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German Coffee Group in Auckland?

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Topic: German Coffee Group in Auckland?
Posted By: sem
Subject: German Coffee Group in Auckland?
Date Posted: 30 June 2011 at 5:27pm
I am trying to find out if there is a German speaking coffee group anywhere in Auckland.
Would be great if somebody could help!

Posted By: caliandjack
Date Posted: 30 June 2011 at 6:06pm
Is there a German ex-pat's club in Auckland? Maybe they could help.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Angel June 2012

Posted By: crafty1
Date Posted: 30 June 2011 at 7:21pm
I know there are lots of German mums and dads in our neighbourhood so will ask. May see some at music tomorrow.

My sil goes to a Swedish one and i have heard of a Russian one. Maybe you could be the founding member!


Posted By: sem
Date Posted: 30 June 2011 at 7:41pm
I just found a playgroup in Grey Lynn which I will be checking out on Monday!
But I'm still keen to hear about others if there any that is.

Posted By: Plushie
Date Posted: 30 June 2011 at 7:54pm
Soooo i'm totally just going to threadjack a little bit but i assume this means you are german or a german speaker? Because DS's dad is german and while he doesnt see his son much at all i would like DS to have a little bit of the language and mine is limited so i was hoping to find some german nursary rhymes, or little songs (like german versions of itsy bitsy spider etc) if they exist, i have done some dodgy translations of things like 'you are my sunshine' but if you could give me the names of some i will find them and we can sing them together and then we'll both sound like total nutters but it'll be fun!

Sorry for the total threadjack but it seemed a waste to start a whole new thread that you'd probably be the most help in answering anyway!

Posted By: sem
Date Posted: 02 July 2011 at 10:25pm
Yep, I've got some books with German nursery rhymes. Will find some tomorrow and put them up (if I remember... feel free to PM me if I haven't replied!)

Posted By: NorthShoreMummy
Date Posted: 19 October 2011 at 3:13pm
Hi Sem,

I realise it's been a few months since you poasted this ... but I'm also looking for a German speaking coffee/playgroup.
My little girl is only three months old, but we're going to raise her bilingual, and I'd love for her to hear some other German voices than just mine.

Have you had any luck with finding a German speaking group? I'd be keen to hear about it!

Posted By: Scruf
Date Posted: 21 December 2011 at 10:22am
Hi NorthShoreMummy,

I am a newbie here too and a German mum-to-be. I live on the North Shore, as well as you (i guess) and like your idea about a German speaking coffee/playgroup as i also plan to raise my child bilingual.
As i am also quite new in Auckland/NZ i haven't found and don't know many German speaking people or play/coffee groups either. Maybe it is best to start one on the North Shore? Or meanwhile, have you been successful in finding a suitable group already?
For me it is actually a bit early as the baby is due only beginning of March 12, but i thought it might be cool to get some "German speaking contacts" anyway, also in relation to the future.

Posted By: sem
Date Posted: 21 December 2011 at 7:23pm
I have only just seen this thread has popped up again. The group I have found is in Grey Lynn and they meet every Monday 3.30-5.30pm at the Grey Lynn Community Center. It is run by German Mums and was pretty good. We only went a few times but found the time a bit of a hazzle. And then it was holidays and we went away and now its Christmas so not really happening for us.

We were the youngest there and I think the group is suited better for older kids so I might consider it again next year.

I am out West, my girl has just turned 1 in November. Would be keen to meet some more German speaking people, so if you do arrange to catch up let me know.

There are heaps of Germans on the North Shore - have you been to the bakery in Glenfield and the butcher in Albany?

Here we go again, another baby on it's way!

Posted By: NorthShoreMummy
Date Posted: 22 December 2011 at 8:55pm
Hi Scruf and sem,

Thanks so much for replying!!
Yes, I like the idea of arranging something on the North Shore. I'm pretty busy until New Years, so let's be in touch again in January.

I was also panning to try out that playgroup in Grey Lynn, but my daughter is even younger than your's, sem, so it might not be suitable for us yet.

I haven't tried the German bakery in Glenfield, or the Germann butcher in Albany. I didn't even know abot them (only the German deli in Browns Bay). Will have to check them out!!

Merry Christmas!!

Posted By: papillon
Date Posted: 17 January 2012 at 3:29pm
Hi everyone,

I am also from Germany and have lived on the North Shore for around 10 years with my Kiwi partner now. At the end of February we are expecting our first child (a girl) and I would love to catch up up with any other German/Kiwi mums on the Shore. We are in Takapuna right now but will be building our first home in Red Beach soon.

CU soon hopefully!

Posted By: Scruf
Date Posted: 18 January 2012 at 10:29am
Hi there,

cool, my Kiwi partner and i having also our first child (girl)as mentioned earlier above. We live in Browns Bay. We have checked out the German bakery in Glenfield and butcher in Albany as well as the German Cafe in Browns Bay already...from time to time it is good to eat some "known" food and even some Kiwi friends go there now, because they like it, especially the bakery stuff. Bakery will open again tomorrow after a holiday break, as far as i know.
Well, i guess like Julie i am waiting now, the next couple of weeks, for the "mini" to arrive. Yep, would be cool to catch up then or maybe even upfront to start a "baby group" or call it coffee group...whatever. Keep contact - Antje

Posted By: zian1
Date Posted: 18 January 2012 at 11:23am
Hi Ladies

awesome, I was just about to put up a similar post and now found this. I am German but have been living in NZ for 13 years, my hubby is Serbian and we are planning on raising our daughter (who is due 3rd March) trilingual. Would be great to catch up with you. Scruf and Papillion sounds like we are all due very close together. Hahe you started antenatal classes yet? If so where? We started last week with the PArents Centre in Apollo Drive.

Posted By: zian1
Date Posted: 24 January 2012 at 8:52am
just bumping this. Ladies are you still here? Would love a catch up some time.

Posted By: NorthShoreMummy
Date Posted: 25 January 2012 at 4:06pm
Hi everyone,
Great to get some more interested people!! Sorry, I've been really busy up until last week with visitors ... but now free again and very keen to meet up!
We're in Oteha, so maybe Browns Bay would be a good and relatively central point for everyone to meet up? Or Takapuna? Or any other suggestons?
Und wann passt's? Vielleicht naechste Woche irgendwann?

Posted By: nic77
Date Posted: 26 January 2012 at 12:10pm
Hi everyone,

I'm German, married to a Kiwi and our son was born in Novemver. I'd love to meet other German speaking parents, to practice my German, as I have been living here for 15 years and of course to have my son hear other people speak German. I live out West, but would be happy to drive to the Shore to meet up. Please keep me in the loop on what your plans are.

Posted By: zian1
Date Posted: 26 January 2012 at 12:19pm
Hallo North ShoreMummy, Nic und alle anderen,

komisch das wir alle in Englisch schreiben :). Da ich momentan noch arbeite waere es fuer mich am besten wenn wir uns am Wochenend treffen koennten, naechstes Wochende koennte ich am Sonntag. Die Woche danach bin ich dann auf maternity leave also koennte auch unter der Woche. Takapuna waere gut aber ich wuerde auch nach Brown Bay kommen wenn das leichter ist. Freu mich Euch all zu treffen!

Posted By: NorthShoreMummy
Date Posted: 26 January 2012 at 2:45pm
Fuer mich waere unter der Woche am Besten, wenn's geht? Richte mich aber gern nach der Mehrheit. Was meint ihr anderen?

Posted By: sem
Date Posted: 27 January 2012 at 12:40pm
Looks like I have the oldest child amongst us, but still keen to catch up
I'd also prefer during the week, but work Tuesday and Thursday at the moment.

How about Wednesday 8 February? Takapuna or Browns Bay beach if the weather is nice?

Here we go again, another baby on it's way!

Posted By: Scruf
Date Posted: 27 January 2012 at 3:27pm

I also prefer during the week. Wednesday and Browns Bay -beach or e.g. the Starbucks Cafe there ? sounds good to me.
What about a meeting next week already, Wed. 1st February? The 2 weeks after i am away, have visitors, anyway we can make it a weekly meeting, anyone who wants to and can come, comes.

Yep, will be exiting to meet you all. Any more suggestions for a preferred place and time to see + meet?

Posted By: zian1
Date Posted: 28 January 2012 at 7:28am
The 8th works for me, I can't do the week before as I'm still working but go ahead if you guys want to catch up. Probably easiest if we catch up in a cafe just in terms of finding each other. What time works best for everyone?

Posted By: NorthShoreMummy
Date Posted: 28 January 2012 at 7:46pm
Hi all,
Either week works for me. Starbucks Browns Bay sounds good. I'd prefer late morning, like 11.30am, if that suits?

Posted By: NorthShoreMummy
Date Posted: 28 January 2012 at 8:03pm
Hi again,
Just realised - I can't do 1 Feb, because my car will be serviced that day. But can def do 8 Feb!

Posted By: Scruf
Date Posted: 29 January 2012 at 11:46am
let's make it then Wednesday meeting, starting Febr. the 8th, 11.30 at Starbucks, Browns Bay.
Unfortunately i can't be there at the 8th and 15th the week after. If anything might change after then with the meeting point / time just post it.
Well, next time that will work for me is Wedn./Febr. 22th...1 week before my due date, uiii , so will see what will be the situation then.
Sure, there is always someone who can't come to the meetings due to different stuff to do, like car service etc., but good to start catching up. CU

Posted By: zian1
Date Posted: 29 January 2012 at 12:35pm
The 8th works for me, 11:30 is fine. So who can make it??? North Shore mummy, me anyone else? Scruf can you not do weds or can you not do those weeks at all? Would be great to meet you given that our bubbas are due around the same time, you are late Feb right I am 3rd of March.

Posted By: Scruf
Date Posted: 29 January 2012 at 10:47pm
Wednesday is fine, i only can't do the 8th Febr. and 15th the week after, because of being away + visitors. Yep, due on 29th of Febr.... i guess it will 'happen' some days later as a lot of people say - so, in early March - who knows ?.
Wedn. 22th meeting would be fine, i would come...if nothing 'happens' before that date...
Well, and in March then we might even meet in hospital maybe .


Posted By: Guest_66521
Date Posted: 03 February 2012 at 10:17pm
Hello everyone, Julie/Papillon here. Sorry, haven't checked my emails for a while. The 8th doesn't work for me yet as I will finish work next Friday only. Can do the new Wednesday then if she isn't early! :-)
Bis bald hoffentlich!
PS- my post is showing someone else's name on the side and it says I live in Napier..Weird...

TTC since March 2010
MC #1: Sept 2011
Sperm Test: 0 sperm revealed March 2012
MC #2: April 2012
Referred onto Fertility Specialists: May 2012

Posted By: zian1
Date Posted: 06 February 2012 at 10:25am
Hi there

maybe we should start on the 15th then seeing as only North Shore mum and I seem to be able to do the 8th? Are you guys on Facebook? Might be easier to communicate there than here?

Tshuess Annika

Posted By: zian1
Date Posted: 06 February 2012 at 11:23am
oh und Papillion, congrats. Looks like your bubs was in a hurry to make an entrance, weren't you due in late Feb?

Posted By: NorthShoreMummy
Date Posted: 07 February 2012 at 9:13am
I think sem may also able to make it tomorrow.
Is that right, sem?
And what about Nic77?
I'll try and 'pm' you guys - still not really sure how this all works in this forum, so let's see :)

Posted By: papillon
Date Posted: 07 February 2012 at 12:32pm
Hi everyone,
definitely keen for next Wednesday 15FEB at 11.30am at Starbucks in Browns Bay. If it's easier I'm on facebook under Julia Clavel (pictured with a cat) and my mobile is 021-230549, landline 4891481.
And no, haven't had our little girl yet, it's just when I logged on the last time the system must have linked me with a wrong profile so I don't have a son called Finn who is 10 weeks old and I don't live in Napier:-)

CU soon!

Posted By: Guest_70622
Date Posted: 13 February 2012 at 9:18pm
Hello together,

I´m also from Germany and brand new in NZ. I´ve two children with 6 years and 11 month. We live on the North Shore since nearly three month. I´m very interested to meet other mums. I just saw this forum and I want to ask whether the meeting take place at Wednesday 15th Feb. at 11:30am at Starbucks in Browns Bay. It would be great if we could meet together. Would it be ok for you if I come with my little daughter.

Thank you very much!


Posted By: NorthShoreMummy
Date Posted: 14 February 2012 at 9:11am
Hi all,
I met up with sem last week, and looking forward to meeting some more of you this week.
See you at Browns Bay Starbucks, 11.30am tomorrow (I've got a Plunket group at 10am, but hopefully that won't take too long, and I should be able to make it on time).
Who's definitely coming?

Posted By: zian1
Date Posted: 14 February 2012 at 1:12pm
Hi guys

I'll be there! Looking forward to meeting you.


Posted By: sem
Date Posted: 14 February 2012 at 4:11pm
I may be there. Will text you Linda and let you know! Got your text today too by the way.

Here we go again, another baby on it's way!

Posted By: Guest_70622
Date Posted: 14 February 2012 at 7:33pm

I am glad to hear that you will meet together tomorrow. I gave me a name, so I dont´t now why I call Guest. I don´t like put a lot of information of my person in the internet. I will come tomorrow with a pink pushchair so you can recognize me. Then you can tell me if it´s ok when I connect you.

See you

Bye Bye

Posted By: papillon
Date Posted: 15 February 2012 at 8:59am
Hi there, Julie here. Sorry about the late reply. I will be down at Starbucks today 15FEB 11.30 as well. Looking forward to meeting whoever comes along!
My number again 021-2305419.
Bis gleich!

Posted By: NorthShoreMummy
Date Posted: 17 February 2012 at 10:40am
Hi everyone,
It was lovely to meet some of you last week!
Wednesdays no longer work for everyone, so we're planning to meet on Thursday instead.
So, next catch up will be next week Thursday, 23 Feb 12 at 11.30am at Ben Gusto cafe in Browns Bay.
Bis dann!

Posted By: NorthShoreMummy
Date Posted: 24 February 2012 at 10:21am
And just in case anyone else wants to join us next week - we're reverting back to Wednesday :)
Next get together will be Wednesday, 29 Feb 12 at 11.30am at Ben Gusto cafe in Browns Bay.
Bis dann!

Posted By: sem
Date Posted: 23 April 2012 at 8:51am
Just been digging this one out again.
My little girl has now started daycare and is adding quite a few more words to her vocab but most of them are in English.

Did this group ever get somewhere? Is anybody around with kids similar in age to mine? I really would love for Emily to be exposed to German speaking children!

Here we go again, another baby on it's way!

Posted By: Tim162506
Date Posted: 05 November 2014 at 7:40am
Another bump!

I'm half-Swiss and keen for my daughter (just over 1) to pick up German - and rub some of the rust off my own. Are any of these German playgroups still going?

I work 4 days a week (and my wife doesn't speak German), so would have to be Wednesdays or weekends for me.

I'm in Avondale, but don't mind travelling.

Posted By: Murmel
Date Posted: 06 November 2014 at 2:53pm
Hi ya!
There are a couple of groups around!
I organise one on the North Shore, but there is also one in Ranui, here are the details:

German Playgroup

North Shore:
Where: Meadowood Commuinty House (55 Meadowood Drive, Unsworth Heights)
When: Every Friday, 3pm-5pm (during term), $4 per family
West Auckland (Ranui)
Where: Ranui Community Centre (474 Swanson Rd, Ranui)
When: Every Tuesday, 10am-12noon (during term), $3 per family

more info:


Posted By: Tim162506
Date Posted: 06 November 2014 at 4:45pm
Thanks Murmel,

At the moment it looks like there's something on every day except Wednesday! I may have to re-arrange my work hours...

Posted By: Flip204320
Date Posted: 02 April 2016 at 11:31pm
Hi everyone! Well it's now 2016 and the posts I read here are 2011 but I hope someone might be able to help me! I'm a Dad (I hope that's ok to be on here as a dad and not a mum!?) and my eldest was born in 2011 and youngest in 2014 in Germany. We are moving back to the north shore in a matter of days and I would so love if my boys could continue their German as it would be such a shame to loose it. On top of that I'd love it if we are able to still somehow be involved with something 'German' (language/tradition/culture) as well as embracing the pacific lifestyle if there is a group or like minded families there. If anyone is still looking at this thread and knows of groups or parents that are keen to catch up then please let me know. Thanks for any help. Flip and Familie

Posted By: Tim162506
Date Posted: 03 April 2016 at 7:43am
Hi Flip,

I'm a Dad too. I think we're allowed around here. I take my girls to a German playgroup in Green Bay (near New Lynn). We meet on Thursdays at 3:30 at the Green Bay Community House.

I think there's one in Grey Lynn as well. Also, did you see Murmel's post above about the groups on the North Shore and in Ranui? Not sure if those ones are still going though.

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