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Forum Lockedtoilet training anyone?

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Séraphine View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Séraphine Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 09 August 2012 at 8:52pm
My DD is 23 month old, although she knows about the toilet and potty, she flat out refuses to sit on either of them!
We've 1/2 hearted tried encouraging her to use the toilet with an insert, we tried it for a month, every night before her bath and made it a fun game singing her fav songs. Now she won't even sit on the toilet for more than 5 seconds! She has never sat on her potty and in fact uses it to play with her little lego toys! (it's clean!)
Should we just leave it for a while?
I'm not keen on forcing it, I'd rather do it when she's ready.
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Danda08 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Danda08 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 02 October 2012 at 9:14am
Hey ladies, not sure if anyone is checking this thread anymore but hoping for some advice.

My twins are 2years 3 months and one has been showing signs of being ready to toilet train since 18 months. I waited until she was 2 cos I didn't want to start too early.

She knows when she is doing both wees and poos and tells me. She's able to hold on if she's wearing nothing after her bath until we get the potty and goes on it etc. And some mornings her nappy is dry when she wakes.

However once the initial excitement at wearing knickers and sitting on the potty wore off, she completely regressed and started weeing everywhere and holding on to poos until I put a nappy on.
If we sit her on the potty (and I know she needs to go) half the time she will go and the other half she will hold on saying "no wees" and then 2 mins later pee on the floor.

Should I keep perservering or leave her in nappies and try again in a few months?

Edited by Danda08 - 02 October 2012 at 9:31am
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Séraphine View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Séraphine Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 16 October 2012 at 10:10pm
^ goodness knows but I'm experiencing similar with our 25 month old.
Ive just backed off for a while, I'm going to try again with the knickers again next week.
Potty training is one of the many reasons I,would love to be a SAHM. *sigh*
Good luck with your girl Danda
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Danda08 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Danda08 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 29 October 2012 at 8:45am
Frustrating aye. I've left my girl in nappies again for a while now but she is always saying when she does wees in her nappy so I feel like I'm letting her down by not keeping up the potty training.
I'm gonna try again next month.
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Johanna96904 View Drop Down

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My son was going to the toilet to do wees "Mimi" at our old place but now he refuses to wear his undies and takes out his nappie and lies on for it to be put on, and only comes to us after he has done a poo. Our third child is on the way in a coupe of months and I just don't know what to do... He knows but he doesn't.... I dunno, ideas????
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Disco View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Disco Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 07 January 2013 at 10:12am
My daughter is now three and we're on our second round of giving toilet training a go. We started the first time just after she turned two, mainly because she kept taking her nappy off and expressing a lot of interest in the toilet. It started off well but wouldn't do poo's at all except in a nappy or her pants. This went on for a good 5-6 months and then she lost interest. There were other things going on and I fell pregnant with my second baby and the morning sickness was hideous so we gave up.

So now its summer again we thought we would try again. So far, she's really good at doing wee's, doesn't take her long to get it and only seem to have a few accidents which is usually if she's distracted in some way. But when it comes to poo's, won't go near the toilet. So at the moment she either waits until she's gone to bed and has a nappy on or goes in her pants, which is really unpleasant for whoever has to clean it up.

She's starting kindy in a few weeks and I am at a loss as to what to do. I've tried bribes, stickers, treats, toys, you name it. From what I've read this is a fairly common problem but if anyone has any suggestions I'm all ears!

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mrsm View Drop Down
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Disco, it may be a little late but thought I'd share my experience. We started TT DD when she was 2yrs 9 months. She got wee's quite quick but poo was a completely different story. We tried everything but she kept doing it in her knickers. In the end there was nothing that I could do. I had to try (very hard) to stay calm when she had an accident, say next time we will try and do it in the toilet, and one day she just did it! It took a while to get my head around this as she is a smart cookie, but she just had to do it in her own time. It took nearly 3 months but she got there.

Hope you have been able to work something out and that kindy is going well.
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anijohn1316177368 View Drop Down

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anybody experienced such issues with their children and if so what could been done to help!!! My sister says I should bring wipes to help sanitize the facility...
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Mummyinc View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mummyinc Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 19 April 2015 at 8:49am
Hey everyone, thought id share what we did, My son was toilet trained by 22 months and over night from 23 months ( which is rare i have heard but he has always been pretty erm clean-o-phobic lol)
as soon as he started telling us he was going (about 16months), we had him nappy-less when we were at home at all times, literally got up in the morning and took his nappy off, and had the potty within reach, we resigned ourselves to the fact there would be accidents.

The biggest thing was cleaning up the accident with out ANY fuss, just say nothing and clean it up. ( hard to do sometimes) But if he even got a tiny amount of wee in the potty aka even a drip then we would make a huge fuss and do a special happy potty dance. We found that forcing him to sit on the potty at certain times of the day was just frustrating to all involved after all he DID know when it was coming because he had been telling us when he had a nappy on so was more about learning to trust him when he didn't have a nappy on.

at 17 months was the first time he voluntarily took him self to the potty to wee, then he regressed a bit at 18 months, and we had a few wee's accidents when we introduced undies at 20 months.

The overnight thing is a brain connection so cant be forced, we just noticed it had been a week with out him waking with a wet nappy so chucked a towel under him and put undies on him one night and that was all that was needed, he had maybe wet the bed 5 times since then and every time it was when he was about to get unwell so having a very deep sleep...

I cant stress how important it is to not make a big fuss, we freaked out a few times at poo on the carpet and this ment he took much longer to want to poo in the toilet, he is 3 soon and still sometimes asks to poo in a nappy. But not very often.
Ready to try for our Winter Wildling to join Louie and Scarlett our Autumn and Summer Babies

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Kosmolicious View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Kosmolicious Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 17 June 2015 at 1:43pm
Hey guys, I thought I'd just put my 2 cents as we've just TTed our 3.5yr old. Yep, he's older, but we just waited till he was good and ready. He TTed in 1 day and has had 2 accidents in the past month and has mostly dry nights. I didn't want to push it as I was terrified it would be a struggle. But we waited (a tiny bit of lazy parenting there!) but he got it first shot and it's been completely stress free.

38yrs with a 4yr old. Been TTc for almost 2yrs now. Have just tried Letrozole but think I have luteal phase defect. 23ish day cycles.
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haliegh210398 View Drop Down

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My boy is 2 and has been stripping off his nappy whenever he feels like it, when ever it is a little bit wet, or if he has done a poop. he will dig his hands down it and pull it out, hes only wiped it on stuff once or twice, but I'm thinking it might be time to toilet train.. Has anyone else's kid gone through this?
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haliegh210398 View Drop Down

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my mother wants to toilet train my newborn from birth. How do I tell her that I'm not her and that no baby is ready at that age to be held over a scary toilet???
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mummy83 View Drop Down

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Hi everyone. I'm new to this forum but need help/suggestions... My 3YO daughter has been doing wees on the loo since 3YO and this seemed relatively straight forward. However had only done 3 poo's since then (6 months) and always does them in her undies. She will say she's going to do poo's and will go into her baby sisters room to do her business. If I try and carry her to the toilet she will just scream blue murder and not do anything. Have bribed with a soft toy (which is sitting in our wardrobe waiting), sticker chart (not using anymore as isn't working), made her clean her own poo up in the bath (this was a recommendation from Montessorie teachers as this is what they do) but this gets sooo messy even in the bath! I've now said to her that every time she poo's she gives one pair of her undies to her 18 month old sis and her sis gives her a pair of nappies. She's a competitive little thing but this is one thing she says her little sis will win. Makes me sad as she's just given up:( She does get extremely upset when she has to give her undies up (two of them are in her sis room now.... Gosh I find myself getting so annoyed at her and I need to find a way of making it into a positive thing but I have run out of ideas! Please help!
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Indigo Blue View Drop Down
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My MIL is a specalist in potty training..(that's her job).
A friend had a case like this recently and she said to her to completely ignore it and tell her that you're not going to ask her or remind her about it anymore and just give it no attention at all.. And she will come right on her own.
I would absolutely not make her clean up her own poo, or make things competitive for her, that is likely to make things a lot worse just be super posative when she does do a poo in the toilet and praise her good behaviour.

You can contact your GP and ask for a referral to your local public health nurse who will be able to help you if you get stuck.
Hope this was helpful!
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