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Topic: Waiting to TTC Posted: 13 July 2008 at 2:11pm |
I noticed there were a few ladies on here who are in the category so thought I'd start up a thread for us.
I am Fleur and have been a member on here for some time. Far too long it would seem.
Hubby and I have decided to start trying next year, so come January I'll be coming off BCP and will start taking folic acid.
I have been told to lose weight as I'm overweight already and don't know how my body will take pregnancy, I also am starting a regular exercise program.
Also can't decide if I should start collecting baby stuff now or later. I'm aware that once we do get pregnant and baby arrives we'll only have 1 income, so thought to start collecting stuff while we've got the $$
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Posted: 13 July 2008 at 2:39pm |
I am also waiting to TTC. We are getting married november 1st, and want to start trying right away. In reality prob October! (I don't drink much at all and prob wont on wedding night pregnant or not).
We really want to start now but I wont fit my dress if we get pregnant straight away!
I am a bit scared reading all these threads of ppl trying month after month. Hopefully I don't stress myself out before I even start.
Have been saving a good amount each week (on top of saving for wedding!) just for baby for about 4 months, so will have an enjoyable shopping spree as soon as am pregnant!
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Posted: 13 July 2008 at 2:46pm |
Hi, great idea
I'm waiting to TTC for number 2 (probably about Aug).
Brenna will be turning 2 in October.
I'm working full time this year to be able to save enough to stay home for a full year with the next one, so far I'm half way there!
Fluer I think that starting to buy stuff soon is a good idea. It gets very costly! Do you have any family/friends that could lend you things?
 My beautiful 2 girls...nearly 4 and 13 months
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Posted: 13 July 2008 at 3:12pm |
I can join in here!!!
We are still in the talking stages of TTC number 3. I want to start trying Later this year as I want a baby born later next year away from the beginning of the year as that is when the rest of mine are.
I need to have the 3rd very soon (well I want to) as once I am 30 I am having the baby oven and the rest all removed (i'm 26 now).
Fleur I think you have the right idea but what about putting the money into an account and then once you get pregnant you have that money to spend on baby stuff.
I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!
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Posted: 13 July 2008 at 3:23pm |
We are going to start in September!
I've even gone through and worked out the date we can start because my cycles are so regular lol
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Posted: 13 July 2008 at 3:23pm |
Hi all
I'm Jo. I turn 30 on 16th September and DH agreed several months ago now that for my 30th birthday we'll start TTC.
So just 2 months to go now and although I've been terribly clucky I'm now getting cold feet... I still really really desperately want a baby but am beginning to worry about money and stuff... but I have resolved to stop using condoms in September and leave the rest up to God (i.e. I won't be charting or temping etc, I'm just going to stop preventing pregnancy and have fun while we work on #2).
ETA: DH isn't getting off that easy , he'll be buying me some pressie for my birthday too
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Posted: 13 July 2008 at 3:37pm |
I can join in here too although it'll be this time next year before we start Baby Dancing
Yup, you heard right... my DF said YES and would LOVE me to have another baby if it makes me happy!!! (and shuts me up  )
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Posted: 13 July 2008 at 4:07pm |
I've worked out with paid parental leave, my annual leave and my annual bonus we'll have enough for 22 weeks before the $$ run out, and we qualify for $70 a week WFF.
I'm also studying part-time extramurally, and while it would be great to plan a baby around the academic year, I think that's asking a bit much.
Now that I have a fixed time frame ie 6 more months BCP I'm trying to save and put things away in that time.
Who knows could well end up pregnant first time trying.
Not sure how much help we'll get from friends and family, I'm the last of my friends to have babies, not sure how many of them still have baby gear.
It will be DH's folks first grandchild, and my nieces are 6 and 11, so long time since my Dad had a baby.
  [/url] Angel June 2012
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Posted: 13 July 2008 at 4:47pm |
Yay Neeks that is really cool he said yes.
I am going to bring the subject up once we have all come back from overseas. Nigel has jungle training next month and I have my trip to Oz with the boys in September.
I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!
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Posted: 13 July 2008 at 5:16pm |
Fleur, there's heaps of ways to save up extra money if you make a really good budget and get into good shopping habits. I've managed to have $200 a fortnight for food and I'm constantly coming under that even though grocery prices are going up. You could also take a mortgage holiday if you havne't thought of that already to give you breathing space if you wanted to stay at home longer.
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Posted: 13 July 2008 at 5:33pm |
I'll join too even though I've got ages to wait. I'm a first year teacher and we want to get my registration out of the way before having a baby. That's the end of next year, so we can start TTC March/April next year.
Ideally my due date wouldn't be till late Jan or Feb so I can still get paid for holidays  as PPL is less than what I'd get over that time but I don't want to wait that long!
So the plan is to go off BCP in March and see what happens. My SIL is pregnant and due 24th Dec - I am so clucky already I've started making her bonnets and baby quilts and little merino tops. Heaven knows what I'll be like when my own comes along!
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Posted: 13 July 2008 at 5:55pm |
Stacey - how do you do your shopping for $200/fortnight?!
Yay Neeks for DH saying yes to another bubs.
Hi Sassy, I'm a teacher too so I understand what you're saying about timing! We are trying to time ours around work so that I get PPL and materinty grant. I'm only fixed term for this year but we are hoping I can get my job to roll over for term 1 next year then have baby due about June(ish). Now I just need to cross my fingers that I get pregnant as easily as last time
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Posted: 13 July 2008 at 6:16pm |
I belong here too. We are going off BCP in Dec/Jan this year and getting married in March (we figure if it happens straight away I should still only be about 8 weeks at the wedding, so not showing). I will only be able to take the 14 weeks PPL (no unpaid), but hope to have quite a bit of annual leave accrued that I can use. All going well, MIL will be the babysitter if DF still needs to work, or he will work for them at their business, which is based at their home, meaning childcare will be easily. I am the main breadwinner, so with our mortgage payments I couldn't not go back to work (plus I would go stir crazy). That's the plan anyway....5 months to go!
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Posted: 13 July 2008 at 6:57pm |
Brenna wrote:
Stacey - how do you do your shopping for $200/fortnight?! |
Very easily actually, I could do it for $170 if I didn't buy the crap that I do.
We buy 2 tins of formula a fortnight, I buy half of Daniels food in cans which ain't cheap.
Thing is we don't eat much cheese, it's really fatty anyway so good for me not to eat lots of it lol. We buy our meat either at a butcher or we pay my parents for half a beast which lasts months and months.
I shop using a list, I think what meals do we want to have over the next 2 weeks and make sure I get all I need for those meals. We have standard things we eat like risotto, pasta bake, some sort of mexican like tacos and they are all cheap easy meals.
We buy mostly frozen vege so none gets wasted and its easy
But then I'm bad with chocolate and end up buying chocie bikkies and naughty foods which I don't need but WANT lol
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Posted: 13 July 2008 at 7:18pm |
I'm the same Stacey - we do ours for $150 a fortnight, with a couple of topups during the fortnight for bread and milk. That includes all our meat and everything. We don't do dairy (except DF's milk) which helps. But then again, no formula or anything either. And we also do the frozen veges - they last a lot longer. We do tacos/burritos often (mince or chicken), and stews. We also make different meals with mince.
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Posted: 13 July 2008 at 7:34pm |
Yay there are lots of us.
We are so excited to start trying. OCtober isn't going to come soon enough. Although admittedly planning a wedding does make the time go fast.
Hopefully my cycle will start to become regular soon, stopped the pill months ago to give myself a chance, it is still about 35-40 days though.
I so want to start buying things but am holding off,. just saving everything, and will have the ultimate shopping experience when I can!~
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Posted: 13 July 2008 at 7:44pm |
I am at the moment working out my cycles to see what is happening when. I think I am Ov now as I am in a bit of pain on one side.
I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!
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Posted: 13 July 2008 at 7:54pm |
I haven't been on the pill since before getting preggy with Brenna and since getting AF back when Brenna was 8 months, my cycle seems to be anywhere from 28 - 35 days.
I didn't chart or take temp when TTC #1 and will do the same this time around. I'll prob chart if I'm not preggy after a few months.
Becks, I also think I'm ov now. I get a bit 'keen' at this time of the month lol
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Posted: 13 July 2008 at 8:18pm |
Like Brenna I didn't go back on the BCP so we've been using condoms since Michaela was born. I'm ultra regular though and you can set your calendar by my cycle.
DH and I were talking today and although we'll be delighted whatever we get we're both really hoping for another girl for #2 (then a boy for #3 which I'm trying to convince to let me try for asap after #2)
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Posted: 13 July 2008 at 8:35pm |
I tried the pill at the beginning of this year to help with my bleeding - didn't work just made me bleed all the time - so I have given up on any pill ever working for me.
We are just using condoms much to Nigel's disgust but I don't want another baby just yet (if conceived right now it would be due in April and Andrew is then), and I know he doesn't want one just yet either.
I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!