Male Factor Issues
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Forum Name: Coping with infertility
Forum Description: Have you been trying to conceive unsuccessfully? Dealing with primary or secondary infertility? Get support, advice, and help coping here.
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Topic: Male Factor Issues
Posted By: babycrazy
Subject: Male Factor Issues
Date Posted: 22 June 2012 at 3:08pm
Having just recently discovered we're facing serious male factor fertility issues (as in 1 wk ago) I would like hear other peoples experiences.
Have been hanging in the ttc forums but right now I need something else as you can imagine. We've been ttc for almost 3yrs and have only *just* got the man testing done (long story involving my extremely slack parnter lol). The test came back with zero (azoo) so now have been referred to a urologist.
So yeah would love to know how other people have got on with similar diagnosis and what the end results have been or could be!
Thanks :)
------------- TTC since Oct 2009 4 x DI's failed IVF1 CP & MC IVF2 CP IVF3 Angel baby born 22.3wks
Posted By: Cream
Date Posted: 22 June 2012 at 10:14pm
Hi, I can't help a lot sorry because we're not far along our journey either, only found out this month that my partner has male infertility issues, extremely low sperm count due to an op when he was younger so we are in a similar boat to you. Our specialist was talking to us about examples where males have had zero sperm count and they've been able to operate to get sperm and then with IVF ICSI had success so that is a good hope for you two. Have you had all your tests completed? If your all fine then that should help as well : )
Posted By: babycrazy
Date Posted: 23 June 2012 at 6:37pm
Hi Cream,
Thanks for responding. Yeah I've had the basic bloods done and that's all normal, we've been waiting for him to get tested before being able to move to the next step. I've heard lots of good things about ICSI so am hoping that's the path for us. The doctor we saw didn't really tell us much just that we had to see the urologist who would decide if he could help us then depending on that we'd be back to her for a referral to fertility specialists and that would mean donor sperm. From my googling I've learnt lots more.
Sorry to hear about the issues you're having. How long have you been ttc for? Do you have a plan from the specialist yet?
------------- TTC since Oct 2009 4 x DI's failed IVF1 CP & MC IVF2 CP IVF3 Angel baby born 22.3wks
Posted By: ArielAngel
Date Posted: 24 June 2012 at 10:24am
Hi babycrazy.
I didn't want to read and run, but both yours and Creams story seem similar to the Jayjay and Dom story and thought you might like to read their blog and have a look at the segment about them on Sunday (blog is at
We don't have as serious MFI issues but I found their story really helpful as to the whole process - just a warning, they don't get a happy ending, and I cried reading the blog and watching the show.
Good luck!
------------- After 16 months TTC, surprise BFP July 10 DD1 Mar 11 After 9 months TTC, BFP on 4th Clomid cycle Feb 13 DD2 Oct 13
Posted By: babycrazy
Date Posted: 24 June 2012 at 1:01pm
Thanks for that - just read their blog and the segment and bawled my eyes out too. I feel so bad for them.
------------- TTC since Oct 2009 4 x DI's failed IVF1 CP & MC IVF2 CP IVF3 Angel baby born 22.3wks
Posted By: Cream
Date Posted: 24 June 2012 at 4:51pm
Hi babycrazy,
Well hopefully things go well with your urologist and you might even be able to have a shot with your partners sperm if they can do the op and not need to go down the donor path but either way, it's still amazing we have these options available to us, it makes me very grateful to live in a country where we can get help like this.
I guess we've been trying for about a year but we knew deep down even before I went off my pill that we wouldnt be able to conceive naturally but we also knew that doctors wouldnt really take us seriously until we had been trying for at least a year so we went off contraception to make sure we had that basis covered and sure enough, we havent even come close to getting pregnant. We did a home sperm test that came back poor and did a couple through the doctors that came back dismal before being referred to Fertility Associates just a couple of months ago. Our plan is to go on the waiting list next month and to do IVF with ICSI when our turn comes around. All my tests have come back pos so far so as long as my darling partner can keep on track with having at least a few sperm like he does at the moment then that will be the way for us. We're just umming and ahhing over how long a wait will be too long on the public waitlist to make us try a private round first but we'll just have to wait and see I guess. Like you I'm in my 20's so I guess at least we have age on our side : )
Posted By: babycrazy
Date Posted: 24 June 2012 at 6:07pm
I think deep down we kind of had that feeling too, I was forever hopeful but the Fella not so much. It did come as a bit of a shock that he had none though. We got at home sperm test too but never used it.
Very surprised that they never made us do a repeat test and referred us straight on but I'm not complaining either!
Was it your hubby's count that got you on the public list? I've heard the wait is around 12mths. I think if we have to go down that path we'll do a private round even though it costs heaps...I'm too impatient and have been waiting looong enough lol.
Good luck making your decision :)
------------- TTC since Oct 2009 4 x DI's failed IVF1 CP & MC IVF2 CP IVF3 Angel baby born 22.3wks
Posted By: IVFGirl1111
Date Posted: 25 June 2012 at 11:41am
We also have Male factor.
You will need to wait to see what they come back with as to what options they can give you - but hopefully they might be able to do the one where they remove the sperm from the testys themselves and hopefully find some in there :)
It's a tough long road but one you will learn so much on and hopefully get your prize at the end!
Good luck girls :)
------------- TTC 6 years IVF it is IVF/ICSI round one 10 eggs, 8 mature, 3 fertilised BFN IVF/ICSI #2 = 22 eggs! 20 mature, 15 fertilised, 1 fresh transfer and 2 frosties BFN 2 Frosties still in freezer thank god
Posted By: babycrazy
Date Posted: 25 June 2012 at 12:39pm
Thanks IVFgirl. Are you on the list for IVF now?
I'm busting to know what the options....wished they'd hurry up and give us the appt lol.
------------- TTC since Oct 2009 4 x DI's failed IVF1 CP & MC IVF2 CP IVF3 Angel baby born 22.3wks
Posted By: IVFGirl1111
Date Posted: 25 June 2012 at 1:28pm
Been on the waitlist for a year and the time is nearly here :)
Have they not given you an appointment date yet? Can you ring and ask for one? Are you waiting for the doctor to refer you do you mean?
------------- TTC 6 years IVF it is IVF/ICSI round one 10 eggs, 8 mature, 3 fertilised BFN IVF/ICSI #2 = 22 eggs! 20 mature, 15 fertilised, 1 fresh transfer and 2 frosties BFN 2 Frosties still in freezer thank god
Posted By: babycrazy
Date Posted: 25 June 2012 at 5:51pm
Oh exciting that you're nearly there.
As far as where we're at...we only got our results 10days ago and the doctor did the referral right there and then to a urologist at our DHB. When they receive the referral we get sent an appt in the mail. I'm hoping it won't be long because had a msg to ring the hospital on Friday which I returned today and she wanted additional information about me as even though the referral is for my partner they put it under my name and it goes via the gynaecologist...all a bit random but whatever gets us sorted. She said now they have my info they can process the stuff and send us an appt. Kicking myself because I didn't ask how long the wait is!
------------- TTC since Oct 2009 4 x DI's failed IVF1 CP & MC IVF2 CP IVF3 Angel baby born 22.3wks
Posted By: IVFGirl1111
Date Posted: 26 June 2012 at 9:48am
Oooh exciting! I don't think they would have told you the wait yet because you have to go have your appointment and from there you find out if you've been "accepted" publicly or not. There's a few factors to get past to get accepted.
------------- TTC 6 years IVF it is IVF/ICSI round one 10 eggs, 8 mature, 3 fertilised BFN IVF/ICSI #2 = 22 eggs! 20 mature, 15 fertilised, 1 fresh transfer and 2 frosties BFN 2 Frosties still in freezer thank god
Posted By: Cream
Date Posted: 26 June 2012 at 6:26pm
Hey babycrazy. So there's a list of criteria that you get scored against that determines if you can go on the public list. You can find a lot of info about it on Fertility Associates website. You need 65 points to get on the waitlist, things like proven infertility, age, no children at home under 12 etc all help you earn extra points. You also have to have been TTC for at least 12 months, we will be 12 months next month so that's why we don't go on the list till next month even though we've had a specialist appt. If you hit 65 points at your first specialist appointment then you will go on the waitlist pretty much immediately, just depends on all those criteria. We were told by our doctor that we would be referred to FA and they would get in contact with us for an appt but we left it a while and didnt hear anything so just rung ourselves and asked for an appointment. We had one about a month or so later and in that time we had to do a range of more testing so maybe you could ring Fertility Associates and book your appt and do all your testing in the meantime??? they should know whether that's do able or not.
My partner and I watched the JJ and Dom doco last night, sad stuff : (
Posted By: DinkyDonkey
Date Posted: 26 June 2012 at 7:40pm
Hi there Babycrazy, IVFgirl & others!
I'm also in the same boat, with severe male factor infertility. We got the man test done this time last year and I remember the phone call well, when my husband called to tell me the results. Pretty devastating as I'm sure you all completely understand.
We were getting 2-3 sperm per collection, so not a great result, but something to work with. FA has been relatively helpful, but they did say that this condition is so rare, that we're an 'unknown entity'. Eeek! They havent been able to diagnose a reason despite a range of tests.
So on we went to IVF with ICSI. We are now on our 2ww.
It's been an interesting process this far, but quite challenging when we got to fertilisation and tranfer. We collected 15 eggs, 8 fertilised and then ended up replacing one embryo. We didnt have anything to freeze unfortunately.
FA said that the low rate of suitable fertilised eggs was likely due to the male factor - as in potentially less than optimal sperm. but that's all they could suggest as it seems that there is not alot known about male fertility issues.
Sorry to ramble on for so long - it's quite nice to meet some peeps that are in a similar situation!
Good luck with your decision making!
Posted By: babycrazy
Date Posted: 26 June 2012 at 9:40pm
Hi DinkyDonkey - I don't think I'll ever forget the phone call from my partner either. All the best for the tww. Stink that you didn't get any to freeze though.
Figured the IVF wait was long so am prepared for that, what concerns me more is the wait for the urologist appt at the hospital. Have been on waiting lists for specialist appts through them before and have waited over 6mths! Definitely won't be letting it take that long though.
Hopefully we qualify for public...whoops getting waaaay ahead of myself best just tackle what comes first lol.
------------- TTC since Oct 2009 4 x DI's failed IVF1 CP & MC IVF2 CP IVF3 Angel baby born 22.3wks
Posted By: Cream
Date Posted: 10 July 2012 at 9:03pm
Hi there DinkyDonkey, sorry to seem nosey but interested to hear if you got some exciting news after your two week wait?? Fingers crossed for you.
My partner has a similar sperm count to your partners so hopeful just to hear you managed to get a fertilised embryo.
Posted By: babycrazy
Date Posted: 12 July 2012 at 2:24pm
Grrrr waiting lists SUCK!!!! Just chased up our referral and fecking hell she told me it would be 4-5mths!!! Seriously its a joke. I know everyone has to endure this stupid wait so no point complaining but still I'm gutted.
Beginning to wonder if I'm better to ring fertility associates and go through them privately especially if they're going to basically do the same thing at the end of the day.
The girl did say that it may be shorter due to more doctors coming on board...not holding my breath.
DinkyDonkey - did it end well? I sure hope it did chick :)
------------- TTC since Oct 2009 4 x DI's failed IVF1 CP & MC IVF2 CP IVF3 Angel baby born 22.3wks
Posted By: IVFGirl1111
Date Posted: 16 July 2012 at 9:52am
Hmmm I would check to see then if you can pay privately for your consultation I think it's around $240 and then you will see if you can get on the public list. Because you might find waiting for the 4-5 months to be told you can't get on the list because of several factors.
Even just ring to see if you can make an appointment :)
------------- TTC 6 years IVF it is IVF/ICSI round one 10 eggs, 8 mature, 3 fertilised BFN IVF/ICSI #2 = 22 eggs! 20 mature, 15 fertilised, 1 fresh transfer and 2 frosties BFN 2 Frosties still in freezer thank god
Posted By: babycrazy
Date Posted: 16 July 2012 at 7:35pm
Thanks IVFgirl - I agree.
I can't see the point of fluffing round if we're just going to end up at Fertility Associates anyway we might as well just go straight to them. Forunately I have some money saved so the cost doesn't put me off (originally was a buffer for maternity leave and then as time wore on became the IVF savings lol).
Will ring them this week and see what they suggest.
------------- TTC since Oct 2009 4 x DI's failed IVF1 CP & MC IVF2 CP IVF3 Angel baby born 22.3wks
Posted By: IVFGirl1111
Date Posted: 17 July 2012 at 11:35am
Yep I totally would, our referral only took a month if it was going to be longer I would have paid for it ourselves :)
------------- TTC 6 years IVF it is IVF/ICSI round one 10 eggs, 8 mature, 3 fertilised BFN IVF/ICSI #2 = 22 eggs! 20 mature, 15 fertilised, 1 fresh transfer and 2 frosties BFN 2 Frosties still in freezer thank god
Posted By: babycrazy
Date Posted: 20 July 2012 at 7:47pm
Super excited. I contacted Fertility Associates who told me they could see me on 10th August! Will have to pay but that's ok with me waiting 3 wks is waaaay better than 5mths. Have to confirm it Monday as still have to make sure the Fella is free that day. So stoked that things are finally on the upwards spiral :).
ETA - how is everyone else going? Hopefully well.
------------- TTC since Oct 2009 4 x DI's failed IVF1 CP & MC IVF2 CP IVF3 Angel baby born 22.3wks
Posted By: IVFGirl1111
Date Posted: 23 July 2012 at 11:28am
YAH that's fantastic!
We're just at the waiting to find out if it worked stage - so freaken hard!!!
------------- TTC 6 years IVF it is IVF/ICSI round one 10 eggs, 8 mature, 3 fertilised BFN IVF/ICSI #2 = 22 eggs! 20 mature, 15 fertilised, 1 fresh transfer and 2 frosties BFN 2 Frosties still in freezer thank god
Posted By: babycrazy
Date Posted: 23 July 2012 at 6:37pm
Oooh exciting!!! How many days passed transfer are you? Sorry I didn't realise you were right in the middle of it all. Good luck thinking of you!!
------------- TTC since Oct 2009 4 x DI's failed IVF1 CP & MC IVF2 CP IVF3 Angel baby born 22.3wks
Posted By: Leanabh
Date Posted: 12 August 2012 at 1:43am
Hi everyone, this is my first post on here.
We found out in March 2012 that we had no sperm and have been on waiting list for public consultation since then and are still waiting. In the meantime we went privately to have a biopsy (2 weeks ago) to find out if ICSI is an option for us. Luckily it is but now we don't know what step to take next.
Do we wait to see if we get accepted publicly - and if so, what is the likely wait time from acceptance to beginning treatment?
Any advice would be great. Would love to hear what kind of timeframes we are likely to be looking at.
Posted By: babycrazy
Date Posted: 12 August 2012 at 10:25am
Hi Leanabh
PM'd you before reading this lol! Good on you for going private - its what we did because I wasn't happy waiting 5mths just to see someone.
Which specialists do you go see? We're with fertility associates and the Dr we saw said that we'd likely get public funding but from what I've read on here and the like the wait time is around 12mths. He said we can do as many privately funded treatments as we like while on the public list. We don't know yet though if we've even got any sperm to work with (fingers crossed!!!) however I've already decided that if we do then we're going private for at least 1 cycle then go from there.
Sorry that's about all the advice I know at the moment. Keep us posted on how you're going.
I'm off to go save a lamb in the paddock lol.
------------- TTC since Oct 2009 4 x DI's failed IVF1 CP & MC IVF2 CP IVF3 Angel baby born 22.3wks
Posted By: Rach79
Date Posted: 14 August 2012 at 12:56pm
We also have severe male infertility caused by prolonged chemotherapy to treat cancer 5 years ago.
Our Journey so far started with trying naturally for a 1 1/2 years before my husband got tested. After being tested in May last year we were referred to Fertility Associates in Wellington and found out that our only option is ICSI IVF. Luckily my husband froze some sperm before his treatment, but it still isn't good enough quality for other options like IUI or normal IVF.
Once finding out that we had to go through IVF ICSI, I had to lose 10kg's to qualify for public funding (you have to be under a BMI of 32). I lost the last of the weight in November last year and we got on the waiting list!
Finally, after a long wait, we start treatment next month!!! It has been a long road to this point and we haven't even started treatment yet.
The hardest thing we've had to over come was accepting that we were going to have to do it the hard way. It was execptionally hard for my husband at first as he was dealing with loads of guilt, feeling inadequate and that he'd let me down. We got through that together and now we are really excited about finally starting treatment!! :)
Posted By: babycrazy
Date Posted: 19 August 2012 at 5:07pm
Yep Rach the journey certainly is a long and hard one thats for sure. Exciting that you've finally reached the treatment point. I really hope it works first time for you!!
At a point of frustration right now. Was meant to hear from specialist about my guys bloods and didn't then discover they're sending a letter which we should get tomorrow. Then got a letter from the original appt and it just outlined what happened however on it, it says that my ovaries have 'poly cystic tendency'. Gah! What does that even mean?? And who writes that without quatifying it? So yeah frustrated as I thought it was all good with me. Hopefully just something minor and not going to affect how it goes for us. Dying to get this letter and make our reivew appointment.
How's everyone else going?
------------- TTC since Oct 2009 4 x DI's failed IVF1 CP & MC IVF2 CP IVF3 Angel baby born 22.3wks
Posted By: babycrazy
Date Posted: 22 August 2012 at 6:38pm
Meh! Stink news in that stupid letter.
Raised FSH (?) and low testosterone. Have to make a review appt to discuss options but I think its time to face reality that we're going to have to have some serious conversations about what next and whether or not he can deal with the donor sperm thing.
Mate I just want this year to finish already.
------------- TTC since Oct 2009 4 x DI's failed IVF1 CP & MC IVF2 CP IVF3 Angel baby born 22.3wks
Posted By: Leanabh
Date Posted: 31 August 2012 at 7:13pm
Hey baby crazy,
Really sorry to hear this. When is your review appt? I don't know how raised FSH and low testosterone affects things but I don't think you should give up yet. It's amazing what they can do.
I really hope you get some positive news soon.
We got called for first appt with public system last Friday and are being booked in for treatment in March. It still feels like a long way away but I'm just glad I have a timeframe to work to now and don't feel in limbo as much.
------------- TTC since Aug 2010
Male fertility issues
Posted By: babycrazy
Date Posted: 31 August 2012 at 7:33pm
Hey leanabh great news about treatment in march. I know it seems ages away but at least you have something to aim to. Our review appr is 14th sept so not long now. It's random but I'm kind of ok about it at the moment. We often discussed this kind of result so it wasn't that surprising. A part of me hopes there is something they can do but I'm not sure how far dp is willing to go - not so keen on a needle in his balls lol! Guess we'll find out soon enough.
------------- TTC since Oct 2009 4 x DI's failed IVF1 CP & MC IVF2 CP IVF3 Angel baby born 22.3wks
Posted By: babycrazy
Date Posted: 02 October 2012 at 3:49pm
Hello there - anyone still out there and how are you all going?
Well been a big month or so for us. Had our review appt and pretty much found out that donor sperm is our only option. We could do a biopsy but chances at finding anything is 5-10% and the Fella decided he didn't want to do it. Then we had a wee bump where he wasn't sure he wanted to do donor sperm either...testing times however we have seemed to come out the other side of it and he's told me to book the first councelling session. The wait for donor sperm is 6-12mths (DUMB!!!) but can get all the bits and pieces done before we get called up. I'm gutted about the wait but planning some things to keep me going (ie trip to Europe and a 30th party for me!).
If anyone's reading and has/is going forward with donor sperm please share your story.... :)
------------- TTC since Oct 2009 4 x DI's failed IVF1 CP & MC IVF2 CP IVF3 Angel baby born 22.3wks
Posted By: Leanabh
Date Posted: 08 October 2012 at 10:41pm
HI BabyCrazy,
You have had a lot to get your head around. Will you still go ahead with the biopsy? Going for counselling will be good for you both. I'm glad you have got holiday plans and fun times ahead to look forward to and distract from the 'waiting'.
Before we had the biopsy we were put on the waiting list for donor sperm too but hopefully now we won't need it but I did find it very hard to get my head around that idea. I think I would have to give it a lot of thought.
Nothing new with us. Just counting the days to March...
------------- TTC since Aug 2010
Male fertility issues
Posted By: babycrazy
Date Posted: 09 October 2012 at 7:48am
Hi Think he's pretty much written off the idea of doing a biopsy as he's certain they won't find anything. As for the donor thing I've been strangely ok with it and I don't know why. Probably hasn't really hit me but I try to not over think it at this point. I know I definitely want to know the bare minimum about who the donor is that's for sure. Totally hear ya on counting down the days!!
------------- TTC since Oct 2009 4 x DI's failed IVF1 CP & MC IVF2 CP IVF3 Angel baby born 22.3wks
Posted By: lilangel12
Date Posted: 11 October 2012 at 5:48pm
hi there,
i'm another one in the male factor boat, i guess we are a little lucky in that there is some sperm there at least, at our appt at fertility associates they said that they rate us in the highest percentage to have a successful pregnancy which was comforting, but until it happens it is extremly nerve wracking!
i'm glad they said we could use hubbies sperm, i was dreading them saying we coulnd't. he was so against using a donor, which i get, he said he felt like he wouldn' be part of the family, the only way i could see was if we had a donor egg as well even though mine are fine, its amazing really 2 years ago none of this would ever have crossed my mind!
how does everyone elses guys handle it? mine is ok i think, i know he feels a bit upset at times as he feels guilty when i'm dispointed every month and also all of our friends are having babies and he is seeing the change in the guys and how much they love their babies, he told me he just cant' wait for that (and here i was thinking he didn't care either way)
we are due for IVF within the next six months, specialist said maybe before christmas, wow thats not far away! i wish everyone all the best of luck in the world, it sucks that we have to do things the hard way!
Posted By: babycrazy
Date Posted: 11 October 2012 at 6:27pm
Hey lilangel, It's definitely full on this whole male thing that's for sure. Mine has been fine about no sperm and often makes jokes but he had to think long and hard about donor. Kind of the same feelings as yours and that it wouldn't be his kid even though genetics only plays a small role. Wishing you well with ivf lucky it's not long now.
------------- TTC since Oct 2009 4 x DI's failed IVF1 CP & MC IVF2 CP IVF3 Angel baby born 22.3wks
Posted By: babycrazy
Date Posted: 25 February 2013 at 10:16pm
Just flicking through reading old posts ....leanabh and lilangel have you started / had treatment yet? We're picking our donor next Monday - ended up taking us 4.5mths to make the top of the list. They've been challenging months but all is well for the moment. Hope things are going well for you all.
------------- TTC since Oct 2009 4 x DI's failed IVF1 CP & MC IVF2 CP IVF3 Angel baby born 22.3wks
Posted By: Hopeful75116590
Date Posted: 16 May 2013 at 2:15am
On The Subject Of Bad Sperm Results
Keep in mind this will not apply to everyone but is definitely worth a try.
Getting healthy can work for some people
My husband went through this in the first year of trying... however he had quite a number of really unhealthy habits he had got lazy and was overweight as he had had stopped exercising after work, he smoked cigs, smoked pot whenever he went round to a mates place (finally saw the light and got rid of that so called mate thank God) plus drinking tons and tons of really strong coffee.
We decided to make one change at a time exercise was the first to start on your bike to work was a good 15 km + smoking cigs was the first bad habit to go unfortunately was very stubborn about the other two at this stage. Sent him for a sperm test to drive it home on advice from my doctor well that drove it home alright he was distraught and quit it just like that believe me I have never found a more effective way to get guys to stop smoking pot!! everyone is different of course andI really hope you guys can be as lucky as having lifestyle change and getting healthy like we were was very scarey at the time but we got lucky.
Next it was the coffee meanwhile sperm test every 3 months and the results just kept getting better and better he is now really good runs 20 km has lost 30kg very close to his right BMI eats healthy food doesn't cram his face full of fizz & junk food every day instead snacks in moderation and makes healthy choices and enjoys them esp bulk binn nut mixes. Swapped coffee addiction of 15 cups a day to 5 cups of tea a day plus 2 - 3 litres of water.
Now enjoys a quiet drink with me on a Friday night which is a big change for him. He is now in his 3rd year of a degree you wouldn't believe how much he has got it together it's amazing.
Men tend to think oh you are the one having a baby you are the one who needs to diet etc WRONG we both do. Yes I do sound like a Hitler but preparing for IVF is a marathon in itself as most of you will know well the BMI is all noted down and if it's not where it should be access denied sometimes just losing weight on it's own is enough to go from infertile to fertile for both partners. We have both said how amazing we both feel I can wear skinny jeans again for the first time in years yay :-) and we are both back to the size we were when we first started dating he loves looking hot having his sperm back to being normal and healthy and feeling confident about himself he has got to enjoy all the things he used to really love before he put on a lot of weight like tramping and the outdoors.
Posted By: Jacq116903
Date Posted: 17 May 2013 at 10:59pm
Babycrazy, how far are you through your treatment now?
We tried for 2 years naturally and just thought it would happen as we are super healthy, active and I was only 22 and hubby was 24. Then decided to check his sperm as I've been checked over and everything is A ok! and we found out he has azoospermia so no sperm in his semen at all!! I was shocked and it was so hard to take in. We then went on a waiting list to get a referral to FA and once we had waited 7 weeks got an appointment got told there was no hope for us to have a baby that was biologically his and got a referral to carry on with a donor. I was crushed and so was he! but went along to our next appointment anyway. We got an amazing doctor who really believed we could have a baby together as his bloods were normal. As of last week we officially have sperm Hubby had a sperm retrieval at FA wellington and they found some! even had mobility! we have 3 strands frozen ready and waiting!! next appointment is in 2 weeks where we will find out where to from here. We haven't told family as he doesn't want to yet so I thought id come on here and see if anyone has a similar story and if so how long was your wait for publically funded treatment?
Posted By: babycrazy
Date Posted: 13 June 2013 at 7:51pm
Hi Jacq - my apologies I only just found this post! Just had our 3rd IUI yesterday using donor sperm. We've been doing natural cycles and but this time they added a trigger to make me ovulate on cue lol. Exciting that you found some sperm!!! Mine decided against retrieval as his bloods weren't good and there was a low chance they'd find anything so donor path we took. Its pretty hard finding out that there's no sperm so I can understand how crushed you would've been, but fantastic that that's not the case. For us it was 6mths from going on the donor list to starting my first treatment. It flew by as it was over the xmas summer period and I had knee surgery so was rather occupied. We weren't actually on public funding until right before I started my first iui cycle because no one had actually applied for it....I didn't know we had to action that, so just double check. It wasn't a biggy they got back to us within days to tell us we were approved. I would imagine in your case that depending on the numbers they got that they'll do IVF possibly using ICSI (where they inject the sperm into the egg giving it no excuses lol.
Anyway hope that helps. All the best. Keep us posted with your progress.
------------- TTC since Oct 2009 4 x DI's failed IVF1 CP & MC IVF2 CP IVF3 Angel baby born 22.3wks
Posted By: IVFGirl1111
Date Posted: 23 July 2013 at 11:53am
Hi everyone,
Just touching base it's been ages since I've been in here!
How is everyone doing?
Hopefully lots of BFP's and healthy babies since I was last in here!
As for us, we were so lucky to get 2 frozen embryos from our second cycle - our first cycle we got none! So will hopefully do one of those in a couple of months.
------------- TTC 6 years IVF it is IVF/ICSI round one 10 eggs, 8 mature, 3 fertilised BFN IVF/ICSI #2 = 22 eggs! 20 mature, 15 fertilised, 1 fresh transfer and 2 frosties BFN 2 Frosties still in freezer thank god
Posted By: babycrazy
Date Posted: 23 July 2013 at 1:06pm
Great news ivf-girl. Hope you get a bfp soon! We've just finished our last iui cycle with no success so now move to ivf at some point.
------------- TTC since Oct 2009 4 x DI's failed IVF1 CP & MC IVF2 CP IVF3 Angel baby born 22.3wks
Posted By: takingtime
Date Posted: 12 August 2013 at 7:49pm
Hi BC- I've been strolling through this and see you've been through similar troubles as me. DH diagnosed with azoo in Jan. We decided not to "what if" and went for the full on operation (it was horrible, so invasive), worst part is after the op there was literally nothing. No sperm. The Dr told me whilst he was still coming-to from the surgery, and just knowing soon he'd have the news that in his eyes- it was all for nothing. God noone prepares you for this whole thing right?
So anyway, we're onto the next chapter and have decided to go down the route where we're asking his brother or cousin for help. He's quite anti having an unknown donor; whereas I'm happy either way, I'd just like to get it underway. I notice that noone here has used a family donor? Is this something you and your DH considered? How did you find the unknown donor process?
Posted By: babycrazy
Date Posted: 12 August 2013 at 8:28pm
Hi takingtime. Sorry to hear you're facing the same issues! And the op didn't go well. It fully blows that's for sure. When it comes to using a donor you definitely have to get you're head around it that's for sure. There have been moments where I've not been sure we'd survive it to be honest but it has absolutely made us closer and stronger. Anyway. We did think about family however my guy has only a half brother (20years old) who we thought was way too young and a step brother who we decided wasn't who we wanted. Unbelievably we had many blokes tell us they'd 'give us a cup' lol but one in particular was quite serious about it. In the end we went with an unknown one as both of us decided that in our small community / family we didn't want to be facing our donor all the time. We were on the waiting list for about 5.5mths before choosing our donor. That part was interesting to say the least. Personally I found the iui's easier to deal with as time wore on and could detach by thinking of it like a smear test. My guy struggled at first but has totally come round. In saying that we had a deal that he wouldn't have to come to the iui's as it was too weird for him. Ummm not sure what else to share lol. We just had our review today and I've got to get some more tests done before we make the next plan. Always happy to chat if you need.
------------- TTC since Oct 2009 4 x DI's failed IVF1 CP & MC IVF2 CP IVF3 Angel baby born 22.3wks
Posted By: amk11
Date Posted: 12 August 2013 at 8:39pm
Hi bc and taking time,
Hope you don't mind me commenting on this, our issue is slightly different as we don't have sperm as we are 2 women. But where I can comment is about our choice of sperm donor, my wife was keen to go with a known donor and maybe even a brother (my brother was only 18 at the time and her's decided it wasn't so ring they wanted to do). I was keen to use a unknown donor as we are the parents and get one through the fertility clinic, but my wife wanted to know something more about the donor. So we have used a known donor but have limited contact on Facebook etc. he lives in a different town from us but is available if we have questions. It is a really personal decision and we haven't got the complicating factor of how a male partner would feel without super but my best piece of advice is discuss it and be honest and hope you can agree. Your poor hubby having to go through painful surgery without a good outcome. My wife is now pregnant after our 4th round of IVF.....
------------- IVF 1- No embryos to transfer IVF 2- BFN IVF 3- BFP, miscarriage at 7 weeks IVF 4- BFP, Joshua born 15/12/2013 and one frozen embryo FET- CP IVF 5- Baby number 2 due 21/2/2017 and 1 frozen embryo ❤
Posted By: takingtime
Date Posted: 12 August 2013 at 9:46pm
BC did you use FA to find your donor? I can imagine that'd be an experience in itself. Are you able to narrow it down to certain physical characteristics i.e. brown hair etc. So the latest on our side is that its been 6mths since the op, and my DH was finding it difficult to ask his brother- I suppose it's not exactly your typical conversation starter, hah. Anyway..they had news of their own and are newly pregnant. The funny thing was, I thought I was coping well until he told me the news..since then (Thursday) I've been so up and down.
Im so thankful for sites like this, as your friends honestly dont know the extent to what you're going through like others in the same boat!
Thanks for your input amk- congrats on getting pregnant!
Posted By: Babyshrimp
Date Posted: 13 August 2013 at 11:33am
Hi guys hope u don't mind me posting, a year & a half ago we were told my DH didn't have any sperm, naturally we were both devastated. It felt like it took forever to go thru the urologist & fertility associates but almost 8 months later DH had a retrieval done & we had sperm 😊 we went on the ivf wait list in November last year & have just finished our first round of ivf/icsi we managed to get 1embie on ice & 2 days ago I found out I got my first ever BFP. This is 1 of the hardest things to go thru so just wanted to give some people a positive story 😊
Posted By: babycrazy
Date Posted: 13 August 2013 at 12:47pm
Thanks for sharing your story Hannah. Gosh knows we all need to hear a happy ending once and awhile!
Takingtime - sorry I wrote this massive reply this morning and it wouldn't post. So I shall start again. We deal with FA in Wellington. When we first joined them we had to complete some profile information about ourselves which was later used for them to narrow down the list of donors we could choose from. They work really hard to try and match the donor really well to the male half of the couple if that makes sense. In the end we were given 3 to choose from. My DH was and is really hung up on what this child will look like so he spent a lot of time considering their features and really wanted to 'see' the person. He still comments on how he'd rather know what they looked like. The way I look at that aspect is that only 30% (or so) of genetics is predetermined at birth, the rest is down to environmental factors so no matter what this child (when it finally decides to get into my belly!!) will be ours. Anywho...hearing your brother in laws news would have been gut wretching. I know exactly the feeling having been through it with my own brother. Take the time (lol no pun intended) to feel whatever it is you feel, don't bottle it up. Its almost like a grief process when you don't have sperm of your own. My other advice would be that even though you're wanting to use a known donor is to get onto the donor waiting list as the wait is around 6mths and if you decide to go that path you would have already checked off some time. They also ask you to do councelling (known donor or unknown) which I found really helpful and this can be done at any point while on the waiting list. Right will stop there with the information overload! Hope some of its helpful. Nice to have someone else to share experiences with at any rate.
------------- TTC since Oct 2009 4 x DI's failed IVF1 CP & MC IVF2 CP IVF3 Angel baby born 22.3wks