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Leaking ittis

Printed From: OHbaby!
Category: Product Reviews
Forum Name: Cloth Nappy Discussion
Forum Description: Are you new to cloth nappies? Looking for washing tips? Want to rave about a great new nappy you've tried? By popular request a board especially for all our cloth Mums!
Printed Date: 21 February 2025 at 3:02pm
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Topic: Leaking ittis
Posted By: MumtoMany
Subject: Leaking ittis
Date Posted: 28 June 2011 at 7:35pm
Me again laddies. My itti tuttos are only 3 weeks old. They have been washed a lot and were fantastic for my we boy and did last very well. So today i get my nappies off the line put 2 one after the other on my boy and they stunk and leaked within 1.5hours and his clothing was wet etc. I wash my nappies with warm water and eco store powder due to my sons bad eczema. And then i also do another full cold wash at the end. I have used canesten rinse maybe 4 times because my son had thrush when i first got the nappies. Any ideas why this might be happening? His gro via nappies are working fine. Lost

DD 12 DS 9.5 DD 6 DS 4 DD 23 months and here comes number 6" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Nothing
Date Posted: 28 June 2011 at 7:50pm
Where was the inserts wet? Was the whole thing soaking or just at the front? Can you re-adjust the way you snap them together so there is more abosorbancy at the front?

I dont like ecostore powder, it did nothing for my nappies, have you tried Rockin Green? My girl also gets excema, tho not very bad and it doesnt seem to affect it. Are you using liners?


Posted By: MumtoMany
Date Posted: 28 June 2011 at 8:00pm
I use flush away liners in the nappies. Quinns eczema is really bad. So i have to be so careful with what i use. I did think about trying rocking green but the cost is alot . I have them snapped so the padding is to the front. And they were working great. Just the front is wet but the leaking is out the top of the nappie. Quinn is very little for his age 7.7kgs and i have the nappy set on the large setting. Surely i would not need to make it the xl setting? he is not long at all. Off the bottom of the chart for weight and height I guess im just going to have to try these things and see what works.

DD 12 DS 9.5 DD 6 DS 4 DD 23 months and here comes number 6" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: AngieBabe
Date Posted: 28 June 2011 at 8:04pm
Just a thought, but do you tuck his bits so they're facing downward when you put the nappy on? I know I have to do this with DS...

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Jaune
Date Posted: 28 June 2011 at 8:18pm
I'm pretty sure itti bitti have said not to use ecostore powder anymore, since it changed but the liquid is ok. Don't think that is your issue though...
I sometimes find that DS leaks out the top of the nappy if I've done it up quite low at the front or if he wees lots while he's on his tummy or crawling...
I would think that at 7.7kg you only need to have the nappy on the medium setting though, rather than the large...maybe try that?

ETA: You can get samples of Rockin' Green for $3.50 to see if it's ok for your DS' eczema...and to do a strip wash just in case.


Posted By: MumtoMany
Date Posted: 28 June 2011 at 8:24pm
Angie i do point it down but he is at the stage of moving all the time when im trying to put a nappy on so that could be the problem. I will keep a eye on that.

Jaune oh dear i did not relise. So i can only use the eco store liquid? Ok i will get some rockin green to try. Which would be the best to try cause there are so many?
I will also try the med setting.

DD 12 DS 9.5 DD 6 DS 4 DD 23 months and here comes number 6" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Nothing
Date Posted: 28 June 2011 at 9:16pm
Any of the Rockin green is okay, bare naked babies is the one with no smell.

As the other suggest have a play around with the sizing and see if that helps. I know I had to size up way before I thought I needed to as the front was dragging down, Itti Bitti always suggest to size up and not down.


Posted By: AandCsmum
Date Posted: 28 June 2011 at 10:27pm
I would try the size down. My boy is in the large fitting at 12kg & he's super skinny. He can still fit a med setting as well.

Amolin is a cheaper liquid that I've heard used with a good result.


A = 01.02.04   &   C = 16.01.09   &   G = 30.03.12

Posted By: MumtoMany
Date Posted: 01 July 2011 at 12:27pm
Ekk i set the tutto on the med setting and it was a big disaster. Number 2s right up back and side. And wet through after 2hours although i dont mind changing this often i was getting 3 hours out of them which suited us better when out and about. I am wondering if its something to do with the Neocate making him pee more? as he only went on it last wednesday and since then we have had problems. Maybe i should get some more boosters. Will put a pic up later with how i set the nappy up as it does not seem to be how other people do it. I need to go and get batteries first.

Im a little worried as i am going back to work in 2 weeks time and DP is going to be the stay at home dad. If the nappies leak he wont use them

DD 12 DS 9.5 DD 6 DS 4 DD 23 months and here comes number 6" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Nothing
Date Posted: 01 July 2011 at 12:40pm
Can you not just change him more often? Or do you not have much of a stash? I recommend getting more boosters.


Posted By: MumtoMany
Date Posted: 01 July 2011 at 1:06pm
Hi Wriggles I have 9 tuttos and the moment and 2 others have been sent back with snap problems. Then i have 8 gro via and another 4 on the way and 2 pop ins. My problem is that its taking a good 2 days to get my nappies dry at the moment. I have orded more ittis in the Australian sale but have not heard back about shipping yet . And i brought another 3 last night. I like the Tuttos more so i go for them first. I might just have to order more. Oh and i better order some more boosters. Thanks

DD 12 DS 9.5 DD 6 DS 4 DD 23 months and here comes number 6" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: MumtoMany
Date Posted: 01 July 2011 at 1:08pm
I should add we have other nappies like rumparoos etc but i find them to fat on my tiny boys bum. So i dont use them much. Although they dont leak.

DD 12 DS 9.5 DD 6 DS 4 DD 23 months and here comes number 6" rel="nofollow">

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