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Posted: 22 September 2005 at 10:08pm |
omigod those clothes are so tiny! i can just imagine a tiny bub in them!
i think the best size is 000, doesn't matter if it is a bit loose.. baby will grow into it in a matter of a week or so. I think i've said this before, but ask your midwife how big she estimates baby will be... it's usually a good way to gauge things. plus, if things are looser, it make sit easier to get on and off.. cos as we all know, new babies aren't the most willing and obliging at bending little arms and legs when you are trying to dress them.
Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja
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Posted: 22 September 2005 at 11:29pm |
yeah, i was surprised at how unbendy they are...not like a doll at all. I think it took me and Lew 30 mins to dress jake the first time.
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Posted: 23 September 2005 at 9:11am |
Ha! Peter and I were useless!! I was shaking sooo much because I thought I would hurt Joey if I touched him too hard  Lucky my mum was here and told us to stop being so stupid or Josef might be a nudist now, hehehehehe, now we are soooo quick, I can't believe how scared I was at first!
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Posted: 23 September 2005 at 9:20am |
As you know most cloths I have now are all pressies so I did not buy a thing yet....Sat...Yay!!!!!
I think I have enough 0000 cloths if the baby is small and have a few 000 but I have put cash away and told hubby and mum that if I need cloths of a different size, they will have to go and get some in a hurry. + I have over $150 in PP gift vouchers that I gave mum.
I am so looking forward to Sat when I go shopping for my baby!!!
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Posted: 23 September 2005 at 9:46am |
best sizes to buy are 3 - 6 months and 6 - 9 months cos they usually can stay in them for a while, at firs thtey are baggy then they can wear them up till they fit snuggly. we have aheap of size 0 stuff, some still fits Paris now cos all the different brands have different fits, and well, Paris has no bottom, so we have to get smaller pants with long legs.. that's where pumpkin patch and JK are great cos they have the adjustable waists, otherwise paris would loook like a homie, with her pants around her butt.
Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja
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Posted: 23 September 2005 at 12:52pm |
Janine Love the picture of Paris and Ayja! I just love Paris's eyes!
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Posted: 23 September 2005 at 8:50pm |
We love PP and JK adjustable waists. Great for my tall skinny monkey.
I always buy either 00 or 0 when giving presents coz they grow so fast when they are tiny.
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