No, i was booked into be induced on June 24th, but my waters broke at 2.30am on the 21st(hehe a whole year ago a few hours from now) so I didnt need to get induced. Labour took a long time to progress and by the 47 hour mark I was shattered and wasnt budging past 9.5cm because there was a lip of cervix that wouldnt move, Caden was stuck, there was a lot of meconium in the waters and my temp was rising and Cadne was stressed, so they wouldnt let me go any longer and I was rushed down to theater and given the emergency c section.
Im really scared as well, Im scared of not knowing how this is all going to go, and I cant get Cadens birth out of my head, all the problems I had afterwards aswell, it took me a good 6 weeks to even be able to walk without hobbling
So Im scared of another section, even though I know it wont be nearly as bad as the one with Caden, Im also scared of labour and birth if I manage to go into labour before 41 weeks!
We see the OB on the 2nd July, so I will see what he has to say, he might tell me that its better I have an elective when Im due...or he might encourage me to try for a VBAC, gah I dont know which Id rather do now lol!
Sorry that post turned into a bit of a rant!
Edited by Sheza