If you are into baking there are a few things you can do, you can just straight out change normal milk to rice milk (my DH didn't even notice when I did this) and instead of egg you can use 1/4 cup of oil, I also just use oil whenever a recipe requires butter or marg (there are some dairy free margarines but I have never found one that doesn't have preservatives). You can also buy gluten free flours, healtheries make one, or some bakeries and organic shops sell it and there is also rice flour but that is pretty expensive.
There is a gluten free bakery in chch, maybe there is one in hamilton as well? although having said that, most breads have soy in
but I dunno they might be open to making something specially for you.
Oh and I made rice pudding once with rice milk, it came out pretty yummy, should do that again actually. I just used a standard recipe and used rice milk instead. Rice milk is long life as well so I always bulk buy when it is on offer and I buy the vitasoy one that has added protein (it has chickpeas in it) and they also do one that has added calcium. Countdown seem to have them on offer quite regularly and I use rice bran oil.
Thank goodness for rice