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Joined: 28 February 2015
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Posted: 31 July 2016 at 1:38pm |
Hey everyone. I'm new here - TTC #2 and not sure if I'm ovulating. I have PCOS and take Metformin. If I was, it should be around this time but my Fertility Friend chart hasn't depicted ovulation yet.
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Joined: 21 July 2016
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Posted: 01 August 2016 at 9:13pm |
Hi all! How is everyone doing??
Sooooo my question is.....what are the signs and symptoms of oving??? I have noticed in the last two days my nipples are extremely sensitive!!!!!!!
TMI i know sorry lol
Joined: 11 July 2015
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Posted: 23 September 2016 at 11:28pm |
Hey guys we are trying for #3 last ones were with clomid and I've found I can get pregnant but I miscarry so I'm taking CoQ10 to try boost egg quality is anyone else? Im currently CD10
 DD 2006 DS 2008 M/C 2015 M/C Sept 2016
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Posted: 24 September 2016 at 6:56am |
Morning Kiwimum. I started taking a supplement with CoQ10 in it this month. I am the same. I (well in the past) found it easy to get pregnant but we had 3 miscarriages. Now on our 6th month of trying this year. How long have you been trying?
Joined: 11 July 2015
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Posted: 25 September 2016 at 11:29pm |
What amount are you taking a day? I'm taking a women's multi too the strangest thing I've seen is the speed my nails are growing at lol
Our first month last month ended in a miscarriage. My partner isn't the father of my other 2 so it's his first but he is the most amazing supportive person around.
Is anyone else charting?
 DD 2006 DS 2008 M/C 2015 M/C Sept 2016
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Posted: 26 September 2016 at 5:45am |
I'm taking the conceive well gold. 1 tablet and 1 capsule. I also had thought about how quickly my nails were growing but hadn't thought about the supplement. I'm also charting. Have you just started?
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Posted: 26 September 2016 at 6:54am |
I'm just taking straight coq10 2 capsules a day alongside women's multi which has folic acid in it.
Yup first month charting with temps I charted with my other 2 as well but am using digital ovulation sticks this time it's more accurate.
 DD 2006 DS 2008 M/C 2015 M/C Sept 2016
Joined: 19 July 2017
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Posted: 25 July 2017 at 11:33am |
Hi Ladies, Im new here :) TTC #1 for the last 6 months, husband already has a 10yo. I've been testing with opks but no signs of O'ving at all, i've been following the instructions but nothing for the last 6 months :( Feeling very disheartened. My friends and sister haven't had any troubles conceiving in fact they haven't even had to 'try' so none of them get it and keep giving ridiculous advice of 'just relax it will happen' etc. ummmmm no it wont if i don't try Grrrrrrr. Think it might be time for a trip to the GP but i really want to avoid taking drugs to help OV and would prefer the natural option, has anyone tried anything natural to bring on OV?
Thanks ladies :)
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Posted: 05 October 2017 at 8:44am |
Hi ladies, I am new in this thread, but looking for advice. We are trying for Baby # 3. I have been charting my temps and testing for ovulation over the last few months. I always reached a Peak smiley face on the Clearblue Advanced Digital on my previous months. This month of course, now that this is the month we are actually going to try - I have now had 7 days of high smileys faces (the flashing ones) and haven’t reached a peak. I did a few baby4you test strips yesterday that seemed to confirm a positive result for an LH surge, yet the advanced OPK again gave me a high reading this morning and no peak. My EWCM has been present the last few days, and my temperature hasn’t shifted up yet so I would assume ov hasn’t happened yet. Has anyone experienced this many high readings? We are trying to dtd as close to ov as possible, hence waiting for peak reading. Any advice greatly appreciated! Am about to give up on the advanced opks, I feel like the flashing smiley face is taunting me! Haha.
Joined: 28 April 2019
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Posted: 28 April 2019 at 5:08am |
Hi everyone, I'm new here.
My partner and I are in our 7th month of trying for a baby (first for both of us). I'm 36 years old, living in Auckland. This month was the first time we tried the ovulation test so we are currently in that awful time where we are waiting to see whether or not I get my period which is next due on 5 May - fingers crossed I don't get my period and I get a positive test!
How long have you been trying for a baby?
Edited by tsham237912 - 28 April 2019 at 5:09am