baby #2, not excited- bad sign?
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Category: Support
Forum Name: Living with Post Natal Depression
Forum Description: Around one in ten NZ mothers will be diagnosed with PND in the first year of their babies life. Find support and encouragement and share ideas for coping here.
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Topic: baby #2, not excited- bad sign?
Posted By: mummytobesep08
Subject: baby #2, not excited- bad sign?
Date Posted: 27 January 2012 at 8:46pm
Hi everyone,
I had really bad PND and PTSD with my first daughter (I've posted in here before when she was younger) and am, well, about to pop with baby #2!
Is it a bad sign that I'm not excited? At all? Feel bad admitting it but would rather be honest. I think because I'm too anxious about the birth and what it was like after bubs was born (eg hell) last time that its really hard to get excited. This baby was planned and is very loved.
Is it a bad sign that I haven't bonded like I did with DD? And aren't that excited?
Of course I hope that when s/he is here, everything is fine and I'm head over heels with no problems, but after last time of course I'm worried
I hope someone can give some advice
Angel babes '07 & '10- <3 <3
Posted By: AandCsmum
Date Posted: 28 January 2012 at 3:32pm
It's quite common, I didn't bond very well with my baby in utero, but now he's the cuddliest 2nd child out there. I definitely haven't bonded with this one, but it's getting better, even though this one was wanted like yours was, I'm not excited, rather dreading it!
------------- Kel">
A = 01.02.04 & C = 16.01.09 & G = 30.03.12
Posted By: T_Rex
Date Posted: 28 January 2012 at 8:29pm
I had a pretty hideous time with my first too, and tbh there was a large component of terror in the anticipation of my second's birth. The first time round there was a bit of fear of the unknown, but terror of the known is definitely worse!!
I was afraid my birth would go terribly again (it didn't, yay!) but much much more afraid that my baby would have reflux and food sensitivities again, and be an appalling sleeper as a result (she does, darn it!). So in part, my fears have been upheld. But you know what? I've lived this before, so I KNOW I can do it. I have way more tricks up my sleeve to make things easier, and I've learnt a lot about my limits and when to ask for help, AND I've learn who the best people to ask for that help from are (nothing like finally braving up to ask for help from someone who is completely useless and just makes you feel worse, eh?). I've got a pretty tricky baby again, but actually, I'm fine. Loving it even, and I certainly didn't the first time.
So even if the fears come true again, this time you or the people around you, will recognise the signs and do something about it sooner than last time. And somehow the whole thing really isn't so bad.
And while it did take me a wee while to warm to number 2 because of the terror, she's a gorgeous little girl, and I love her to bits. And now that I've got to know her a bit, I know that just like her sister, she's so worth all the angst she puts me through
Hopefully some of that helped. I know it's a bit long, but I really feel for you. It's a tough situation.
Posted By: ScaredyKat
Date Posted: 31 January 2012 at 8:46pm
Aww T-Rex that is such a sweet post! Made me smile and feel just a tiny little bit less worried about my second. I also got PND with my first, had a TERRIBLE time with him (he STILL doesn't sleep through the night at 2!), and am pregnant with my second. I was sooooo excited with my first, and am soo not this time. You are so right, terror of the unknown is definitely worse
So I don't think you are alone. From what I know from those around me, it is normal
Posted By: T_Rex
Date Posted: 01 February 2012 at 6:53pm
Hehe ScaredyKat, my first has slept through twice since #2 was born. Part of knowing my limits is that DH usually tends to her. He often ends up sleeping in the spare bed in her room, but if we all get more sleep that way, it'll do for now. I'm also starting out each night with DD2 in the cot (which is sidecarred) and at some stage she ends up in our bed. I get more rest that way and right now, that is what is important.
I hope you get a cruisy wee thing second time round, but you'll be ok if you don't
Posted By: mummytobesep08
Date Posted: 03 February 2012 at 8:09pm
thanks for your replies everyone good to know that people do still bond even if it didn't feel like it during the pregnancy.
I think the hardest thing is that even though we went through PND and tried out lots of things to help, in the end none of it really helped at all (meds, support at home, counseling etc) so I feel while we do know the signs and stuff and know what supports are out there, and because I have been through PND before, it isn't comforting because I still don't have an answer on what helps!
I'm not excited at all, though people around me are which is nice.
Angel babes '07 & '10- <3 <3
Posted By: Free2BeMe
Date Posted: 04 February 2012 at 2:48am
I had this reaction while pregnant with my third, as I'd had terrible PND with my second (major colic etc) but luckily things were easier with that baby, and I did bond with him well (unlike with my second son)
Take it easy, I hope everything works out well.
ETA - Just reading that nothing helped you last time, how did you get through it??
Posted By: mummytobesep08
Date Posted: 08 April 2012 at 9:15pm it probably was a bad sign. I hate PND!
Angel babes '07 & '10- <3 <3
Posted By: oscarboo
Date Posted: 09 April 2012 at 12:33pm
Mummy2B. I hate PND too. Had it with #1 and now have it again with #2. Tried lots of things to stop it happening but it has still reared its ugly head. On meds and while they were working I seem to be having a few bads days again at the moment (like today). To make matters worse we have just found out he is dairy intolerant like his sister was and the decision was made to stop BFing and put him onto the proper formula. I thought I was okay with this decision but it is now breaking my heart. I really just wanted to let you know I know how you feel and what you are going through. Hope you are feeling better soon and if you want to talk at all PM me
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Posted By: Kellz
Date Posted: 09 April 2012 at 9:03pm
Big A. Sorry sorry its happened again. Have been wondering how u are getting on with #2. How old is baby now? I havent been on the justbreathe forum for ages,. must pop back for a visit.
Really hope u ok.
Posted By: mummytobesep08
Date Posted: 16 April 2012 at 8:09pm
oscarboo hope you are feeling better now about the formula thing. you're doing what's best for him and what he needs :-) What one is he one? How did you know it was dairy intolerance?
thanks Kellz. It blardy sucks, I'm so guttered especially with everything we did to try make sure things went better this time. I guess it really is something we can't always control ( ) Baby is 9 1/2 weeks now. She has reflux though so OMG feels like 9 1/2 years lol...
Angel babes '07 & '10- <3 <3
Posted By: oscarboo
Date Posted: 16 April 2012 at 8:44pm
Starting to feel a little better. He was showing all the signs like his sister did (eczema starting to appear, dry spots on his skin, unsettled, spilly) which can all be normal but we had seen it all before in our older one. The trial of the formula lead to a happier baby in a couple of days. Now just have to get him drinking them a little better. Started gavison today to see if that helps. My two seem to be peas in a pod. I know what you mean about putting things into place to try and help and it not working. We tried very hard to make sure it wasn't going to happen this time either. I hope things are starting to settle down for you soon and you can get the reflux under control.
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