Hi, I'm new to this site - it's great that there's a topic for pnd support!
So here's my story....I have two girls - 3.5yrs, and almost 2yrs. I was diagnosed with pnd when my second daughter was 3 months and have been on citalopram ever since. I tried just before Christmas to reduce my meds (was on 1.5 tabs, went down to 1 tab), but after two weeks had a major meltdown, so upped the dose again. Around 3 months ago I felt ready to try to come off them, so I went to 1 tab for one month - everything was fine. Dropped to 1/2 a tab for one month - everything was still good. Dropped to 1/4 of a tab for two weeks and started noticing I was a little more irritable than usual, but just thought I was tired. Stopped meds altogether around 2 weeks ago and have been really irritable, anger easily (although I don't neccessarily feel grumpy, I just have a REALLY short fuse), and have been quite tearful (crying over something or nothing almost every day). I don't feel depressed as such, not like I did at the beginning, but the irritability and tearfulness are some of the other symptoms I experienced originally.
I find myself shouting at my girls, and getting really angry with them when it's probably not necessary. I've even smacked them a few times recently

I hate the person I'm being at the moment, so I'm wondering if I should go back on my meds.
I really don't want to, for two reasons....the main one is that we want to start trying for baby #3 in October, and I am really scared to take anything while pregnant. My doc has said it's okay, but I'm not convinced. The other reason is that I put on 14kg while I was on the meds - ate everything in sight (and if there was nothing in sight I'd go buy something!). I've just started losing that weight and I REALLY don't want to put it back on!!
I've just started going to a personal trainer to get me back on track fitness/weight-wise, and exercise is 'apparently' just as good as meds for depression, and I'm taking Omega oils because they're also meant to help with depression, so should I just wait and hope it gets better? Or should I go back on the meds? Arrrgghhh!! I've been putting off seeing my doc about it cos I know she'll recommend meds again. To be honest, I think I probably need to, but what about getting pregnant again?