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Online kids games

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Topic: Online kids games
Posted By: mum2paris
Subject: Online kids games
Date Posted: 02 October 2005 at 9:08pm
hey there, have been looking lately for some fun learning games for paris and i to play together and finally found some on the fisher price website.. they have games for toddlers, babies and preschoolers and they are pretty good. thought i'd share the site with you cos it's a little bit of fun. This link will take you to a menu with a couple of games in each category, just click at the bottom of the category you want to get to the rest of the games.,game_toddler,game_preschool&site=us - Fisher Price kids games

Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

Posted By: lou
Date Posted: 08 October 2005 at 9:17am

Thanks Janine it's a great site.  I printed of a heap of the colouring pages the other day and made Sophie a colouring book.  She thinks it's great.  The ABC game seems to be her favourite.

A couple of other sites I have used, though most of the games Sophie needs help with are: -

Sophie can play some of the stories herself as they just require a mouse click.  Lots a games to play too. -

Lots of Clifford games and activities.

Mother to two beautiful children - Sophie age 6 and Ephraim age 4

Posted By: melz
Date Posted: 08 October 2005 at 8:53pm
Angie really enjoys which has lots of online books and you can get the computer to read them out loud.
If you are looking to buy kids games the jumpstart programs are really good. Angie used to play an ABC game which she loved and was mainly matching letters so they don't really need to know them, just recognise that they are the same. We just brought her the Jumptstart 2nd grade set of games and got 3 CD's with really good games on them for $30 so not expensive at all.
The other good one was a Winnie-the-Pooh and Mickey Mouse set which you only had to push the space bar to see something happen

Posted By: Xander&Harmony
Date Posted: 08 October 2005 at 9:03pm
Xander has the WTP toddler cd.i think u r meant to use the mouse but it works by just pushing random keys lol.he loves the balloon popping one

Angel Baby 10/07/09 (10wks4days)

Posted By: mum2paris
Date Posted: 08 October 2005 at 10:47pm
we got a cheap blues clues one from the warehouse.. blue clues preschool, and it teaches heaps of numbers shapes matching all that kinda stuff, she loves it, especially the cake shop where you have to pick different colour and shaped bikies and cakes... hhhm who loves cakes i wonder? lol

Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

Posted By: mum2paris
Date Posted: 08 October 2005 at 10:49pm
another one we have discovered is paris loves pollypocket so it's all good, and the Hi-5 website cos you can get them to play heaps of hi-5 songs.

Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 11 October 2005 at 2:07pm and click on the american flag (the aus site is not as good). Maya loves counting the baby chickens with Baby Bop and BJ, and there is a shape matching game as well.

NickJnr is really good too, my sister printed out heaps of pics of Blues Clues for Maya, and they have some cool games.

Maya also has one of the Pooh preschooler games called WTP and Tigger Too and she loves it. It reads the story out loud but also has some games.

Does anyone else have the Littletouch first Leappad? I bought it for Maya and she likes it ok, but I am a bit disappointed with it.

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: lenabeanz
Date Posted: 11 October 2005 at 2:25pm
I was thinking of buying one of those for Arna for her 2nd birthday or Xmas. (Leappad learning book thing - if thats the one you are meaning) - I brought her the activity table from LeapFrog and she loves it so thought I would expand.
Does Maya not seem interested in it or is the system not what you thought it would be?


Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 11 October 2005 at 8:20pm
She is only kind of interested. I debated whether or not to get the 0-3 or the 3-5 one and decided on the younger one, but now I kind of regret it as she is a bit over it. We have the story that came with it, plus I have bought 2 more at $25 a pop. She likes the stories, and sings the songs, but she just doesn't spend as much time with it as she does with her plain old books. I guess I shouldn't complain at that tho

When she gets a bit older I might sell it on Trademe and get the upgrade.

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: mum2paris
Date Posted: 12 October 2005 at 4:20pm
Funny you say that Emma - we were at the warehouse a few months back just as they were about to close and the supervisor lady came and said to us "does your girl have aleap pad?" we were like "no..." she then offered us one, for $5, and said the middle of it didn't work but the front and back of the books worked fine.. so i thought ok, she might get something from it.. sure. we got it home, changed the batteries.. and wouldn't you know, there was nothing wrong with it - what a score!!! it is the normal one.. just leap pad.. and paris loves it - the pre-maths book is great with colours and shapes and big and small.. she also likes the one that has different saying in all sorts of different languages.    I think paris has definately gotten alot of play out of it, and we are buying more books for her for xmas - had wondered about the ones for younger children, but from what you say i now am glad we have one that paris can use for a longer time. (i do wish it had been one of those kewl pink and purple ones though... oh well.. still a great score!)

Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

Posted By: mum2paris
Date Posted: 12 October 2005 at 4:22pm
am a little gutted though because the fisher price power touch system seems to have more stories that paris might like - like sesame street things and dora and such.

Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

Posted By: lizzle
Date Posted: 12 October 2005 at 11:33pm
wow $5!!! thats fantastic!! Mum bought Jake some Arthur computer games and something else i have around here somewhere...he's not using them yet, but h likes watching slideshows of himself pm the computer (little narcissist!!) He cracks him up!

Posted By: mum2paris
Date Posted: 14 October 2005 at 4:28pm
lol yeah - she explained it to me first and i thought she'd still want heaps for it, but asked how much and she goes $5, so i thought hey, even only a couple of pages work on it she still might get something out of it.. am so glad i did. lol the few days before i had just been saying to mike that everyone else always gets all the good scores and we don't seem to get bargains... i can't complain now.

Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

Posted By: AlyAyde
Date Posted: 23 May 2006 at 8:00am
and this one .   


Jayde 25/12/04

Alyssa 08/04/03

Posted By: lizzle
Date Posted: 23 May 2006 at 9:53am

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