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    Posted: 22 July 2010 at 2:57pm
Well I'm really glad we have this section here. I think it would be a really great idea to get a sort of support group going (like the due threads) for those of us that are single parents or single parents to be! I'll start by introducing myself and letting you know how I got into this position.

My name is Rachael and I'm 22. I live at home with my mum and little sister who is 17. I work full time in mental health and love animals - I'm a trained vet nurse but ended up just using that qualification to look after my 5 cats better!

This baby is the result of a one night's stand and the father is less than impressed. He spent nearly a month trying to force me to terminate (I had a termination at 15 and spent 6 years in therapy dealing with the most severe guilt and depression I've ever experienced so knew that was never going to happen). When I told him I was keeping it, he told me he hated me and that I had ruined his life. Meanwhile, I'm thinking 'mate...this baby isn't growing in you, you can bugger off if you want to - I'm stuck with this now' - and bugger off is exactly what he did.

Last I heard he was moving to Europe to get out of child support. So now the decision needs to be made whether to bother chasing him to get him to sign the birth certificate, or just leave it as 'unknown'.

I feel nervous about being a first time solo mum but I've since found a DP who doesn't seem to mind that I'm kinda excited about the new arrival (which I was slightly ambivalent about at first because I found it a bit weird) and I have my family for support. Also since finding the OB forums I have learned so much and found a really tight support network who I've come to heavily rely on!

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julz85 View Drop Down
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Hey Racheals .

I was in a very simliar situation as you . i was a in a really bad short relationship with a guy who just isnt one of the good guys .I was 23 (im now coming up 25) we had already partly broken up when i found out i was pregnant ( i was trying to make things work but the pregnancy was the straw that broke the camels back ) he wanted me to terminate and put alot of pressure on me to do so , but it wasnt a choice i was prepared to  make . just as i thought he would he buggerd off and it turned out he had been cheating on me and was seeing another girl ( a 17 year old school girl )  ,  he has seen  his daughter a handfull of times , he has never ever paid a single cent towards her at all or bought her anything , he didnt even contact me on her first birthday which was last week, The week i had DD he propesed to his 17yr old gf and they are planning to get married soon . I had a huge struggle with her birth certificate as Internal affais are now VERY strict on what they say on the birth certifiactes, Pretty much if you know who the father is you have to name him (new laws ). For me it was a 11 month battle and i finally received her birth certificate and her father is not on it (they made several attempts to contact him ) , it does not say "not known" it says " not recorded " which i think is much better .

like you i was working full time ( i work for telecom ) i took a years maternity leave and have returned to work part time recently (it works out alot better money wise for me to work ). When amelia was 4 1/2 months old i met my partner (who has a 5yr old daughter) and we are very very happy , im very lucky and he treats DD like his own .

I found my pregnancy to be very lonely at times ( i lived by myself ) and those first few months with a newborn are not easy on your own ( my daughter also had very bad colic and reflux so it made it that much harder). its good that you have the support of your family .

anyway i just wanted to share my story and to say that you are not alone . if you ever wanna chat more feel free to PM me  i do understand what your going through

Being a mummy is the best most rewarding thing i have ever done , doing it alone has made me so much more mature and a much stronger woman . I love my wee girl more than life itself . she is my world. I dont even see her as being "his" i look at her and all i see is me , she does look like him but i choose not to notice that .

Edited by julz
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Thanks so much for sharing your story julz.

I know the father's name, but since I found out I was pregnant he's changed his email address and phone number. I am hoping against hope that the fact that I have no contact details for him means that I won't have issues with baby's birth certificate. What do you think? I would have thought chasing him to sign the birth certificate would have been the harder option not the other way around!

I'm over being mad at him, now I just feel sorry for him. He's missing out on the most amazing thing he will ever experience - and I did everything to help him to realise the mistake he's made, but to no avail. I would have no sleepless nights at this stage not having him on the BC because he's given me nothing but grief since this all started - the thought of sharing my son with him in anyway makes me feel sick to my stomach.

Then again if he decided he really wanted access in the future I might have to put my big girl hat on and allow it (unlikely if he's serious about moving to Europe though)
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My daughters father has Bipolar , so he has always been in the background , he use to txt me or ring me constantly  saying how he was going to be a great dad then the next he would be telling me i should have an abortion . he makes all these promises about seeing her but very seldom do those promises get kept . i have given it my all for amelia to have a relationship with him but i realise now that she doesnt need him at all , all he is done is cause me alot of drama and stress . Amelia has me and she also has my partner who is the onlt father figure she has ever known . iv learnt that the word "dad" is a privalege not a right .

According to what i know about the new laws is that you have to give internal affairs any infomation whatsover you have about the father , i was told at the time of registering amelias birth that if i did not state any info i knew about her dad then i could get into trouble , i dont know if this is scare tactics or not but i know that they are doing a smackdown on fathers on birth certificates . You might wanna look into it , this is just what i was told . I had quite a bit of info about amelias dad , full name ( incl  middle name) , names of his parents , siblings , his adress and ph number and they still put "father not recorded " on her birth cert so i dont think you would have a problem having the same thing on your bubbas certificate , the only problem with me is that it took 11months to get her birth cert .

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Rachael21 View Drop Down
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Wow yay a new forum! I mainly lurk on here but do not have many single parent friends so yay I'm glad this has been started!

I'm Rachael as well I have two children, Jack who is 4 and Caprece who is 3. I got prgnant with Jack after two weeks of seeing his Dad. We decided to give our relationship a go and ended up together for 4 years. Their Dad sees them once a week and is a good Dad to them. I don't really want to bad mouth him too much on here considering anyone can read it but he has got a lot better since we broke up in terms of parenting.

I'm 24 and just over half way through a midwifery degree. It's awesome and I love it but it's so full on. I live with my parents but am hoping to move out soon I just find it so difficult to organise everything on top of my already busy life. My parents are great and they help me out so much but they also drive me crazy I have a boyfriend atm who is the best with my kids and treats me so well so I'm pretty lucky there.

Anyway I've been a single Mum for about 15 months, we broke up as he did not like me studying and refused to work or look after the kids full time.

Anyway I don't have much experience with Dads on the birth certificate but far out I am over dealing with WINZ I cannot understanding how they can justify treating people the way they do!
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Shelt View Drop Down
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My name is Michelle and I have a little girl Gabrielle who is 19 months old. Gabrielle's Dad and I were actually married when we had her - we were together for almost 5 years before we got married and had been married for just over 3 years when I got pregnant. She was planned, although she was a bit of a shock as we decided to try and then a month later I got pregnant.

If I am honest with myself I knew my marriage was in trouble before we got preg but I didn't know what to do about it so I ignored it. It was a tough pregnancy and the ex started going out a lot at night and on the weekends with his band and his mates and we were basically leading seperate lives when Gabrielle was born premature 6 weeks early. She was a reflux baby who didn't sleep night or day and DH carried on his own life going out 3 or 4 nights a week all night and sleeping whenever he wasn't at work. My doctor sent us to mothercraft in Hamilton when she was 10 weeks old due to my having severe maternal exhaustion. When we got back I gave him an ultimatum and we went to councelling for 4 months to try and sort things out.

Unfortunately after a very long winter where Gabrielle was sick constantly and in and out of hospital with no support from DH (he didn't even visit her when we were in the first 2 times) I couldn't deal with him and his behaviour anymore and kicked him out.

So now its now....8 and a half months later. The ex and I are part way through the court process arguing about custody. When we split up he suddenly decided the daughter he couldn't be bothered caring for when we lived in the same house meant everything to him and he is fighting me for 4 days/3 nights a week.

Gabrielle and I live with my parents at the moment and I work 30 hours a week.

I have been really lonely as a single parent and its nice to have this board set up. I don't have much experience with dealing with either WINZ or internal affairs but I am over the whole court process! The ex hasn't managed to get off his ass and file his paperwork but he has been able to make all sorts of demands and they just accomodate him. We have a mediation date in Court at the end of August so at this stage its just wait and see.
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Im not a single parent, anymore , but I was for most of my daughter's life, so i'll share my story too

I got pregnant to C's dad when I was 19, he was a rebound relationship and I told him I was UTD the day he broke up with me at 7 weeks , he wanted me to get an abortion at first, but he came round and decided he wanted to be involved .
We've had our glitches but for the most part we get along fine , he and his wife have C once a month (they have 3 kids as well now , so it can get a bit full on any more than that )

When C was 4 I met my DH , and they slowly formed a friendship and after a year she started calling him daddy , of her own accord, she still calls her bio dad Daddy as well , but the only time it gets confusing is if both dads are there lol
My DH is her dad in every sense of the word and they adore each other

And now im happily married , with 2 beautiful kids and one on the way , back when I was single and struggling to make ends meet , I never thought I would have a happy ending like this

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Wow i've never seen this thread before..

Im a single parent too Me and his dad were never together, just sleeping together on and off. When i found out i was pregnant he was forcing me to get a abortion but it was too late. So as the pregnancy went on i was living in Otaki and he was in Lower Hutt so we didn't see each other that much and he was still hating the idea of becoming a parent. (Even though he is 26 and im 20). Time passes by.. And then he came around to the idea and was actually excited about having a baby, we never talked about getting together or anything as he had g-f's the whole time we were sleeping together. And then Jarvi came along, he was really good, was with me in labour and everything. Signed the birth certificate, and now looks after him maybe 2 nights a week and comes over a few days a week to help me our with my house work n look after jarvi while i do things. But i get what everyone else is saying.. i get really lonely and it seems like i'am never going to find another man that wants me now after i have a baby and stretch marks etc..

So just reading these other stories it gives me some hope that i will be able to find somebody!! But i can't imagine not making all the decisions for Jarvi and somebody else being there during the night to get up when he does. But his dad is really good with him, and we go on holidays to see his family and stuff so most of the time we get along pretty well, its just his g-f that doesn't like us seeing each other and does anything in her mite to stop it.
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ok long storey short i worked in abar james dad was a regula at this bar he asked me out for a year i keep saying no till one day i thought i will give him a chace we got together slept together once broke up about 2 weeks after frist gettin together i found out i was preggy about 6 weeks later i didnt get a chace to tell him someelse did he eith denys he is the father or tells people i wont let him see him i have given him my phone number to ring me 3 times no phone call he has seen me many times but still its me i was going to let his mother have time with james but he told his mum james isnt his so she would even come to see him 5 years later i am still agnry that he can walk with his head up but at the same time i know he is just not worth my or james time when james grows and asked were his dad i will tell him the turth and be there for him no matter what
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Hiya .  A friend of mine administers the Birthright New Zealand page on Facebook. Birthright is a national organisation, with 15 member societies, which work to support, strengthen and advocate for one-parent families.  They post lots of interesting articles etc on their wall - check it out!

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Hi Rachaels and everyone else. Nice reading all your stories.

Here's my story. I was 24 when I had Sophie. I was with Sophie's dad for about 10 months. We had broken up a couple of times in those 10 months, but I always went back. Anyway, he was a bit of a prick. It was his first relationship ever, not that, that is any excuse, though he'd use that as his excuse for any inappropriate behaviour. He would flirt very obviously with females at parties, while I was there, often in the same room and not care that I was falling apart and bawling my eyes out. He even flirted with my little sister    He did lash out on a few occasions and was actually rather proud he'd hit me in a certain way that left no bruises. He used to write stuff that he'd expect me to find, as he knew I snopped(trust issues obviously) and the stuff he would write would be specifically aimed at screwing with my head. Thing is, the first time he hit me, I really should've left, but like so many others, I believed he was sorry and stayed. Anyway, at a time when our relationship was good, we thought it a good idea to try make a baby and then later decided it wasn't such a good idea. So anyway, things turned to crap again and I was just so over his crap and him screwing with my head and feeling anxious, fearful and on edge, so I left for good. I figured, if I did in fact have a baby on the way, that our relationship was no environment to bring a baby into. I found out I was pregnant a week after I left. When I told him, all he said is "it makes me feel all buzzy down there"(his male parts) and I was like, um ok. He too is a father with mental health issues. Depression, anxiety, social phobia, schizophrenia. He did attempt to be around for her birth, but was being his usual self and got in trouble for staying at a place and not paying rent and did the bolt elsewhere a few weeks before she was due. The first time he saw her was when she was 5 months old. He didn't want me to tell his parents I was pregnant, but I did, as it is their right to know. We have tried again about 2-3 times to have a relationship since she was born. But each time, he just goes back to his usual behaviour. While I was pregnant I had many mixed feelings. I used to cry when I drove past liquor stores(used to be a binge drinker), as I was used to use alcohol to cope when things turned to crap. I used to struggle with feeling like I wanted to MC or that I might have a son and he'd look just like his dad and I'd end up despising him. Lucky I had a daughter and I don't despise her. Other times I couldn't believe I'd think like that. So many mixed feelings and emotions and such a confusing time. I also used to worry I'd never find anyone who would want me and my child. Sophie's dad doesn't see a lot of her, though he is welcome to and he knows that. If his dad goes up to Waiheke at Xmas he will take Sophie and her dad and they get to spend time together then, which is good. But he never turns up to her birthdays and doesn't put in any effort to trying to see her. He pays minimal child support, as in the least that can be paid. She loves him to bits, despite him being very non-existent in her life a lot of the time. I think she probably sees him about every 3-6 months.

I met my current DP nearly 3 yrs ago and we've just had our first child together, she is 5 1/2 months old. I must say, I did find things easier with just Sophie, before I had a partner, as she got all my love and attention and life was easier to manage. I have found, relationships take a lot more work when you have a child and even more work when you have another child. But I am happy with my DP. I just see the difference in having a relationship to manage and 2 kids. I have found Sophie's behaviour is getting pretty bad since late last year. It is a big shift for her, this whole change in family dynamic's, with having a baby sister after years of being an only child and yeah....I kind of spoilt her a lot of those years. Plus I have found DP has changed towards her and is often Mr grumpy-bum at her. I feel like he at times treats her like an inconvenience and I definitely notice a huge difference in the way he treats her. This is really hard for me to see and it really upsets me. I don't think these facts and Sophie's bad behaviour helps my PND. In fact I think all this makes it much worse. Having a new baby has put more stress on our relationship. I so often seem to be in a bad mood and I feel like I'm not much fun to be with. I hope all this doesn't sound too discouraging. I'm just being honest. I do think a new DP when you only have 1 child, is possibly easier to manage, relationship wise and it probably helps with the bonding with new DP and baby/child if you've gotten together during your pregnancy, or early in babies life. But it could be different for each person, this is just my thinking, with regards to myself. I am sad DP now treats Sophie differently. I treats our daughter so different. It is pretty unfair.

Edited by escadachic

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Thats not good escadachic ...have you told your DP how you feel ?
I can say with a hundred percent all honesty , that my husband treats Caitlyn exactly the same as he treats Tyler , if he tells her off for anything its because she deserves it not because he is favoring his biological child , I never have to worry about their relationship, at times they make ME feel left out with all their father daughter adventures and inside jokes that I don't get .
I am in the same position as you , child from a former relationship that had my attention for many years of her life, didn't meet DH til she was 4 ,and now have another baby with one on the way , but i've never felt like my DH treats C as an inconvenience, thats not good for you or for Sophie , if you haven't told him honestly how you feel , I think you're going to have to , otherwise it will just make you feel unhappy and resentful towards him

Edited by TheKelly

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Oh yes I have told him how I feel. He seems to hear me, but whether he is listening and taking it in...I do wonder...

He used to treat the same as I did. But it seems with her change in behaviour, his behaviour towards her has changed. Maybe it is him trying to work out how best to deal with her naughtiness. I know it's new to me how she's behaving these days. I'm so used to a very well-behaved little girl. But these days, she's not so well-behaved. She is having difficulties at school, which is likely not helping.

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Great to read your stories.

I am a newly single parent with a 16mth old son and one on the way. Though in a way I have felt like a single parent ever since DS was born cause DP was hardly ever home, he was always hunting or at the pub or helping one of his mates. Any way my story is:

DP and I met in Nelson through mutal friends in 2007. We clicked instantly and and spoke on the phone almost every night for 2mths. (I was living in motueka and he was in Owhango). I moved in with him in April 2007. We basically started TTC straight away as we knew what we wanted. Took a year to get preg but then the MS started and DP found it really hard to deal with. Mainly because it was easier for me to sleep on the couch and he felt like we were just living as flatmates. Any way MS goes at around 15wks and all was goodish again. When I was close to 40wks he took 2 wks off work saying to his boss that it was so he was near by when I went into labour but the truth was that he wanted to spend the time hunting, often in places that didn't have reception. Anyways I go into labour and he just sat in the room, ónly helped me when I asked and wasn't even in the room when DS finally comes out.

He has tried to be a good father but I think he is just not used to thinking about other peoples needs and always puts himself first. Also he needs to have special cuddles often otherwise he feels unloved. And you all know that it is the last thing you want after giving birth. I tried my hardest but he was just out more and more, hardly ever home.
And then one night 7wks ago he comes home drunk after being somewhere and wants to talk about things. And was saying how he has always wanted to ask me to marry him and how I was the best thing that has ever happened to him e.t.c So I get caught up in the moment and let him have his wicked way with out protection, even though I knew that I was close to ovulation, but thought that it'll be ok since it took a year to get DS. But as luck would have it one whoopsie was enough this time. DP was really happy when I told him but things got worse. He was proberly home for tea twice in three weeks.

Once the MS hit I told him that I needed him to be home in the evenings to get DS tea and get him to bed, but even that turned out to be to hard for him and he was just getting grumpier and grumpier. So it was at this point that I came up to Auckland to spend time with my mum and then he tells me via text last Tuesday that he doens't want to be together anymore and that we have nothing in common, blah blah blah. And when I asked him about all the stuff he said during that talk he said that he wasn't completly honest and that he had been trying to tell me for ages. MEN!!!

He still wants to see his kids though he will have to come up to Auckland if he wants to see them. And I am hoping that he will be there for the birth of this little one in Feb, though who knows where he will be then.

So here I am with one and a bit kids, no money, and no home and having to give up my cat and dog cause there are already too many animals at mums place. And have to go down and pack up my stuff this week which is the last thing I want to do when feeling crap with MS. And am going to have a chat to WINZ next Monday, am hoping that I get a nice person and that they don't make me do the 6wk stand down for the benefit cause I had to quit my casual job.

Actually what can I expect from the WINZ interview and what should I be taking? I will take my lastest payslips.
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im sorry you are going through such a rough time codysmum , Its just not fair how the man can walk out with little or no responsibility . It certinly sounds like you were not in a very loving, equal relationship and it certinly sounds like you deserve much better . when it comes to winz , you will probabyly need to take in your childs birth certificate, along with bank acc details ( they ussualy want a statement to see where your money is coming from and how much you have ) , also your own ID and if Codys in preschool you will be able to apply for subsidys for that so make sure you take in details of how much you pay per hour/session etc . also possibly a note from Midwife saying you are pregnant .

Escadachick- Your story is ringing very true to me , Your ex sounds exactly like Amelias dad , he use to play mind games just like that with me , constantly flirting with other girls , full of broken promises and he had Depression , Bipolar , he even tried to attempt suiside in front of me but i look back and see this as a cry for a attention , i doubt he would have actually done it , think he just wanted to scare me .  as for your DP not treating Sophie fairly , that must be very hard . Im very lucky that my DP treats Amelia like his own and he actually sees Amelia more than he sees his own daughter ( we have Amelia 100% of the time and we have his daughter 5 nights a fortnight ) , hes been in Amelias life tho since she was 4months so i guess its a bit different ,i however find it really hard at times to bond with his daughter and i find myself treating her differently to amelia which i always feel bad about and i am trying to make a real effort to treat them the same , i just find it hard because shes 5 1/2 and we dont have her all the time and shes also going through a bit of a "naughty" faze.

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote pidgey Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 26 July 2010 at 10:38pm
Hello all. My name is Paige. I was in a similar situation. I was never really with the father, we were good friends since we met, but not exclusive and had been spending most nights together. I found out I was pregnant when I was 18, and when I told him, the first thing he said was "well you have get rid of it" in a matter of fact way. I told him that I was thinking about it, just to keep him happy, and a week later told him that I wouldnt do it. He then spent a month convincing me that I was too young to have a baby and how much it would ruin my life. He went through so many changes from saying we would do it, and be happy about it with me, then back to "it will ruin your life" speech. It wasnt till he got given baby baby bibs as a secret santa gift that he told me that he wanted nothing to do with the baby. From then on he became emotionally abusive, saying that he wishes there was no baby, that he hated it, and that I was stupid and he never wanted anything to do with me when he met me. throughout my pregnancy I felt alone and hurt. I cried just about everyday because of the things he would do or say to me. My parents hadnt met him and hated that I was pregnant and people were always talking about me, it was so hard. It was hard because we had been especially close and would talk about everything, and then we moved and I hadnt heard from him, and when i did it was only to be hurled abuse at. I decided it was easier to not have anything to do with him, after he got with one of my best friends, it was the hardest thing I have ever done. Its still hard, baby is 3months old, and I continuously feel guilty that he has no father, and that I lost a good friend. But I also feel sorry for him, he has no idea of how wonderful Dal is, and when I first help Dal I knew that he was special and I didnt want to share him with anyone who was that undeserving, or would hurt him. I watch my parents with their grandson and I am again sad that his mother doesnt know that she has this little boy who would love to meet her.
Racheals, the birth certificate is such a mess, I still dont have one, as he said he would never sign it. But he changed his mind when he heard of all the trouble I was having, getting it down, however he still hasnt done anything about it. So I hope you have better luck!
I am glad this is here! I feel stronger knowing that there are other people who understand, I am a full time student so everything is always just a little more stressful!
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Flutterby Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 27 July 2010 at 10:19am
I wrote another post yesterday but it doesn't seem to have posted .

Thanks for that info on what to take to WINZ Julz. Cody isn't in childcare or anything anymore though that may change if I end up getting a job, though I don't know if anyway would hire a pregnant woman. Though I will never know if I don't try.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote julz85 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 27 July 2010 at 3:54pm
codys mum- i forgot to mention you will also need to take in your outgoings to winz , any HP's you may have and amount you pay in rent/board etc etc, even things like how much you spend on petrol and  any extra medical costs etc etc because you may be aligble for what they call "temporary aditional support ) - they dont often tell you about that one so make sure you mention it  .
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote julz85 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 27 July 2010 at 4:02pm
Paige - i know exactly what your going through altho i can imagine its even tougher at 18-19 , im just about 25 and still find it very hard .  hang in there chick , Life will get easier and one day im sure youl find someone that treats you how you deserve , you ex sounds alot like the other "babys daddys" on this particular forrum. I know the guilts you feel about your child father , i feel exactly the same , then i have to think that my daughters actually lucky that she doesnt have her father in her life as hes just not worth it and would be a crap dad .
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Rachael21 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 27 July 2010 at 10:57pm
Paige I was 19 when I had Jack, I was also told I was making a huge mistake etc etc but seriously he was the best thing that ever happened to me. I see new mothers every day and teen Mums do not find it harder (in fact a lot seem to take to mothering a lot quicker). We can travel the world and be careless once our kids are older but we will be wiser and enjoy it more

escadachic - That is hard with your new partner have you thought of going to a parenting course together? I have found my 4 year old very difficult lately and am planning on going on a course when I have time. I think when a child is being difficult for whatever reason it is so easy to favour the 'good' child. So although it is unacceptable he is treating Sophie that way perhaps it is more he doesn't know how to handle her rather than he is playing favourites?

I had a massive fight with my mother tonight she is quite emotionally abusive and she basically told me im a crap mother. My sister rang me and said she has noticed how down ive been lately and that I really need to move out. So tomorrow I am going to ring WINZ and get the ball rolling.
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