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Increased folic acid for fert drugs

Printed From: OHbaby!
Category: Support
Forum Name: Coping with infertility
Forum Description: Have you been trying to conceive unsuccessfully? Dealing with primary or secondary infertility? Get support, advice, and help coping here.
Printed Date: 03 March 2025 at 6:08am
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Topic: Increased folic acid for fert drugs
Posted By: catie
Subject: Increased folic acid for fert drugs
Date Posted: 04 April 2011 at 10:06am
Hi all

I happened across this info on the Ministry of Health website, and wondered if you were aware of it, and if your FS or GP has put you on the higher dose? No-one has ever mentioned it to me:

Women at high risk of a neural tube defect (NTD) affected pregnancy (including spina bifida) are those who:

... who are taking medications known to affect folate metabolism, ... infertility treatment,...

...these women should be on 5 mg per day (not 0.8).

More info here:
and here: (if the link doesn't work, go here , and scroll down to Food and Nutrition Guidelines)

Posted By: ScaredyCat
Date Posted: 04 April 2011 at 1:04pm
Wow, thats quite a big difference isn't it! I've never once in the 7 years of fertility drugs been told that, I will def ask our FS though. Thanks.

TTC # 1 - 7.5 years
2 x IVF - 4 x Trf
3 x BFP's
3 x M/c Feb 09June 10Sept 11
2 Blasties on Ice

Posted By: ItchyFeet
Date Posted: 04 April 2011 at 9:33pm
I've always taken the 5mg anyway, my GP recommends the higher dose. It's a water soluble vitamin so your body just excretes what it doesn't need, so it makes sense to take a higher dose in this case. I also wonder if a woman's age makes a difference as well.


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