Spencer can climb in and out of his highchair (so long as they tray isn't attached obviously), depends whether you want to encourage climbing though
Spencer goes and gets in his to let me know he's hungry....lol but we now tell him to go and get in it to get him out of the kitchen whilst we're cooking.
You can start teaching him to come and sit next to you, rather than on you, this is good for when you are feeding baby as well so comes in handy even if you don't have another c/s.
Is he ok with having his bum changed? Spencer can get very tantrummy with that sometimes so I spent a while trying to find a way to keep him calm for nappy change time as I was worried I could potentially get a big toddler kick in a c/s wound
I think had I have had a c/s I would have needed to resort to giving him rice crackers whilst I changed his bum as nothing else seems to work.
That's all I can think of at the moment.