7:27pm
Mac - I think it is not at all greedy or unrealistic to feel that way. It's suprising that they put that sort of information in a letter rather than phoning you though. I have my fingers crossed for you.

Balcy - I'm sorry to hear that your SIL isn't being sensitive towards you and what you have been through. You are right, life really is not fair, but I hope you are feeling a bit better today. With everything that I now know about infertility it absolutely astounds me that anyone can get pregnant on the first go, or even by accident!

Hi to everyone else

Posted By: seb77
Date Posted: 17 February 2011 at 8:49pm
Balcy - great news about your SIL (did I actually write that
I am not actually celebrating someone else's misfortune - just making us feel better.
Balcy1 spoke to reppers today. Seems like we will get a letter March / April for transfer May/June
We have decided to give IUI a go next month.
Here's to taking the crazy drugs again.
Hi to everyone else and sending positive vibes as always

Posted By: MAC35
Date Posted: 17 February 2011 at 10:29pm
Hey all

Heading away for the weekend 8 sleeps to a yes or no or a maybe I guess.

Balcy they just don't understand, the one's I have found who have the most empathy are my girlfriends who have just or still looking for their soulmate, they want this and a baby. Along with fellow members of this forum of course. I am sure you are sorry for her loss and maybe this will make her more sympathetic to your plight. Maybe.

Seb - Great news - good luck.

August - thanks for your kind words.

Tonight not feeling as pregnant as this morning but sure am tired. Will continue to be PUPO Roll on Friday afternoon week from now.   

TTC June 2006
ME 35 DH 48
IVF #1 Jan 2011 BFN
FET x1 April 2011 BFN
IVF #2 July 2011
IVF #3 Feb EC 2012

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