NEW! Waiting for Ovulation thread
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Category: Planning Pregnancy (trying for baby)
Forum Name: Planning Pregnancy (trying for baby)
Forum Description: Trying to get pregnant? Going through fertility treatment? Just planning your first or second child? There are many people out there in the same boat to help and listen and share with
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Topic: NEW! Waiting for Ovulation thread
Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Subject: NEW! Waiting for Ovulation thread
Date Posted: 05 June 2013 at 10:13pm
This is the new thread since the last one was broken....
I should be oving any day cant wait to get this cycle done so we can try properly!!
Good luck to those trying, i hope this month is your month!

CHEM 6/12+
Posted By: MummaHuhu
Date Posted: 05 June 2013 at 10:17pm
Thanks for the new thread!
Cool, glad to hear that it didn't take that long after being on the B6 & vitex... I've skipped the vitex this time around but am on the B6... hopefully it works quickly too! Do you know if it would bring ovulation forward or just affect the lutel phase?
What about your DH's? Are they taking anything special?
-------------" rel="nofollow - Come on Huhu#3 ...~Chem Apr 13~
Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 05 June 2013 at 10:19pm
i had DH on zinc for a while but dont think it helps much, but LOTS of Bding promotes more and more quality sperm so thats even more of a reason!
yeah im skipping vitex for now, its brought my ov forward a day or two but hadnt helped my LP yet which sucks....i have LPD did pre DD too so its something im always working on

CHEM 6/12+
Posted By: Charly28
Date Posted: 05 June 2013 at 10:20pm
Yaaay good stuff loopy 
I'm cd 2 so I'll be hanging here a while *sigh*
------------- April 2013, December 2013" rel="nofollow - My Ovulation Chart
Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 05 June 2013 at 10:23pm
Posted By: Icecream
Date Posted: 05 June 2013 at 10:39pm
Great idea aLittleLoopy - I am in the 2ww at the mo but always nice to be in more than one thread. Here is hoping for a BFP and I don't need to come back into egg waiting mode!
Posted By: vineyardhoney
Date Posted: 05 June 2013 at 10:51pm
any supplements that help support your hormone production may help bring OV forward, hope that helps. Vitex apparently takes 6 - 12 months to really have an effect on your hormones, also heard that taking it in liquid form is much better than those tablets that are compacted? not sure if thats true or not though.
this is a great idea having this thread - means we can try and keep track of everyone a bit better through the month!
Im looking forward to seeing when OV happens this month, fingers crossed this acupuncture works and my lining gets nice and thick for eggie to implant!
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Posted By: Nellennium
Date Posted: 06 June 2013 at 2:04pm
Weeeheee, got the old thread unstickied and this one stuck up (LOL).
 4xMC, 3xMMC" rel="nofollow - Blog: Nellennium Ramblings
Posted By: MummaHuhu
Date Posted: 06 June 2013 at 7:44pm
Thanks vineyardhoney :) I've heard that the liquid form works much better too - I'm sure the vitex helped me to conceive DD1 & DD2... I've avoided it this time as I heard that it tends to sway girls and we're hoping for a boy this time around. Hoping for any sticky bubs really but yeh, hopefully I won't need it.
I hope the acupuncture works for you! How long have you been doing it for?
I made a chart overlay today, found it interesting that my temps seem to have the same pattern... feel like O-day is around the corner, feeling all tingly and warm down there (**not way down there, I meant in the ovary area** lmao), still not sure if I should be using my last opk yet.
-------------" rel="nofollow - Come on Huhu#3 ...~Chem Apr 13~
Posted By: vineyardhoney
Date Posted: 07 June 2013 at 3:39pm
Hi mummahuhu, I've had 3 sessions so far and next one is on Monday. Taking Chinese herbs too and I think they are pretty amazing, really sorted out my digestion and my skin looks heaps better, looking forward to seeing results with helping blood flow to my uterus!
Didn't know that about the vitex and swaying the sex, really interesting! All the best for making a boy!
With your opks, if u don't use it u might miss the surge...have u got access to some more? I have given up on opks as my cycles are too irregular! Just trying to go by cm and temping and hope we get it right.
I actually had almost ewcm yesterday...really weird, it's like I get mini lh surges for a week before ov? Has anyone else have this happen to them? After last month I think I've just started to realise that's what could be happening...
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Posted By: MummaHuhu
Date Posted: 07 June 2013 at 10:00pm
Glad to hear that it's working for you! I love how quickly the acupuncture worked when I put my back out, it's just amazing. I'd so love to go for more treatments as they lady I see does massage & moxa too and the centre is out in the bush - it's like a mini get-away lol, just too expensive.
hmmm, yes I was wondering that today too with the surge, more arrived today so hooray! DH had the car today and I'd just gotten home after walking around all day to find the courier ticket stuck to the door so I made him leave his work drinks early to go pick it up, lol. I poas this afternoon with the new batch and got wicked dye run, I *think* it was a negative so no O yet, hopefully I didn't miss it.
I get loads of almost ewcm for about a week before O too... I can tell when it really is ewcm though **~warning TMI~** cos it kinds just drips out & is super stretchy.
-------------" rel="nofollow - Come on Huhu#3 ...~Chem Apr 13~
Posted By: Kalimirella
Date Posted: 08 June 2013 at 10:44am
hey, I'm also waiting around :) On CD12 and usually OV CD17 so just waiting...waiting. I'm trying to chart but the girls are really undermining me. This morning I ended up squished between a 3 and almost 2 yr old as they crawled into our bed around 5 am. Couldn't even reach the thermometer let alone stick it in my mouth. Here's hoping this month is just like all the rest lol.
------------- Kiara is 3 and Teagan is 2, now we're expecting our long awaited 3rd!" rel="nofollow">
Posted By: MummaHuhu
Date Posted: 08 June 2013 at 3:24pm
Heh, I have that problem too Kali,I just end up taking my temp right before we get up, the girls now actually know I stay in bed a tiny bit longer to take my temp and they take turns at putting the thermometer back in its case I don't often have 3 hours of sleep before taking my temp but it hasn't seemed to be really affected by it.
-------------" rel="nofollow - Come on Huhu#3 ...~Chem Apr 13~
Posted By: Batmobile
Date Posted: 08 June 2013 at 8:30pm
Yay! Glad this thread is fixed. I'm either CD8 or CD5, I had 3 days of spotting/light flow before heavy AF so I don't know which day to start from. Planning on charting this cycle too put my thermometer only just arrived and I had night shift last night so will start tomorrow morning. I'm also taking vitex and EPO, fingers crossed for us all!
Posted By: Spitfire19
Date Posted: 08 June 2013 at 9:29pm
Batmobile, from what I can tell, you are CD5, spotting doesn't count, it has to be an actual, ahem, flow. Pretty much on OV watch, should get my physical symptoms tomorrow or Monday. Not doing anything extra, just on folic acid.
Posted By: tan73
Date Posted: 09 June 2013 at 7:25am
Yes, I agree, Batmobile. I am with a specialist now and she said spotting doesn't count, it is the first day there is actual flow, as in, blood on the pad. Hard for me to tell as I am very light, but I have had spotting part way through my last cycle and then my period and, yeah, there was still a difference. Oh and also something that might be helpful: my specialist said if the flow starts in the morning, that is CD1 and if it's in the afternoon, you count the next day as CD1.
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2 Angels - Aug '12 & Mar '13 Always in our hearts.
Posted By: Batmobile
Date Posted: 09 June 2013 at 9:37am
Thanks guys, I though that was what it was but then since the spotting lead into AF I wasn't sure. Exciting spitfire! I think I'm still a good week away from ovulation. Tan does your specialist tell you when to BD? I'm thinking of trying the sperm meets egg plan so we know we get enough in lol.
Posted By: Baby V
Date Posted: 09 June 2013 at 4:10pm
Ggrrr annoyed today, when will it be our turn to conceive? We've had enough BDing to last us a lifetime (we don't really BD all that often usually, once or twice a month tops), I hate my job and just want this to happen for us already! Feel like I'm stuck in catch 22 at the moment because if it wasn't for TTC, I would chuck in my job tomorrow and TTC and job hunting just aren't an ideal combo.
It's our first child together and we have waited so long to make sure we are both ready to do this and now it's just not happening. Anyway, this is really not a good mood to be in right in the midst of a BD marathon but there you go. Rant over...
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Posted By: tan73
Date Posted: 09 June 2013 at 5:07pm
Baby V - sorry, I know you changed your name...can you remind me, how long have you been trying? I know what you mean about not BDing very much and then having to go for it during TTC times. It can be soooo exhausting!
Batmobile - The specialist didn't tell me anything about BDing, but Dh and I BD every 2 or 3 nights around ov time. I am pretty regular with ov - CD18, so we start about CD 16 and BD about 3 times in that week. It has worked for us twice, even though the babies haven't stuck. A great doco to watch is The Great Sperm Race. You can see the full thing on you tube. They come in 6 parts, 10 mins long each. DH found that really helpful to understand ov etc. The scientist on there says every 2 - 3 days is sufficient to catch the egg.
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2 Angels - Aug '12 & Mar '13 Always in our hearts.
Posted By: Baby V
Date Posted: 09 June 2013 at 6:38pm
Tan - we have been TTC since October and this is our 9th cycle. It hasn't been a year yet but I swear I can hear my biological clock ticking away in my head most days 
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Posted By: tan73
Date Posted: 09 June 2013 at 8:48pm
Oh, sorry, it says so on your ticker too! Doh! It can get so frustrating hey? It seems to happen so easily for others. Hang in there, it will happen for you too. You will look back and see that the timing was perfect in the end. xx
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2 Angels - Aug '12 & Mar '13 Always in our hearts.
Posted By: MummaHuhu
Date Posted: 09 June 2013 at 10:16pm
I know what you mean about the old biological clock ticking away, I don't think I'm even that old (or I wasn't when we started TTC'n for our first) but it still sits there ticking away....
Hope it happens for you soon BabyV, it took around 10 cycles for my first DD... I think this is now my 8th for this time around. Lots of EWCM here right when I thought I would get it so hoping this is the month!
-------------" rel="nofollow - Come on Huhu#3 ...~Chem Apr 13~
Posted By: Spitfire19
Date Posted: 10 June 2013 at 8:02am
Hmmm, was expecting OV by now, but not getting the same symptoms... so either I'm having a longer cycle or my body has changed it's mind on letting me know
Posted By: tan73
Date Posted: 10 June 2013 at 8:35am
Isn't this all a bit tricky? I had surgery to remove polyps on Friday. I am CD10 and have had a huge amount of EWCM, tinged with blood, both in the middle of the night and this morning. So it's hard to tell whether it's ov stuff happening or from the surgery. Whatever the case, I really do not feel like BDing! Ick!
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2 Angels - Aug '12 & Mar '13 Always in our hearts.
Posted By: MummaHuhu
Date Posted: 10 June 2013 at 5:20pm
Oh bummer Spitfire - do you use OPK's? Some months may just be a bit off, I've had one or two of those.
Tan - how are you feeling after the surgery? No idea if it would be ewcm sorry but totally understandable that you don't feel like BD'n!
-------------" rel="nofollow - Come on Huhu#3 ...~Chem Apr 13~
Posted By: Spitfire19
Date Posted: 10 June 2013 at 5:49pm
MummaHuhu - we live on a pretty tight-ish budget (though in saying that, the budget does include a buttload of saving) so I'm just sticking with symptoms at the moment. So after my shower after sport this afternoon I had EWCM The rest of my follow up "symptoms" shouldn't be too far away now either.
Posted By: Charly28
Date Posted: 10 June 2013 at 6:46pm
Spitfire, lotsa things can influence OV.. Sleep, stress, diet, or your body can sometimes just do its own thing! Sometimes it releases two eggs, sometimes (rarely) we don't even OV! But as a one off its nothing to worry about if that was to happen (but annoying for sure if you're TTC)... I'm sure all of this you know :) But hopefully it helps in some way! I'm sure you will OV soon :)
AFM... Still waiting... It's only cd8 however! But strangely I felt distinct AF cramps today, soooo weird!! If it wasn't for my random mid cycle bleeding last week on cd 19 (which I've been told was most likely an early period by doctor - Yet it only lasted 2 days? Weird) I would be getting my hopes up for a BFP with cramps mid cycle (as I've had tat before when pg)!! But bleeding was heavy with clots (sorry if that's tmi for anyone) so all hope of a BFP is out the window for me, and am just waiting patiently to OV! Wish I knew why I have these dull cramps though :( too early for OV pain...
------------- April 2013, December 2013" rel="nofollow - My Ovulation Chart
Posted By: Spitfire19
Date Posted: 10 June 2013 at 7:02pm
Thanks Charly, I know :) Just frustrating when you are just trusting on nature to tell you things, not a something else that tells you (OPKs and I'm going to chuck temping in there too, we don't know that without something else to tell us). But looks like I'm back on track, so should be moving over the other way in the next day or two.
Also Charly, just incase you need them from some of the stuff said in the TWW thread. It can't be easy sometimes
Posted By: Monkeydee
Date Posted: 10 June 2013 at 7:25pm
Ladies it's tough isn't it? I'm waiting too currently on CD25 few little pangs today but when you wait this long it kinda makes you wonder if you even Ov?? My cycles have been lasting approx 40 days each one is different since I came off the pill at the start of the year so it's a waiting game, I've decided that if AF rears her ugly head this month then I'm onto Femaprin. I've no patience what so ever lol anyway according to ff I should Ov this week so we've begun the marathon and having lots of fun too I've no CM since we begun the BD is this normal does anyone know? I've never really noticed? It's only been like the last 3 days I think?
------------- TTC since December 2012, Unexplained Rainbow baby due May 18 :)
Posted By: MummaHuhu
Date Posted: 10 June 2013 at 7:32pm
Fair enough Spitfire, we're on a budget too, I don't use them every month, I've only just started using OPK's again after a m/c and not being 100% sure that I'm ovulating.. frustrating that I haven't gotten a +OPK yet but the ewcm is crazy, making the most of it anyway 
Do you mean no CM at all Monkeydiva or only since BD'n?
-------------" rel="nofollow - Come on Huhu#3 ...~Chem Apr 13~
Posted By: tan73
Date Posted: 10 June 2013 at 8:52pm
Not sure about all this ov stuff! I had it down pat before my last m/c and now things seem all over the place. All test results that show ov have been good, it's just that the second half of my cycle is lacking in progesterone. Charly, interesting that you say other things can affect ov. I usually ov on CD18, yet, from time to time, I have EWCM on CD10. I wonder if sometimes I do actually ov early.
I have used OPK's for one cycle and I temped before I conceived the last baby. Funnily enough, the only times I haven't temped, or used OPK's I have conceived! Go figure!
Huhu - I am okay, thanks for asking. I am a bit tearful and down today - perfectly normal after general anesthetic. Just feeling really down about the journey so far and feeling like it's never going to happen. I can't really imagine jumping back in the saddle again, but if we don't, there will be no baby. I want to take it easy, but at the same time, I feel panicky about waiting because 40 is just around the corner for me. I think that fact is really playing on my mind atm.
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2 Angels - Aug '12 & Mar '13 Always in our hearts.
Posted By: Monkeydee
Date Posted: 10 June 2013 at 8:58pm
Momma just since BD lol I'd be worried if I had none at all
------------- TTC since December 2012, Unexplained Rainbow baby due May 18 :)
Posted By: Monkeydee
Date Posted: 10 June 2013 at 9:51pm
Wooo hold fire lol Cm just arrived do any of you ladies find this happens after BD I mean maybe I'm just muddled with my CM coming out with DF left over swimmers lol do you know what I mean? But later on in the day I've had no CM until now. Am I just confusing everyone?
------------- TTC since December 2012, Unexplained Rainbow baby due May 18 :)
Posted By: tan73
Date Posted: 10 June 2013 at 10:26pm
Yeah I'm confused! Lol. I think the CM that we see when we wipe is not always indicative of what's going on further up. IYKWIM. Unless you examine around the cervix (which you may already do), I don't think you can know for sure. I've always gone with the belief that if there has been some wet or stretchy CM, then chances are I'm fertile for the next few days. Not sure that's right, but it has worked for me in the past.
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2 Angels - Aug '12 & Mar '13 Always in our hearts.
Posted By: Charly28
Date Posted: 11 June 2013 at 12:16am
Thanks Spitfire :)
Tan, I don't think I ever ovulate same day regularly!! It's normal to fluctuate, and hey, OV at cd10 IS poss!!! Especially for those with short cycles
------------- April 2013, December 2013" rel="nofollow - My Ovulation Chart
Posted By: Monkeydee
Date Posted: 11 June 2013 at 10:58am
Lol thanks ladies I'm off to examine myself lol
------------- TTC since December 2012, Unexplained Rainbow baby due May 18 :)
Posted By: Baby V
Date Posted: 11 June 2013 at 7:04pm
So...had a massive argument with DH last night over him not feeling like BDing last couple of nights (yes not one but BOTH nights). He feels pressure to perform and therefore can't. I tried to explain to him that TTC is all about timing etc. He would like it if we could just go back to BDing once or twice a month on a fortnightly basis and then MAGICALLY a baby will materialise!
Then, I got angry as seriously, does he really think that I feel like BDing so often either? Truth is I don't either but sometimes you just have to get it done! He then proceeded to fall asleep and left me lying there wide awake and ANGRY until about 1am. So now I'm sleep deprived, stressed and most importantly no BD in sight.
Just so everyone can get where I'm coming from exactly this is what I do currently to help us TTC: - Temp charting - OPKs - CM observations - numerous lingerie bought specially to "spice things up" - stopped asking him for weekend mid afternoon BDing sessions as he wasn't into this time of day, changed to early morning and night time even though I DON'T prefer these times. - watched the Great Sperm Race - numerous hours on Google researching TTC - full spreadsheet complete with everything we will need once we are successful with TTC comparing individual item pricing for all major baby retailers. - don't touch of drop of alcohol during the TWW
This is what he has to do and can't: - Get it up
I'm sorry but honestly!
Again sorry about the rant but just had to get it out. And no-one tell me to relax please
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Posted By: Spitfire19
Date Posted: 11 June 2013 at 7:28pm
Is there anyway that you could get him to BD more frequently around OV without him knowing that that is the reason you want to BD? For him it might just be a case that he thinks thats the only reason you want to BD, that it's become more of a chore to him, and therefore he stresses out to make sure he does the one job, and then he can't.
Have you involved him as much (or as little) as he wants to be in the whole process? Does he know everything that you are doing to try and make everything go as planned?
Sorry, just trying to see things from his point of view (I always try to do this when I get annoyed with someone!)
Posted By: Baby V
Date Posted: 11 June 2013 at 7:44pm
Thanks Spitfire, I know I probably sound just a bit nuts, but it's been a while now TTC so just frustrated I think
Tried your first suggestion and it worked for a while but not anymore.
He made it clear from the start that he didn't want to know any of the details of what I've been doing to help TTC so I have not been talking about it at all, which is why I find his perceived "pressure" hard to take. I showed him my first OPK excitedly a few months back and he went off at me for getting excited that it was positive as it "doesn't mean anything". Fair to say I have not shared anything else since then.
The issue seems to be more that he just has a low libido, so because we have BD'd earlier in the cycle (which I thought would help as it's being more spontaneous etc) now he can't keep going.
I know I'll have to figure this out, but as I say it just gets a bit much sometimes.
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Posted By: Helen119136
Date Posted: 11 June 2013 at 8:09pm
Hi baby v maybe he needs a bit of the "ignite for men" to get his libido up and running? Herbal supplements???
Posted By: Monkeydee
Date Posted: 11 June 2013 at 8:12pm
Baby v is there something you can magically give him to get him more in the mood like some kind of herbal stuff you could put in his dinner or his cuppa ( if he is a tea man)? Without him actually knowing? Sounds sneaky but hey to me it sounds like anything would help :) big hugs thou chicken
------------- TTC since December 2012, Unexplained Rainbow baby due May 18 :)
Posted By: MummaHuhu
Date Posted: 11 June 2013 at 8:28pm
I think horny goat weed is good for the men's libido... it is sometimes in men's supplements so you may be able to convince him to take one - I think Go New Zealand make a good men's supplement for TTC'n.
-------------" rel="nofollow - Come on Huhu#3 ...~Chem Apr 13~
Posted By: vineyardhoney
Date Posted: 11 June 2013 at 8:30pm
Hugs Baby V! Rant completely acceptable. We all need to vent!
How about reverse psychology on him? "I think we should stop trying for a baby, too much stress on our relationship" or something along those lines, but then secretly track your OV and signs, then be "in the mood" only around OV time? I think that might sound easier on paper than in reality, but hopefully helps with some ideas!
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Posted By: Baby V
Date Posted: 11 June 2013 at 8:45pm
Thanks ladies for the great ideas!
I'm liking the reverse psychology idea, but will run the herbal supplements one past him as well (although he'll probably say I'm pressuring him with that one).
Who knew males could be just as moody as females when it comes to this stuff huh
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Posted By: vineyardhoney
Date Posted: 11 June 2013 at 9:12pm
sometimes, i really think they're worse baby v its not just man flu is it!
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Posted By: Spitfire19
Date Posted: 11 June 2013 at 9:32pm
Oh vineyard, you just reminded me of this site! Time for a giggle anyone?" rel="nofollow - Man Flu
Posted By: Jessaroo
Date Posted: 11 June 2013 at 9:40pm
ahahahahhahahaah! that man flu site is amazing! oh lord im in stitches! DP is looking sideways at me, Ill keep it up my sleeve to present to him when he comes down with his next hit of Man Flu hahaha
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Posted By: vineyardhoney
Date Posted: 11 June 2013 at 10:19pm
bahahaha that is gold! thanks for the giggle spitfire!
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Posted By: Pitter patter
Date Posted: 11 June 2013 at 11:27pm
Hi guys hope you don't mind me joining in here-am currently waiting for ov, have started bd week Baby V that argument seems so familiar! Although my DP going through a good patch at the mo but he gets very put off by timing of bd over ov and has lately been loudly telling his friends of all about it. Just a suggestion but if you use opks you can fairly accurately predict ov and you could try for a month just timing bd right at the right time. Spitfire love the man flu site! Mummahuhu the name horny goat weed cracks me up for some reason
 TTC number 2 since April 2011 MC Nov 12 Formally Mamma2one
Posted By: Pitter patter
Date Posted: 11 June 2013 at 11:36pm
Also Tan i sometimes wonder the same thing as get ewcm a while b4 ov, but I have used opks for a long time now and i always ov around day 15/16. Also I check cervix now and it is so blimmin obvious, tmi alert but it is soft and very open when ov, so different a few days b4 ov. Also this is just a suggestion but I recall you got your progesterone tested not long ago and i wonder if it would be worth repeating? My body took a while to sort itself out post mc. Also def do test 7dpo or if you not sure when this is 7 days before af due, made such a big difference to my results when i got the timing right.Ok I should be in bed, man obaby is addictive!
 TTC number 2 since April 2011 MC Nov 12 Formally Mamma2one
Posted By: MummaHuhu
Date Posted: 12 June 2013 at 7:56am
lol, it cracks me up too Pitter Patter! It was recommended to me but I looked it up and decided that DH didn't need it, thought he was horny enough as it is lol.
I downloaded the Sperm Meets Egg last ebook night and might see if that helps, I'd been kinda trying to time BD around O anyway but with kids coming into our bed and being away I hadn't been very successful. I like having a plan! 
I *think* I should be on 1DPO today but I forgot to do an OPK yesterday and I had a couple of random high temps on my chart so now I'm not sure 
-------------" rel="nofollow - Come on Huhu#3 ...~Chem Apr 13~
Posted By: Baby V
Date Posted: 12 June 2013 at 5:54pm
Well a couple of big wins for me over the last 24 hours, we managed to BD last night AND I got a positive OPK just now! I jumped DH in his sleep so there was no time for him to feel pressured 
Feeling much more relaxed now, thanks everyone for your helpful suggestions, really helped get me through the worst mood I've been in since TTC so far. Now if I can just convince him to BD again tonight... Might be pushing my luck but hey, gotta think positive
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Posted By: MummaHuhu
Date Posted: 12 June 2013 at 10:15pm
lol, good plan of attack BabyV!! Good luck for tonight too 
-------------" rel="nofollow - Come on Huhu#3 ...~Chem Apr 13~
Posted By: Spitfire19
Date Posted: 13 June 2013 at 5:54pm
So in case if you missed it in the other thread, my body has played ball an given me my OV symptoms, just a bit later than expected
Posted By: Baby V
Date Posted: 13 June 2013 at 7:00pm
Thanks MummaHuhu! Low and behold another successful BD last night, really happy with our effort this month now
-ve OPK today and strong tummy pressure yesterday and all day today so looks like 1 or 2 DPO for me tomorrow. Hello TWW!
Spitfire - Yay for the OV!
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Posted By: Spitfire19
Date Posted: 13 June 2013 at 7:46pm
Posted By: vineyardhoney
Date Posted: 13 June 2013 at 8:39pm
great to hear you are OV spitfire! and BabyV, awesome work with the positive OPK and BD'ing - go you!
I'm not sure what is going on now - im monitoring my cervix this month, but it moves a lot. sorry if TMI - its still open and soft, but CM is not much - just had two short bursts really - its still watery-ish just not a lot of it at all. We are sticking to every 2nd day this month and hoping that does the trick.
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Posted By: tan73
Date Posted: 13 June 2013 at 9:14pm
Would someone mind telling me about how you examine your cervix? I know physically what to do (I think), but I don't think I have ever felt it. What does it feel like? Should I feel it on the tip of my fingers? Maybe my fingers aren't long enough because I can't seem to feel it. I have been reading about a soft, high cervix and low, hard etc but I don't know what any of it means.
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2 Angels - Aug '12 & Mar '13 Always in our hearts.
Posted By: MummaHuhu
Date Posted: 13 June 2013 at 10:38pm
Tan, I know that its supposed to feel firm like the tip of your nose then in labour it softens to be like your earlobe, then like the inside of your cheek, but that's about it I'm afraid.
Ummm, so I just had some sharp pains on my left hand side just in from my hipbone - could that maybe indicate ovulation?? Not sure if it's quite the right area?
-------------" rel="nofollow - Come on Huhu#3 ...~Chem Apr 13~
Posted By: HelloYellow
Date Posted: 14 June 2013 at 9:37pm
As if the TWW wasn't bad enough, now it's time to wait two weeks til ovulation..... How oh how will I cope?!!
Posted By: Jessaroo
Date Posted: 15 June 2013 at 1:52pm
Right I'm officially CD 1 now. Sigh. Counting again! Making sure the next couple weeks are jam packed busy so I don't think about things too much and am investing in a thermometer on Tuesday to give this charting business a proper go!
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Posted By: Monkeydee
Date Posted: 15 June 2013 at 5:09pm
Whoop whoop just got me a +opk so crossing my fingers the amount of BD we've been doing pays off will keep going thou as its been fun! Crickey it's been cold today ladies how is everyone else's weekends?
------------- TTC since December 2012, Unexplained Rainbow baby due May 18 :)
Posted By: Pitter patter
Date Posted: 15 June 2013 at 9:26pm" rel="nofollow - Tan just popping in to so have a look at the above link I'm still waiting on pos opk, don't know what going on here. FX for all in here
 TTC number 2 since April 2011 MC Nov 12 Formally Mamma2one
Posted By: Charly28
Date Posted: 16 June 2013 at 6:05pm
Yellow, I don't know how I will cope either.. Two weeks seems forever! And since charting I've noticed that I don't tend to OV until closer to cd18-20 sooooo frustrating being only at cd4 at least OPKing is fun... I will start OPKing seriously from cd14, for now I'm doing them willy milky because there is a mall chance I'm not cd4 and am actually cd13 after getting 2days of heavy bleeding at what I thought was mid-cycle. Other way, waiting to OV is the WORST part of a cycle for sure
Jessaroo, Goodluck with charting, when you start you should join the charting girls thread 
------------- April 2013, December 2013" rel="nofollow - My Ovulation Chart
Posted By: tan73
Date Posted: 16 June 2013 at 6:50pm
Jess - sorry for AF - at least you have lots to keep you busy! Monkeydiva - fingers xd! Pitter Patter - thanks for the link. It was really helpful. Charly - let's hope it's CD13 for you!
AFM - This morning I had aches and pains like I get after I have ov'd. I also noticed yesterday that I had sensitive nipples in the shower - also another sign that I have ov'd. I also had EWCM at the beginning of the week - CD10 or so. The problem is I usually ov CD18 so I had intended on timing BD for CD 14 onwards. Because of all my post ov symptoms I went and bought an OPK from the supermarket. I got a -ve. Which could mean two things - I've already ov'd or I haven't yet. I am suspecting the latter. For those who use OPK's, have you ever had just the test line come up? I thought both lines came up but if it was -ve then the control line is lighter than the test line. I guess I am just wondering if the test was faulty. All of this means nothing except that I might be in the TWW. Seeing as we only got one BD in on CD15, I may be out before I've even started this month! I have an appointment with the specialist tomorrow so I might ask for a test to check if I've ov'd or not.
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2 Angels - Aug '12 & Mar '13 Always in our hearts.
Posted By: Monkeydee
Date Posted: 16 June 2013 at 7:31pm
Thanks tan I've copied my post from 2ww to here too
Tan I just checked the back of my Ov test and it says if one line comes up its invalid so maybe try another? If you have one?
I just had my 2nd +opk so the BD marathon continues fingers crossed we hit it right this cycle as I'm currently on cd31 waiting is bad especially if there is chocolate in the house lol
------------- TTC since December 2012, Unexplained Rainbow baby due May 18 :)
Posted By: tan73
Date Posted: 16 June 2013 at 7:33pm
Hehe. I replied in the other one! Will do another tonight.
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2 Angels - Aug '12 & Mar '13 Always in our hearts.
Posted By: tan73
Date Posted: 16 June 2013 at 9:51pm
Okay so I tested again and still only one line. Maybe these ones are different? I am confused. I had a good amount of blood when I wiped too so not sure what's going on. So frustrating! Will see what specialist says tomorrow.
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2 Angels - Aug '12 & Mar '13 Always in our hearts.
Posted By: Icecream
Date Posted: 17 June 2013 at 7:10am
Been hanging out in the 2ww thread but should be in here for a bit. CD 4 and taking clomid for the first time. Had the mother of all head aches yesterday but think it has gone. Can't get over how much rain we are having!
Posted By: Jessaroo
Date Posted: 17 June 2013 at 7:27am
Off for a big walk today! Spent yesterday curled up on couch. CD3 and first day of being a SAHM so I think the next few weeks are going to zip by :D Doctor told me when I had pre concep consult that if we BD every 2nd day we should be fine for not missing OV etc - she said its more foolproof than counting and charting and trying to time things but I just don't know! Obviously we are doing something wrong haha
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Posted By: Jessaroo
Date Posted: 17 June 2013 at 7:29am
OH and partner said he has no issue with getting his swimmers tested just to put my mind at ease (his age being the concerning factor) so that's cool - going to organise that somehow this week!
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Posted By: Monkeydee
Date Posted: 17 June 2013 at 9:03am
Good luck tan :)
------------- TTC since December 2012, Unexplained Rainbow baby due May 18 :)
Posted By: Birdy83
Date Posted: 17 June 2013 at 9:58am
Just joining in here as i thought i was in Tww!!
Gah!! Just got my blood results from Fridays "day 21" test - however it was actually my day 50!! Progesterone levels < 0.1 or what ever it is when you've not ovulated- so my question is if I ov'd on tues/wed might the progesterone not have risen yet!
This is the 2nd time my CM has tricked me
Stopped pill 1 march - AF all most immediately then AF visited again 26 April then nothing since!!!
Might get a thermometer today - opk test expensive if you're like me - guess I could test everyday
So guess I could now be waiting to ovulate CD53 - what joke
Posted By: epictraveller
Date Posted: 17 June 2013 at 10:04am
That's not cool birdy! Charting can be really good but it won't tell you if you're going to ovulate until after you have. Have you tried vitex? Is this your first cycle TTC?
------------- #1
Angel babies April 2013, Nov 2013
IVF #1 Nov 2013-CP IVF #2 May 2014-BFN IVF #3 Feb 2015-BFN DS Jun 2015-BFN Oct 16 -Natural BFP!
TTC #2
Posted By: Birdy83
Date Posted: 17 June 2013 at 10:24am
hi epic traveller
thank you for your message - yes this is my first cycle TTC - i started taking Vitex about 2 weeks ago - and i did just bulk buy some OPK's so i think i'll stick with those for now.
i know it can take a while to come right after the pill for about 10 years - but i just want to make sure there is nothing else wrong and listen to other peoples experiences ideas.
Dr wants me to keep getting blood tests for Progesterone every week until AF arrives - i'm 30 so she thinks i shouldn't worry until after 1 year apparently.
Guess i'll just keep testing and waiting - jees i wouldnt want to miss BD'ing when OV comes if my cycles stay this long !
whats the best advice for when to OPK test (ie time of day)
Posted By: epictraveller
Date Posted: 17 June 2013 at 10:44am
You're meant to not use first morning urine and wait until you haven't peed for four hours for OPK's. It might take another cycle to come right, but it is annoying! You could always take more vitex? How many pills are you taking? I always used to do three. But make sure you only take them till you ov and then stop! Good luck!!
------------- #1
Angel babies April 2013, Nov 2013
IVF #1 Nov 2013-CP IVF #2 May 2014-BFN IVF #3 Feb 2015-BFN DS Jun 2015-BFN Oct 16 -Natural BFP!
TTC #2
Posted By: Birdy83
Date Posted: 17 June 2013 at 10:48am
ok great thanks for the tip - i only take one - maybe i'll up my dose - see if it gives it a kick start thanks again
Posted By: epictraveller
Date Posted: 17 June 2013 at 10:57am
No worries, keep us posted!
------------- #1
Angel babies April 2013, Nov 2013
IVF #1 Nov 2013-CP IVF #2 May 2014-BFN IVF #3 Feb 2015-BFN DS Jun 2015-BFN Oct 16 -Natural BFP!
TTC #2
Posted By: Julietta
Date Posted: 17 June 2013 at 11:17am
Birdy - just copying my post from TWW to here :)
Oh Birdy I'm sorry, that is SO frustrating! I know what it's like to have super long cycles, such a nightmare :( I have figured out I routinely get fertile CM 10-15 days before I ovulate, it's like my body tries to do it but doesn't succeed, then I have more later in my cycle and actually ovulate - so annoying!!
Temping has helped me a lot, if only to confirm when I do ovulate then at least I know when I'm in the TWW!xx
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Posted By: Birdy83
Date Posted: 17 June 2013 at 3:05pm
Hi Julietta,
thank you for your kind words - so "they" are trying to ovulate but not quite managing it, i usually get sore boobs after OV so thought something was up when i didn't get them
oh the trickery of our bodies - it was some text book EWCM too
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Posted By: tan73
Date Posted: 17 June 2013 at 4:10pm
Yes, the body is tricky Birdy...more so when we are watching a watched pot! Hope it sorts itself out for you.
Specialist appt was today. I got a blood test done to see if I have ov'd. I have more good CM today but still tinged with blood, so, no idea. Any way the biopsy from the surgery was okay she thinks but a bit unusual - was something she hasn't come across before and they are going to get the pathologist look at the slides at their next meeting. It doesn't change our plan though. Our plan is simply to try for a few more months, monitor my cycles to see they are behaving themselves and then decide if we need to try drugs if nothing happens. My FSH is good for my age, my AMH is low for my age but because I have gotten pg twice, they are not concerned. Long story short, all the boxes are ticked, everything seems fine except for the low progesterone, which will be treated when I get pg again and hopefully baby will stick.
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2 Angels - Aug '12 & Mar '13 Always in our hearts.
Posted By: Jessaroo
Date Posted: 17 June 2013 at 4:25pm
There should be a thread specifically for users who currently have AF lol I feel like I'm in between "Waiting to ovulate" and TWW lol gah My partners really pulling out the stops this AF visit though - comfort food for Africa and massages and all sorts! I think he is worried I will get too down about not being knocked up already and is trying to cheer me up - not complainin! haha
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Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 17 June 2013 at 9:40pm
Posted By: HelloYellow
Date Posted: 18 June 2013 at 7:59am
Jess totally with you on the AF thread! I too feel like I'm in between threads, not counting til ovulation and not counting towards testing. You should make one :p
Posted By: Jessaroo
Date Posted: 18 June 2013 at 9:13am
Haha I might just do that tomorrow - nail out house work before 9am then sit on my backside all day - sounds like a good plan! haha
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Posted By: Charly28
Date Posted: 18 June 2013 at 11:33am
Yea.. I have AF too ladies.. Doesn't she suck? :(
------------- April 2013, December 2013" rel="nofollow - My Ovulation Chart
Posted By: tan73
Date Posted: 19 June 2013 at 8:19am
Hi all, sounds like just a bit of waiting going on all round in here! I am CD20 and have not ov'd. I thought I had but have been opking and no LH surge. Had bloods done yesterday and no ov. Sigh. DH is very stressed with exams atm so not ever a sliver of a chance to BD. However, on the bright side, I haven't ov'd yest and while this is strange for me, it does mean we could still be in with a chance this month. Hmmmm....Will keep opking and see what happens.
-------------" rel="nofollow">
2 Angels - Aug '12 & Mar '13 Always in our hearts.
Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 19 June 2013 at 10:15pm
seems ill be CD1 tomorrow so can someone add me to the list officially trying properly now instead of not preventing YAY!

CHEM 6/12+
Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 20 June 2013 at 12:34pm
yup someone add me to CD1 today please :)
and Jessaroo can you add your BDins stats to your chart from now on for the BD comp as i have to check the charts to be able to update the scores :P its all on!!

CHEM 6/12+
Posted By: TinkaElle
Date Posted: 20 June 2013 at 3:55pm
Hey ladies, just wondering if anyone can offer advice. With the OPKs, I did my first test Wednesday morning & definite only one line but this morning I got faint second line, does that mean I'm getting closer to ovulation or is a negative just a negative?
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Posted By: Birdy83
Date Posted: 20 June 2013 at 4:04pm
i have the same question - mine is a dark faint as of this mornings 2nd wee - not as solid as the other line but pretty dark - just did one now and really faint
so that's how quickly it can change - or depending on how much i drank to water it down.
BDing anyway
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Posted By: tan73
Date Posted: 20 June 2013 at 4:05pm
Yes you are getting closer, but not there yet. The second line needs to be darker or the same as the control line. Yipee! Nearly there!
-------------" rel="nofollow">
2 Angels - Aug '12 & Mar '13 Always in our hearts.
Posted By: TinkaElle
Date Posted: 20 June 2013 at 4:06pm
Thanks so much Tan! :)
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Posted By: tan73
Date Posted: 20 June 2013 at 4:06pm
Yeah you do need to make sure that you have had nothing to drink for at least 2 hours beforehand.
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2 Angels - Aug '12 & Mar '13 Always in our hearts.
Posted By: Birdy83
Date Posted: 20 June 2013 at 4:06pm
yeahhhhhhh - bring it on
thanks Tan
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Posted By: Jessaroo
Date Posted: 20 June 2013 at 5:51pm
Yeah I need to figure my chart thing out I'll do it right now lol Just found out that 2 of my friends are pregnant and wernt even trying and both have 1 year old babies! gah. :( Happy for them ! But jealous lol
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Posted By: Jessaroo
Date Posted: 20 June 2013 at 7:49pm
GRRR my Internet's still being useless I can online stay online intermittently and even then its bleeping slow - I will update FF when I get it sorted tomorrow - I keep a pen diary so have it all there just got to update online! lol!
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Posted By: Jessaroo
Date Posted: 20 June 2013 at 8:11pm
3rd post in a row sorry guys lol but I think I have sorted my chart thingy whatsit out for now!
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Posted By: Birdy83
Date Posted: 21 June 2013 at 9:53am
Does anyone know if Vitex messes with the OPK results - or if (as i have done) you had a few phantom Ovulation's when it hasn't quite come out do you get a bit of an LH surge but not ovulate fully?
seem to have had a nearly +OPK yesterday but has been faint ever since
Don't want to get my hopes up too much that I've OVed
Will have day 21 bloods today (actually 57 as you can see) so will see if I've OVed on Monday morning
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Posted By: tan73
Date Posted: 21 June 2013 at 11:35am
Birdy - my advice is to keep BDing until you've got the blood results. OPK's are great but not foulproof.
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2 Angels - Aug '12 & Mar '13 Always in our hearts.