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Natural Miscarriage

Printed From: OHbaby!
Category: Support
Forum Name: Life After Miscarriage
Forum Description: Up to one in five pregnancies ends in miscarriage, yet for many the loss of a pregnancy is isolating and lonely. Share your thoughts and feelings here with others who have experienced loss.
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Topic: Natural Miscarriage
Posted By: GuestGuest
Subject: Natural Miscarriage
Date Posted: 13 January 2011 at 3:49pm
Hi guys, I miscarried naturally a couple of days ago and had an appt with the hospital this morning who said I don't need to do anything else. I would have thought I should have a scan and bloods done to check everything has gone and that my HCG levels are decreasing. I asked about both of these things and was told they would only do this if I was still cramping and bleeding a lot next week.

Does this sounds right to you? I have read on here about "retained product" so I'm a bit concerned about that. Any advice welcome! Thanks.

Posted By: Orca1
Date Posted: 13 January 2011 at 4:25pm

Sorry for your loss. I miscarried naturally just after xmas and I saw my doctor yesterday and I thought I would have to have a scan as well and I was told exactly the same thing as you were told.

DD born 2008
Oct 2009, April 2010, Dec 2010, June 2011

Posted By: kebakat
Date Posted: 13 January 2011 at 4:33pm
I'm sorry LR!

For my natural miscarriage I had no bloods or anything. I only had that for my ectopic to ensure that it had actually been flushed out since that is really dangerous

Posted By: AzzaNZ
Date Posted: 13 January 2011 at 4:46pm
Sorry LR

When I miscarried naturally I didnt have any scans and was told pretty much the same as you. I did ask for a follow up blood test because we wanted my HCG level to be below 5 before starting to try again.


Posted By: busymum
Date Posted: 13 January 2011 at 4:47pm
I also had a natural m/c, not ectopic, and it was left to do "the kindest way". I actually bled and cramped for two weeks, then 5 weeks later my period came back with bleeding and cramping for two weeks again. If there was any pain after that, going to the GP would have been the next step but there wasn't.

Bear in mind a lot of women don't even know they're having a natural m/c, it just seems like a period for a lot of ppl.


Posted By: GuestGuest
Date Posted: 13 January 2011 at 5:19pm
Thanks guys. There's no way I could have mistaken this for a period! It was the most horrendous pain of my life and I had to spent the entire night sitting on the toilet

Posted By: didi99
Date Posted: 13 January 2011 at 5:57pm
Hey LR, firstly I am so sorry to hear about your loss.
My naturopath actually said to me as horrible as it sounds the pain is a good sign that your body is doing what it should and it has all passed. Personally this time round I haven't bothered to get a scan or bloods as I kind of feel like it has all gone if that makes sense? If you have had the cramps and passed alot of large "bits" then I think chances are it is complete. It is scary when you hear about the nasty experiences some ladies have with retained product although I do think thankfully they are few and far between, we just hear about them and I think they stay in our minds as I can only imagine how much worse that must make a MC.

If you are still worried ask your GP for a blood test or a scan, you are better off to have peace of mind than to be stressing about it at a time when you need to be looking after yourself. (although you will probably need to wait at least a couple of weeks to have blood taken it as it can take a while for the HCG to leave your system)

Angel Babies Nov 09, May 10, Dec 10

Posted By: jazzy
Date Posted: 13 January 2011 at 6:07pm
Hi LR, I m/c naturally at 13weeks it actually feel like labour & went on for hrs, bloody awful experience. I had a follow up scan. I was under hospital care for the pregnancy so that & being 13 weeks could of been the reason for the scan. Can not remember doing bloods.

I fell pg 3mths later, was not trying as still upset over the loss & had given up...hope you fall pg soon

Posted By: pikelets
Date Posted: 13 January 2011 at 7:09pm
I am really sorry to hear that Litte Red

I naturally miscarried in December and I was not offered any follow up blood tests. I did request a scan to make sure it was all gone as I was having a dull pain (like ovulation pain) on one side. I really had the second scan for my peace of mind.

hun ...hope you are ok and have lots of support.

(edited for spelling mistake)


3 Angels - Dec10 / Mar11 / Dec11

Posted By: GuestGuest
Date Posted: 13 January 2011 at 7:17pm
Yeah I definitely passed 'large bits' and it went on for about 12 hours so I hope that means it's complete. I wasn't prepared for how severe it would be, I thought it would be just heavy bleeding with period pain. I imagine the pain would be similar to actual labour?

Posted By: mummyofprinces
Date Posted: 13 January 2011 at 7:39pm
Very much like early labour pains hun...

Im so sorry

My GP was great and just gave me a form for 3 x hcg's because I wanted them... the third one showed I was pg with Jake... I hope it happens quickly when you are ready to try again.


Posted By: busymum
Date Posted: 13 January 2011 at 8:40pm
I think that mostly depends on how far along you are. Also, if you were less than 8-12 weeks pg, you can do a pg test in a week or two to confirm your HCG levels have dropped, rather than a blood test. (If they have dropped you'll get a negative.)

ETA: Beware the baby blues in a few days. It's not well-advertised but the hormones will drop off like when you have a full-term baby and it's a crappy time. Sorry for your loss too


Posted By: mummyofprinces
Date Posted: 13 January 2011 at 9:51pm
OH I dont recommend doing the HPT thing.. I did that and got a +ive it was very distressing.


Posted By: busymum
Date Posted: 13 January 2011 at 10:41pm
oooo fair enough. I only got a negative so I knew what it was!


Posted By: Emmi_
Date Posted: 14 January 2011 at 10:05am
I MCed naturally at 6 and a half weeks. Had one BT done (I had gone to A and E as it was a Saturday) and tehy followed up with a BT on the monday. By then my bleeding was slowing down (Im sure baby was 'born' on the Sunday morning, which is why it slowed down after that) but they said it if got worse or went on for more than 4 weeks then to go to GP and get a scan done for retained product.
So sorry to hear about your MC LR, big hugs to you!


+1 May 09 Angel

Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 14 January 2011 at 10:26am
I m/c naturally at just shy of 7 weeks, it happened pretty quickly and the bleeding stopped after about a week. It was like an extra heavy painful period. They kept an eye on me but were happy that my levels were dropping nicely on their own so I didn't have to go back for a scan or anything.

Hope you are doing ok LR. Its a really sad crappy time so look after yourself.

Posted By: mitten
Date Posted: 14 January 2011 at 2:10pm
Hi LR,

Just saw this post and wanted to drop in to add that when I MCed naturally, there were no follow up blood tests or scans. But it all seemed to come out at once in the morning for me (I had been bleeding through my sleep though) which was quite traumatic but left me with not much doubt that it was over after a couple of hours on the toilet. Bleeding carried on for a few days but less than with a D&C I'd had for a previous miscarriage, where I did have some retained 'product' (SUCH a horrible term) and I had to go on antibiotics.

Ugh. I'm so sorry you've been through this. It's such a horrible thing to experience. Hugs xxx

Baby boy born 11 August 2011
January 2010
July 2010

Posted By: ElfsMum
Date Posted: 14 January 2011 at 3:13pm
hugs LR:(

my natural mc had no pain at all..I must be really weird.. but then it was only 6 weeks I other mc was missed one and DandC....

anyway because i had a missed one a few years earlier and they were concerned bout levels then they scanned me to be sure I had 'nothing left' :(

Mum to two amazing boys!

Posted By: Emmecat
Date Posted: 15 January 2011 at 2:09pm

I had a missed m/c at about 13-14 wks and had a D&C. But then I chose to have that rather than wait to have it 'naturally'  But but m/c at about 5 weeks was very painful and yes like Mel said, similar to early labour. another m/c though at about the same stage was just like a heavy period so guess they are all different.

Really sorry for your loss.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: fozziebear
Date Posted: 16 January 2011 at 5:20pm
I am really sorry for all your losses. I found out that I miscarriage at 6-7 weeks...this was through the a FS. It took another 3 weeks after that to finally m/c naturally. There was alot of pain and passes 2 large blood clots. Since then (about 1 and half weeks now) I have been bleeding, not heavy but it is like a very long period.

I was wondering how long after you miscarried did you bled for?

Again I am so sorry for all your losses.

Posted By: GuestGuest
Date Posted: 17 January 2011 at 9:27am
Hi Fozziebear, sorry to hear your news as well.

The hospital told me that it could be up to two weeks for the bleeding to stop completely. For me it's been a week now and I just have a bit of brown spotting.

Posted By: Orca1
Date Posted: 17 January 2011 at 1:21pm
Hi Fozziebear

Sorry to hear your news.   

It took two weeks for the bleeding to stop completely for me.   The hardest part for me was waiting for it to happen.

DD born 2008
Oct 2009, April 2010, Dec 2010, June 2011

Posted By: fozziebear
Date Posted: 17 January 2011 at 8:31pm
Thanks for your respones. I agree Orca is been a long process and it feels like it has been months when its been just a 1 and a half. I Have a GP appointment this week and I think I might ask her about a scan and a BT just for piece of mind. Just when I think that the bleeding is stopping it starts up again and its starting to play with my head i think.

Again sorry to hear of your loss and thank you again for your kind words and respones.

Posted By: GuestGuest
Date Posted: 18 January 2011 at 3:26pm
Hmmmm....I spoke too soon, the bleeding has started up again with a vengeance!

Posted By: Pook72
Date Posted: 18 January 2011 at 3:50pm
Hey guys

I'm really sorry for your losses.

If you have ANY concerns you don't have to wait for something to happen. Talk to your MW or OB and ask for a scan. It's your right and your body. I know everyone is different but it's a very emotional and sometimes frightening time.


June 99. June 09, Dec 09, Sept 10 March 12

Posted By: fozziebear
Date Posted: 18 January 2011 at 7:10pm
Little_Red so sorry to hear that. I do know what you are feeling. Over this past week (which is my 2nd week since MC) it has happen to me more then once. Tomorrow is the end of week 2 for me and it seems like there is no end in sight. I will be asking teh GP tomorrow what her thoughts are and that i want a scan and a BT to see what is happening.

Posted By: pikelets
Date Posted: 18 January 2011 at 9:43pm
Little Red and Fozziebear


3 Angels - Dec10 / Mar11 / Dec11

Posted By: whitewave
Date Posted: 18 January 2011 at 10:06pm
Little Red and Fozziebear - I think you totally have the right to demand a scan!
I started bleeding on Friday, and talked to my midwife (whom I haven't even met yet!) on Saturday night. She was going on holiday. but said to contact the other midwife she works with if I wanted a scan to see if I was miscarrying. Anyway, I rang yesterday, and a scan was arranged for today. Unfortunately the scan showed nothing there anymore.
Anyway, my point is, I got a scan, I can't understand why you two have been denied one? Unless its because it was unknown if I was miscarrying, and for you two it was obvious? Anyway, I reckon you should demand one!

Posted By: GuestGuest
Date Posted: 19 January 2011 at 9:16am
Hi Whitewave, sorry to hear your news.

I had a scan last week when I started bleeding to show that I had a missed miscarriage. Since then I have miscarried naturally but I'm keen to have a second scan at some stage if I keep bleeding like I am.

Posted By: fozziebear
Date Posted: 19 January 2011 at 5:26pm
I would go for that scan Little_Red. I found out today that I still have some retained product left. The funny part is that i got told that anything above 30 (not really sure what this number really means) they would send you for a D and C. And anything under 20 they would have you continue naturally. I found out that i am 24, so right in no mans land. After a lot of talk with the doctor we have decided to go with the d and C instead of waiting another 2 weeks for a rescan.

I hope that your bleeding stops soon for you.

Posted By: GuestGuest
Date Posted: 19 January 2011 at 9:46pm
Hey Fozzie, thanks for that. I thought that hcg would hang around my body for a few weeks anyway so I'm not really too concerned about that. At 6 wks it was around 30,000 so I wouldn't expect it to go down to zero after a week. I will probably wait another week and see what happens.

Good luck for the D & C.

Posted By: Orca1
Date Posted: 19 January 2011 at 10:47pm
Fozzie - I am pleased you got things sorted out and all the best for the D&C.   I am sure you will be looking forwardt to getting back to normal.

Whitewave, sorry for your loss.

DD born 2008
Oct 2009, April 2010, Dec 2010, June 2011

Posted By: whitewave
Date Posted: 20 January 2011 at 3:28pm
Hope the bleeding stops soon then, Little Red, and that you won't need another scan. But I reckon definitely ask again if you're still worried at all.
Good luck for the D & C, Fozziebear, hope it all goes well.

Posted By: pikelets
Date Posted: 20 January 2011 at 6:02pm
Sorry to hear of your loss Whitewave


3 Angels - Dec10 / Mar11 / Dec11

Posted By: fozziebear
Date Posted: 20 January 2011 at 6:39pm
Thank you for all your kind words. I go in tomorrow for the D and C. A little nervous and scared but looking forward to moving on.

Again I am sorry for loss. Take care of yourself.

Posted By: GuestGuest
Date Posted: 26 January 2011 at 2:22pm
Fozziebear, how did your D&C go? Hope you're doing ok.

My hcg level has gone down to 105 after 2 wks so I'm pretty happy with that. Will get it checked again next week to make sure it's still going down.

Posted By: fozziebear
Date Posted: 27 January 2011 at 8:26am
Hey Little_Red

D and C went fine I guess bleeding as started to stop (its like the end of your period stuff now). Hopefully in the coming days it will be gone for good (or until my next period).

Before going in for the D and C they test my hcg and it was 35 so it was dropping as well but I still had retained product.

Anyways I am waiting to put this behind us and move on to 2011. Fingers crossed for you that everything will settle down on its own.

Posted By: spanky77
Date Posted: 29 January 2011 at 9:23am
I guess you probably found my rantings from a few months back, with the 'retained product/baby', hope it didn't scare too much.

re scans, I asked a few times initially and they wanted to check betas initially, I think after 2 weeks I had that 2nd scan. The MRT's were striking aeround then too, as I recall.
Apparently they like your betas to have dropped by 80% after the main loss part, mine I think were taking a couple of days to even halve.
My body geared up to mc a few times spontaneously after the first misprostol, so I had an idea there was something still there, I also felt quite different to the mc I had the year before.

With the scan I was told that if what is remaining is over 2cms (I think) they want to D+C, mine was just under, but it took 2 months for the mc to completely resolve. It was a weird time as dealing with the ongoing physical stuff meant I kind of sidelined the mc grief, and haven't really felt the level of grief like I experienced for the one in 2009. But everyone is different, huh.
Big love to the ladies going through this right now, it does suck major arse

Posted By: Orca1
Date Posted: 04 February 2011 at 10:01am
Fozziebear and Little Red I hope things have settled down for you both now.   I have just finished my first period after my m/c. It was a strange period but I guess its going to take awhile to get back to normal.

I had a lot of blood tests done to see if there were any problems that could be causing the m/c and they all came back normal. So we are back on the TTC road and hopefully it won't take us long and we will have a nice sticky baby this time!

DD born 2008
Oct 2009, April 2010, Dec 2010, June 2011

Posted By: GuestGuest
Date Posted: 04 February 2011 at 12:00pm
My bleeding lasted for about 2 1/2 weeks. The day before it stopped I passed quite a decent clot so I guess that's what was causing the bleeding because there's been nothing since.

We're back on the TTC band wagon as well. Good Luck Orca and everyone else!

Posted By: fozziebear
Date Posted: 04 February 2011 at 7:46pm
Orca1 and Little_Red good luck with TTC. After thing for me is not back to normal whatever normal is. For My DH and I we are loving just being close again. For us we will be waiting until April for our next round of IVF. Hopefully with great results this time. Again all the best for both of you and thank you for you kind words and help over this time.

Posted By: confused89
Date Posted: 24 February 2011 at 11:14pm
when i had a M/c i went to the hospital and they took bloods and gave me pain releif then i was refered to the unit that deals with M/c was sent home and was expected to hea from them the next day to see the unit to have a scan i didnt see them untill two weeks after where i had bloods and a scan to see if everything has gone so my advice even though its the last thing we want to do is make sure you get your bloods done and a scan asap so it protects your health for future trying and they should monitor your hcg levels untill there below 10 which takes around 2-3 weeks depends hope this helped anyone its wat i went tru anyway

AND sorry for everyones losses its the worst thing ever

Posted By: confused89
Date Posted: 24 February 2011 at 11:17pm
but i do wish i had got on to the hospital sooner to have my scan they only found a large clot let which came out the next day so make sure you get these done if they say NO get a second opinion its the best option for you

Posted By: confused89
Date Posted: 10 March 2011 at 8:53am
hi guys

new update i still havent had my period my last period was on the 3rd of january 11 and its now the 10th march 11 my miscarriage was on the 1st of november 10 so its been 4 months and i still havent had my second period im so confused i was told when i naturally miscarried i had a scan two weeks after and was told eveything was okay i just had a clot left that came out two days later and then i got a normal period six weeks later and now nothing last month i took around 5 pregnancy test and had a blood test which showed my hcg levels at 0 should i take another blood test and pregancy test im so confused its worrying me i want it so bad but now i just want my period to feel normal again im not stress im trying my hardest to focus on other things

can anyone help

Angel baby 1/11/10

Posted By: Roses are Red
Date Posted: 10 March 2011 at 9:21am
If you are concerned go and see your GP, from what I understand your period should return within 8 weeks.


Angel March 2011

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