Cafes Providing Hot Water
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Topic: Cafes Providing Hot Water
Posted By: ....
Subject: Cafes Providing Hot Water
Date Posted: 01 July 2011 at 10:56pm
Did anyone else catch this on CampbellLive tonight?
Mothers (not all of them) in Levin aren't happy that cafes aren't providing hot water to or cleaning bottles for non-paying customers.
I thought the main lady involved seemed very abrasive and demanding, and agreed with the cafe owner (apart from the DPB statements, obviously.).
Fancy not being happy about a family centre because she didn't want to walk that far.
A bit cheeky, I think.
Posted By: james
Date Posted: 02 July 2011 at 7:09am
The cafe owners have a right to refuse service and if you arent oragnised anuf to have anuff food for your baby when you are out its your own fault. I bottle feed alway,s made sure i had anuff water for james bottles or went home early. But i also belive that the cafe could charge a small amount for the water
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Posted By: Plushie
Date Posted: 02 July 2011 at 9:46am
Yeah, i have to say its a bit rude to strut in of the street and ask for water. I'd buy a drink then ask for the water. BUT i'm not sure they should refuse - imagine some poor woman caught out by an unexpected feed with a screaming baby and long drive home...not everyone has spare change for a $5 coffee but they NEED the bottle. Soooo i conclude it should be at discression of the owners - some people might be rude or taking advantage but others are just caught short.
Posted By: Isabella
Date Posted: 06 July 2011 at 4:29pm
I think another big part of the story is getting a free bottle of water and then sitting at their tables to feed! I agree, the woman they were interviewing was a bit abrasive and I ended up mostly agreeing with the cafe owner.
Most genuine people would never refuse to give water for a baby bottle - there must be a reason they have come up with this policy and it is more than likely it is those that are doing the asking ruining it for themselves...
Posted By: peachy
Date Posted: 06 July 2011 at 6:19pm
I took DD to Aussie when she was 18 months old and not one single cafe would heat a bottle of water for me, whether I was a paying customer or not. I was furious but I could see there point. It was something to do with overheating the water and the baby being burnt from drinking the bottle that was too hot and the cafe being blamed for it or taken to court.
I would say that this is part of the reason for the refusal in this case aswell (I didn't see the story though). As much as it sounds stupid as no Mother would feed their baby scolding water, I can see why cafes do refuse in today's day and age. I could be on the completely wrong tangent here, but just wanted to share my experience and the cafes angle on why they wouldn't do it for me
Posted By: Littlechop
Date Posted: 07 July 2011 at 8:39pm
I frequently require water from cafe's to heat DD2s bottles - I tend to use my own little bucket or sometimes just a large takeaway coffee cup and put the bottle in there. But I ALWAYS buy something, and am very appreciative and grateful as I understand it takes the staff members' time and the cups cost money etc.
If the cafe asked me to pay for the cup I totally would but this has never happened.
When I fed DD1 formula I used to carry around cold water in the bottle and if need be, I would ask for a cup of boiling waater and mix my own bottles. Again, I was never charged for the cup but I ALWAYS bought something.
I didn't see the article, but from what you guys have said, I agree with the cafe. It's a bit like someone wanting cash out on EFTPOS and not buying something (well sort of - hungry baby and all is a bit different but you get what I mean) .
Posted By: snugglebug
Date Posted: 05 August 2011 at 3:37pm
What I wonder about is that when you're formula feeding, the formula doesn't have to be warm... you can give it cold, it's not safer either way... so I just fill up bottles of pre boiled water at home and put the powder in when I need. And I take more bottles than I need. My baby is my responsibility. So I don't really think it's reasonable for a cafe to have to give someone who isn't even a customer some water, they should have been prepared by bringing things from home that's what it's all about being a mother, and if it doesn't have to be made with warm water then they have no cause to even ask for it. If the water is for warming a bottle for feeding ebm I guess that's different but I still think you should at least be a customer. Or go home and sort out the feed
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