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Topic: NEW! Waiting for Ovulation thread Posted: 05 June 2013 at 10:13pm |
This is the new thread since the last one was broken....
I should be oving any day cant wait to get this cycle done so we can try properly!!
Good luck to those trying, i hope this month is your month!
Edited by ALittleLoopy - 05 June 2013 at 10:16pm
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Posted: 05 June 2013 at 10:17pm |
Thanks for the new thread!
Cool, glad to hear that it didn't take that long after being on the B6 & vitex... I've skipped the vitex this time around but am on the B6... hopefully it works quickly too! Do you know if it would bring ovulation forward or just affect the lutel phase?
What about your DH's? Are they taking anything special?
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Posted: 05 June 2013 at 10:19pm |
i had DH on zinc for a while but dont think it helps much, but LOTS of Bding promotes more and more quality sperm so thats even more of a reason!
yeah im skipping vitex for now, its brought my ov forward a day or two but hadnt helped my LP yet which sucks....i have LPD did pre DD too so its something im always working on
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Posted: 05 June 2013 at 10:20pm |
Yaaay good stuff loopy  I'm cd 2 so I'll be hanging here a while  *sigh*
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Posted: 05 June 2013 at 10:23pm |
No problem 
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Posted: 05 June 2013 at 10:39pm |
Great idea aLittleLoopy - I am in the 2ww at the mo but always nice to be in more than one thread. Here is hoping for a BFP and I don't need to come back into egg waiting mode!
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Posted: 05 June 2013 at 10:51pm |
any supplements that help support your hormone production may help bring OV forward, hope that helps. Vitex apparently takes 6 - 12 months to really have an effect on your hormones, also heard that taking it in liquid form is much better than those tablets that are compacted? not sure if thats true or not though.
this is a great idea having this thread - means we can try and keep track of everyone a bit better through the month!
Im looking forward to seeing when OV happens this month, fingers crossed this acupuncture works and my lining gets nice and thick for eggie to implant!
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Posted: 06 June 2013 at 2:04pm |
Weeeheee, got the old thread unstickied and this one stuck up (LOL).
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Posted: 06 June 2013 at 7:44pm |
Thanks vineyardhoney :) I've heard that the liquid form works much better too - I'm sure the vitex helped me to conceive DD1 & DD2... I've avoided it this time as I heard that it tends to sway girls and we're hoping for a boy this time around. Hoping for any sticky bubs really but yeh, hopefully I won't need it.
I hope the acupuncture works for you! How long have you been doing it for?
I made a chart overlay today, found it interesting that my temps seem to have the same pattern... feel like O-day is around the corner, feeling all tingly and warm down there (**not way down there, I meant in the ovary area** lmao), still not sure if I should be using my last opk yet.
Edited by MummaHuhu - 06 June 2013 at 7:45pm
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Posted: 07 June 2013 at 3:39pm |
Hi mummahuhu, I've had 3 sessions so far and next one is on Monday. Taking Chinese herbs too and I think they are pretty amazing, really sorted out my digestion and my skin looks heaps better, looking forward to seeing results with helping blood flow to my uterus!
Didn't know that about the vitex and swaying the sex, really interesting! All the best for making a boy!
With your opks, if u don't use it u might miss the surge...have u got access to some more? I have given up on opks as my cycles are too irregular! Just trying to go by cm and temping and hope we get it right.
I actually had almost ewcm yesterday...really weird, it's like I get mini lh surges for a week before ov? Has anyone else have this happen to them? After last month I think I've just started to realise that's what could be happening...
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Posted: 07 June 2013 at 10:00pm |
Glad to hear that it's working for you! I love how quickly the acupuncture worked when I put my back out, it's just amazing. I'd so love to go for more treatments as they lady I see does massage & moxa too and the centre is out in the bush - it's like a mini get-away lol, just too expensive.
hmmm, yes I was wondering that today too with the surge, more arrived today so hooray! DH had the car today and I'd just gotten home after walking around all day to find the courier ticket stuck to the door so I made him leave his work drinks early to go pick it up, lol. I poas this afternoon with the new batch and got wicked dye run, I *think* it was a negative so no O yet, hopefully I didn't miss it.
I get loads of almost ewcm for about a week before O too... I can tell when it really is ewcm though **~warning TMI~** cos it kinds just drips out & is super stretchy.
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Posted: 08 June 2013 at 10:44am |
hey, I'm also waiting around :) On CD12 and usually OV CD17 so just waiting...waiting. I'm trying to chart but the girls are really undermining me. This morning I ended up squished between a 3 and almost 2 yr old as they crawled into our bed around 5 am. Couldn't even reach the thermometer let alone stick it in my mouth. Here's hoping this month is just like all the rest lol.
Kiara is 3 and Teagan is 2, now we're expecting our long awaited 3rd!
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Posted: 08 June 2013 at 3:24pm |
Heh, I have that problem too Kali,I just end up taking my temp right before we get up, the girls now actually know I stay in bed a tiny bit longer to take my temp and they take turns at putting the thermometer back in its case  I don't often have 3 hours of sleep before taking my temp but it hasn't seemed to be really affected by it.
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Posted: 08 June 2013 at 8:30pm |
Yay! Glad this thread is fixed. I'm either CD8 or CD5, I had 3 days of spotting/light flow before heavy AF so I don't know which day to start from. Planning on charting this cycle too put my thermometer only just arrived and I had night shift last night so will start tomorrow morning. I'm also taking vitex and EPO, fingers crossed for us all!
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Posted: 08 June 2013 at 9:29pm |
Batmobile, from what I can tell, you are CD5, spotting doesn't count, it has to be an actual, ahem, flow. Pretty much on OV watch, should get my physical symptoms tomorrow or Monday. Not doing anything extra, just on folic acid.
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Posted: 09 June 2013 at 7:25am |
Yes, I agree, Batmobile. I am with a specialist now and she said spotting doesn't count, it is the first day there is actual flow, as in, blood on the pad. Hard for me to tell as I am very light, but I have had spotting part way through my last cycle and then my period and, yeah, there was still a difference. Oh and also something that might be helpful: my specialist said if the flow starts in the morning, that is CD1 and if it's in the afternoon, you count the next day as CD1.
Edited by tan73 - 09 June 2013 at 7:25am
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Posted: 09 June 2013 at 9:37am |
Thanks guys, I though that was what it was but then since the spotting lead into AF I wasn't sure. Exciting spitfire! I think I'm still a good week away from ovulation. Tan does your specialist tell you when to BD? I'm thinking of trying the sperm meets egg plan so we know we get enough in lol.
Baby V
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Posted: 09 June 2013 at 4:10pm |
Ggrrr annoyed today, when will it be our turn to conceive? We've had enough BDing to last us a lifetime (we don't really BD all that often usually, once or twice a month tops), I hate my job and just want this to happen for us already! Feel like I'm stuck in catch 22 at the moment because if it wasn't for TTC, I would chuck in my job tomorrow and TTC and job hunting just aren't an ideal combo.
It's our first child together and we have waited so long to make sure we are both ready to do this and now it's just not happening. Anyway, this is really not a good mood to be in right in the midst of a BD marathon but there you go. Rant over...
Edited by Baby V - 09 June 2013 at 4:11pm
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Posted: 09 June 2013 at 5:07pm |
Baby V - sorry, I know you changed your name...can you remind me, how long have you been trying? I know what you mean about not BDing very much and then having to go for it during TTC times. It can be soooo exhausting! Batmobile - The specialist didn't tell me anything about BDing, but Dh and I BD every 2 or 3 nights around ov time. I am pretty regular with ov - CD18, so we start about CD 16 and BD about 3 times in that week. It has worked for us twice, even though the babies haven't stuck.  A great doco to watch is The Great Sperm Race. You can see the full thing on you tube. They come in 6 parts, 10 mins long each. DH found that really helpful to understand ov etc. The scientist on there says every 2 - 3 days is sufficient to catch the egg.
2 Angels - Aug '12 & Mar '13 Always in our hearts.
Baby V
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Posted: 09 June 2013 at 6:38pm |
Tan - we have been TTC since October and this is our 9th cycle. It hasn't been a year yet but I swear I can hear my biological clock ticking away in my head most days