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Pregnant again after MC

Printed From: OHbaby!
Category: Support
Forum Name: Life After Miscarriage
Forum Description: Up to one in five pregnancies ends in miscarriage, yet for many the loss of a pregnancy is isolating and lonely. Share your thoughts and feelings here with others who have experienced loss.
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Topic: Pregnant again after MC
Posted By: stella125
Subject: Pregnant again after MC
Date Posted: 05 May 2012 at 8:48pm
Hey everyone! im pregnant for the 3rd time and have lost the first 2 before 12 weeks, i have noticed in some of the threads others in the same boat and all the worries we all have. I am to scared to let myself even get a little excited untill after the 12 week scan.
Anyone else feeling a bit nervous?

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Posted By: Roses are Red
Date Posted: 05 May 2012 at 10:48pm
Congrats on your pregnancy - FX everything is smooth sailing from now on.

Have you approached a dr or midwife about the possibility of an early scan, it might help put your mind at ease?


Angel March 2011

Posted By: stella125
Date Posted: 06 May 2012 at 11:01am
Thanks for that no but i will ask my mid wife next time i see her

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Posted By: tigger,roo
Date Posted: 07 May 2012 at 1:24pm
congrats and fingers crossed 3rd time lucky :)


Angels - March'11, Nov '10, May '10

Posted By: redtulip
Date Posted: 07 May 2012 at 6:26pm
Congratulation and wishing you a happy, healthy 9 months Stella125

5 wee Angels - Always in our hearts - Aug '11, Feb '12, Aug '12, Feb '13, Aug '13

Posted By: Princess_Bubs
Date Posted: 08 May 2012 at 9:14am
I hope this is your third time lucky and you can enjoy being pregnant as much as possible. I know it's hard to believe it's going to happen after multiple losses but it does and Im sure this is the precious baby you've been waiting for x

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Two Precious Angel Babies 2010 / 2011

Posted By: Moobear
Date Posted: 27 May 2012 at 6:12pm
Hi stella125,

I am in the same situation as you. It kind of sucks because I remember how excited I was the first time. It was so surreal and I was just so so happy. This time I am freaking out and finding it hard to believe that I am even pregnant (5 BFP's later). I am finding it hard to get excited because I am so worried all the time. Takes the magic of the moment away a little eh....

But third time lucky for us both. We will be fine!!!!! Congratulations by the way

Angel Babies       
Sept 2011 March 2012">

Posted By: redtulip
Date Posted: 10 July 2012 at 7:06pm
Hi stella 125 and moobear...
How are you both doing? Hope things are well.
Great to have found this thread... I've just gotten BFP couple of days ago after losing my first 2 pregnancies over the past year... so a bit overwhelmed but strangely feeling a little more positive this time than last time... must just be in a better space.
Not sure if you have any advice/words of wisdom - have my first gp visit tomorrow since doing POAS.
Funny that the TWW seems so long when you're TTC - the real wait is gonna be this first 12weeks!!
Here's to 3rd time lucky!

Posted By: waterbaby
Date Posted: 16 July 2012 at 1:30pm
Hi All,
I have a very similar story had 2 x MC's and am now 7w2d pregnant and have been walking on egg shells and anxious for what seems like an eternity but has only been 3 short weeks.
I found regular blood tests help put my mind at ease and also talking on the various forums to hear what others were going through helped.
We had our first scan today, we are having early pregnancy monitoring done through fertility associates, and it was such a reassurance to see the heart fluttering away and to see we were growing right on track to what we expected.
I too am still weary and do not want to get too excited because the heartbreak was tough - although like your redtulip I am way more positive and feel much better about this time.
We have our first OB appt next week and because of our history will have at least 2 more scans before our 12weeks which again puts my mind at ease.
Good luck ladies and fingers crossed we all have great pregnancies this time around, I am sure we will

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Posted By: jessicajanea
Date Posted: 16 July 2012 at 7:03pm
Hi everyone,
I'm pregnant for the 3rd time, also 2x MC before 12 weeks. Really nervous but also excited! Even the slightest twinge of pain and I can't help but feel nervous. Anyone else feeling the same? not meeting midwife or any scans until 8 weeks

Posted By: Moobear
Date Posted: 17 July 2012 at 8:45pm
redtulip the 2ww is nothing compared to the wait to get to the magical 12 week mark... which by the way I have officially reached today!! So excited Congratulations to you btw

I had early bloods to monitor my hcg levels (at my request from GP) then had a scan at 7w3d and another at 10w1d. Got to see my baby again yesterday at OB and have my NT scan tomorrow.

The first thing I said at my scans was "is it alive?". I think the radiographer thought it was a bit odd but I explained my situation (mmc and pmp) and she understood.

For all you ladies out there that have lost a precious wee bub.. stay positive. It will happen

Angel Babies       
Sept 2011 March 2012">

Posted By: redtulip
Date Posted: 22 July 2012 at 9:48am
Moobear - congrats on passing the 12 week mark!!
AFM -Having my hcg levels checked every week (going well) and have first scan on 3 Aug.
Hope everyone is well and enjoying their weekend

5 wee Angels - Always in our hearts - Aug '11, Feb '12, Aug '12, Feb '13, Aug '13

Posted By: Kellz
Date Posted: 13 August 2012 at 9:17pm
Hi everyone.

I am now 10 weeks 2 days pregnant. We lost our last baby at 11 weeks preg in March this year. IT was a strange and nasty mc- I hadnt had any early bloods or scans so didnt know anything was wrong til I started bleeding. I heamoraaged badly, and after 5 hrs of terrible bleeding in ED, I was scanned and baby still had a heart beat but was measuring only 6 weeks, so hadnt developed properly. I spent 3 nights in hospital, had blood transfusions and an iron infusion. For 3 weeks I was too sick to look after my kids without help, and it took almost 2 months until I was completely better and back to work as normal.
I am terrifed of a repeat of all of that. So far this time I have had serial hcg's which have been fine, and scans at 5 weeks 6 days, and 8 weeks 4 days which have been perfect too,....but as I get closer and closer to the 11 week mark Im getting more anxious. I dont feel as tired these last few days either which is freaking me out a bit, and my symptoms subsided in the week before my mc.

Posted By: Pepi-bebe
Date Posted: 18 August 2012 at 10:51pm
Ohhh you ladies all give me so many positive vibes - we'll be trying for our third time lucky in a few months.... :-)


Oct 11 & Mar 12

Posted By: stella125
Date Posted: 23 October 2012 at 9:58pm
Hello all, just an update :) everything seems to be going well and i cant wait to meet bubs! i hope everyone else who has been thru the same thing is doing well! xoxo

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Posted By: Kellz
Date Posted: 24 October 2012 at 7:25am
Yay so glad this pregnancy is going well for you. Do you still get nervous/anxious that something might still go wrong? I am now 20 weeks, and I do relax more and more as time goes a long,...being able to feel baby moved helped heaps, and seeing a perfect baby at the 20 week scan on Fri did too,..but it still feels like I cant truely relax until Im holding our baby.

Posted By: monkeys
Date Posted: 24 October 2012 at 8:03am
Love so many positive stories in here!! I have lost two little angels between 6 & 7 weeks, and are currently TTC again - I am in the TWW at the moment, but my chart is really weird so not sure this is the month! Really hope its 3rd time luck for us to

3 little Angels July 10, May 11, Apr 13

Posted By: stella125
Date Posted: 25 October 2012 at 6:40pm
Yes Kellz i still am nervious! i dont think you ever really get that innocence of being pregnant back after a MC. I have so many friends that have kids and never had a MC and they keep telling me to relax and enjoy it which i try to do but theres always that niggling feeling something might go wrong! GOOD LUCK Monkeys!!! My fingers are crossed for you :) Hopefully you 2 will be third time lucky.

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Posted By: Pepi-bebe
Date Posted: 26 October 2012 at 11:14pm
I'm trying for my 3rd time lucky baby too! Lets all make some lovely success stories eh?


Oct 11 & Mar 12

Posted By: Séraphine
Date Posted: 30 December 2012 at 3:01pm
I know this is an old thread and Stella's baby will be here by now (yay!)

But... Yes! Totally nervous, waiting till 2nd week of Jan by then I should be 6 weeks, I'm going to contact my MW and ask for some serial HcG bloods, undecided about early scans, I'm tempted just to have the 12 week scan as long as the blood results are okay, but then if I wait that long there should be a little Bub waving back, what if there's not? Gah!

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Posted By: redtulip
Date Posted: 11 January 2013 at 8:38am
Hi Seraphine,
Congratulations! I did a HPT on Wednesday and BFP... all feels a bit surreal at the moment, in fact I feel a bit emotionally detached from it all. I think it's probably my minds way of protecting me from any stress or anxiety as we have lost our previous 3 pregnancies. Would dearly love for things to go well for us this time but trying the 'whatever will be, will be' approach for as long as i can. Have my first HCG bloodtest today. Hope you're well and wishing you heaps of luck for a sticky bub.

5 wee Angels - Always in our hearts - Aug '11, Feb '12, Aug '12, Feb '13, Aug '13

Posted By: Moobear
Date Posted: 18 January 2013 at 7:52am
redtulip, congratulations hun I have my fingers crossed for you that things will go well for you and your man with this little baby. Sending lots of sticky dust your way x

Angel Babies       
Sept 2011 March 2012">

Posted By: Pitter patter
Date Posted: 19 January 2013 at 8:01pm
Hope will join this club soon. Redtulip so good all going well with you and moobear not long to go! Seraphine havent seen you on here for a while, hope all is going well xx


TTC number 2 since April 2011
MC Nov 12
Formally Mamma2one

Posted By: redtulip
Date Posted: 21 January 2013 at 9:31am
Thanks moobear and mumma2one...
Wooo-hooo moobrear! Not long to go till your little one is here - how exciting!
Mumma, so sorry for your loss - I really hope you'll be here with us soon too, are your cycles back to normal yet?
AFM -have had 3 hcgs and so far they are all fine. Have been in to have my 4th done this morning so should have the results this arvo. Feeling good, just really tired and sore breasts. Have been taking progesterone suppositories 3 x daily so really hoping that they are helping and this bub stays sticky.
Take care ladies xx

5 wee Angels - Always in our hearts - Aug '11, Feb '12, Aug '12, Feb '13, Aug '13

Posted By: younginin
Date Posted: 23 January 2013 at 11:01am
Hi ladies,

Its nice to find others going thru/ feeling the same.

After loosing our first bub in Oct, this time around im definitely more scared than excited. My partner also seems a lot less interested tho i guess thats just his way of coping and hopefully he'll come around once i start getting more excited myself.

Oct '12
💙 Sep '13

Posted By: redtulip
Date Posted: 23 January 2013 at 3:21pm
Hi Younginin.......... CONGRATULATIONS!!
Glad you found this thread, looks like I'm only one day behind you looking at your ticker
My DH is exactly the same as your DP (and has been with every pregnancy since our first m/c) so don't worry, its definately a coping mechanism.
Wishing you heaps of luck for a sticky bub this time, nice to have someone else in here who understands xx

5 wee Angels - Always in our hearts - Aug '11, Feb '12, Aug '12, Feb '13, Aug '13

Posted By: kalika
Date Posted: 23 January 2013 at 6:28pm
Three of us on eggshells all due in the same month.. lets hope we can give each other as much support as we need! Such a difficult time. I'm trying to stay relaxed and positive but it is so hard. Everyday I wake up with sore boobs again I'm so happy. They even hurt when I walk down stairs! lol

Younginin are you having weekly bloods done too?

And are you guys scheduling early scans? I am undecided whether I should wait for 8 weeks (have a day off work booked already) or if I should go sooner ie as soon as there should be a heart beat detectable.

-------------" rel="nofollow - My Ovulation Chart

Sept '12

Posted By: younginin
Date Posted: 23 January 2013 at 7:10pm
No one has said anything about extra bloods.

Got form from Dr for scan, will ring and try to book in tomorrow for probably later next week (after 7 weeks to guarantee heartbeat, scared of going early and not being able to see one).

1st appointment with MW on the 7th (had to find a new one as we have moved).

Oct '12
💙 Sep '13

Posted By: kalika
Date Posted: 23 January 2013 at 7:50pm
My GP asked what I wanted to do younginin so I suggested weekly bloods until the scan for a bit of peace of mind. I'll be looking for a new midwife too but its hard to know who you might want without meeting them

-------------" rel="nofollow - My Ovulation Chart

Sept '12

Posted By: younginin
Date Posted: 24 January 2013 at 6:56pm
Cant get in for a scan till the 7th    Got in the next day when I was in Hammy... Stupid small town.

So I wont really know anything till the 7th when i see MW and get scan.

Oct '12
💙 Sep '13

Posted By: kalika
Date Posted: 24 January 2013 at 7:34pm
Fingers crossed it rolls around quickly for you then younginin!

(hang on what am I talking about.. as someone else said if we thought the 2ww was hard the wait to 12 weeks is worse!)

Are you not still in Auckland region? Surely there must be somewhere that can see you sooner?

-------------" rel="nofollow - My Ovulation Chart

Sept '12

Posted By: redtulip
Date Posted: 24 January 2013 at 9:35pm
Hi Kalika and Younginin,
How are you both? Had another hcg today and all rising normally....whew! Feel a little anxious now as lost all 3 angels around 6-8 weeks.
Have another hcg test next Tues then RPL clinic nurse wants me to have a scan Thurs. I missed her call so will have to get DH to phone her tomorrow - stink thing about my job is that I work alone and only started there mid Dec... so makes it really hard to take time out for appointments. Hopefully DH can sort a more suitable time.
Hope you girls are taking good care of yourselves xx

5 wee Angels - Always in our hearts - Aug '11, Feb '12, Aug '12, Feb '13, Aug '13

Posted By: kalika
Date Posted: 24 January 2013 at 9:49pm
That is great news about your hcg levels redtulip! A scan will be good to put mind at ease but also could be quite stressful. Plus with your added difficulty of taking time off work. What sort of work is it that you have to work alone?

I'm trying my best to relax, not stress and take it easy. I've not ridden my horse all week and feel really neglectful to them as I haven't been to see them 2 days out of 4 as well. The land owner is out a couple of times a day tho so at least I know I'd be contacted if there is something wrong.

I just feel so tired! My legs feel like I've been tramping and I get really tired around 3pm, 5 or 6pm and then get a second wind around 8 or 9. I've always been a night owl really tho. Shame I can't change my work hours to suit

-------------" rel="nofollow - My Ovulation Chart

Sept '12

Posted By: redtulip
Date Posted: 24 January 2013 at 10:05pm
Hi kalika, I'm a florist at quite a small/busy place so often do days on my own. Don't want to fib to my boss about why I want time off as if all goes well and I tell him I'm UTD down the track I'd hate for him to realise I'd lied to him earlier, it'll be bad enough that I got UTD 2 weeks after starting there lol!!
Am sure they'll be able to work something out re scan, they apparently do them all day Thursdays (every week). But I can't be the only person to have probs going then. Scans just scare the hell out of me - only realised I'd m/c'd last 2 times at scan. But would rather know then find out at 12 weeks is my reasoning.
I've been really tired too.Don't feel bad about your horses... as long as someone's around to check on them they'll be absolutely fine. Look at it as you giving them summer holiday

5 wee Angels - Always in our hearts - Aug '11, Feb '12, Aug '12, Feb '13, Aug '13

Posted By: kalika
Date Posted: 24 January 2013 at 10:09pm
I always think being a florist must be a lovely job! Surrounded by gorgeousness all day.. I'm surrounded by blokes (all men in my dept) and they all talk too loudly into their phones lol

I don't feel too bad, I'm doing what I think is best, especially given my history I just know that come winter I'll regret not having put time in as it'll be too cold (and I finish work too late) and hopefully be too pregnant to ride!

Good luck for arranging a scan time tomorrow

-------------" rel="nofollow - My Ovulation Chart

Sept '12

Posted By: redtulip
Date Posted: 24 January 2013 at 10:12pm
Ha,ha! lol at the guys on their phones! ...have a great sleep

5 wee Angels - Always in our hearts - Aug '11, Feb '12, Aug '12, Feb '13, Aug '13

Posted By: younginin
Date Posted: 24 January 2013 at 10:39pm
I could possibly get in sooner if I was confidante enough to drive around Auckland. I live very south Auckland and I'm not a very confidante driver, so motorways are scarey. I'm getting use to driving around Waiuku and Pukekohe now.

I refuse to go to any scans on my own now, because I was on my own when I found out we lost our last one. So DP will be taking time off to come with me.

Oct '12
💙 Sep '13

Posted By: kalika
Date Posted: 26 January 2013 at 7:45am
That is fair younginin you need support for in case it isn't good news but also will be nice for him to be there when it is good news!

I'm a bit worried today, my boobs are less sore than the last week (but still sore). I was able to sleep on my tummy quite easily last night

-------------" rel="nofollow - My Ovulation Chart

Sept '12

Posted By: younginin
Date Posted: 26 January 2013 at 9:36am
*sends lots of sticky dust your way*

Lots of the other girls in the Sep group have been saying their symptoms come and go, so its not necessarily a bad sign..

Oct '12
💙 Sep '13

Posted By: kalika
Date Posted: 26 January 2013 at 3:25pm
*must not overreact* thanks younginin, still sore so I feel happy! Just had a sleep on the lawn too which is so unlike me so taking that as a good sign too

How are you feeling at the moment?

Redtulip, how did you get on scheduling a scan date?

-------------" rel="nofollow - My Ovulation Chart

Sept '12

Posted By: younginin
Date Posted: 26 January 2013 at 6:21pm
Massive family thing on here this weekend, so a fun weekend of trying to pretend Im fine so no-one knows :/ (and make sure all my food is ok)

But I'm doing ok, get really tired about 2-4 in the afternoon, and am finding I need to eat often or i get queezy, but also not really hungry.

How are you doing Redtulip?

Oct '12
💙 Sep '13

Posted By: redtulip
Date Posted: 26 January 2013 at 8:26pm
Hi guys,

Sorry haven't checked in, have been at work today... Thurs, Fri and Sat i do 8.30am to 7.00pm so really just work, sleep and eat for me! Not stressful or hard work... just looooong day.

Lady at RPL clinic said only time they could do scans there is Thursday 1-3pm so no way I can make that. Think I mentioned, being a new job I don't want to ask... always have in the back of my mind that if I were to m/c I'd need time off so don't want to ask for this... the harsh reality of having m/c's is I tend to think so practically and cut off the emotion!
So, she has sent a scan form to Horizon Radiology, DH will phone and make and appt with them for me. Probably for next Monday (4th?) as I have Sun and Mon's off. Hate that place, was hoping to avoid going there - haven't ever had a positive visit there! (Not the place or staff BTW, just circumstance). But going to think positive - it can only help.

Kalika - try not to panic about symptoms coming and going - apparently it's very normal. Unfortunately for us we'll always overthink every symptom, or lack of; I think.

Younginin, great your DP can come to your appt, my DH is a secondary teacher and it's his first day back at school Mon 4th so no way at all he'll be able to come - nevermind.

Hope you lovely ladies are having a wonderful weekend xx

5 wee Angels - Always in our hearts - Aug '11, Feb '12, Aug '12, Feb '13, Aug '13

Posted By: kalika
Date Posted: 27 January 2013 at 6:49pm
Wow that is a long day!! As you say though, as least it isn't stressful or hard, just long. It is something you get used to though, I used to to 8am till 8pm in a hotel in the UK and it just means you break up your day differently in terms of milestones lol

My boobs are still sore, so am quite happy for now. I almost wish I'd get another symptom (other than tiredness and being hungry) so I can be certain this pregnancy is going to stick around.

I'm going to see how my Tuesday blood test comes back and then decide if I have a scan sooner than the 15th when I have a day off.

younginin, how did you go keeping your news a secret with your family do?

-------------" rel="nofollow - My Ovulation Chart

Sept '12

Posted By: kalika
Date Posted: 27 January 2013 at 9:58pm
I can't shake this feeling.. I don't even want to put it to words.

-------------" rel="nofollow - My Ovulation Chart

Sept '12

Posted By: redtulip
Date Posted: 28 January 2013 at 7:56am
Hi Kalika,
Sounds like you're having a bit of a bad time of it - I just wanted to say that I totally understand and you're more than welcome to pm me if you ever want to. I don't think there is anything anyone can say to take away the worry or anxiety, but at least being in contact with others that truly understand lets you know you're not alone. I can totally understand your last post - getting UTD after M/C can bring up so many different and unexplainable emotions... you don't need to put it into words, I think I 'get it'... so want to offer you a big hug!

AFM - I have probably frustrated quite a few really close friends lately as I haven't returned any calls or texts from them since finding out I'm UTD. I just don't want to tell them I'm UTD or even talk about it with them. All of them have kids and have had no problems having them, so as much as they care they don't understand and I come away feeling a bit useless TBH. I'm hoping they'll all understand further down the track when I explain. I was MIA during the last 2 preg so they may suspect.

I can only hope that this next few weeks go really well for us (and younginin and others)... thanks for sharing how you feel, it makes it easier for us all to do the same. Hope today is much better for you xxx

5 wee Angels - Always in our hearts - Aug '11, Feb '12, Aug '12, Feb '13, Aug '13

Posted By: kalika
Date Posted: 28 January 2013 at 8:52am
The silly thing is I don't even have any real reason for feeling like this. It's just the paranoid beast in me rearing it's head!

I know totally what you mean about not wanting to tell too many people. The DAY after we found out we were expecting again a friend wouldn't take no for an answer when she offered me a wine at my own house and basically forced an answer out of me. I was really annoyed as we were still letting the new info sink in ourselves and I wasn't ready to tell anyone!

And you're right, those who have breezed through pregnancy before have no idea how overwhelming this anxiety is

-------------" rel="nofollow - My Ovulation Chart

Sept '12

Posted By: younginin
Date Posted: 28 January 2013 at 9:25am
*hugs* for kalika. Im so glad we have this place where the people here are going thru the same thing and understand.

AFM: The weekend is nearly over, the last of the people are packing up and heading home today. There were a few times I went to say something and had to bite my lip, but otherwise it went well.

I'm blatantly lieing to my mates, im sure they will understand later on, my and DP immediate family know and thats all the support I need for now.

Oct '12
💙 Sep '13

Posted By: kalika
Date Posted: 28 January 2013 at 10:10am
Of course they will younginin and if they have you up about it I'd be pretty blunt that's it's your own business and nobody else's until you decide to tell!

Just went through all my dates from the last pregnancy and tomorrow's date last time was when I first recorded spotting. That is if my dates are even on target

-------------" rel="nofollow - My Ovulation Chart

Sept '12

Posted By: younginin
Date Posted: 28 January 2013 at 2:52pm
Will be thinking of you tomorrow.

Im not looking forward to the same point in this pregnancy as when I lost the last one..

Oct '12
💙 Sep '13

Posted By: kalika
Date Posted: 28 January 2013 at 3:15pm
Thanks.. Yes everyone who has had a MC before says it's quite stressful getting to that same point.

Had my results back from this mornings test and I was a bit excited and didn't write it down but it was around 25000 so feeling really good Yay!

-------------" rel="nofollow - My Ovulation Chart

Sept '12

Posted By: younginin
Date Posted: 29 January 2013 at 3:25pm
Yay for nice high results, thinking of you today.

Oct '12
💙 Sep '13

Posted By: kalika
Date Posted: 29 January 2013 at 8:17pm
Originally posted by younginin younginin wrote:

Yay for nice high results, thinking of you today.

Thanks, managed to keep my mind off it most of the day! Just not during toilet stops, you'll know what I mean lol

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Sept '12

Posted By: gracia
Date Posted: 30 January 2013 at 7:17am
I'm having a bit of a tough day. A bit of background - I miscarried our first baby last year at 5 weeks and today would have been the estimated due date. I'm now 27 weeks pregnant with a little girl :) and due at the end of April but I didn't expect to feel down down and upset today - I thought I had been coping so well.


Posted By: kalika
Date Posted: 30 January 2013 at 8:19am
Sorry to hear that Gracia :-( try take some time out to do something special for yourself in honour of this special day. A manicure, an icecream at lunchtime, anything you want really!

-------------" rel="nofollow - My Ovulation Chart

Sept '12

Posted By: gracia
Date Posted: 30 January 2013 at 8:45am
Thanks kalika - I'm currently baking choc chip cookies for my DH's office :) it's somehow quite calming. How are you doing with your new pregnancy? I don't think I fully relaxed until 12 weeks but after our 9 week scan I felt a lot less stressed.


Posted By: kalika
Date Posted: 30 January 2013 at 10:12am
That sounds nice!

I'm doing ok. Not excited as such. Haven't bought anything yet and probably won't until we see a heartbeat or even later

-------------" rel="nofollow - My Ovulation Chart

Sept '12

Posted By: gracia
Date Posted: 30 January 2013 at 10:42am
I wasn't excited for a very long time - probably until after the 12 week scan. DH still stresses about if bubs and I are ok - he gets so nervous before scans and OB appointments


Posted By: younginin
Date Posted: 30 January 2013 at 10:52am
Hi Gracia. Hugs to you, must be a hard day, I like Kalikas suggestion of doing something for yourself. Im not looking forward to those milestones.

Oct '12
💙 Sep '13

Posted By: redtulip
Date Posted: 30 January 2013 at 3:57pm
Hi Gracia, Sorry for your loss last year... I hope that today has been okay. It's totally understandable that you've found it a bit tough, no matter how well you've been coping there'll always be times that are a bit hard... with time the hurt eases a little but you always remember.
Know what you mean about the baking, I find it calming too strangely enough! Wonderful to see that your pregnancy is going well, not all that long now until met your little girl
Take care! x

5 wee Angels - Always in our hearts - Aug '11, Feb '12, Aug '12, Feb '13, Aug '13

Posted By: gracia
Date Posted: 31 January 2013 at 5:35am
Thanks redtulip and younginin.

Baking was relaxing/calming until I burnt the last 5 cookies lol.

I think now is time for me to starting looking forward :) I'm so excited to meet our little girl. I've had a really smooth pregnancy so far (other than morning sickness for 18 weeks and sinus issues):)

Take care and try to relax and not stress in the early stages of your pregnancy (as hard as it is)


Posted By: redtulip
Date Posted: 03 February 2013 at 7:00pm
Hi ladies,
Wondering how you're all going? Have my scan tomorrow arvo and feeling ok about it, but I know it'll be a different story as the time draws nearer. Very thankful that DH managed to change the time to 4pm so he can come with me - wasn't looking foward to going alone... so fx all is well.

What has been happening for you all? Hope you're all well x

5 wee Angels - Always in our hearts - Aug '11, Feb '12, Aug '12, Feb '13, Aug '13

Posted By: kalika
Date Posted: 03 February 2013 at 8:06pm
Will be sending good vibes your way tomorrow! Keep positive, unless you have any reason to think it may be bad news then it should be good news! I hope that makes sense lol

Nothing new here, my intense hunger has calmed down thank god. Otherwise I'd be on track to gaining 20kg in my first trimester

We still haven't told hubby's family. His sister just bought a house last wknd and then had a birthday/house warming yesterday so didn't want to rain on their parade.

Just taking it easy here still really

-------------" rel="nofollow - My Ovulation Chart

Sept '12

Posted By: redtulip
Date Posted: 04 February 2013 at 7:47am
Hi Kalika,
Thanks for that, am feeling relatively positive - but unfortunately with our last 2 m/c I didn't find out I'd m/c'd until our dating scans (at around the same time as this one) as I didn't have any symptoms (cramps, spotting etc) to indicate anything was wrong. 1st m/c I had bleeding so was better prepared for the news. The difference this preg is that I'm taking progesterone suppositories so at least I'm doing something differently and it's giving me a little glimmer of hope.
Good to hear your not feeling so hungry all the time lol!!
We haven't told anyone except my bestie and DH best mate... TBH I'm a bit over the pity, as real and well meaning as it is I don't think I could stomach it a fourth time so won't be telling anyone if we m/c again (except my friend and DH mate). I don't even want to join a 'due in' thread until 12 weeks this time around.
Anyway, will let you know how I go... keeping my fingers and toes crossed. When is your scan? Was it the 15th? Sorry, can't remember.

5 wee Angels - Always in our hearts - Aug '11, Feb '12, Aug '12, Feb '13, Aug '13

Posted By: Rachie123
Date Posted: 04 February 2013 at 1:38pm
Good luck with your scan tomorrow Redtulip! I am likely to wait until 7+ months for the early scan too as last time at 6 weeks+2 they said there was no heartbeat but left me in limbo for over a week insisting that I get another scan to check if my dates were just off. Worst feeling ever - the not knowing. The following scan confirmed my fears but I felt like I couldn't grieve until I knew for sure but didn't want to be negative when there was still a chance.

Having ups and downs at the moment - scared to be too excited but wanting to enjoy the feeling of knowing I may be having a baby in October.

I'm hoping your scan goes well and your fears are put to rest. A heartbeat would be amazing. Are you getting any pregnancy symptoms?

Are you getting an early scan Kalika, or just waiting for 12 weeks?

TCC since December 2011
Angel Baby Sept 2012" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: redtulip
Date Posted: 04 February 2013 at 6:50pm
Well looks like luck wasn't on our side again. Had scan this arvo and as usual could see a yolk sac but no baby/heartbeat, no way i can have dates wrong; have been keeping note of everything so should have seen bean and heartbeat by now - just so, so gutted and upset right now. My hcgs have been rising as per normal (last one was thursday) and still have very sore breasts... have been taking progesterone so sorta pinned my hopes on it helping. I'm really over this whole journey now - so sick of having no sign of anything being wrong and then being hit by a brick come scan time. Worst part is having to go thru all the motions of more bloodtests and another scan just to have what is already very clear 'confirmed'. Sorry for such a angry post guys, this time has finally broken me I think

5 wee Angels - Always in our hearts - Aug '11, Feb '12, Aug '12, Feb '13, Aug '13

Posted By: kalika
Date Posted: 04 February 2013 at 7:15pm
Oh redtulip... really really gutted for you. And angry.. So unfair! I don't even know what to say apart from that. It just doesn't seem right, after 3 heartbreaking experiences you deserve better. And I can totally sympathise with your waiting while you get more bloods and another scan. The wait and see approach really did my head in as I just don't understand how they can't do more for us in this horrible time. So glad your hubby was there for you. Take care of each other, big hugs to you both xx

-------------" rel="nofollow - My Ovulation Chart

Sept '12

Posted By: Rachie123
Date Posted: 04 February 2013 at 10:18pm
*** Hugs Redtulip *** Thinking of you

Posted By: younginin
Date Posted: 05 February 2013 at 10:21pm
oh Redtulip, Big hugs, thinking of you.

Oct '12
💙 Sep '13

Posted By: younginin
Date Posted: 07 February 2013 at 7:24pm
Scan this morning. Went well, yay for little heartbeat <3 Just the one in there :D and they confirmed my dates as correct, EDD 17th Sep.

Do you have scan tomorrow Kalika?

Oct '12
💙 Sep '13

Posted By: kalika
Date Posted: 07 February 2013 at 8:29pm
Great news younginin! Very pleased for you

Not tomorrow, next Friday.. not getting my hopes up even though things have been going well. It's just easier this way, IYKWIM!

How do you feel now? Like a huge weight has been lifted from your shoulders? Do you feel you can get excited now?

-------------" rel="nofollow - My Ovulation Chart

Sept '12

Posted By: younginin
Date Posted: 07 February 2013 at 8:39pm
Definitely not excited yet. Sprocket measured 9 weeks when I found out at 10 weeks and miscarried at about 10.5 weeks. So deff not excited till after the 12 weeks are done and dusted.

Oct '12
💙 Sep '13

Posted By: younginin
Date Posted: 14 February 2013 at 9:46am
Starting to feel a bit better, and dont really like it

Its so weird, Its not that I like being tired, feeling sick and having sore boobs, but at least I knew Gonzo was ok and things were going right...

Oct '12
💙 Sep '13

Posted By: younginin
Date Posted: 15 February 2013 at 9:27am
Thinking of you today Kalika.

Oct '12
💙 Sep '13

Posted By: kalika
Date Posted: 15 February 2013 at 10:34am
All ok. 8 weeks 2 days so my guess was pretty good. Wouldn't say I'm excited yet but a bit less anxious. How are you going younginin?

-------------" rel="nofollow - My Ovulation Chart

Sept '12

Posted By: LG
Date Posted: 15 February 2013 at 12:12pm
Thought I would finally join in here, was told we were going to miscarry a couple of weeks ago but had scan yesterday and saw a strong heartbeat (150 beats per min which my friend told me emans a boy???) Im all over the show emotionally, super happy, excited, terrified and adamant its not going to work out all at the same time. Ive been bleeding (sorry tmi) since I found out but they couldnt find any reason for it at the scan so mw thinks it will stop after 12 weeks -fx!
Im so glad there are other people who understand the feelings im going through, I really hope the next 8 months or so are so totally boring and uneventful for all of us!


Angel Baby Aug '12, Feb '13

Posted By: Rachie123
Date Posted: 15 February 2013 at 1:26pm
Yay Kalika!! So glad to hear the scan went well!! Me next - next Friday :)

LG - that sounds super stressful. Seeing a heartbeat is a really good thing; it minimises your chances of miscarrying. I can imagine how you would have missed feelings. It's difficult to get too attached and it amplifies the pain of any potential loss.

Sorry if this is too personal but - how heavy are you bleeding and is it constant or in drips and drabs?

TCC since December 2011
Angel Baby Sept 2012" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: younginin
Date Posted: 15 February 2013 at 1:52pm
Kalika - Yay for good scan

LG - Oh that must be so hard, I can understand all the mixed feeling. The heart rate thing is just one of the many wives tales. Heres hopeing your bleeding stops soon.

AFM - Im getting there, these are the scary weeks for me. Doesnt help that my symptoms seem to be settling down.

Roll on the start of March, 12 weeks and NT scans

Oct '12
💙 Sep '13

Posted By: tan73
Date Posted: 15 February 2013 at 6:07pm
Hi everyone. First time on here. I got a faint BFP a week ago and have been laying low this week. Has been a loooong week for me. I am having a hard time believing everything is going to be okay - mostly because we just don't know do we? I went to the doctor on Monday for bloods and this morning for repeat bloods.

This afternoon I went in for the results and I find myself and bit deflated and very confused (even though the doctor explained them well). Basically she said I am very early, probably earlier than I think. I do ovulate on CD17, so that would be about right. My levels were low on Monday and are low today for 4w6days. But they have doubled every second day, as they should, but only just. Monday's was 90 and today's was 340. I wish I didn't know the results really. I knew I would start over-analysing everything.

I have been online to look at HCG calculators. I seem to be at an average level, which I guess is okay. I just wanted things to be left without a doubt. DH saw what I was looking at and went ballistic. He said he is already dreading the whole pregnancy process and if I am this neurotic now, what are the next 9 months going to be like?

Feeling a bit lost and unsupported right now. I feel like I can't talk to anyone about how awful this feeling is of waiting and not knowing, of thinking there's a possibility that something might go wrong because it has before. My close friends who know and one colleague just don't seem to know what to say or otherwise they say "well, you just have to relax and let nature take it's course." Yeah, well, I know that but it doesn't stop me feeling like crap as uncertainty looms. How I wish I could be innocently pregnant!

-------------" rel="nofollow">

2 Angels - Aug '12 & Mar '13 Always in our hearts.

Posted By: Rachie123
Date Posted: 15 February 2013 at 6:33pm
Oh Tan, xoxoxo I totally TOTALLY know how you feel. It is really hard and it really doesn't get any easier (I'm 6w2d). If you're anything like me you will read into every little niggle. I do truly believe though that things will get so much better after seeing a heartbeat and making it past the 12 week mark.

My heart goes out to you, I totally empathise. The guys just don't understand and it sucks. They don't have the hormones or the level of attachment we do to a growing baby inside. My partner found me irritating when I cried all the time over our miscarriage last year and then my incessant neurotic need to conceive again as soon as possible.

We are here for you and understand what you're going through. I think your feelings are normal and completely valid. If you need to look at HCG calculators or have a cry, don't feel bad about it regardless of how your husband reacts. You need to do what you need to do.

And for the record - I think your doubling results are great. The number is almost irrelevant for the most part - the rise is more important. Take care and know that you are welcome to vent or be irrationally concerned here any time you need to hun.


TCC since December 2011
Angel Baby Sept 2012" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: sem
Date Posted: 15 February 2013 at 7:10pm
Originally posted by kalika kalika wrote:

All ok. 8 weeks 2 days so my guess was pretty good. Wouldn't say I'm excited yet but a bit less anxious. How are you going younginin?

glad to hear things went ok today Kalika! 
*lurker out*

Here we go again, another baby on it's way!

Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 15 February 2013 at 7:20pm
Fantastic news LG, you must be so stoked! All the best for a stress free and happy pregnancy
Tan sorry you are being made to feel insecure about this pregnancy. To be honest I think hcg levels are awful and a bloody load of sh*te. I've had fantastic hcg levels and gone on to miscarry. I've had terrible hcg levels and gone on to miscarry. At the end of the day it doesn't matter what the number is, it is how quickly they double. If I was you I'd quit the hcg blood tests and ask for an early scan around 6 weeks. You should be able to see a heartbeat then. This is the advice I received from my specialist with our DD - I was so pleased I did this as it takes away all the worry and stress. Try to relax and enjoy the moment. There is nothing you can or cant do to alter the outcome. You have to leave it to fate - that's all you can do. If you want to PM please feel free to chat. I know whats it like to have a husband who doesn't know what to say or how to react to these worries! Men...
Take care, look after yourself .... especially your mind! xx

Posted By: kalika
Date Posted: 15 February 2013 at 7:27pm
Tan you are in good company here we definitely know what it is like and it is hard and you are right, those who haven't been there don't know what it is like at all. And so called advice to relax is no help at all.

I have read also that the numbers are irrelevant it's the doubling that is important so hang in there and he you don't want to do weekly bloods then just tell your doctor that. You just have to do what is right for you :-)

-------------" rel="nofollow - My Ovulation Chart

Sept '12

Posted By: LG
Date Posted: 15 February 2013 at 8:41pm
Tan, I agree with everything all the other ladies have said (rachie covered everything I would have said). Its such a nerve wracking, stressful time. Thank goodness for this forum and finding other people who understand whats its like. Big hugs chicky, I think guys are a bit lost with it all (mine is anyway!!) Anyone else feeling time seems to slow down during these 12 weeks? The 3 weeks ive known feels like a year already


Angel Baby Aug '12, Feb '13

Posted By: tan73
Date Posted: 16 February 2013 at 3:07pm
Thanks for all the support ladies. I do feel so much better now! I went to the gym this morning and it was such a good feeling knowing that while I can't control what happens with this pregnancy, I can have control over my body by the way I treat it, so going to the gym is something good I can do. I felt a little more positive after the gym and then reading your comments here. It's so hard not being in control of this. Will keep you all posted.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

2 Angels - Aug '12 & Mar '13 Always in our hearts.

Posted By: LG
Date Posted: 20 February 2013 at 8:24pm
Im not sure if this is the right thread but I ended up having a m/c over the weekend, had a scan today to confirm. After seeing the heart beat last week we were so excited it made it doubly hard. And our babies due date that we m/c last time is next week so I feel like its all a bit much to cope with at the moment. Thanks for all your well wishes last week guys x


Angel Baby Aug '12, Feb '13

Posted By: kalika
Date Posted: 20 February 2013 at 8:41pm
Oh LG that's so unfair after seeing the heartbeat last week and allowing yourself to be excited :-( there really isn't anything I can say except you know we all feel your pain and are so sorry this has happened to you.

Take time to be with people who can support you xx

-------------" rel="nofollow - My Ovulation Chart

Sept '12

Posted By: tan73
Date Posted: 21 February 2013 at 6:45pm
Oh LG, I am so sorry! I am really not looking forward to an early scan as I don't want to see a heartbeat and then to have the same thing happen as you. I would be just as devastated. I am thinking of you at this very hard time.

I just had my next lot of bloods today. I got a text from my doctors nurse about 30 minutes ago saying my levels look okay and she wants me to have another test in a weeks time and then have a scan. Of course, I am freaking out - okay? What the heck does okay mean? Does it mean good or just okay??? Will have to phone tomorrow. Have taken the day off tomorrow. I have been so busy at work over this week that I haven't had any breaks, not even time to eat. I have also been struggling with insomnia - a mixture of work stress and baby stress I think. Today I was super light headed and thought I might fall over all the time so I thought I would have an extra rest tomorrow.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

2 Angels - Aug '12 & Mar '13 Always in our hearts.

Posted By: mum2ollie
Date Posted: 21 February 2013 at 7:42pm
LG, so sorry for your loss.
Time for me to jump on this bandwagon... Have had two successful pregnancies and two devastating miscarriages. Found out that I am pregnant again on Saturday, due October 26th. Had one instance of bright red spotting Saturday evening. A, completely freaking out, I have no idea how I am going to make it to next week let alone twelve. I haven't even been to my GP yet. I find the Australian system to peculiar. I could just cry my heart out! Sorry if this is just rambling nonsense...


Posted By: tan73
Date Posted: 21 February 2013 at 8:06pm
mum2ollie - we have all been there! It is something that no-one understands unless they have experienced a m/c. I can't imagine how freaky it is after 2! Congratulations! I have been getting my bloods done to check the levels, not that it is any guarantee...and the nurse who has been doing them had 3 m/c. She gave me some good advice that I will pass on - you just get up each day and do what you have to do to get through the day, and be gentle on yourself. Hugs to you and I'll be praying for a sticky one for you this time.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

2 Angels - Aug '12 & Mar '13 Always in our hearts.

Posted By: mum2ollie
Date Posted: 21 February 2013 at 8:09pm
Thanks Tan! It's so frustrating, I know my body can do this, it's done it twice before. So why on earth has it also failed me twice before. Am getting lots of achey feelings in my lower abdomen, sides and back so not feeling too confident.


Posted By: Mrs Mac
Date Posted: 21 February 2013 at 10:48pm
*Lurker in*

LG, I'm so sorry! That's an awful thing to have happened. With the one I lost I miscarried less than 24 hours after seeing baby looking good on the ultrasound. It seemed so bizarre, there one day and gone the next.

Jan '13

Posted By: younginin
Date Posted: 23 February 2013 at 10:44am
Rachie123 - How did your scan go yesterday, was thinking of you.

LG - Im sorry for your loss, what a roller-coaster.

Its been a hard week for me, we lost sprocket at 10 weeks so I've been on edge all week. Only about a week and a half till NT scan tho, yay.

Oct '12
💙 Sep '13

Posted By: tan73
Date Posted: 23 February 2013 at 6:18pm
Youngin - I know I'll be on edge until I'm past the 12 weeks too! I lost my wee bean at 11+2 weeks but bean had actually died at 9 weeks, so I think I'll be a bit more on edge from then on!

mum2ollie - how are you getting on?

LG - thinking of you and heaps of hugs

Mrs Mac - how are you?

-------------" rel="nofollow">

2 Angels - Aug '12 & Mar '13 Always in our hearts.

Posted By: mum2ollie
Date Posted: 23 February 2013 at 6:28pm
Hey tan, I'm alright. Trying to stay positive as possible. Achey achey boobs today so hopefully good things are happening inside! Doctors on Tuesday and will book a scan two weeks after.


Posted By: tan73
Date Posted: 23 February 2013 at 9:58pm
mum2ollie - I'm glad. Keep us posted. We are in the same due in group

-------------" rel="nofollow">

2 Angels - Aug '12 & Mar '13 Always in our hearts.

Posted By: kalika
Date Posted: 24 February 2013 at 8:15am
mum2ollie congrats on your news!

How is everyone doing?

I've still not had any proper morning sickness, and even tho my mum never had it I still feel worried! Am very very tired tho, and boobs still sore so that is a bonus I guess.

LG and redtulip, thinking of you both and hope you are both ok during this hard time xx

-------------" rel="nofollow - My Ovulation Chart

Sept '12

Posted By: tan73
Date Posted: 25 February 2013 at 5:26pm
I got some slightly alarming news today. I heard from the doctor today. She said my HCG levels haven't quite doubled every second day, as they should, more like every 2.2 days. She wants me to retest and get a scan at the end of this week. I am a bit sad and distant - couldn't really function at work after that. I just felt like it was all over. I'm in a good space mentally, but I feel like the grieving process has already begun. I have a scan at 2pm on Friday. I think it will be better to know than not.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

2 Angels - Aug '12 & Mar '13 Always in our hearts.

Posted By: mum2ollie
Date Posted: 25 February 2013 at 5:37pm
Oh tan! Hugs Hun! Don't give up hope Kay? Hcg is such a pesky thing. They're still going up!


Posted By: redtulip
Date Posted: 25 February 2013 at 5:58pm
Hi ladies,

Kalika, thanks for thinking of me, happy to see you're doing well - not too long til 12 weeks! Sure it feels a while away but every day's a step closer. I went into hospital on Friday for d&c and back to work tomorrow. Feeling well, just very tired and also relieved that I can move forward now, felt a little in limbo up until Friday.

LG, so sorry for your loss - big hugs to you, hope you're doing ok.

Tans, wanted to pop in and say that if your levels are doubling every 2.2 days things sound positive - they should double every 2 to 3 days.... as they increase they start to take longer to double. By 6-7 weeks scans are a much more accurate way of accessing how things are progressing. It's so hard not to worry but I'm pleased that you're able to have your scan done on Friday - I'm hoping with all my heart you get the best of news and I'll be thinking of you x

5 wee Angels - Always in our hearts - Aug '11, Feb '12, Aug '12, Feb '13, Aug '13

Posted By: tan73
Date Posted: 25 February 2013 at 6:07pm
Nice to hear from you Redtulip. I am glad you are feeling well. You obviously feel ready to go back to work? It's amazing how well you feel after being in limbo hey? I am thinking of you and sending you all my best positive thoughts and wishes for your next steps.

Thanks all for the reassurance. I thought 2.2 was fine as well. It's just the way my doc said she was wanting a retest and early scan - she was a bit sombre and said, "I know it's hard" in a really sympathetic voice and it just made me feel instantly sick. Will keep you posted. Got a whole week to get through yet!

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2 Angels - Aug '12 & Mar '13 Always in our hearts.

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