Grizzly babies
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Forum Name: Living with Post Natal Depression
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Topic: Grizzly babies
Posted By: FionaS
Subject: Grizzly babies
Date Posted: 06 May 2007 at 3:06pm
Just want / need to have a vent about things. My 8mth old has been unsettled since she was about 2.5 weeks old. We've tried docs, peads, cranial osteopaths, neurological integration, allergy testing, naturopaths...everything and yet she still grizzles almost all day every day. She grizzles, strains, cries...her fists are often clenched, she is scared of others and won't even let her granparents hold her (it's not a stage, she's always been this way).
I don't really know what I'm posting as I've learnt that the answer is just not going to suddenly appear. However, today I'm struggling so much. Elle is grizzling and grizzling and after 8mths of it my nerves are tired and I'm not sure what to do next. We may be seeing a peadiatric gastroenterologist but as always there are waiting lists and things take too long. I wish someone would just evaluate her NOW. We went to starship when she was 7 weeks and awake for 22 hours straight and were told she'd grow out of it but 3 or 4 mths but she's not 8mths and the unsettledness continues.
She is sitting, babbling, clapping & waving so developmentally seems ok (though she doesn't roll and won't tolerate tummy time). Her neck is slightly tilted to one side but everyone says it's nothing.
So yeah, just venting I guess...wish we could just to to starship and get someone to take a decent look at her! But she isn't "sick" so even that isn't an option.
------------- Mummy to Gabrielle and Ashley
Posted By: Bizzy
Date Posted: 06 May 2007 at 3:16pm
this sounds just like toby fiona...he has only recently started growing out of it and is two in july.
there may not be anything actually wrong with gabrielle. did you check out that link i posted re sensitive chidren on your other thread?
i know it can be hard and very draining emotionally but sometimes all we can do is give in and just sit and cuddle our babies...or have you thought about carrying her in a sling or baby carrier. i know that toby hated it when i left a room and wanted to be as close to me as possible.
wanted to say too that every times i have met you and your daughter she seemed lovely and not troublesome at all ... ( i know too tho that they can appear very different to others and when not at home.)
Posted By: Bizzy
Date Posted: 06 May 2007 at 3:20pm
oh and if you ever just want to get out of the house for a coffee or break you are more than welcome to come to my mad house, we are only down the road in sth auck.
Posted By: FionaS
Date Posted: 06 May 2007 at 7:16pm
Thanks Deborah. Yeap, I've read the stuff about sensitive / high-needs babies but I get the feeling something is bugging Elle. She doesn't like to be cuddled or carried in a pack or sling, she is definately an independent "let me do my thing" kinda girl :). She has improved during outings etc so I'm grateful for that.
------------- Mummy to Gabrielle and Ashley
Posted By: mum2paris
Date Posted: 07 May 2007 at 12:33am
Paris was very very grizzly around others, because i think i didn't get out much but also cos she was a shy shy girl, if anyone entered the room that she didn't know (which was me, mike, or nana basically.. oh and sometimes the plunket nurse was ok) she would scream and scream and scream until they left the room, i couldn't put her down. She clung.
I seriously used to just be worried as hell. I worried soo much when she started daycare at 11 mths.. and for the first few months, she wouldn't just cry when i left her, she'd scream.. she took FOREVER to settle in there, (hence why i have never really considered taking her out of there to go to kindy). It was so hard, but bit by bit she came round and got to be close to the teachers that cared for her, and now she is a social wee girl. But mostly she cried, alot, and it's hard as hell to handle.
I'd take Deb up on her offer of a coffee.. it's good to get out, even if you go to the park etc and give her a swing. new experiences can sometimes scare them but keep trying and keep going and she'll slowly get used to it.
------------- Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja
Posted By: AlyAyde
Date Posted: 07 May 2007 at 7:43am
Hi there, i was reading your story ticking things off on my fingers and then when you said she tips her head to one side i knew i would have to reply to you.
Does she snore or sound rattly when she breathes? Does she gulp alot? This may have been more when she was a little bubba. Does she have the hiccups often? What about spilling?
I may be going down the wrong track but im thinking GORD (reflux). My youngest had it and alot of the things you have just said your girl has are classic reflux signs. Unfortunatly some paeds dont beleive in "reflux" and sometimes it can take a while to get diagnosed.
I might be going down totally the wrong track here but thought it was worth a mention, just incase. here is a good link to the nz support group and you can read up on symptoms etc. - crying over spilt milk
Jayde 25/12/04
Alyssa 08/04/03
Posted By: FionaS
Date Posted: 07 May 2007 at 9:06am
Hi AlyAyde. Yeap, we've considered reflux. She was on losec for 2mths which didn't make any difference...we stopped it and she didn't change. She is back on it now for a trial week so far and no change in her. I used to hear her silent reflux's very regularly when she was little + she got the hiccups allllllllllll the time so reflux did seem to make sense and yet she doesn't respond to the treatment (we also do all the other things like keeping her upright etc etc)
------------- Mummy to Gabrielle and Ashley
Posted By: AlyAyde
Date Posted: 07 May 2007 at 9:51am
Losec didnt make alot of diffrence for my daughter either. But i knew thats what her problem was. When she hit the 12 month mark it was like a switch just flicked and she was a totally diffrent kid.
There is also a natural product on the market called rhuger it does not interfere with the losec and could be worth trying. the phone number is either 08004rhuger or 08002rhuger..
the allergy testing before 12 months isnt totally failsafe either so sometimes it pays to treat them as if they have an allergy even if tests say that they dont. 1/3 of all children with reflux have a milk protein allergy so if you are BF try cutting out all products that contain milk or milk derrivitives (sp) in your diet, for 3 weeks. It means checking packets of everything but well worth the trial if it works. The ladies at nutricia have a very helpful little book that they can send out to you. If she is on formula ask your doctor or paed if you can trial pepti jnr or neocate. This can be done by just getting your practice nurse to phone up nutricia and getting them to post you out a couple of tins.
Also another thing jaydes paed did was put in her facial characteristics into a computer and found out that because of her facial features she could of had a specific handicap, we tested for this and she didnt have it, thankgoodness.
What is her feeding like? if you think you need a break from that you can ask for a naso gastric tube to be fitted for a week or so just to give you both a break. I found this a godsend.
Re the losec. It wont work unless the dose is right. I dont know what she is on but for Jayde to have any relief she was up to 15mg at one point and she wasnt a heavy baby.
Jayde 25/12/04
Alyssa 08/04/03
Posted By: FionaS
Date Posted: 07 May 2007 at 10:11am
Hi. Our feeding is fine...she has weaned herself down to 3 to 4 breastfeeds each day and feeds really well, we've never had any feeding problems. She is also taking solids well now. In terms of her sleep, she now sleeps through the night and takes good naps so if it is reflux it isn't worse when she lies down.
We had the doc blood allergy test done + the hair test at the naturopath and I think the hair test would've shown up a milk-protein allergy. When we talked to the doc about the milk-protein thing they said it is very very rare and babies with it fail to thrive from the begining. It is something to consider though so thanks for your suggestions. :)
Re: the losec dose, my doc said 10mgs per day is ample up until they get closer to 10Kgs so she won't increase it past that point.
------------- Mummy to Gabrielle and Ashley