So I’ll keep this as short as possible.
My partner had a baby with someone before he met me. They had only been together a couple of months - was an accident but they both decided to keep it. She has done some really crazy things including stalking us, vandalising our cars etc.
Now after a year and a half of battling, my partner can finally see his child. He is meeting the baby a few times a week and then once he is comfortable, I will be meeting the baby and becoming apart of his life. I would just like some advice on how to handle a situation where the mother is quite unstable. Also some advice on how to go about being this babies well I don’t know step-mum (I don’t really like to call it that yet as it’s very early days but you get what I mean)
Thank you! And please no judgment - I’ve had people tell me to just leave which is silly as everyone has “baggage”. Just wanting advice on dealing with the mother and my role in this :)
Edited by HazelGrace266436 - 23 March 2021 at 9:02am