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BaAsKa View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote BaAsKa Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 03 February 2007 at 5:53pm
Ok well iv just done this ramble in another thread while i made a comment and went off on an angry tangent!! so i thought id put it here where it belongs
Il just copy and paste and add some stuff...

my MIL inparticular treats my son like hes a stranger in her house!!! in comparrison to the other neices and nephew (grandkids to them) who they will die for!! they wont even put up a photo of Bay in between there hundreds of the other 3 grandkids!!! it makes me so mad because now Bay has started saying that he doesnt want to go to nanas now cos she doesnt like him!! its so upsetting and iv had enough so hes not allowed to see them anymore but the saddest thing is that they havnt seen him for over a month (we live in the same small town as them!) and they havnt even blinked an eye!! they havnt asked how he is or anything!! and hubby goes over there farely regularly too (i cant stop him but i can stop my son!!).
Im not sure if it was the right thing to do by taking him away but he seems alot happier and although he still asks about his grandpa (who he is allowed to see because he is not the problem) i think he is better off because i had to go through this as a child from my nana who would refuse to have me stay there because "I was too much like my mother!!!" but she would take my sister all the time then when she died she left my sister alot of valuable and meaningful things and i got a couple of odd earings!!! I was only 6 when she died and i still remember it clear as day so it makes me super angry to think that if i leave Bay in this situation then he might resent her or his cousins later on.
Il give you one example of how pathetic MIL is - when we were moving back from Tauranga we had a big 2 seater truck so couldnt take Bay with us so hubby asked his father if they could watch Bay for a few hours and he was happy as to have him then when we get there he had had a big fight with MIL because when she got back from the supermarket to find out they had Bay for a few hours she threw a hissy fit!!! telling FIL that he wasnt her responsibility (keep in mind that that is probably the 2nd time they have ever looked after him!!) and she wanted nothing to do with him for the day so FIL apparently told her where to shove it and she stormed up to her room while FIL looked after him for that time!! but she mustv come out at some point because when we picked him up all she could do was moan about how stroppy and strong minded he is (got that from me and we hate each other!!..whole other ramble there!!...).
So yeah anyone who is still reading this long novel!!!
please give me your opinion on whether im doing the right thing by keeping him away from her....*deep breath*...*let go of the anger!!*...
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote BaAsKa Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 03 February 2007 at 5:57pm
you know what i just realised is that this thread is in the infertility part!! and iv been rambling bout allsorts!!! SOrry!! i just go into 'active topics' and dont actually look at what part they are under!! stupid me!!! oh well i hope you dont mind bout my random rambles. Maybe i should start up a ramble under general chat
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