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You’ll just know

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Topic: You’ll just know
Posted By: busymum
Subject: You’ll just know
Date Posted: 28 February 2011 at 6:31pm
What is it with women and that phrase? You'll just know when you're in labour etc. This time it's you'll just know when you're family is complete. Is it really that airy-fairy? Is it based on cold hard facts like time, energy, finances or is there really an instinct factor to it?

We've just had #5 and one of these days I'm gonna be faced with the decision of whether to have any more kids. I'm really on the fence about it. There's no physical reason for me to stop, like my body is still quite capable of going thru another pregnancy. I think the biggest factor will probably be how much time we have to spread amongst the 5+ kids. But I know of plenty of families with more than 5.

How did you decide?


Posted By: myfullhouse
Date Posted: 28 February 2011 at 6:34pm
Originally posted by busymum busymum wrote:

This time it's you'll just know when you're family is complete.

I have always wondered about that as well. We are TTC #3 but how will I 'just know' that 3 is enough or not enough. It sounds airy-fairy to me!


Posted By: gypsynita
Date Posted: 28 February 2011 at 6:38pm
I knew within weeks of having my 2nd that I wanted another one... but whether I'll "just" know when to stop I'll have to wait and see!

Mum to Cian (Aug 08), Josh (Jun 10)">

Posted By: kiwi2
Date Posted: 28 February 2011 at 6:48pm
We just knew

No after our third we didn't try but we didn't not try for a bit and it didn't happen and then our priorities changed. I decided to get back into study and we just felt that we are ok with what we have. I think the biggest factor was the oldest hit teenage years and the attitude that goes with that completely put us off going thru it anymore than we have to.

If you are on the fence then you haven't finished.

Posted By: mumoftwins
Date Posted: 28 February 2011 at 7:27pm
I thought I was finished after #3.....even asked to have my tubes tied during the c-section! The OB asked us both if we were absolutely sure we wanted no more, and we both it wasn't done. We now have four children, we planned #4.....I just had this "someone is missing" feeling.
As soon as I got a BFP I "just knew" this was our last doubt about it. Tubes were tied when she was born and I have absolutely no regrets, and I feel our family is complete!!


Posted By: busymum
Date Posted: 28 February 2011 at 7:47pm
there's a good question - did your DH also just know, or was there differences of opinion to resolve?


Posted By: caliandjack
Date Posted: 28 February 2011 at 7:57pm
I was happy with our family of three the week after DD was born like we were finally a family and more than a couple.
Now I think I can do one more, but certainly no more than that.
For me age is a factor as I don't want to be pregnant at 40.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Angel June 2012

Posted By: mumoftwins
Date Posted: 28 February 2011 at 8:11pm
Originally posted by busymum busymum wrote:

there's a good question - did your DH also just know, or was there differences of opinion to resolve?

He was happy with 3, but when I said I wanted another he was happy with that too! He feels the family is complete now too.....he said ultimately the decision to have #4 was up to me as I was the one pregnant, breastfeeding, doing the bulk of the day-to-day child care...but he was happy either way


Posted By: rachelsea
Date Posted: 28 February 2011 at 8:17pm
That is a tough one. I *say* we're definitely only having two kids, but I don't *feel* like our family is complete yet. But I definitely know I don't want to think about having a #3 till #2 is over 3yrs old as there are things we want to do in the mean time. Maybe that'll change once #2 is actually here and I'll feel like our family is complete, but maybe not?! Haven't spoken to DH about this though - He keeps asking "are you sure we can handle two kids?" And I say "well this one is coming whether you like it or not!" so I'm thinking two will be enough for him

DD 4yrs
DS 2yrs" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: tishy
Date Posted: 28 February 2011 at 8:26pm
Well for me I fast forward 10-15 years and think about what I want my family to be. Not just numbers but also what I want to be able to provide for them.

For now what we deem is important to us is only really feasible with 2 kids. Luckily time is on my side so I have time to change my mind

The only reason I currently feel like I'm not finished is because I feel like I cheated the system and got 2 for 1

Posted By: Plushie
Date Posted: 28 February 2011 at 8:43pm
I certainly 'just know' that i'm done now with my one, the problem is convincing everyone else that its not just trauma from a recent pregnancy and birth and newborn care! The laughing reaction that statement gets from everyone (You'll change your mind, they all say that, i said that after my first etc) make me want to second guess myself, but no, i'm done.

Posted By: floss
Date Posted: 28 February 2011 at 8:49pm
Before we had kids we only wanted 2, but then as fate decided that we needed 3 we were happy. Now though I look at all my friends having more kids and would love another one, partly because I felt a bit ripped off that we never got the choice to have a 3rd or not.

However I know that I could only ever handle 3 for myself and even that is a struggle sometimes, maybe it would be different if they were 3 different ages im not sure.

Altho hubby got fixed after the twins were born so no more kiddies for us now!

My beautiful big girl Sienna 15.04.06

Double the trouble double the fun Noah & Lola 10/11/07

Posted By: Manda08
Date Posted: 28 February 2011 at 9:09pm
Intersting, i have always only wanted 2 kids, i want to be able to do the fun things with them like take them over seas etc, so when i got my BFP with this one i knew it was the last time i would ever get one, and just through the whole pregnancy im like well this is the last time, when we found out it was another boy people said you will have another you need to have a girl. Well actually im perfectly happy with 2 boys, and thats what will be, there wont be a 3rd, i have told DP once this baby is born and healthy hes off for the snip! Apparently im too young for my tubes to be tied...


Posted By: emz
Date Posted: 28 February 2011 at 9:22pm
I did just know. We both only ever wanted 2 kids (mainly because once you hit 3, you need to upsize and with our 2 mediocre incomes we wouldn't be able to provide them with what we wanted to and do what we wanted to do), and while I was quite sad when Ava was a baby that she was my last one (because Jack had been ill, then she was a screaming reflux baby and I wanted to enjoy my last baby) but as soon as she started outgrowing stuff, it was sold! It was a great feeling to move on to the next stage.

Posted By: tictacjunkie
Date Posted: 28 February 2011 at 10:07pm
Jolly good question, one that we're facing now ourselves.
For me I am torn, I don't feel like we're finished, and DH would really like more, we're comfortable financially on one income now, & when they're older I'll return to workforce as well. Age isn't an issue yet either, I'm 28, DH is 32. But I'd like the freedom to be able to cart one of them off on a working holiday building schools in Nicaragua for example, I can't do that if I've still got toddlers at home. I wonder if I don't feel finished yet because of some inbuilt biological thing, hormones ruling your emotions and all. I'd quite like to feel finished at the moment, but there is that niggling doubt. I would be glad to know how you know to be honest!

Posted By: busymum
Date Posted: 28 February 2011 at 10:13pm
Originally posted by Manda08 Manda08 wrote:

i have told DP once this baby is born and healthy hes off for the snip! Apparently im too young for my tubes to be tied...

What's too young? LOL and is there a Is your DP much older than you or is there no such thing as 'too young' for guys?

Despite having 5 kids, we're pretty young as well. It's funny to think that we could have a 5-10yr break and then still have more!! We're 28 & 30


Posted By: LouD
Date Posted: 28 February 2011 at 10:25pm
Originally posted by Manda08 Manda08 wrote:

Intersting, i have always only wanted 2 kids, i want to be able to do the fun things with them like take them over seas etc, so when i got my BFP with this one i knew it was the last time i would ever get one, and just through the whole pregnancy im like well this is the last time, when we found out it was another boy people said you will have another you need to have a girl. Well actually im perfectly happy with 2 boys, and thats what will be, there wont be a 3rd, i have told DP once this baby is born and healthy hes off for the snip! Apparently im too young for my tubes to be tied...

Thats funny cos I too went through my whole pregnancy saying the same thing and even after havng him I maintained that for a few weeks but then that niggling started....i have 3 boys, altho one is a teenager and lives with his dad so I only have 2 boys at home.......Its funny cos the OB said that when he asked if i wanted my tubes tied and when I said NO he said I will end up having another then......i was soooooo mad at him for making that assumption.....but LOL he must know what hes talking about.
I honestly thought I was done!!!!!! but now I know Im not and not for a girl (well a weeny bit to try for girl) but mostly cos I see my family bigger in the future by another ONE.....

Not that Im saying you will change your mind but you sounded like me, i was super adamant!!

Posted By: LouD
Date Posted: 28 February 2011 at 10:27pm
And I cant bring myself to sell ANYTHING....and we are having a garage sale and DH wants to get rid of it all......but Im very reluctant

Posted By: escadachic
Date Posted: 28 February 2011 at 10:43pm
I remember after 1, I said, never again! But by the time she was 6 months old, I was like, ok, maybe 1 more, but no more then that. I had number 2, with the thought that this will be my last. And I was quite adamant about that. Now, I'm not sure either way. I hear going from 1 to 2 kids, is a big shock. But once you've got that sorted, going for 2 to 3 isn't so bad. Now that I can handle being a mum to 2, I've wondering if I could handle another. Financially right now, no. We'll see. I worry about the reoccurence of PND though. As I fear I could get it again and much worse. It is a big fear of mine, as only 12 months later, am I only just getting better.


Posted By: High9
Date Posted: 01 March 2011 at 10:42am
We've been discussing this a lot here, while we only have one and would be completely happy just having one we would be more than happy to have another should we fall pregnant again (we aren't TTC but are thinking about trying maybe end of next year or year after)... DP has always said 2 is his max and he doesn't want anymore, I've bought up but what if I want more... So we've come to the agreement that at the time we'll just see how things are and see what happens. It's kinda scary deciding no more as well as thinking one more iygwim!


Posted By: linda
Date Posted: 01 March 2011 at 10:52am
DH was after after DS2 but I always felt that I wasn't quite finished. I did think it would be good to try again with the thought of trying for a girl but very realistic that we would probably have another boy and we did, twin boys.

After DS2 I just never felt like I wanted to get rid of clothes etc as I did feel that I had the 'need' for another child but now after the twins I am definitely done and that 'need' for more has gone


Alex 6 and Harry 8

Posted By: queenbean
Date Posted: 01 March 2011 at 11:03am
I "just know" I want another one, however DH "just knows" he doesn't


Posted By: UpsyDaisy
Date Posted: 01 March 2011 at 11:04am
Good topic we umm and ah... I say I will decide when the two are two!

We saw the book of Eli (rubbish movie) but when DH said we could call another Eli I thought hmmmm but am pretty scared of having twins again.

If you knew me you would realise that that is just the sort of thing to happen to me....

Posted By: SMoody
Date Posted: 01 March 2011 at 11:15am
For us this is something that we discussed beforehand. And theoretically we said two kids. We both came from a family of three and either wanted one, two or four kids. Four seemed to many to us. And one we think we would get too protective etc.

Then we had trouble concieving and we would be happy with just one. But then Andrew came so easily to us. And after I had him I was a bit sad. Thinking I wont have this again. But I knew we said two and hubby insisted only two. We discussed it after I asked him straight up what happens if I say I really really want another and he told me it is always open for discussion but I know where he stands and he wont be very happy.

But then we had a condom break on us and I realised I really honestly dont want another one. I will always have that feeling of Aaaah a newborn. Or wanting that kicking feeling in your tummy etc. But I am really done having kids.

We will however decide to perhaps adopt later on if both of us feel we would like another one but that is much later on the cards. For now our two is more than enough for us.

Part of the reasons: I am a SAHM and it will be a lot more difficult financially to have another, bigger car, bigger house, less time, more pressure etc.


Posted By: BugTeeny
Date Posted: 01 March 2011 at 11:59am
I always wanted three kids, DH only ever wanted two.
Now that we have our two, I've counted my blessing and am definitely happy to stop there.
I feel "I just knew" when Mason was born that that was it. 7 months on I'm still happy and ready to march DH to the snip-snip clinic


Posted By: T_Rex
Date Posted: 01 March 2011 at 12:00pm
My biggest driver is more about them than me. I come from a bigger family, and whilst I think it was too many, I LOVE having my brothers and sisters, especially now I'm an adult. Admittedly, I almost never see some of them due to geography, but I do like having others living close by. It also makes me sad for DH, having just one sister who he isn't close to.

So I want my kids to have *enough* brothers and sisters. So probably 3-4 kids for us, I think. I don't think i'm done yet, but if this baby is as hard going as DD was, I might be!

I grew up pretty poor, and had never been overseas (almost never been on holiday) because of it, however I had a mostly pretty wonderful childhood, and I've been overseas myself as an adult and probably enjoyed it more than I would have as a kid anyway. I didn't have all the latest toys etc, but I'm a great budgetter, and a very creative cook, and I appreciate what I do have. And most of all, I have this awesome collection of siblings that to me are worth more than any material item or memory of great, expensive experiences as a kid.

So thats my take


Posted By: EmDee
Date Posted: 01 March 2011 at 12:53pm
After number 2 was born I 'just knew' I wasn't done, but after lots of discussions, DH & I decided that 2 was enough for us. I grieved for a couple of weeks then started to move on.

A few weeks later ... surprise BFP! I was shocked to begin with but rapidly got over it and started looking forward to adding to the family. When number 3 was a few months old, I found myself getting clucky again. I've been telling myself since then that 3 children are enough, believing that DH wouldn't want any more.

Recently we discussed it and he told me that he hasn't actually decided and that part of him wants more, gah! So I've told him that it is his decision and asked him to decide by our youngest's birthday in June. I'm already starting to think of life with only the 3 kids and all the positives of it, so if he decides that 3 is enough then I'll be fine with it.

DS 8
DD 6
DS 4
DD 2

Posted By: BessieBear
Date Posted: 01 March 2011 at 1:04pm
I some times get the feeling we should be done now. But I've alway's wanted a bg family. now that I have 2 I still want more, I know were not complete, but I also think how am i going to cope with more when these 2 drive me round the bend.
I 'want' 4, but DH only wants 3, I changed his mind for a while there, but the thought of having a car with more than 3 back seats is scaring him. So I said that we'll have 3 then instead of a 4th, we'll get a dog.  So I'll have a baby forever.

I know a family, who had ther 12th (yes their TWELTH) baby last tuesday. She still wants more, but he's said the bus is full. But I don't believe she feels finshed.  

Sarah Mum to,
Boy 07/2008, Girl 03/2010, Boy 05/2012, Angel 07/08/2014

Posted By: ElfsMum
Date Posted: 01 March 2011 at 1:30pm
we just 'knew' as well..for me it's going from the aching for another baby to the 'oh they are cute' lol:) and for Dh he only ever wanted two so that was that:) really i do think you 'just know' for a lot of people but i guess for some people they decide based on finances etc..but those people just know they want another but cant afford one or whatever:) screw the knowing you are in labour thing lol

Mum to two amazing boys!

Posted By: ElfsMum
Date Posted: 01 March 2011 at 1:36pm
re whats too young for tube tying i guess 30..cause i was 32 and they were fine with it but my friend was 30 and there was no way they would let her:(

Mum to two amazing boys!

Posted By: crafty1
Date Posted: 01 March 2011 at 1:37pm
This is so tricky. For me i always thought we would have 3 but then DS2 was such a difficult baby that we have changed our minds. I didn't feel like i was being a good mum to either of my beautiful boys for about 7 months there and so for me it is that i'd rather give my boys the best of me than stretch myself another way.

I would kind of like another, but only if we win lotto and have a nanny! I really am not the nicest person when i don't have sleep for a long time and find the utter dependence hard as i really like some personal space. DS2 had to carried screaming for months and months and months. I got to the point where i didn't like him very much and would snap at my wonderful toddler over nothing and then be crying and feeling bad about it. So we'd all be crying and miserable and trapped. The thought of going through that again just sends chills down my spine!

So for me although i don't 100% 'feel' done my head is over ruling it! I don't feel incomplete as a family either.


Posted By: Raspberryjam
Date Posted: 01 March 2011 at 1:47pm
Im not done, I have never wanted only 2 kids, and I have a sneaking suspicion that three might not be the 'magic number' either but I guess I will no after number 3 arrives
Womans intuition is a wonderful thing - my instincts have served me well aon a number of occasions and I think I will just go with them


Posted By: Bel
Date Posted: 01 March 2011 at 1:47pm
We just knew! When our relationship got to the stage of discussing how many kids we would like, we both wanted two and now that we have them both of us are really happy with the decision. DH had his tubes tied when Amy was a year old we haven't regretted it yet!

I agree with Elfsmum that the moment I knew was when I went from the aching for another baby to the 'oh they are cute' lol:) People look at me and comment on how clucky I can be - I'm not I just love other peoples little babies.

Mum to two beautiful kids   
Luke (09.11.2007)
Amy (01.04.2009)

Posted By: my4beauties
Date Posted: 01 March 2011 at 1:58pm
After having each of the children (except my first) I always said I wasn't having anymore.  But then once the baby turned 1 I'd get clucky again.  After #3 I said that was definitely it and no more kids and I was fine with that as we'd always said we'd have 3 kids.  But Dh started talking #4.  I wasn't convinced for a long time because I never wanted 4 children, the idea never entered into my head.  But knowing Dh was the one to actually want another, I knew that IF we did have one more he'd be supportive and help out.  There is no way I'd have anymore without him wanting another and not being supportive.  But now - since having #4 there is NO way I'm having anymore and well "I just know".  Dh is the same.  Four is enough for us as I'm exhausted mentally from looking after young kids.  I love babies and always will, but that's not enough reason to have another child.  They don't stay babies forever.  I'm looking forward to when they're older and there's no nappies needed or carseats.  But till then, I'm loving my babies!!

My babies:

R (9),G (7), J (5)" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Babykatnz
Date Posted: 01 March 2011 at 2:03pm
I'm 27, about to have #3 and I have known through the whole pregnancy that this was it... whereas when I had Jae I knew I wasnt finished, but DP started off being very adamant that one was enough for him (my oldest is to a diff dad). Needless to say he very quickly came around to my way of thinking and agreed ot have one more after seeing it wasn't ALL sleepless nights and feeding dramas, he is very excited about this ones impending arrival.

And the hospital is allowing me to get my tubes tied, but only because this is c-section #3, I imagine they'd say otherwise if that wasnt the case.

I've never been the 'clucky' kind of person.. I'll look at peoples babies and think 'oh, cute...' but thats pretty much it.. but when i wanted a baby, I WANTED a baby... still didnt get clucky over other peoples babies, but I really wanted my own... lol.

I never planned to have 1, 2 or 3 (or however many) kids, this is just how its panned out, and I made the decision myself to make sure I wont be having any more children after this one. I didnt think it was fair on DP to make the permanent choice when not all 3 of my kids are his, something may happen to me down the line and he may decide he wants another child, whereas I 'just know' (heh) that I'm done, regardless of how my life goes from here.

Bowie, for what its worth, I had no intention of having kids for a while when I got preg with DS, and after the pregancy, labour and birth (and recovery!) I was dead set against having any more (plus I was never a 'baby' person)... the fact that his father and I split up cemented the decision as far as I was concerned... then I met DP who couldnt wait to have kids, and the rest as they say...

Brandon - 05/12/2003

Posted By: Whateversville
Date Posted: 01 March 2011 at 2:13pm
I definatly know I'm not finished. I'm currently single but I just know there is a guy out there for me and we'll have more babies..I'd like to have another 2-3 kids. Depends tho, on my age when I meet said man. I've always said, if I wasn't single, I'd have been TTC from when DS was about 6months old.

Posted By: MrsEmma
Date Posted: 01 March 2011 at 2:18pm
I 'just know' I want two children. DH and I talked so many times about kids in our 9 years together and we both agreed that two was it. I grew up in a family of 3 children and DH is an only child, I didn't want three of my own and DH didn't want one as he always longed for a sibling and we definitely didn't want four, so two was the magic number

Some say 'just wait and see' but we know this baby will be our last and DH will happily get the snip in a year or so when he's over 30


Posted By: tictacjunkie
Date Posted: 01 March 2011 at 2:23pm
Re tubes tied- it's mostly up to your ob I think. I was offered it after #3 when I was 23, it was my 3rd c-sect though so that may have had something to do with it.

Posted By: kiwikt
Date Posted: 01 March 2011 at 3:17pm
I have always wanted 3-4 children.

But because of IVF we may be limited to two. I am pregnant with out first out of our first round of IVF, but we have no more eggs left now. So it will be IVF again for #2. If we dont get any spare eggs out of that one, I dont see how we could afford IVF for #3, with two kids already.

I come from a small family - just two kids and very few cousins. DH comes from a large family - four kids and billions of cousins.

He only wants two kids, but after my brother died, I thought how nice it might have been if I had another sibling.

So it is a wait and see for us. I still want three kids - but whether we are blessed with them remains to be seen. Either way we will be happy with what we get.

Due 14/10/11">

Posted By: ginger
Date Posted: 01 March 2011 at 4:28pm
We were a happy, complete family of 3 - both DH and I were perfectly comfortable with that and didn't feel a need to have a second. Although we were going through the motions of embryos transfers after Cuinn, it was because he had the embryos - we, neither of us, really expected to have another and as time went on, we were quite resolved - we never expected to become pregnant naturally, and made the decision to not do any further IVF cycles. We were done and happy. Of course, nature intervened after all, and we have No. 2 on the way, but I'll get my tubes tied when this one is born (c/s - have it done at the same time) and I'm really happy with that decision. I just know I'm afraid

Cuinn Lachlan 23.1.09 - 22:00
Antonia Helene 4.8.11 - 09:41

Posted By: _H_
Date Posted: 01 March 2011 at 5:54pm
Interesting topic-DP only wants 2 but im not sure i want either 3 or 4. But as kiwikt said it depends on what we are blessed with and how many embryos we get (or if we can save enough money for another round of IVF)

Posted By: My3Sons
Date Posted: 01 March 2011 at 6:06pm

I just know I want another one......however somewhere along the line common sense has to kick in unfortunately lol!! We have our hands full with 3, our house is full our car is full and our sanity is questionable at times!  I would dearly love another and I will be 34 this year so I kind of feel like my clock is ticking.  DH is adamant though NO MORE!!  It is still a slight bone of contention although I have tried to convince him otherwise he wont budge and I am slowly coming to terms with it.  Thankfully my sister has a gorgeous 3 month old so I get to have baby cuddles and give her back!!

Mum to Mr 10, Mr 6 and Mr 4

Posted By: Kalimirella
Date Posted: 01 March 2011 at 8:01pm
I just knew I wanted another one about 2 hours after Kiara was born lol. And the more she grew up the more nostalgic I became about getting to go through all the stages again.

The thing is, I had to talk my partner into this 2nd child, he was quite happy with just the one (though the way he is with her he will be quite happy with another too)
However I can't say definitively I don't want another, cause I feel like I may end up with 4 O.o (don't quote we on that). But for health reasons there will be a bigger gap before the next one(two I like even nummbers :D)

Kiara is 3 and Teagan is 2, now we're expecting our long awaited 3rd!" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: mumoftwins
Date Posted: 01 March 2011 at 8:49pm
Originally posted by tictacjunkie tictacjunkie wrote:

Re tubes tied- it's mostly up to your ob I think. I was offered it after #3 when I was 23, it was my 3rd c-sect though so that may have had something to do with it.

If you have them done during a c-section they don't seem as strict on the age etc.....but if you have it done as a separate surgery you need a certain number of points to qualify for it publicly. I was 33, had 3 kids and was possibly looking at a miscarriage and told I was too young by my doctor! However the pregnancy continued and I had them tied during my c-section with no questions from my OB (I have anti-bodies that can be dangerous to baby so had I not asked to have them tied, the OB said he would have strongly suggested it to me!!)


Posted By: millymollymandy
Date Posted: 01 March 2011 at 8:49pm
Two's enough for me I have known this since I was young. Personally I don't really like the whole newborn thing. Sleep deprivation leads to depression for me. Not that I don't love my kids! I also don't want to be having a baby in my 40s. DH wanted more until we had kids! lol

Posted By: _Deb_
Date Posted: 02 March 2011 at 8:34am
Some people say that they just felt they were "done". Like they were happy and content with the kids they had and didn't feel the urge to have anymore. That their family just felt complete.

I thought i didn't want anymore after #2, especially since my two were both reflux babies with sleeping issues for a long time. But after a while i started to want another. I hoped i wouldn't get that urge. lol. But we'll be trying for #3 next year. I'm hoping i won't get the urge to have anymore after that, 'cause we won't be! Haha.


Posted By: fattartsrock
Date Posted: 03 March 2011 at 3:36pm
Yep I was definately "done". I was done at one, but had another cos my hubby wasn't "done". He then had a vasectomy when C was 5 weeks old, so thats it. Persaonlly though, I actually didn't plan on having children so maybe that "sealed" my "doneness". After J though I did feel very clucky straight after, but waited utill J was almost one before TTC, with C I have never ever felt clucky.
I also think terrible pregnancies and chronic morning sickness played a huge part in the Uh uh, no more thing too.
I guess you look around you table and at your family pictures and see if you can "see" another face in there somewhere. (i'm stealing that from Petra Bagust)

The Honest Un PC Parent of 2, usually stuck in the naughty corner! :P

Posted By: jaycee
Date Posted: 03 March 2011 at 4:11pm
I know I am not done and that damn clock it getting VERY loud in my head but I think that DH is probably done. He was always less keen than me.
I am the opposit to fattarts - pg & birth pretty easy on me. BF was the really terrible bit.

I haven't given away any of our baby stuff yet, only loaned out a couple of things. I am 36 so I don't have as much time to sort this out as some!

My two are at a funny stage where there are a lot of days when i think - am I mad to want another??? As they are close in age they play together a lot and thus fight like cat & dog Maybe in a couple of months, once Amy is in school I will try to make a more final decision


Posted By: RedHeadDuck
Date Posted: 03 March 2011 at 4:31pm
TBH I'm not clucky I don't think. I think babies and all that are nice, but don't think I'm very clucky. But we are still planning #2 for when #1 is about 3ish or so...

At this stage, I think 2 will be it for us though. Although I have plenty of time to change my mind as it means I'll be having #2 when I am 23 and DH will be 29/30 (depending on when #2 is due) so we'll see At this stage it could sway either way. Dh is open (kinda...) to the idea of #3 so I guess it depends on where we are in life. Either way I think we'll wait until #1 is about 5 and #2 about 2 till we decide (for similar sized gaps inbetween)

I just need to think of a long term, but temporary form of contraception after #2 cos no way do I wanna keep taking the pill for years to come!!

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