Argghhh Asthma rearing its ugly head here again. I woke in the middle of the night to check on Alize because he came home from DC with a cough. No wheezing or the usual runny clear nose but anyway go tup to fine him grunting and whezzing so bad but still asleep my poor wee man. I woke and gave him 6 puffs of ventolin via the spacer. He just went back to sleep. I checked him and his grunted had stopped and the wheeze wasnt as loud so went back to bed.
This morning I went in and again he is grunting and wheezing so bad he cant even cough and he says to me "breather" lol that is what we call his ventolin and spacer.
Have put him on 4 puffs 2hrly and will just let the DC know. Otherwise well, so he can attend DC, they have a care plan and know when to contact me if he even slightly chnages and they are really good like that.
OK that is my rant for the day...
Fallen, was your daughter ever tested for allergies?? Alize has been and is allergic to dustmites and animal dander. The paed seems to think these are why my son suffers asthma.