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Slow Rising HCG levels

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Category: Pregnant
Forum Name: Pregnancy
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Topic: Slow Rising HCG levels
Posted By: vineyardhoney
Subject: Slow Rising HCG levels
Date Posted: 28 September 2012 at 8:55pm
Hi everyone

I'm currently approx 4 weeks preg going by LMP, but my hormone levels and early scan indicate that I may be only 3 weeks.

I have been identified as having slow rising HCG levels. It means that I am at a higher risk for an early miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy. There is also a chance that the pregnancy could be perfectly ok.

My question is, has anyone else had this with a pregnancy before?

Im scared and worried, this if very much a wanted baby and I hope everything will turn out ok, trying not to think about it all too much...

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Posted By: MumtoMany
Date Posted: 01 October 2012 at 1:46pm
I have and everything turned out ok. But a scan that early would not pick up anything. What was your hcg level hun??

DD 12 DS 9.5 DD 6 DS 4 DD 23 months and here comes number 6" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: monkeys
Date Posted: 01 October 2012 at 2:36pm
hey hun,
I have been through this as well and unfortunatley for me it was a blighted ovum. How regularly are you having Bloods taken? That is a very very early scan, try to keep calm, and realyl hope for you that everything works out ok xxx

3 little Angels July 10, May 11, Apr 13

Posted By: vineyardhoney
Date Posted: 01 October 2012 at 2:42pm
Hi MumtoMany and Monkeys. I've had 3 lots of bloods so far, next lot tomorrow morning. Have to say, doctors have been amazing here - i feel really well looked after (im in aussie at the mo - moving back to NZ @ 25weeks if this pregnancy continues).

Scan was early - they did it early because my cycles have been awol since coming off the pill, and weren't sure on my dates. It was more with the chance that they might be able to eliminate or deal with an ectopic before the long weekend.

So bloods done were;

20th- 57
24th - 114
27th - 131
2nd - ???

Its just a bit of an awful waiting game really. Trying to forget im pregnant (if that makes any sense?) so I don't become attached yet? emotional rollercoaster alright...

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Posted By: MumtoMany
Date Posted: 01 October 2012 at 3:10pm
57 at 4 weeks would be normal. Mine was about that. The other 2 are slower but doesnt mean there is no hope. Let us no what your next lot say. Hug's to you. I no it is a worrying time.

DD 12 DS 9.5 DD 6 DS 4 DD 23 months and here comes number 6" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: vineyardhoney
Date Posted: 01 October 2012 at 3:19pm
thanks mumtomany, its so good to hear from someone who has been through this. I will report in once the results come through...

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Posted By: Bizzy
Date Posted: 02 October 2012 at 1:12pm
My levels with my boy Gabriel - who is now coming up 9 - were very slow rising. certainly had me panicking but it was for nothing lol!


Posted By: monkeys
Date Posted: 02 October 2012 at 2:49pm
Def dont give up hope but I completely understand not wanting to get your hopes up.
I really hope you have a big rise today my fingers are crossed for you hunxxx

3 little Angels July 10, May 11, Apr 13

Posted By: 8isplenty
Date Posted: 02 October 2012 at 8:31pm
I had slow rising hcg levels for one of my pregnancy's, 2 scans later, nothing but the sac was showing, turned out to be a blighted ovum. Was devastating. After having a DnC done I was pregnant again 2 months later, and now have a happy almost 9mth old (no7) and now are due with no8 in Feb. All the best, hope everything turns out well for you.

Posted By: vineyardhoney
Date Posted: 02 October 2012 at 11:04pm
thanks for the support everyone.

Levels are increasing, but again not great. Today's level was 197.

So far;
20th- 57
24th - 114
27th - 131
2nd - 197

I've been referred to a special "early pregnancy assessment unit" at a big hospital here in WA - special unit just for dealing with early prgnancys at risk of ectopic. I'll have more bloods on the 4th, possibly another scan too. At least I will have the best medical care out. I still have my fingers crossed that everything will be okay, but we will see...

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Posted By: CarrieMum
Date Posted: 03 October 2012 at 7:11pm
Hey Vineyardhoney, from a fellow 2ww girl I just wanted to wish you all the best with your next blood test and Im glad they are taking good care of you over there. I had my DS in Brisbane and had great care but Im living back in NZ now. Sending you lots of super sticky vibes. Keep us posted.

Posted By: vineyardhoney
Date Posted: 03 October 2012 at 10:09pm
aw thanks Carriemum, that is so kind of you! I hope all is going well with you too :)

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Posted By: vineyardhoney
Date Posted: 04 October 2012 at 6:12pm
well bloods weren't great today, dont have figure but in line with other slow rising levels ive had. scan didnt show much, but they found one spot that they think might be the pregnancy, and its near the left ovary, so suspected ectopic.

As i have no pain and no symptoms, i have another lot of bloods on sat and another on mon, as well as another scan with a better ultrasound machine on monday to determine location. likely will be given methotrexate on Monday.

I am so gutted, heartbroken really. might take a while to get my head around it all.

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Posted By: tan73
Date Posted: 04 October 2012 at 7:04pm
I'm so so sorry Vineyardhoney. It is very painful and especially more so when you have to wait and wonder and hope. Be sure to take some time out for yourself to grieve and heal. I'll be thinking of you over this time.

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2 Angels - Aug '12 & Mar '13 Always in our hearts.

Posted By: CarrieMum
Date Posted: 04 October 2012 at 7:57pm
Oh Vineyardhoney Im really sorry to hear that. Im so sad for you. Sending you big hugs and support at this time.

Posted By: tan73
Date Posted: 03 March 2013 at 8:11pm
And here I am with my second pregnancy...slow rising hcg levels and had a scan at 6w6d that showed an empty sac. I am gutted, so, so gutted. How could this happen to me again? I know I'm not the only one to have multiple miscarriages but this really sucks. I so want it just to be easy and straight forward. This morning I cried in the shower because my boobs are just so sore and I really feel pregnant but I am not so I am going through all these symptoms for nothing. Life can be so cruel! I am going for a scan in another 10 days to confirm. I am a bit scared about miscarrying naturally before then. From what I've heard it sounds awful and so lonely! Last time I ended up having a medical management. It was awful and messy, but I was in the hospital and had people there to care for me and help me. I don't want to do this alone.

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2 Angels - Aug '12 & Mar '13 Always in our hearts.

Posted By: 8isplenty
Date Posted: 03 March 2013 at 8:33pm
Hi Tan73, so sorry to hear its an empty sac. I too was devastated when that happened to us..even thou it wld have been our 7th child. Was already picking names and everything not ever thinking anything was wrong.
Be strong and keep trying, you will have your baby. I was pregnant again 2 motnhs later after a dnc was performed and we had another little girl, now 13mths and we just had our 8th child, another girl, last Sunday night. Hang in there! xx

Posted By: arohanui
Date Posted: 06 March 2013 at 4:57pm
I'm so sorry Tan Cry I'm going through it at the moment and it sucks!! I found out for certain on Monday that I miscarried (had started bleeding on the Friday) and just waiting those 3 days was hard enough.  If you're scared being by yourself and miscarrying, can you set up a plan of what to do if you start bleeding? Like call DH and he'll come home from work to be with you, or even head to the hospital?

Grieving for the loss of your baby is a tough place to be in, I feel for you. Heart

Mama to DS1 (5 years), DS2 (3 years) and..." rel="nofollow">

Posted By: tan73
Date Posted: 06 March 2013 at 6:37pm
Hi there, Yes is such a sucky place to be. I have chosen to keep working, which has been really good. Last time was such a shock and I had no idea what to expect, waiting to miscarry that I stopped working as soon as I found out baby had died, until a week after I actually miscarried. Yes a plan sounds good. I went to the doctor and have made a plan with her. So far the plan is that if I start bleeding during the day, then to head to the doctors surgery (she said just to come) and if it is after hours she said to head straight to the after hours surgery. I think because there were complications last time they will send me to hospital anyway.

I am feeling okay but it is other little things that set me off. I am surprised how switched off I can be at work but I guess it's going to come round eventually.

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2 Angels - Aug '12 & Mar '13 Always in our hearts.

Posted By: tan73
Date Posted: 06 March 2013 at 6:38pm
Arohanui - how are you? Have you fully miscarried yet?

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2 Angels - Aug '12 & Mar '13 Always in our hearts.

Posted By: arohanui
Date Posted: 06 March 2013 at 9:04pm
That's great you have a plan, and it sounds like it's helping being distracted at work.  Hoping the physical side of it goes straight forward for you.

Yeah I've fully miscarried, bled lots over the weekend, lots of clots and cramping.. had HCG blood test and it's gone down to 5 already. I guess that's one good thing with being only 5 weeks, but it's still really hard emotionally.  I think it's even harder cos I *was* so early and have been battling with the feeling that I have no right to grieve... although I have been grieving big time.  Also brought back memories of the other bubs I lost.... ironically the due date from that pregnancy was 2 March 2010, so pretty sucky timing.  

I go through feeling ok/numb/exhausted.  I'm really blessed that my friends have been really supportive, had 3 meals cooked for us which has been amazing.. especially with keeping things ticking over for my 2 kids and working etc. 

I conceived the cycle after my mc last time, though at the mo def do not feel like BDing!

Mama to DS1 (5 years), DS2 (3 years) and..." rel="nofollow">

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