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buzzydaisy View Drop Down
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    Posted: 03 November 2008 at 5:59pm
I have just found that I am going to miscarry.
I am a bit scared and don't really know what to expect.

Do I stay in bed, do I go to work, do I have time off?

Iam getting some pain in my lower abdomen is it going to get worse?

I know everyone may experience these things a bit differently, its just you dot get told much by the doctors and I am the kind of person that likes to know as much as possible.

Also how long do you have to wait before TTC again.
I have had 1 ectopic and all had to do was wait 2 MPafter my hcg levels returned to normal.

any information would be greatly appreciated

Edited by Trying4No2
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nellybelly View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote nellybelly Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 03 November 2008 at 6:37pm
Oh sweetie, I was so hoping it would work out for you

Every MC I have had has been different, and friends have told me that theirs have all been different too.

I think taking some time off work might be good even if you don't find that you bleed/cramp heavily. Even a MC that doesn't knock you around so much physically is still a massive thing to go through and you need to take care of yourself! But you might want to be distracted by work, so it probably depends what you prefer.

For me, my pre-5wk MC was more like a heavy period, not really painful in comparison with the others. The others, at 11 and 11.5 wks, were at least a week of heavy bleeding and clotting with a great deal of pain. Panadol wasn't enough for those ones! I didn't stay in bed the whole time, but did rest as much as possible.

I wish I had more definite answers. I would say at least plan on resting and have some strong painkillers on hand just in case. I found having DH on hand as support was great (though for a couple of hours when the pain was very bad I did want him to go away).

If the pain gets very bad or you are bleeding really heavily (flooding a pad every hour or so I think but you will know what is normal for you) definitely get in touch with your doc or the hospital.

For me the 11.5 wk MC was the hardest experience - I didn't get any medical advice as no one had really said what to do and I thought I had to go through it on my own.

But next time at 11wks I insisted on going into A and E and I am soo glad I did - great support and care, and they do take it seriously when you are in a lot of pain. So don't feel like you have to go it all alone.

I don't know about ectopics at all sorry, I hope you can TTC as soon as you feel ready.

Big big hugs!
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kebakat View Drop Down
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My miscarriage (after my ectopic) that I had I was about 5 weeks and it was just like a bad period. Lots of clotty blood but pain wise it was just annoying cramps. Nothing bad.

I think it's different for everyone though. I didn't rest up. It just depends on how you feel physically and emotionally. I didn't feel bad on either of those counts so didn't feel the need to rest.

Ectopics are a bit different to "normal miscarriages". Like we had to wait 6 cycles before ttc after the ectopic but were told to wait 1-2 cycles after my normal miscarriage for emotional reasons but we had no emotional stuff to get over to we started straight away

- it sucks that you are going through this.
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cuppatea View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote cuppatea Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 03 November 2008 at 7:10pm
My m/c was at 6 weeks 2 days but my hcg levels. Mine started with a day of feeling a bit weird, with faint and hot spells and just feeling a bit not with it, late that night I had brown spotting and then when I got up the following morning it was dark red and clotty (sorry tmi). The cramps got really bad, so luckily I was able to get help with looking after Spencer and I went to bed, I took panadol and nurofen (its ok to take both together) and DH went and bought me a wheatpack. The bad cramps lasted all of the first day and most of the 2nd but I only spent the first part of the first day in bed, I felt better to be up and doing stuff. The bleeding itself was really no worse than my usual period just the start of it was dark and clotty, the m/c lasted no longer than normal period either.
Doc gave me some instructions which were to phone on call doc or go to a & e if pain became severe or if I was filling a pad in an hour or heavier still, or if I developed a fever.
You shouldn't use tampons as you need to allow everything to come away and using tampons can increase risk of infection.

Personally I would go home once it starts as I dont' think you will cope well with being at work, emotionally and maybe even physically.

Trying again, doc said we could just continue as normal but we decided to wait one cycle before trying just because of the emotional side of it.

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busymum View Drop Down
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In terms of pain, my following period was worse than my m/c but the m/c was rather an emotional time and I did flood in the first couple of days. Have plenty of pads handy but it might pay to let someone at work know what is going on and then just take sick leave as you need it. You will probably want to work through it as much as possible, to give you something else to think about. Oh and I bled for about two weeks.

Arranging leave is a tricky thing because you don't know when the m/c will start. I know someone who was told that bad news about three weeks before she started bleeding.

I'm really sorry for your loss - especially because it's not your first
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buzzydaisy View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote buzzydaisy Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 03 November 2008 at 9:36pm
Its really wonderful that so many people take the time out to help and support.

Th feelings I have at the moment are weird, I am feeling quie selfish as all I can think about is getting this over with and being able to start again.
In a way it has kind of given me the smallest bit of hope.
The 1st stork delivered the parcel but in the wrong place the 2nd stork delivered in the right place but the wrong parcel. I wonder if 3rd time can be lucky. We have made it 1 step closer each time, I kind of get my YAY out of this. Got to try and find something tve, huh??

Again thanks so much for all the support.
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Vanillabean View Drop Down
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So sorry that you are experiencing another loss.

With my two natural mc, both in week 5, I had maybe a day of quite painful cramping and a few days of bleeding. I found the pain was pretty manageable, esp with a hot water bottle but that the emotional pain really floored me. I think that successive losses can intensify the grief too - with my 3rd loss I have taken a lot more time of work due to not coping emotionally than I did with the other two.

I would definitely take time off work if you have strong cramping but also if you just need time to feel sad. Take care, I am thinking of you.
5x mc, Jan 08, June 08, Nov 08, May 09, April 11

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buzzydaisy View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote buzzydaisy Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 04 November 2008 at 8:38pm
Had a very strange day today. I havn't started bleeding but woke up to go to work and was extremely dizzy and faint. It woudn't go away so I went to bed and rung my midwife.
She then sent me to A&E where I spent the day.
I walked out at 4pm none the wiser. The doctors left arm not talking to the right arm.
I did get to go for an emergency scan and that still showed nothing much only that my gest sac had turned into mush and that the fluid in my tube they could still not rule out ectopic.
My Hcg levels are dropping rapidly though so I hope things get moving soon.
They were at 1000 on sat 500 on mon and dropped to 200 today.
I dont know where or why the dizziness has come from but it would be nice if it went so I can get back to a bit of normality.

Has anyone else out there experienced the same thing without the bleeding???

Edited by Trying4No2
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busymum View Drop Down
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I have had dizziness as a pg symptom (not m/c symptom)... are you eating enough? You'll need to keep your energy up.

Otherwise it might be completely unrelated but I'm sure the docs would have checked your ears etc.
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WestiesGirl View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote WestiesGirl Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 05 November 2008 at 12:08am
Im sorry you are going through this I hope its over soon for you.

With my MC I started off with spotting at 7w3d and then by 8w5d I had full on bleeding and the blood like thick string so I guess clotthing (sorry TMI). I didnt have much pain at all, in fact, it was only cramps like a very mild AF.

I was at work when the heavy bleeding started and had to go home when I found it. I couldnt handle MC'ing at work. At the time I wasnt ready emotionally or physically to let go and didnt want it to be happening. Anyways I ended up needing a D&C as my levels kept rising until the day of the D&C when they dropped from 9000 the day before to 6000 and my cervix were still closed so it was not going to pass natually.

As for trying again, we were told by the Gynae and my GP we could continue as normal. Although they did say it is preferable to wait one cycle so they can work out dates. But I guess it depends on how you are feeling for trying again and what you're advised to do.

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote WestiesGirl Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 05 November 2008 at 12:10am
Oh also, I didnt have dizzyness but I did have low blood pressure when I was pg and that caused me to faint at one of my blood tests.

Could you be low in Iron?
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JHS View Drop Down

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Sorry you have to go through this again. All we can do is stay strong and keep trying I guess.
Both my mc were at 9 weeks, but were only 5 week size so I carried for 4 weeks before I mc naturally. There was no pain, just lots of clots followed by a pregnancy sac and placenta. I felt them come out, but there was only mild period cramps.
I guess if it takes too long to happen naturally they will offer you a d&c. I generally found I spotted for 7 to 10 days before I actually miscarried, and being at work kept my mind off it.
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nellybelly View Drop Down
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Just popped in to see how you are doing. Hope things are going ok (as ok they can in the circumstances)
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cuppatea View Drop Down
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I had wierd faint and hot spells the day before I started bleeding, had them during that day and then brown spotting when I went to bed that night and then red the next morning.
My HCG was 323 on the monday and I miscarried on the Thursday (brown spotting on the wednesday).

Hope you haven't had to return to the hospital

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buzzydaisy View Drop Down
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I have been at home all day today just pottering, doing all those things I dont generally get to when I have a 4 year old at home.
I did go to my GP today though coz I am still battling with these funny dizzy spells. They come and go but I find if I move to fast or move my head to fast I get a bit woozy and need to old ont something.
The Dr checked my ears, but nothing wrong, he checked my blood sugar levels which were a bit low but it was close to lunch time. he has also checked my iron. Dont know, beats me and him.
He has told me to stay home and rest till I start to feel a bit better. I do hope that is soon I am starting to get really bored.
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nellybelly View Drop Down
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I think I know what you mean, I found the 'waiting' times almost the hardest. At least when things were happening there was something to react to and to do, even if it was a horrible thing. But just waiting... that really does my head too.

Hope you start feeling better soon
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buzzydaisy View Drop Down
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Finally things are moving, I hate waiting, feeling normal but knowing inside I'm not.
I am having wicked cramps and that horrible drawing feeling.
So funny though that it happens when I decide to go back to work. I'm a teacher and a bit self-consious, best if i stay away till things settle down a bit.
I'm still guna try and make it to the guy fawkes celebrations tonight.

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