Yay! Time out works!!
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Topic: Yay! Time out works!!
Posted By: Spudling
Subject: Yay! Time out works!!
Date Posted: 11 April 2007 at 6:54pm
First time ever the threat of time out in the hallway worked and I am stoked.
My DD is 22months old and when I told her she wasn't allowed to touch the phone and if she did she would have to go to the hallway, she looked at me, then the phone then walked away....am so happy, she usually just hesitates but carries on with whatever she was going to do anyway...wah hooooo!
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Posted By: Glow
Date Posted: 12 April 2007 at 2:37pm
YAY!! Time out is great.
I love my time out too.
------------- Mummy of Two Boys B: 2004 K: 2007
Posted By: Bumble
Date Posted: 12 April 2007 at 3:19pm
Well Done!!!!!!
Ethan is four and we still use it!!! Its really great!
------------- formerly known as "Bee"
Ethan ~ March 2003 Big 6 year old school boy!
Micah ~ Aug 2008 ~ Smiley pants who loves telephones!
Posted By: Spudling
Date Posted: 12 April 2007 at 3:32pm
ha ha, yes my own time out is even better I have to agree Glow, mind you, we don't get to have our own time out as often as we give it to the kids...maybe I should just go and sit in the hallway by myself sometime
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Posted By: MyMinis
Date Posted: 13 April 2007 at 8:01am
hmmmmm wish it worked for us, my karitane nurse said when haleigh was 11months ot try time out (becuase of her tantrums being so full on the throwing on the floor kicking and screaming) and we've been using it since then she is now coming up 19months and i have done everything she said to do the 3 warnings then time out but it doesnt work she comes out is good for 5mins then goes straight back to what she was doing.
it gets to me more at the moment with being pregnant as im so tired and have no enegery for lifting her to her room (only place for it in this house).
any ti[ps that make it work fo you guys would be great
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Posted By: Spudling
Date Posted: 13 April 2007 at 8:35am
well it took us about 6 months of putting DD in the hallway before it worked for us, Cailin is 22 months old, maybe jsut keep doing what you are doing and she will get it in a few more months, it always amazes me how much they change/learn in a month or two.
good luck.
------------- http://tickers.families.com">
Posted By: MyMinis
Date Posted: 13 April 2007 at 9:38am
yeah i hope so, we been trying for so long now. if only our hallway stairs were covered (df still hasnt got round to doing it slack eh) then the hallway would be a perfectly boring place for her. i miss being able to put her in the cot for timeout that actually worked until she started climbing out
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