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The "seeing what happens" girls

Printed From: OHbaby!
Category: Planning Pregnancy (trying for baby)
Forum Name: Planning Pregnancy (trying for baby)
Forum Description: Trying to get pregnant? Going through fertility treatment? Just planning your first or second child? There are many people out there in the same boat to help and listen and share with
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Topic: The "seeing what happens" girls
Posted By: PorterLou
Subject: The "seeing what happens" girls
Date Posted: 23 March 2011 at 9:33pm

I'm starting this new thread, mostly cause I couldn't find the thread for me now that I'm no longer specifically "waiting to TTC" (though I'm still chatting with those girls!!). So it was a toss up between "seeing what happens" or "TTC and over 30" (I'm 6 months over 30).

I have just stopped taking the pill, and my DF and I are "seeing what happens". I'm not charting (I'm not that disciplined) and we're not BDing at the right time. But I am taking folic acid, I've been to the doc for a check up, and avoiding "that extra wine" on a Friday. We are going to "see what happens".

I've been on the pill for 12 years. I first went on it for my skin, and for contraception. I have no idea what my body and skin is going to be like post pill.


Posted By: meganflett
Date Posted: 23 March 2011 at 10:09pm
Not currently trying but didn't want to read and run.

DH and I wern't actively trying but we wern't not trying either and i am currently 31 and a bit weeks pregnant so it can happen when you least expect it !!

Best of luck !


Posted By: nannikin
Date Posted: 23 March 2011 at 10:10pm
good luck PL! look forward to joining you here in june :) hope your body behaves itself with all those hormones running free

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Posted By: PorterLou
Date Posted: 23 March 2011 at 10:40pm
Ha ha nannikin, I knew I could tempt you girls to come play in here as well!!

Meganflett - thanks! I have lots of people telling me that too. But we are engaged and I kinda want to be married first, so if it takes a little while its ok. I think my sisters are taking bets...


Posted By: Roses are Red
Date Posted: 23 March 2011 at 10:41pm
This is the best place to be - pregnancy always seems to happen when the stress is not there... there are so many of the charting and TTC girls that stop trying and get preggy so quick...

Good luck with whatever happens


Angel March 2011

Posted By: BessieBear
Date Posted: 24 March 2011 at 9:52am
Originally posted by PorterLou PorterLou wrote:

Ha ha nannikin, I knew I could tempt you girls to come play in here as well!!

Meganflett - thanks! I have lots of people telling me that too. But we are engaged and I kinda want to be married first, so if it takes a little while its ok. I think my sisters are taking bets...

We are not!
If you're anything like us (and your mother) He'll just look at you and you'll be UTD.

Sarah Mum to,
Boy 07/2008, Girl 03/2010, Boy 05/2012, Angel 07/08/2014

Posted By: jaycee
Date Posted: 24 March 2011 at 10:30am
Hi PorterLou - that is kind of what DH and I did. I had been on the pill for years and had no idea about my cycle or when was a good time for TTC (had to buy a book )I had never heard of charting and all that. I was quite amazed at just how ignorant I was about my own body and the whole process after so many years of trying NOT to get UTD!!

I came of the pill about the February and got my BFP in the September. It was a good way to do it.

Good luck on your journey and hopefully there will be lots of other ladies joining you here


Posted By: ChikkyD
Date Posted: 24 March 2011 at 2:34pm
Hi PorterLou,

"seeing what happens" is exactly what DF and I did and now have our little girl! I took around 8 months before i got a BFP and the suprise of my life! I think it takes the stress out of TTC as with charting etc your kind of thinking about it everyday taking temps and tracking ovulation which i think can end up taking over

Although now that your not on the pill you will begin to 'symptom spot' around AF time each month hehe

I have just been discharged from my midwife and have no plans to go back on the pill so i guess we will just 'see what happens' again


Posted By: popcorn
Date Posted: 24 March 2011 at 5:14pm
This is me!

have just gone off the pill, would like to have a few natural periods before getting pregnant so giving my body a bit of a break at the moment!

Have finally just got my period back, day 34 of the cycle! We arent going to chart or anything, just seeing what happens for a few months before starting to try actively, great idea for a thread!

Posted By: Hopes
Date Posted: 24 March 2011 at 5:31pm
Ooh, yay, I'm pleased you chose this rather than 'over 30', I don't fit that camp, but I do fit this one. Jacob took a long time to conceive, and so now AF is back I'm more than happy for a brother or sister for him, but aren't wanting to jump into the stressful world of actually trying hard for one yet, so we're just 'seeing what happens'


Posted By: nannikin
Date Posted: 24 March 2011 at 9:12pm
Originally posted by PorterLou PorterLou wrote:

Ha ha nannikin, I knew I could tempt you girls to come play in here as well!!

let's be honest here it didn't take too much

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Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 24 March 2011 at 10:40pm
Hi ladies, love the thread, nice and relaxed! I will be interested to pop in here from time-to-time as I am charting but came off BCP in early November and am having trouble getting my cycles back to normal. Will be keen to see how you all get on.

Good luck and baby dust to everyone!

Posted By: Kalimirella
Date Posted: 24 March 2011 at 10:50pm
Hehe we did the, lets see what happens thing (after convincing my DP it would take AGES), off BCP 1 month later period and now I'm 18 weeks UTD :D

This seeing what happens thing seems to work really well lol.

Kiara is 3 and Teagan is 2, now we're expecting our long awaited 3rd!" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: PorterLou
Date Posted: 25 March 2011 at 7:27am
Wow, what a response! Thank you girls for being so wonderful and supportive and keen to join in! The people in my life who know are offering all sorts of advice, which is great, but we really are just carrying on as normal and if it takes a year then it does!

Jaycee - I too bought a book ! Funnily enough I didn't realise the was only a few days when I am fertile, I stupidly thought as long as there is no AF, I could. But maybe it was because I was trying to make sure I couldn't/wouldn't get pregnant!

Congrats to all the ladies with bubbas, and good luck to everyone else!

A bit about me. I live in Welly with my DF. We got engaged in November, although we have not yet purchased our ring or set a date. I work full time, studying part time for a BBS and I'm a runner so I'm out running most days, or at the gym when its wet!

I'm looking forward to getting to know you all!


Posted By: caliandjack
Date Posted: 25 March 2011 at 8:37am
Great idea porterlou this will be us at the end of the year, we're not trying not preventing for #2, accept having a 5 month old baby is proving to be contraceptive enough.

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Angel June 2012

Posted By: Brunettie86
Date Posted: 25 March 2011 at 8:59am
I like this place already.

I'm 24 and my DH is 27, we have been "seeing what happens" since December 2010. My AF is due on Monday but hopefully we get a BFP this month instead!

I am not into charting etc. as I think I would become so stressed about it that the negatives would outway the positives.

Anyway good luck to everyone who is "seeing what happens"!!!

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Posted By: Birdie
Date Posted: 25 March 2011 at 9:48am
Originally posted by caliandjack caliandjack wrote:

Great idea porterlou this will be us at the end of the year, we're not trying not preventing for #2, accept having a 5 month old baby is proving to be contraceptive enough.

Ha ha C & J I thought the same too but have somehow got UTD again!!! I did not even think we BD that month but have been proven wrong!!!

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Posted By: ChikkyD
Date Posted: 25 March 2011 at 11:24am
How contraceptive if breastfeeding exactly? My midwife said that your pretty safe up until 6 months.

Depends when you get your periods back i guess??


Posted By: T_Rex
Date Posted: 25 March 2011 at 1:00pm
I'm pretty sure to use BF as a contraceptive, the *rules* are that you BF on demand, and let baby do all their sucking on you - ie. no expressing and no dummies. The sucking stimulus actually has quite a strong supressing effect on your repro hormones apparently. And then should be pretty safe up till about 6 months. But, like every contraceptive, it's not failsafe!

For me, it came down to that if I got UTD before I'd been back at work for a year, I'd not be eligible for maternity leave and would lose a job I really love. So the consequences were too steep for me to risk it and I went on the minipill. If the consequences would have been simply a closer age gap than I originally planned, then I probably would have taken the risk.

Hehe, for the record, I did the "see what happens, it'll probably take ages" thing twice. 6 weeks and 2 weeks later, I was UTD


Posted By: Birdie
Date Posted: 25 March 2011 at 5:05pm
Originally posted by T_Rex T_Rex wrote:

I'm pretty sure to use BF as a contraceptive, the *rules* are that you BF on demand, and let baby do all their sucking on you - ie. no expressing and no dummies. The sucking stimulus actually has quite a strong supressing effect on your repro hormones apparently. And then should be pretty safe up till about 6 months. But, like every contraceptive, it's not failsafe!

Yeah thats what I though but it did not work for me!!!! DD was 5 months old!

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Posted By: caliandjack
Date Posted: 25 March 2011 at 5:17pm
lol the reason DD works so well as a contraceptive is cause there isn't much bding going on.

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Angel June 2012

Posted By: _Soda_
Date Posted: 25 March 2011 at 5:31pm

hi all!

not quite ready to join you yet haha DD is only 11 weeks old and im not THAT eager to extend my family "just" yet...well see what next year brings tho.. but i didnt want to read and run, was reading about BFing as contraception- apparently as others have said it is actually pretty good as long as all the "rules"are followed.. also my MW said that once bubba is sleeping through the night it starts to become less effective as the big gap between feeds gives your body the chance to think about something other than producing milk- put in the simplest way.. bummer that has to be the only downside to having a baby that has slept between 6 and 9 hours since 6 days

but yeah, thought id let you know that too- good luck with "seeing what happens!" I hope to be able to be this laid back with TTC #2 in a year or so as well! x x

My little miracle 6/1/2011
My angel in Heaven 9/5/14" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: PorterLou
Date Posted: 26 March 2011 at 12:42pm
So many people who are seeing what happens! This is so great, I thought most people decided to have a baby and so they were focusing on dates.

Question for popcorn (or anyone else) - now that I"ve come off the pill, I want to keep a track of dates when AF arrives, just so that I can be prepared when it does...did you do this? This year for they first time I'm keeping a proper journal that I write in every day, but the purpose was to keep tracking of training runs and times (and how I feel!). I figure it I note in it when AF arrives, hopefully in a few months when my body returns to normal I"ll be able to predict when AF arrives? This is going to sound sooo stupid, but the pill meant I could predict to the hour! And I do not want to be one of those people who are caught off guard (I'm remembering the days of intermediate/highschool when there'd be at least one girl a year who'd get AF for the first and have no idea, and have a, yeah, I know, I'm soooo stupid!).

Ok, TMI I'm supposed to be studying, catching up cause I"m behind in readings. But between ohbaby and - this game I'm distracted. Plus I"m nursing sore knees cause I went for a run with my friend up Mt Victoria but it was raining, and I slipped down the hill and landed hard...just a few grazes/bruises and a broken nail, but they sting a wee bit!

Hope everyone is well!


Posted By: popcorn
Date Posted: 26 March 2011 at 1:44pm
wow running up Mt Victoria! Thats impressive! One steep mountain that is! I dont even like going up it in a car!

Yep, I have only just had my first period off pill and I am writing it down in my diary just so I can keep a track of how many days my cycle is and to see when it has settled down into some kind of normality. This month was 34 days which apparently is normal for just coming off! It was almost a week of constantly checking to avoid the same issue you mentioned!

Posted By: caliandjack
Date Posted: 26 March 2011 at 3:18pm
With TTC for DD, I started charting after 6 months, taking my temp and using fertility friend to work out when I was ovulating, glad I did it as turned out I have a 34 day cycle not a 28 day one and we weren't bding at the right time.
When AF does eventually return I will probably take a not of my cycle for the first 3 months to get an idea of what its doing and then not worry about it.

For me having another baby is something I'd like to do but not a must have. If we aren't successful by the end of next year that will it for me. As I don't want babies over 40.

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Angel June 2012

Posted By: SnuggleBear
Date Posted: 26 March 2011 at 3:56pm
Ooh I'll join in here... We have a 5 month old son and I'm hoping for numbEr #2 before end of year but seeing as my period isn't reliably back ie some months I get twice other times I get 40 day cycles! So we are in the seeing what happens camp by default

And congrats birdie!!! I didn't realize you were utd again!! That's awesome babe;)

Ds1 - 20 months old
Ds2 - 4 months old

Posted By: frangipanigirl
Date Posted: 26 March 2011 at 4:34pm
hey ladies, well DH and i have been trying since dec but for the next few months we will be just seeing what happens and not hard out trying (although secretly i think i will be) as DH is quite stressed at the moment with study so he really wants to just focus on that till May then we will go back to charting and all that jazz! im quite dissapointed but i understand why DH wants to but for me im quite sad about it as ive been wanting babies for such a long time, but its only 2 months!

SO i will be joining you all in here for a few months, good luck to us all!

1st round IVF 7 Eggs, 6 fertilised, 1 transferred with 5 on ice!    

Posted By: jazzy
Date Posted: 26 March 2011 at 4:59pm
Originally posted by ChikkyD ChikkyD wrote:

How contraceptive if breastfeeding exactly? My midwife said that your pretty safe up until 6 months.

Depends when you get your periods back i guess??

I was BF DS2 when I feel pg with DS3. He was 7mths & started to self wean & that was when I tested & got a pos pg test. I got my periods back straight away after having all my boys.

We have been in the see what happends for a while now

Posted By: Hopes
Date Posted: 27 March 2011 at 10:28am
Yea, I'm absolutely keeping track of when AF arrives and everything. Even if I wasn't secretly kind of keen on a baby, I'd want to, because with PCOS I'm keen to know if my cycles have got more regular (i.e. I might be ovulating) after having Jacob. If they're not regular, chances are I'm not ovulating, which is a fairly effective birth control

I've got the same issue re work as you did, T_Rex. In my case, I've decided just to go for it. My gut feeling is that we'll need help to have another one, in which case I'll be fine with the one year thing. And I'd rather get UTD early and have to quit than to waste cycles in which I was ovulating (you know, if I am) - I think I'm much more likely to wonder 'what if' down the track in that situation.


Posted By: Emmi_
Date Posted: 28 March 2011 at 3:12am
well I guess I should stick my nose in here... Still bfing (at least 3hourly inc overnight ) and no af back yet, we have had more than one oopsie lately so will just stand in the doorway of this thread even tho its not quite the right time for us yet and wait and see what happens


+1 May 09 Angel

Posted By: troutpout
Date Posted: 28 March 2011 at 8:42pm
We're in this camp too

DD is 10 1/2 months, but still a boobie monster and no AF back yet. So we're not stressing about it, what will be will be and all that jazz. Plus DH is super happy because he's getting much more BD than he's had over the last year lol!!

I'm 25, so no massive rush. Will wait and see!

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Posted By: rorylex
Date Posted: 28 March 2011 at 9:36pm
well i guess i will join in here too.
we arnt exactly trying not to get pregnant, though my cycles are so over the place atm that getting pregnant is a hit and miss.

i got a bfp a few weeks ago but the next day it was negitive go figure and have just had af. so im somewhere at beginning of cycles i guess.

DH is actually very keen to have me UTD again, I would love to say this will be our last baby but they were my famous last words last time, I really want to get on with my studies and once i start my studies thats it no more kids as ill be doing bach of midwifery and being such a demanding job i dont want to be doing it while pregnant. though dh will be a SAHD.
i dont really want to be preg til after july as I am enjoying my little bit of freedom since im not bfing or pregnant. i at least want to enjoy my next birthday with out worrying about wether a can have a drink or not which is end of july.

Mummy to 4 boys
Samuel - 18.6.05
Rory - 15.7.06
Mason - 13.06.08
Emmett - 24.01.10
Baby #5 - cooking

Posted By: ChikkyD
Date Posted: 29 March 2011 at 10:10am
Rorylex what a lovely big brood you have! Have you decided that you will go in for #5? I love how they are all so close in age, i bet they are fantastic mates. I bet you will make a fabulous MW with so much personal experience!!

Question with BF and TTC, how do you know if your ovulating? Do you have to chart??


Posted By: Emmi_
Date Posted: 29 March 2011 at 10:12am
ChikkyD, I have been charting (kinda half arsed as DD still wakes 5+ times a night) mainly cos I wanted to know if I oved before AF. Its the easiest way to tell (imo) unless your one that gets wicked ov pains/spotting etc


+1 May 09 Angel

Posted By: lostAmber
Date Posted: 29 March 2011 at 11:36am
Originally posted by Birdie Birdie wrote:

Originally posted by caliandjack caliandjack wrote:

Great idea porterlou this will be us at the end of the year, we're not trying not preventing for #2, accept having a 5 month old baby is proving to be contraceptive enough.

Ha ha C & J I thought the same too but have somehow got UTD again!!! I did not even think we BD that month but have been proven wrong!!!

Aww birdie, yay!! I'm just a little bit jealous

I am in this camp too- no longer charting or checking OV etc, just hoping it happens. Though in saying that, the next 3 months wouldn't be ideal timing for me- I would like a post March baby lol.


Posted By: ChikkyD
Date Posted: 29 March 2011 at 12:34pm
Emmi is your girl still waking to BF or just waking and needing resettling?? My girl is still waking twice a night for BF, hoping she will drop a feed soon as a lot of the other bubbies in my due in thread are really good sleepers and starting to sleep thru!

Might wait another month or so and then might look into charting just to see if i am OVing or not, doubt i will be! Anyone have a good link on how to chart?

edited for atrocious spelling


Posted By: Emmi_
Date Posted: 29 March 2011 at 12:41pm
Check out - fertility friend they have great little tutorials, but the gist of it is to get a bbt thermometer (2 decimal places), try and take yourt temp the same time each day (but not vital) but after you have had 3 solid hours sleep. once you have 3+ days of a higher temp FF will put lines in for you. the gals in the charting thread are lovely and knowledgable too if you get stuck

waking and only being settled with a bf... dh is leaving the country soon so thought i would try and night wean her once shes adjusted to him being gone... its tough but shes back asleep within 10mins


+1 May 09 Angel

Posted By: Plushie
Date Posted: 29 March 2011 at 2:44pm
Just lurking in to say this is kind of how i ended up pregnant too..and it was in the first month! I came of depo and couldnt get to the doc til the next month and decided that if a sperm and egg wanted to get together in that time it's ok. And it did! Good luck to you all!

Posted By: ChikkyD
Date Posted: 29 March 2011 at 6:42pm
Thanks for the advice emmi, will have a look into thermometers when the time is right! It's good your wee girl settles pretty quickly at nights even though she is waking up. How long is your dh leaving the country for??

Bowie you are a super fertile wee thing aren't you


Posted By: Emmi_
Date Posted: 29 March 2011 at 6:58pm
You got any questions CD just yell... I like charting
Hes leaving for the next 4 years, joining the US army... DD and I will go too, in Sept for a while if Im not UTD if I am then will only go for a fleeting visit (have my Green card that needs to be used within 6 months from now but cant go over earlier than Sept otherwise I have to re apply


+1 May 09 Angel

Posted By: Hopes
Date Posted: 29 March 2011 at 8:07pm
Damn I wish I could do that, Bowie Well, you never know, a surprise first-time-off-the-mark baby is still possible here

For what it's worth, Emmi, I struggled with the same thing when I weaned Jacob at night - it was such a quick way to put him back to sleep, just giving him a feed! - but it was way easier than I thought it would be. Hopefully Lilla finds it really easy for you.

I was thinking about another baby and my work, and realised that by the time I was paying childcare for two babies at the current rate, it wouldn't really be worth me working. I suppose I could look into an alternative childcare solution, but I think I'd be happy to quite. I would miss it, though, I'm really looking forward to going back in June (although I'm loving this stay-at-home thing, taking a year was a great decision).


Posted By: Emmi_
Date Posted: 29 March 2011 at 8:16pm
Thanks Hopes, how did you do it? (and when did you do it?) Its tough because Lilla has food allergies (wheat, dairy, eggs, soy and peanuts - that we know of!) and has really horrible eczema as a result, so I know shes itchy and uncomfortable. Although she is sooo much better than what she has been (used to only sleep 10 mins and then scream for 2 hours, rinse and repeat all night) so getting 2-3 hours now is great (but Im starting to yearn for a full nights sleep!) Did you find going away unsettled him? Did you feed him while you were away? (we are going away next weekend..). We had managed to get to 8 hours with out feeding her in the past (resettling her every couple of hours) but then we went away (and she was still waking up) so fed her again... Sorry, bit off the topic of TTC!
I know what you mean about work, although Im glad we are going to the states so I dont have to go back! Although I was wanting to do some more study but leaving the country means I cant...


+1 May 09 Angel

Posted By: Hopes
Date Posted: 29 March 2011 at 8:34pm
I went cold turkey with him, and used the sleep store's verbal reassurance technique. I started half-way through the first night (I'd woken at 12am to feed him, and popped online while he settled, and the Sleep Store had answered my question on FB recommending starting before I went away... so I started the next time he woke ) He cried quite a bit that night. The next night, he woke an hour after going to be and had a bit of a cry, then slept through. And this was a baby who, a few weeks before (before I also dropped the dummy) was waking every hour, if not more often). He was six months when I stopped feeding him at night, earlier than I had planned to, but I knew he didn't need it, and had been doing the up-every-hour thing for too long.

He hasn't been perfect at sleeping through, but I never expected him to be, and he's heaps better. The odd occasion he'll have a cry at night (and I miss being able to feed him then!) but for most of the part he'll give a few squawks then settle back down.

As for going away, I don't know what happened, but he slept better than he does here! The first night he woke up at 2am and didn't settle for a couple of hours (that was morning-time here). After that, he slept through pretty much every night, I was amazed. I have no idea why, so I can't replicate it here!!


Posted By: Emmi_
Date Posted: 29 March 2011 at 8:52pm
Wow thats amazing!! What a good wee boy he is! I do hope Lilla is just as easy, but I have a feeling 10 months of habit is goingto be a bit tougher to break!


+1 May 09 Angel

Posted By: rorylex
Date Posted: 30 March 2011 at 1:48pm
ChikkyD - we are deff having or planning to have a 5th, our 2nd baby was a not trying not preventing baby but i got preg straight away.
3rd we ttc for almost a yr but i was breastfeeding which made that take a while we just had to drop a few feeds and i dropped feeds very gradually as i didnt want to stop completely to ttc I was preg with ds3 when ds2 was 14mths and stopped bfing him at 16mths as it dont a bit painful. our 4th was planned b4 preg with ds3 i thought it would take a little longer to get preg but happened pretty soon after af returned.

this time we started not preventing in november but as i said my af's have been so messed up my cycles can be anything from 2wks to 60days. now im getting quite bad abdominal/pelvic pain which i am off to doctor for in about an hr as its not related to af or ov iv i had af i wouldnt think twice about it. if it were mid cycle id be jumping up and down, but with af's being so bad after ds4 was born and being brushed off with the pill to fix it last time and all that did was make me depressed i want 2nd opinion.

sorry about the novel

Mummy to 4 boys
Samuel - 18.6.05
Rory - 15.7.06
Mason - 13.06.08
Emmett - 24.01.10
Baby #5 - cooking

Posted By: Emmi_
Date Posted: 31 March 2011 at 5:02pm
Well it was nice hanging out with you gals! Hope to see you in the Due in threads soon


+1 May 09 Angel

Posted By: RachFizz
Date Posted: 31 March 2011 at 5:14pm

What a good idea PorterLou! Will probably see you guys in here in about 3 weeks!

Have a feeling my cycle is not behaving though- am undecided as to whether I'll try charting again or not


Oh and congrats again Emmi

TTC#1 since Apr11
On hold for study!

Posted By: PorterLou
Date Posted: 31 March 2011 at 6:36pm
Originally posted by RachFizz RachFizz wrote:

What a good idea PorterLou! Will probably see you guys in here in about 3 weeks!

Ummm...(runs off to check)...oh yeah, the thread! Yay, you're joining in too Rach!

Emmi - OMG, how did I miss this? This is what happens when I skim read! congrats, its very exciting for you!!!


Posted By: Emmi_
Date Posted: 31 March 2011 at 6:38pm
Thanks PL It is pretty easy to miss! Esp considering im only 'just' preggers!


+1 May 09 Angel

Posted By: PorterLou
Date Posted: 01 April 2011 at 3:53pm
Hey girls, being so naughty, logging in at work oops!!!

I'm going out tonight for dinner and a bit of drinking. Yes, I know, naughty drinking, but its my last big night out, and from now on it'll be a quiet wine every now and then (until I'm UTD, of course!)

Having a blah day - got a headache and I'm craving salt (have no idea why that is!). Want to do some exercise but can't get motivated, wanted to buy clothes but know i have to lose the rest of the weight first, want to go and get our ring but the jeweller isn't back till Monday with diamonds. One good thing - this morning we started discussing dates/venues...glad we've got the conversations going. Hopefully we can start booking and planning our wedding.

I'm jealous of babies and pregnancies and a little jealous of Deb (I think - and I can't remember if she;s in this thread or Waiting to TTC) who's getting married this month - wish I could say the same thing.

Ok, rant over, sorry about that, I'm having a funny day. Must make a note, though, maybe its a cycle thing?


Posted By: nannikin
Date Posted: 01 April 2011 at 8:46pm
yay for drinking PL, i say make the most of it while you can good luck for teh wedding plans - funny how something can cause so much stress but be so much fun at the same time!

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Posted By: misssara
Date Posted: 01 April 2011 at 8:56pm
Hi Everyone!
I have been lurking so thought I would pop in and say hi! This is a great forum as I have no idea about charting or OV...well I kind of do now after reading heaps on OB. Fingers crossed I will be hanging in here more in the next few months! DF and I are getting married in two weeks YAY!!! and then are going on a relaxing cruise for our honeymoon. So I will probably come off my pill soon after. Just visited my doctor last night and he told me I should come off the pill two months before we start still a little while away.
PL thats awesome that you have started talking about dates and venues! Its soooo exciting! We are in Welly too! What venues are you looking at. We looked at sooo many before we finally made a decision...we are so indecisive about everything so its been rather hard.
Sorry about the novel. Hope everyone has a great weekend :-)

Posted By: Hopes
Date Posted: 01 April 2011 at 9:24pm
Yea, make the most of the drinking while you can Not that I was ever a drinker to any real degree, but I haven't had more than a sip for about three years - my Fertility Associates Dr banned me, then I didn't drink pregnant, then I don't drink while I'm feeding Jacob! With luck (and it would be incredibly good luck, so I wouldn't complain in the slightest!) I'll get pregnant before Jacob is weaned, and it'll be another couple of years! By that point, I'll get giddy at a sip

Congrats on the wedding, misssara A cruise sounds lovely! Yea, I say go off the pill as soon as you can, you can always use something else in the meantime and it gives you an idea of wher eyour cycle's at.

Congrats Emmi!


Posted By: PorterLou
Date Posted: 02 April 2011 at 12:07pm
Morning girls!

Well a good night was had, but my 2 girl friends left at 1 to go home (they were getting a ride and 1am was the latest he could come to get them!). We had dinner at a lovely Japanese restaurant and drunk a bit of wine, then a bit of dancing. Now I"m up and I've had my porridge and blueberries and I'm feeling just grand! Time to do some study then a swim this afternoon.

Misssara we've just started googling and talking about it, we thought maybe Erskine but you have to be out by midnight, so we're leaning towards a hotel. Depends on the cost, its all about having a good meal and hanging with family, we're not too concerned about a glamourous venue (and everything is pricy!) Do you have any recommendations?

Nannikin, the stress is the getting DF to decide. He is not the type to just sit back, its his day too, but he takes his time to make any decisions (hence why we were together for 6 years before he proposed in November last year, and we have not yet bought a ring cause we can't decide where to get it made and diamond to choose!)

Have a good day everyone, I'd better get going on the study!


Posted By: Emmi_
Date Posted: 02 April 2011 at 2:40pm
Oohh PL, I got my rings (and DHs) made from Pacific Jewelers on on Lambton Quay.. they are great!! My engagement one was just off the shelf, but my 2 wedding rings and DHs wedding rings were custom made, they are really helpful, at least go in and chat to them! (they also do interest free for a year too)


+1 May 09 Angel

Posted By: PorterLou
Date Posted: 02 April 2011 at 6:44pm
Hi Emmi, yeah we went in there but the woman was quite rude to us, kept saying we can't really give you a price, give us a budget and we'll work to that. We're probably going to get it made at Jubilee Jewellers (now in Chews Lane), just waiting for the Jeweller to get back from Antwerp with more diamonds. Hopefully next week! Where did you get married? Thanks for the recommendation though!

Been aqua jogging, good exercise if you "sprint" up and down the pool!


Posted By: Hopes
Date Posted: 03 April 2011 at 7:40pm
Just comparing tickers, PorterLou - you've been together just a bit longer than we've been married DH finds decisions hard too (a month or so before the wedding he had a bit of a 'oh no I don't want to get married moment'... thankfully he got over it and says he has no regrets!)

I went aquajogging nine+ months pregnant, it was the best feeling after lugging that tummy round all day!


Posted By: PorterLou
Date Posted: 03 April 2011 at 8:17pm
Hey Hopes, yeah I just noticed that too! Though we've been together a big longer than that, my ticker is the official time but we've been "friends" now for just over 11 years IYKWIM!! I think he's been having a "I don't want to married" moment for most of the time we've been together, but he knows that I want us to be married so he got over it too! I think we'll be able to make more progress soon!

Aquajogging is so much fun! I go with my friend who is 6 months pregnant and finds running uncomfortable now (eek! I was thinking I'd run right through my pregnancy, but she is much thinner than me, so if it hurts her then it'll be worse for me!).

Hope you've all had a good weekend - its been super quiet in here! I have not done any study, though I have done all the housework and washing. Nice girly movie on tv tonight (he's just not that into you!) though I think I have to negotiate this vs "Robin Hood" on sky (unfortunately DF will win - yes, I know I have HJNTIY on DVD, but its different when its on tv)!

Have a good night!


Posted By: misssara
Date Posted: 04 April 2011 at 8:00pm
PL we were the same. We really didnt want to spend mega money on a wedding. Would rather spend it on the house, or travelling. We are getting married at Gear Homestead out near the police college in Porirua. Very well priced and so gorgeous. Beautiful gardens and so classic. The down side is that you can only have up to 80 guests which has proven to be a tad harder than first thought. Its BYO which has saved the bank and the management there do everything for you. We have gone a little over our budget, but I think it will be worth it!
YAY I can say "I'm getting married next week"
Hope everyone is having a good Monday....not really enjoying how dark it is a 6.30pm now though!!

Posted By: nannikin
Date Posted: 04 April 2011 at 10:16pm
Originally posted by misssara misssara wrote:

YAY I can say "I'm getting married next week"
Hope everyone is having a good Monday....not really enjoying how dark it is a 6.30pm now though!!

yaaaay exciting!! hope the last minute bits and pieces fall into place for you nicely :)

and ditto to the dark, its duuuuumb.......

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Posted By: PorterLou
Date Posted: 05 April 2011 at 7:34am
Misssara I am so excited for you!! Yay for getting married next week!! Will you change your name to Mrssara?

Double ditto to the dark...I do not want to get out of bed to go for a run when its dark (and raining) and it was dark when I left the gym last night...Oh man, winter is coming!

Have a great day everyone!


Posted By: AnnaShev
Date Posted: 05 April 2011 at 3:33pm
hi there
i am on this path too, have been off the pill for a year now with no luck

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Posted By: Hopes
Date Posted: 05 April 2011 at 7:35pm
A year's a while, AnnaShev. Have you been 'trying' during that time, or just doing things as usual and seeing what happens? If you've been trying (or if you have sex regularly anyway), perhaps time to get checked out?

I'm settling down to watch Hells Kitchen - no idea where they get those people from, if I didn't know better I'd think Americans were dreadful people, the way reality TV portrays them! (I do know better, we've been there and have lots of American friends). But yet I still watch it, despite the fights and scraps that we don't seem to get on NZ and Aussie shows of the same kind...


Posted By: AnnaShev
Date Posted: 05 April 2011 at 8:15pm
yea been trying nd have been checked out, just waiting for an appointment with the specialist but because im still young they consider it non urgent so am probably not going to be seen till near the end of the year

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Posted By: Hopes
Date Posted: 05 April 2011 at 8:20pm
Who's the appointment with? I know Fertility Associates etc are busy, but a year seems a long time. Or is it with a gyno or something?


Posted By: AnnaShev
Date Posted: 05 April 2011 at 9:30pm
not sure exactly as im in invercargill and we dont have anything like fertility associates down here, from what my gp said they send the referral dowm to the local hospital, it gets reviewed down there and either gets sent to womans health dept or dunedin

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Posted By: nannikin
Date Posted: 05 April 2011 at 9:56pm
hope you don't have to wait too long for your appt AnnaShev :)

was pitch black when i got home from the gym after work today. not cool. although i am pleased that i made it to the gym, could be worse i guess

Hopes - theres just something about some of those american reality tv programs, totally suck you in before you realise....

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Posted By: PorterLou
Date Posted: 05 April 2011 at 10:34pm
Welcome AnnaShrev. Hope your stay is a short one (though we love having you here!). Fingers crossed you get an appointment soon.

Good work on the gym Nannikin - I dragged myself to BodyAttack and I'm glad I went, except for the dumb unco guy standing in front of me who kept kicking me and getting in my way. Hands up who are "gym-snobs"!!


Posted By: Hopes
Date Posted: 06 April 2011 at 6:04pm
Go you girls going to the gym!! I have been meaning to see if there's one nearby that has a creche. I tend to be the type that prefers to go for a run myself (too tight with the money, to be honest), but running with a pushchair isn't as easy! )Maybe I should do it more, and I'd toughen up).

Bummer about Invers not having a FA, AnnaShev. I hope you don't have to wait too long.


Posted By: PorterLou
Date Posted: 06 April 2011 at 7:54pm
Evening ladies

I'm back from "Aqua Jogging" - feeling very positive and enthusiastic on the gym front this week. Just wish I could find the same enthusiasm for study and assignments!

Hopes - my sister lives in H-town, she wants to start running too, maybe you too could run together? Its always so much fun running with a friend.


Posted By: nannikin
Date Posted: 06 April 2011 at 10:00pm
Originally posted by Hopes Hopes wrote:

Go you girls going to the gym!! I have been meaning to see if there's one nearby that has a creche. I tend to be the type that prefers to go for a run myself (too tight with the money, to be honest), but running with a pushchair isn't as easy! )Maybe I should do it more, and I'd toughen up).

the only reason i go to the gym regularly is because im too tight to pay $19 a week and not use it at least 2 or three times haha if im not paying money i don't have the motivation! esp over winter :S so gross and rainy lately!

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Posted By: PorterLou
Date Posted: 07 April 2011 at 7:47am
Originally posted by nannikin nannikin wrote:

the only reason i go to the gym regularly is because im too tight to pay $19 a week and not use it at least 2 or three times haha if im not paying money i don't have the motivation! esp over winter :S so gross and rainy lately!

I'm with you on that front, though in the summer I'm really bad and I'm out running all the time, some weeks I don't make it in at all. Such a waste.

My motivation is our wedding and the dress I'm eyeing up (think Keira Knightley's Green Dress in Atonement). I know I'm going to need to be a little more curve-less to look hot in that!


Posted By: ChikkyD
Date Posted: 07 April 2011 at 5:55pm
Wow all this talk of exercise really makes me realise how much i need to get out there and start walking again. For those of you who have had babies what did you do to get back into shape?

I'm going on holiday next month and the thought of getting into my bikini is pretty scary!!


Posted By: PorterLou
Date Posted: 07 April 2011 at 8:33pm
Hey ChikkyD - I haven't had any children yet, but I can tell you that when DF and me went on a weight loss kick about 4 years ago (when I went from 68kg to 54kg - a drop in BMI from 27.6 to 22) I did eat by eating less calories per day and doing exercise. There are loads of websites out there that can tell you how much you should eat etc (just google how many calories should I eat), take 500 calories off it and try to eat around that. It actually wasn't that hard when it came down to it - I was eating around 1300 calories a day, which meant a sensible breakfast (porridge or weetbix), a sensible lunch (no more 2 minute noodles or a pie) and dinner. I cut out chocolate, stopped have a mocha and a muffin for morning tea every day and a can of tuna and 6 corn thins after I'd been to the gym. Unfortunately, when Christmas came around I ended up going to so many parties for work and eating loads of bad food, so I kinda fell of the wagon, and never really recovered. Now I'm back up to 60kg, which puts me at a BMI of 24.5 ish - in the healthy range but only just! And all those "slim" clothes I bought don't do up anymore...

I think the best thing I"m learning - knowing when to say no ("I know there are leftovers in the kitchen from that meeting but I really don't need a piece of cake as I've just eaten my lunch), not buying things I'm going to eat (yeah right, like I'm going to "share" that packet of tim tams), switching to trim lattes (or mochas, if I want a treat) and dragging my tooshie out of bed in the morning to run.


Posted By: PorterLou
Date Posted: 07 April 2011 at 8:34pm
OMG that was a novel - sorry chikky, don't mean to be a know it all. I am by no means and expert, especially if you saw me, but I have good intentions! Now, back to that assignment...


Posted By: Hopes
Date Posted: 07 April 2011 at 8:46pm
Haha, I can't say I've done anything in particular to get back into shape I've been breastfeeding, and I've got back to my pre-Jacob weigh, but I'm a totally different shape to what I used to be. To be honest, I'm spectacularly not worried about it, which I find more than a bit weird, but there you go. It would be nice to get a bit fitter, though, and my diet could use some improving health-wise, so I really should start thinking about making a start on some kind of plan to get a bit healthier.

Oh, and despite being comfortable about what I look like, and in no hurry to rush out and make a huge effort to 'look better', a bikini would scare the living daylights out of me too!!


Posted By: nannikin
Date Posted: 07 April 2011 at 10:00pm
Originally posted by PorterLou PorterLou wrote:

My motivation is our wedding and the dress I'm eyeing up (think Keira Knightley's Green Dress in Atonement). I know I'm going to need to be a little more curve-less to look hot in that!

eee your dress sounds fab, tell me it's gonna be green too.....

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Posted By: PorterLou
Date Posted: 07 April 2011 at 10:47pm
Not green, no, I'm not that brave!! Maybe I'll put my bridesmaids in green?? Nah, I'm thinking "Kate Middleton Royal Blue". I was in green for my sisters wedding...

Just finished my assignment. OMG this is the first assignment in the last two years (@ 2 papers a year @ 3 assignments per paper) that I've finished and uploaded before closing date. I'm a whole 2 hours and 9 minutes early. Mmmm...time for a treat - a nice cup of tea!!


Posted By: ChikkyD
Date Posted: 08 April 2011 at 8:47am
Thanks for the info porterlou!

Right, i've googled how many calories i should be having a day, now... how do i found out how many calories are in the food i'm eating?! Sorry i'm such a weightloss novice as i've never had to loose weight before!

Just jumped on the scales and i'm only a few kilos off my pre preg weight.. so why the hell do i still look fat lol

How long till your wedding, you must be so excited!! we were going to get married this year in Feb, but we ended up having a baby in instead maybe next year..


Posted By: PorterLou
Date Posted: 08 April 2011 at 11:16am
Hey ChikkyD, all foods in packages will have an Energy rating on them - some have kj and cal, others just have kj (calories is an american thing). If you type into google eg convert 542 kilojoules to kilocalories it'll give you the calorie rate (129), or I divide kj by 4 and round up-ish - gives me an approximate. I don't stick to the limit specifically but try to stay around the 1300 mark. Alternatively, if you try - this site you can put in other foods eg a banana and it'll tell you.

Maybe your weight distribution has changed, so you're not bigger but its in different places?

We haven't officially set a date yet, we doing things at DF's pace (when he's ready!) but we're aiming for 31 March 2012. However, since I'm in the "seeing what happens" camp, that may change (or I may be an UTD bride). I'm excited, but mostly to be married to him - we've been together for so long (my ticker is really only the official time, its been 11 1/2 years since we met and became "friends"). I'm finding the initial planning a little stressful (deciding where that won't break the bank but is still nice and everyone saying "you have to invite so and so") but once we've nailed those down it'll be great. Still tempted to drag him to the Registry Office though!!


Posted By: Guest_42713
Date Posted: 08 April 2011 at 1:45pm
Hi all,

Im new on this site and think i fit in here :) Im 27 in may and my DP is 37 in June and ive been on the injection for 10 years. Came off it in November and everything started up again on new years eve. Been regular since then so i see that as a positive sign. Not doing things on certain days or taking temps but we would both really love it to happen.

Just wanted to say hi and will be reading with interest.

Posted By: PorterLou
Date Posted: 08 April 2011 at 7:24pm
Hi Guest, welcome in. You'll def fit in here! I think everyone in here isn't taking temps or charting or anything, just enjoying carrying on as normal, but not using any protection.

Hope it happens for you soon!


Posted By: PorterLou
Date Posted: 10 April 2011 at 4:41pm
Hope you've all had a good weekend. I"ve had a pretty quiet weekend, pretty quiet. Done quite a bit of exercises and study, and managed to do some study!

Its been quiet in here - hope you're all busy and well!


Posted By: AnnaShev
Date Posted: 10 April 2011 at 7:27pm
I had a pretty quiet weekend also, worked on saturday, and spent sunday trying to tidy my jungle of a garden. Between hubby and I we got rid of half a tonne of green waste and its still a mess lol

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Posted By: RachFizz
Date Posted: 11 April 2011 at 4:00pm
Hello, am jumping in here a couple of weeks early - we decided not to use condoms anymore

TTC#1 since Apr11
On hold for study!

Posted By: lisa85
Date Posted: 11 April 2011 at 4:56pm
Yay am so glad someone started this thread! I've been TTC #3 for almost a year now and I started out chatting to all the lovely ladies in the Charting thread but I wasn't charting so most of the conversations were lost on me lol. We are taking the lets see what happens approach. We already have a healthy set of gorgeous twin girls who will be three in May. They keep us pretty busy so we aren't too stressed about it not happening straight away. We desperatly want a third but if it doesn't happen we are thankful for the wonderful kids we have. So we made the choice to just go with the flow and not stress about charts and doctors.

So far it's a little disapointing that we are about a year in and all we've had is one failed pregnancy that I miscarried last year Doesn't help that I have PCOS and I'm only getting AF once every 2-4 months. Still fingers crossed for this month!


TTC #3 since Jan 2010 - PCOS
MC April 2010

Posted By: PorterLou
Date Posted: 11 April 2011 at 7:04pm
Originally posted by RachFizz RachFizz wrote:

Hello, am jumping in here a couple of weeks early - we decided not to use condoms anymore

Never mind, answered my own question!! Welcome in RachFizz, hope your stay is short!


Posted By: PorterLou
Date Posted: 11 April 2011 at 7:08pm
And welcome Lisa85! Twins, wow, they must keep you busy! I can't speak for the rest of the girls but I'm not charting cause I am waaaay to lazy and disorganised! So welcome aboard!

How is everyone else doing? I feel like I've been off the pill forever evening though its only been 3 weeks! Wondering when AF will show up, its about this time when I would get a pill period!


Posted By: Hopes
Date Posted: 11 April 2011 at 9:43pm
I had a nice weekend - now I'm not working, I'm surprised how weekends tend to blend into weeks! I go back in June, so not too much longer, I guess.

Welcome, Lisa Yay for more people, the more the merrier

No AF yet here (no pregnant, though!!) - it's been four weeks over the weekend, but since my cycle was all over the place before (when I wasn't ovulating as a rule) I don't really know what to expect.


Posted By: lisa85
Date Posted: 12 April 2011 at 7:47am
Thanks girls! I just had AF last week so am putting in the extra effort this month ;) Have told DH to expect a bit of BD at least once every second day lol. Although who knows when my next AF will arrive Last time it was 3 months between cycles so it could be a looooong month


TTC #3 since Jan 2010 - PCOS
MC April 2010

Posted By: PorterLou
Date Posted: 12 April 2011 at 7:49am
Lisa, that means it'll be an extra fun month!!

Have a great day everyone!


Posted By: AnnaShev
Date Posted: 12 April 2011 at 2:44pm
ugh im having the most horrible day at work, first i had to start earlier than i usually do ( i know not a huge deal) then all my patient were grumpy and wouldnt do what they needed to so they were up, dressed and fed. Then just before lunch a patient starts verbally abusing me about something i didnt do! so anyway being abused pushed me over the edge and i started crying in the middle of the corridor! was kinda glad i got to go home for a bit at 1 but have to go back to work at 430 for 4 hours of "fun" lol. glad i have tomorrow off

Sorry bout the moan but needed to get it off my chest

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Posted By: Hopes
Date Posted: 12 April 2011 at 3:15pm
Sounds like a rotton day, AnnaShev Sorry to hear that, I hope it gets a bit better. Perhaps an after-work treat's in order?

I totally sympathise with the long months, Lisa. Wouldn't it be nice to have a nice regular cycle so you'd know when to BD? Before Jacob we just used the same tactics as you, though, aimed for every second day (and I was charting, so at least I knew I'd ovulated after the fact.)


Posted By: Mucky_Tiger
Date Posted: 12 April 2011 at 3:54pm
Originally posted by AnnaShev AnnaShev wrote:

a patient starts verbally abusing me about something i didnt do! so anyway being abused pushed me over the edge and i started crying in the middle of the corridor! was kinda glad i got to go home for a bit at 1 but have to go back to work at 430 for 4 hours of "fun" lol. glad i have tomorrow off

sounds alot like my work except my clients have intellectual disability and I get yelled at instead as thats how she communicates.
I WANT MILK!!!!! CHOCOLATE!!!! I KNOW THAT!!!!! MORNING!!!!!! JEN SEE JEN SEE!!!!!! at 75 decibels isnt fun, she's so loud that noise control would confiscate her if she was a stereo
its enought to drive me bonkers some day and leaves me walking around working with ear plugs in

Posted By: AnnaShev
Date Posted: 12 April 2011 at 9:19pm
well i had a much more satisfactory afternoon at work dispite not completely knowing what i was meant to be doing (dont usually work afternoons)

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Posted By: Pinkybar
Date Posted: 12 April 2011 at 11:34pm
Hi everyone I would love to join you in here if I can. I have been hanging out in the 2 week wait and the waiting to ov forums but I'm not really either of those at the moment as I'm waiting for AF. I don't chart so this thread seemed a better fit for me.

I got AF back when DS was 3 months old and I decided not to go back on the pill and just see what happens. I have long, irregular cycles too so I'm expecting it could take a while to get the timing right.

AnnaShev sorry to hear about your bad day.

lisa your twins are adorable!!

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Posted By: lisa85
Date Posted: 13 April 2011 at 7:19am
Awww thanks Pinkybar :) Your wee man is gorgy too x

Sorry to hear about your crappy day Anna :(


TTC #3 since Jan 2010 - PCOS
MC April 2010

Posted By: caliandjack
Date Posted: 13 April 2011 at 7:55am
Question for everyone what are you doing about folic acid?

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Angel June 2012

Posted By: lisa85
Date Posted: 13 April 2011 at 8:16am
I take it everyday just in case. I just buy the cheapest bottle from the chemist but will upgrade if and when i get pregnant. Although since I've been trying for a year now needless to say I forget to take it all the time lol.


TTC #3 since Jan 2010 - PCOS
MC April 2010

Posted By: Hopes
Date Posted: 13 April 2011 at 9:07am
I'm taking it every day, just in case as well. I figure it can't hurt. I just call my Dr and ask her to write me a prescription - she doesn't charge for that, and then it costs $3 at the chemists.

Hi Pinkybar I'm amazed at how early AF returns for some people - mine didn't think about showing till Jacob started solids and sleeping through the night.


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