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For the Dad’s

Printed From: OHbaby!
Category: General Chat
Forum Name: General Chat
Forum Description: For mums, dads, parents-to-be, grandparents, friends -- you name it! And you name the topic you want to chat about!
Printed Date: 08 March 2025 at 8:47pm
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.05 -

Topic: For the Dad’s
Posted By: Maya
Subject: For the Dad’s
Date Posted: 26 September 2005 at 1:47pm
Hi everyone,
Here at OhBaby! we love being able to share your experiences of pregnancy, birth and parenting in New Zealand. We have lots of members stories on various aspects of pregnancy and parenting, but what we don't have is a Dad's perspective.
We'd love you Dad's to write a few words about how you felt when your child was born, what pregnancy meant for you, or how being a Dad has affected your life for a new section of OhBaby! dedicated to Dad's.
You can email your story to us at W can change or omit names if neccessary.
Angela, Emma and the team at OhBaby!

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

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