Egg Donation/Donors
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Forum Name: Coping with infertility
Forum Description: Have you been trying to conceive unsuccessfully? Dealing with primary or secondary infertility? Get support, advice, and help coping here.
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Topic: Egg Donation/Donors
Posted By: Parents2Be
Subject: Egg Donation/Donors
Date Posted: 04 December 2013 at 11:45am
Hi all, we have just been told that our only hope now of conceiving a child is through egg donation. We are now on the database. Was wondering if there are others out there also going through this and if anyone has received donated eggs and how do you feel etc?
Posted By: ForeverGrateful
Date Posted: 08 December 2013 at 6:49pm
Just want to wish you all the very best in finding a donor. I have a beautiful little girl who is 17 months today, thanks to a NZ donor. If you want to ask any questions feel free to PM and I will try and answer.
She is very much my little girl and I love her to the moon and back ( and beyond ). Can't imagine life without her. Its an amazing gift a donor give, the chance of becoming a Mum.
Take care
Posted By: Parents2Be
Date Posted: 10 December 2013 at 2:55pm
Thank you FG, I have sent you a private message :-)
Posted By: Pinkymalinky
Date Posted: 03 February 2014 at 2:39pm
Hi there, i would be interested as well. We are looking at egg donotion and qualify for government funded treatment shortly. However, the process of finding an egg donor is rather daunting and very costly to advertise! How did you find yours FG? did you wait for a clinic one to become available?
Posted By: Parents2Be
Date Posted: 04 February 2014 at 8:18am
Hi Pinky, it is certainly a daunting process, where are you at? Have you done your profile etc. We are hoping to find a clinic recruited ED however I am a member of various forums which only cater for dontation and surrogacy etc. After speaking to people on there I find that is where they have found their ED's. However, it all depends on how you feel about future involvement etc I have had some nibbles already on one of the forums however if you want to PM me I can elaborate a bit more on my experiences thus far. We have decided not to advertise just yet and see what happens with the clinic first, as it so expensive. Anyway good luck with it all and look forward to speaking to yiu and lets hope 2014 is our year :-)
Posted By: Alison123717
Date Posted: 16 February 2014 at 6:49pm
Hi ladies I have been in the system for about 8 months waiting for an egg donor and have had some success and gutting disappointments. We had a donor all ready to go and then they didn't respond to treatment and then another rejected our profile, so just back hopefully waiting for a clinic donor.... But am thinking of advertising as we'll and any other help/ideas would be gratefully appreciated!
Posted By: Pinkymalinky
Date Posted: 16 February 2014 at 8:26pm
Did you only wait 8 months for an egg donor to become available Alison123217?
Im just wondering what the wait time generally is before one becomes available thats all. I havent advertised as yet myself, im looking at this at the moment. Have you tried nz surrogacy website? Most of the ladies on here though from my understanding want ongoing contact so it does depend what type/if any contact you may want. Wishing you all the best in your search!
Posted By: Alison123717
Date Posted: 16 February 2014 at 8:35pm
Hi I think I was told in March about the menopause and then I was matched in late July. But as I was eligible for funding had to wait until Jan this year for our funded cycle... I guess we could have paid and gone earlier... Unfortunately the donor didn't respond :( The Auckland clinic had another donor but she didn't select us so back on wait list... They said they hoped to have some more clinic donors in 3-4 months. I think I might be more pro active this time about advertising and sending our story out to friends and hopefully friends of friends. I am going to try that website too. :)
I honestly think it's luck of the draw-make sure you have a good profile. I thought ours was good but its the donors decision and how they feel.
Good luck try to stay positive!
Posted By: Pinkymalinky
Date Posted: 16 February 2014 at 8:58pm
Sorry to hear the donor didn't respond that must be tough with everything else! The surrogacy site is really good just for talking to people in similar situations amd realizing your not alone. If you have any questions etc feel free to send me a pm
Posted By: Parents2Be
Date Posted: 17 February 2014 at 9:55am
Hi Alison,
NZ Surrogacy website is a good site to speak to others however as Pinky says the ED's expectations vary and I find that most want ongoing contact, which for us is not what we would really want. I am sure your profile was really good but again it depends on the ED's expectations. Did the coordinator proof read it first and did she tell you it was good? Either way I hope you find another ED soon and this time it all works out for you :-)
Posted By: juliegerrard143520
Date Posted: 29 April 2014 at 3:36pm
Hi Ladies
I am the mother of 2 healthy children and now want to give this gift to other woman who are struggling. I have no idea how to start about donating my eggs , I am based in Auckland . if anyone knows how I can start the process id be very grateful
Posted By: babycrazy
Date Posted: 29 April 2014 at 3:56pm
Wow what an amazing gift! I would suggest visiting the fertility associates website. There will be information on there regarding egg donation.
------------- TTC since Oct 2009 4 x DI's failed IVF1 CP & MC IVF2 CP IVF3 Angel baby born 22.3wks
Posted By: juliegerrard143520
Date Posted: 29 April 2014 at 4:58pm
ok Just been on fertility associates and completed online form so fingers crossed
Posted By: Parents2Be
Date Posted: 07 May 2014 at 9:45am
Hi Julie, wonderful thing you are offering and always give the likes of myself hope. We are still waiting for that someone special and hopefully they will come soon. Good luck with it all. Have you looked at any adverts or are you going to be a clinic recruited donor?
Posted By: juliegerrard143520
Date Posted: 07 May 2014 at 9:51am
Hi I haven't heard back from clinics but am Happy to work directly with a couple . I'm meeting one couple tonight but donation wouldn't Be until July at earliest. I'd like to help as many couples as possible. Thanks Jules
Posted By: Alison123717
Date Posted: 07 May 2014 at 10:11am
That sounds unusual! Contact Tanya Brouwer at Fertility Associates Auckland. She is lovely and the donor coordinator
Posted By: Parents2Be
Date Posted: 07 May 2014 at 1:15pm
I have Tanya's contact details and it may be better doing things through her i.e. meeting the couple etc. Also I have sent you a pvt Message :-)
Posted By: juliegerrard143520
Date Posted: 07 May 2014 at 1:18pm
Ok if you could forward those details
Posted By: Parents2Be
Date Posted: 07 May 2014 at 2:01pm
Her name is Tanya and her phone number is 0800433784 and her email is :-) She is usually in her office until 16:30pm!
Posted By: Julie144596
Date Posted: 14 May 2014 at 10:56pm
Hey Julie Out of interest have you made progress in becoming an egg donor? I know how hard it is to find someone willing and suitable.
Posted By: juliegerrard143520
Date Posted: 15 May 2014 at 4:00pm
Yes I have made progress I met a couple through ad's and met them and we have similar interests and get on, they welcome contact between any child concieved and my own. I couldnt do the anonymous no contact donation as I have two children to consider and I cant reconcile that idea with them.
Posted By: Julie144596
Date Posted: 15 May 2014 at 10:13pm
Hi Jules That's fantastic. It's such an amazing thing you are doing. After 3 failed IVF cycles using my own eggs I have been advised to seek an egg donor.So my quest begins...
Where did the couple place the ad? What initially attracted you to their profile or ad? It would be interesting to know as we would dearly love to find an amazing women to help us create lil bundle :)
Posted By: Parents2Be
Date Posted: 16 May 2014 at 8:23am
Hi Jules, great news on finding a couple and fully respect your decision on having continued contact. We have a possible ED who is awaiting more bloods etc before she views our profile and vice versa. Really crossing all fingers it works out!! Also, as Julie says would like to know a little more on where you fund the ad etc :-)
Julie - I have created a facebook page for ladies in NZ who are also seeking egg donors or who have been through the process already. It is so people can share their experiences. Just let me know if you would like to join. i just give the other members 24 hrs to say that maybe they know you and we just make sure there are know problems there if that makes sense but it is a fully secret and private group. :-)
Posted By: Julie144596
Date Posted: 20 May 2014 at 8:11pm
Hi, thank you for the FB page info. So could I advertise for an egg donor on there or is it more a support page?
Posted By: Parents2Be
Date Posted: 21 May 2014 at 8:30pm
Hi Julie, it is just a private support group including ladies who have been through the process. No-one can see the post or are aware you part of the group so very private!!
Posted By: RebeccaJacks147490
Date Posted: 29 June 2014 at 11:54am
Hi all, My partner and I are also going through the journey of finding an egg donor. We have been on the fertility associates list for a year now. Time is ticking.... We are thinking seriously of going overseas if we cannot find a donor here in N.Z. We were advised to ask people to put our special need onto their Facebook pages/ social media, to then get others to 'like' and spread the word. Seems to have got a few talking so that's one way of getting the word out at low cost. Eager to hear other's advice. Rebecca
Posted By: Parents2Be
Date Posted: 29 June 2014 at 5:55pm
Hi Rebecca, so sorry to hear you have had to wait so long its been 7 months for is already but we hopefully have finally found someone. We started a new page on Facebook just to seek an Egg Donor, I am part of a private group on Facebook and they all shared it for me. I originally had lots of response but that soon dried up. Also, I had a quote with from OhBaby on facebook of $150 for them to post our advert on there, I have noticed others who have done that had a lot of response. There are also a couple of great NZ forums and other facebook pages whhere people advertise and equally there are ED's. I have heard lots of success stories that way. Please don't hesitate to PM me and I will let you know the Facebook pages and forums as that is where I have found our hopefully ED :-)
Posted By: Alison123717
Date Posted: 29 June 2014 at 7:22pm
Maybe have a look at revamping your profile? I have been with Fertility Associates since April last year and have got matched twice (one donor did not respond) & then matched just a few months later. (We were also turned down by one too!) Also as others have mentioned, you just have to put your selves out there too-I was also quite open with people about our problems and had 2 offers from friends... Unfortunately not suitable.
Good luck!
Posted By: Parents2Be
Date Posted: 30 June 2014 at 7:42am
Alison that is shame both didnt respond. This can be a very frustrating process and I really hope the best for us all :-)
Posted By: Alison123717
Date Posted: 30 June 2014 at 9:03am
Oh no the second one responded! All good!
Posted By: Parents2Be
Date Posted: 30 June 2014 at 10:29am
Alison that is fantastic news about the second one responding....where are you in the process if you dont mind me asking?
Posted By: RebeccaJacks147490
Date Posted: 30 June 2014 at 8:09pm
This forum is fantastic. Finally to hear from others in the same vote! Initially we were told we could wait up to 2 years by FA but recently they have said the timeframe has been shortened. So hard to work out how to get the word out! Inspiring to hear from those that have been successful. Always helps! Rebecca
Posted By: Alison123717
Date Posted: 30 June 2014 at 8:22pm
Hi Parents2Be!
We have had a successful embryo transfer but still early days! Won't believe its successful until baby arrives safely :) I personally found the girls at FA Auckland lovely and had no problems. Obviously the waiting is horrible but even if you get a personal donor there is always that stand down period.
Good luck!
Posted By: Parents2Be
Date Posted: 01 July 2014 at 8:10am
Hi Alison
That is great news so pleased for you and crossing all fingers and toes it all goes well. We luckily won't have to wait with the donor we have found as she donated recently and the girls in Auckland told me for that reason a three month stand down is not required which is great. All that is required is they need infection bloods taken again and another counseling session. Will keep you updated :-)
Posted By: melissawinkw148023
Date Posted: 08 July 2014 at 11:17am
Hi Jules, my husband and I are currently looking at egg donors as I was told yesterday that this would be my only way of conceiving because of my age. I have 2 older children from a previous marriage and so want to share a new child with my current husband. I look forward to hearing back from you and your thoughts. Thanks Melissa
Posted By: melissawinkw148023
Date Posted: 09 July 2014 at 11:04am
Hi, I have just been reading your message and my husband and I are just about to start on our journey of finding an egg donor and I was wondering if I could possibly join your facebook page as I am not sure where to begin. thank you Melissa
Posted By: Parents2Be
Date Posted: 09 July 2014 at 12:51pm
Hi Melissa, PM me on here and will only be to happy to help you out. Since I started this thread I have learnt so much and now I have an egg donor, I know how hard this whole process is so happy to answer any questions you may have :-)
Posted By: sheri15
Date Posted: 22 July 2014 at 6:52pm
Hi I am new to this site, and have just started an egg donor cycle through FA. I have really low AMH and our failed ivf last year was due to no fertilisation. I am sooo scared doing this cycle - wondering what next if it doesn't work!
Posted By: Parents2Be
Date Posted: 29 July 2014 at 9:38am
HI Sheridan we are about to start a cycle with our ED, which FA are you with? I know what you mean by what next, ours is after 11 years and heartache a HUGE holiday ;-)
Posted By: Alison123717
Date Posted: 29 July 2014 at 9:56am
Hi All! Good luck for everybody starting their cycles with their donors... I had the team at Auckland FA and they were great! Things have gone well so far my end... will keep you posted!
Posted By: sheri15
Date Posted: 04 August 2014 at 8:18pm
I'm with FA Auckland. Egg transfer tomorrow if they keep developing to a blastocyst. So so nervous!
How about you? My donor did so well producing a good number of eggs - let's hope I can do my part eeeekk!
Posted By: Mrs Impatient
Date Posted: 05 August 2014 at 8:33pm
Hi All I have just been to my acupuncture lady tonight and she was telling me about people going to Czech Republic for donor eggs and sperm as it is around the same price (including airfares and staying) than it is here and the donor quality is very good as they are mainly students and the success rate is really really good because of this Just thought I would let this thread know If there is anyone in Tauranga, let me know and I will give you her details
-------------" rel="nofollow"> TTC Mar 2011 4 IUI all BFN IVF Dec BFP
Posted By: epictraveller
Date Posted: 05 August 2014 at 9:08pm
Hey Mrs I, I'd be interested in her contact details please!
------------- #1
Angel babies April 2013, Nov 2013
IVF #1 Nov 2013-CP IVF #2 May 2014-BFN IVF #3 Feb 2015-BFN DS Jun 2015-BFN Oct 16 -Natural BFP!
TTC #2
Posted By: EggDonorwant166475
Date Posted: 04 December 2014 at 10:16am
Hi all This is our add we are posting out to find our Egg Donor.
We have discovered that starting a family will be a little more of a challenge for us than most. I was told I have low egg reserves and we were devastated by the news, but the gift from an egg donor will mean I can carry our child, feel our li'l pumpkin grow and kick and we can be parents... finally. We have built a wonderful life together and have plans and dreams for the future all of which will be enriched by doing it as a family. Our child(ren) will have a wonderful life filled with animals, adventure, hobbies, technology and astronomy. We would hope that we pass on our respect for nature and thirst for knowledge. We think what a donor is prepared to do is amazing, and words alone cannot begin to encompass the enormity of their gift. Although we prefer to remain non-identifiable, we are willing to have a meeting with the donor if they wish, and would be more than happy to provide the donor with an update on our successful pregnancy and a photo of our new baby, if they would like that. Our child will be brought up knowing their special origins, and we will support them in seeking to contact the egg donor when they are old enough, if they wish to do so. Life can be full of happy surprises and families can grow in many different ways! If you have read this far you may be our donor! If you are a healthy, non smoking woman aged 20-35, please contact in confidence Tanya or Christina ph 0800 433 784 or for more details. Quote ref : OUR LI'L PUMPKIN Thank you for the amazing gift of parenthood.
Posted By: BabyBlueOnHisWay
Date Posted: 09 January 2015 at 6:46pm
Those who have been through the process with known egg donors, do you keep in contact with them at all? I have thought about donating once my family is complete, but the thought of never knowing about that child is quite daunting. It would always be in the back of my mind if I didn't know how them & their parents were doing. Any insight?
Posted By: Parents2Be
Date Posted: 14 January 2015 at 9:46am
Hi Babyblue, I am now 19 weeks pregnant thanks to an egg donor. When we first embarked on it we wanted to remain anonymous always being aware the child has the right to seek the egg donor when they are 18. However, we found an egg donor via facebook and one of her wishes was to meet up with us at least once before she went ahead. We honoured this and then things changed. I visited her on Egg Collection day and she came with me when the embryo was transferred. I keep her up to date with scan pictures etc and will update her when baby is born. All we have asked for is that we have some privacy afterwards to build a relationship with the child. Speak to Fertility Associates they will give you all the details. They will match you with parents who want the same things as you. Hope all that helps :-)