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Topic: So frustrating! Posted: 04 January 2005 at 9:58pm |
Wow I never knew how quickly trying for a baby could get frustrating. End of month 1 and 3 tests tell me I'm not pregnant but no period yet. I think the most annoying part is that there are some symptoms there that might have been or might not have been and to see a negative result is mildly frustrating (I can't even imagine how others must feel who have been trying for some time). I think I'm just run down and the short time on the pill has muddled my body up a bit.
Next month we're going to start charting my temperture and monitor when I'll be ovulating (fingers crossed).
Anyway, thanks guys..just had to get that off my chest.
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Posted: 05 January 2005 at 8:08am |
I think trying does funny things to your body. I was getting all sorts of pregnancy symptoms. I think the worst bit is not knowing. At least once you know you're not you can focus on the next month
Mother to two beautiful children - Sophie age 6 and Ephraim age 4
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Posted: 05 January 2005 at 1:54pm |
Well fingers crossed - I popped down to my doctors office...I'm popping back for them to do a pregnancy test after work. If still negative but still no period by Friday the nurse wants to arrange for a blood test.
Knowing my luck my period will show up in the next 3 hours! *lol*
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Posted: 05 January 2005 at 2:07pm |
sometimes it can be a bit early to test. but just remember to try and relax.. stress does nasty things to your body. you hear of so many people who conceive when they finally decide to give up trying.. cos the finally relax and let their body do the work. good luck
Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja
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Posted: 05 January 2005 at 5:54pm |
It was another negative...will still do bloods if no period come monday though becuase that would put me almost a week late.
I think in the long run what with having just got married, a short stint on the pill, Christmas and being totally stressed with work my body is going into it's own little shut down mode.
It's only our first month trying so I'm not to worried yet as I say...I'll panic after a year! All the same...time to find a relaxing hobby me thinks!
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Posted: 05 January 2005 at 8:14pm |
there are some sites on the net that have ovulation calculators.. i went through and found out mine not long ago and it turns out that, lol, the only time me and my hubby were "intimate" in about 4 weeks around aug/sept, happened to be the day that the calculator said i had ovulated.. no wonder i got preggers!! maybe you can try that in conjunction with the temp thing and all, and mark down the dates on your calendar.
Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja
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Posted: 06 January 2005 at 8:44am |
yep stress can make your body do strange things and the hardest thing to do is relax, but that is the best thing. it is very easy to let getting pregnant rule your life, i used to spend all month obsessing about it and drive myself crazy. your age is on your side, i would just go for it and not worry about charting - it can take the joy out of sex sometimes (especially for men).
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Posted: 06 January 2005 at 5:32pm |
That's what I was worried about with Charting but the funny thing is that it's my husband who is all go for it! I think it's cause he can't wait to be a Daddy (yes i warned him about nappies and lack of sleep and everything else I could think of).
You're right though...neither of us want it to become a total obsession!!
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Posted: 07 January 2005 at 1:14pm |
Awww poor chicky :( I am waiting on AF aswell she is due today, i have totally taken a step back and relaxed alot lately and am taking it day by day. If AF doesnt arrive by Weds next week im going to test and see what happens :)
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Posted: 07 January 2005 at 3:10pm |
Yep I am in this category too. My last post was "ttc after miscarriage" and we are still trying!!!
I'm now on Serophene after several months of missing periods (that I'd put down to the miscarriage). It turns out I haven't been ovulating (or very rarely) so even the first pregnancy was a huge fluke!!
The spontenatiy of it all goes out the window a bit when you have to pay for treatment and then use OPK's, temps and at least two blood tests on specified days in the month!!! Still - worth it if it works!!
Anyway all going well, I am due to ovulate Sunday - fun weekend planned huh?! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this is all the help we need though - even less fun if we need IVF or something!!
Anyway, best of luck to you guys, I have fingers crossed for you too.
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Posted: 07 January 2005 at 3:29pm |
Fingers crossed for you too!!!
I gotta admit there is a huge part of me that is fascinated learning all this stuff that my body actually is doing etc etc....maybe I'm just odd.
And my period did turn up finally....the night of the test!!!
Had another talk to B last night and he is determined to chart so if he is then I am.
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Posted: 07 January 2005 at 4:05pm |
Yeah I know what you mean. I certainly have learnt so much about what happens in the girlie department (or unfortunately for me what is supposed to happen and what isn't supposed to happen).
Luckily my husband has been really great. He did all the right supportive things during and after the miscarriage and is right with me on the charting etc. Sounds like yours is too which is excellent.
Best wishes.
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Posted: 08 January 2005 at 11:02am |
I personally discovered that when it comes to things that are wrong with ur body i find it more interesting coz there is all this other stuff that you can do or try to make it work :)
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Posted: 09 January 2005 at 9:23am |
Ahhh im still late *cross fingers that there is a good reason to why*
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Posted: 09 January 2005 at 11:03am |
Have you done a test? What did it say?
The bad news is when I spoke to the nurse at my doctors office she said if you are late by several days a test should be showing positive if you are pregnant...otherwise most likely not....boooooo....still if nothing turns up after a week you can get bloods done. Just in case.
*fingers crossed*
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Posted: 09 January 2005 at 3:19pm |
Nah havent done one thinking about doing one tomorrow and seeing what happens...yeh if im not there is always this month :D
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Posted: 10 January 2005 at 9:10am |
All the best Jezsika. Hope it's postitive for you. I'm into the waiting stage now - ovulated sat/sun. My hubbie really likes trying - I think cause he gets to do it more
Mother to two beautiful children - Sophie age 6 and Ephraim age 4
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Posted: 18 January 2005 at 11:02am |
Well it turns out that my PCOS decided to play games and i O'd on CD26 so just got my period today :D All good tho have some ideas for this month ;)
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Posted: 18 January 2005 at 1:41pm |
Don't you hate when your body totally takes on a mind of it's own??
We're still trying the temp thing though I don't know if mine is that accurate. Other than we're just trying every alternate day.
Fingers crossed and see what happens this month huh ladies??!!
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Posted: 24 February 2005 at 7:05pm |
Hi everyone, im new to this site and I have been ttc for gong on 6 years now. Im trying natural therapy at the moment and visiting an osteopath who deals in fertility. Would love to hear from anyone who may have tried these to get pregnant.