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Posted: 13 June 2010 at 8:41pm |
Awww Cinders, I kinda wondered about you too hun. What a huge step you've taken in even considering it. Yes the GP is definately your first point of call, good luck, it's not the easiest but you'll feel better once you've chatted to him/her.
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Posted: 14 June 2010 at 9:25am |
Oh escadachic, sounds like you are struggling a bit at the moment
Doesn't sounds like your support group is being particularly supportive! No one has the right to judge you unless they have walked in your shoes - and no one has! I'm sure we have ALL felt like leaving our children when it all gets a bit much. That is perfectly normal.
I hope you are feeling better today.
I have had a busy weekend, with lots of late nights so am feeling a bit run down and TIRED. I find my anxiety levels and tolerance gets badly affected when I don't have enough sleep. My wee man woke at midnight last night for a feed and I was ANNOYED and for the first time that I can remember felt SICK of getting up  He is only four months old so I don't feel I can withhold feeds yet until he is on solids which means MONTHS of interrupted sleep still.
To top it off I just had a big argument with my husband about what to do about it. I said basically we have a few options: withhold a breastfeed and let him CIO (NOT something I can handle); keep going and suck it up till he is established on solids; or look into topping him up with formula at night. I know the last one isn't a guarantee he will sleep through but at the moment he is taking 80ml EBM from a bottle but would take more if there was more. So maybe the formula would fill him up.
After I talked about these options, my husband says: there is another option, which is you stop going out and express after every feed to get enough for a full bottle of EBM at night. I was like: ummm no I will go insane. And he says: isn't the welfare of our son more important than your social life????  ARRRRGGGHHH!!! How frickin rude. I sacrifice sleep, money, my identity, EVERYTHING for him, and would DO anything for him. BUT I think a happy mum makes for a happy baby and being stuck inside all day every day would drive me INSANE!!!
Okay enough bitching
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Posted: 14 June 2010 at 1:45pm |
1st_Time_Preggies - Oh thankx for caring and big hugs back to you 
Sux about the argument with you DH. Seems it's hard to be on the same page as your partner as a general rule in parenting. Those who are on the same page are lucky. I often have different ideas then my DP. He is carefree and I am cautious. I often tell him off about how he is holding her. He may have her securely according to him, but if I see any potential for danger I freak and tell him off. I find I get easily annoyed and stressed on little sleep too. Like say if I've just got to bed and I get woken like 30-60mins after getting to sleep, I get grumpy that Annabelle has woken me so soon after such little sleep. But I try to remind myself it's not her fault, she's a baby and she's not doing it on purpose.
Yeah I get how you feel about needing some time for just you. Being a Mum takes a lot out of you and it takes up so much of you, your energy and time. So it is understandable wanting a break when possible. I don't get much of a break and am often b***hing at my DP on the weekend that it's not fair that he gets the sleep in and that I need sleep more then him, as mine gets interrupted so much, while he has a good as sleep. Also sometimes I will ask him to do something and if he's on the computer he'll tell me to do it and I'll respond by saying "seriously?!...I do so much all day for Annabelle, don't I deserve to just sit here and relax?...."
I have Annabelle on solids now and I feel it has helped with her sleeping.
And hey, feel free to b*tch. This forum is here for that and many other things.
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Posted: 15 June 2010 at 11:02pm |
Haven't checked on this thread in a while, but yes 0Mrs0Ana0, Isla and I are famous  Just got my copy the other day after being told by all my friends who sub to it that she was in there. I honestly can't even remember writing in lol. had to wait for a few weeks before it was available in shops. Apparently there was a delay in them being distributed so they were a few weeks late. Some shops are only getting them in now. It's so cool. I'm going to put the magazine in a wee memories box we have for Isla.
 to all of those having a crappy time at the moment. I've been in a real good headspace lately. Have fond something to keep my mind occupied - baking - and I'm secretly good at it! (all these years I've thought I was crap at it! lol) but it is great to do something and have such a positive result. DF can't stop raving about how impressed he is. It's been a real confidence boost. It certainly is the little things in life that make you happy ay
Bed time. Night night x
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Posted: 22 June 2010 at 3:31pm |
Hey Im new to this forum, recently diagnosed with PND which I think I have had for 15months. Have been started on Fluoxetine, am on day 5 today feel nauseous with a constant headache, has anyone else had this if so how long did it take to pass? Its difficult to accept the diagnosis of depression as my symptoms were quite suttle thought it was all part of being a first time mum.
Although other people prob would have noticed. My house would get so disgustingly messy I was embaressed but still didn't have the motivation to tidy up. Just seemed like everything was more of an effort. I felt like running away once a month.
Over eating like you wouldn't believe with no motivation to get outside even for just a walk.
So really hope the meds kick in and this first stage of side effects pass.
1st_Time_Preggies- prob wouldn't worry about the sleeping thru til your DS is on solids. Dont fall into my trap that still after 15 months my DD was still waking 1-2 a night and i had to end up doing the CIO actually DH did it I did a night shift at work so I didnt have to deal with it hehe. It worked but its still not a nice thing to have to so. We got pretty desperate.
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Posted: 22 June 2010 at 4:41pm |
Welcome to this forum Salz
I'm so there with regards to the house being messy as, but not feeling motivated to do anything about it. Doing anything like that seems like such a chore and I only really have enough motivation to do it for like 10 mins, preferably less though. And that's not daily either. I constantly think I need to clean up, but then put myself first and just try to do things I enjoy and only do some tidying if I am mega bored. Yeah I too want to run away every so often. I thought it would be easy with this being #2, but I was really rather wrong! The baby part takes less time to get the hang of yes, but the older child and her testing behaviour is so hard to deal with. At least once a week i want to give her away. Though I never would. I Love her, but don't always like her. And if older DD is pissing me off, everything starts to bother me and I get super tense. I too have no motivation to go for a walk. So many people keep saying, go for a walk, it'll make you feel so much better. And I'm like, no thankx! I really prefer to hide away at home. I just keep wondering why every Mum doesn't get PND, as I just can't fathom how other Mums cope so well. Better go, time to pick up DP from work. Though I'd rather just stay home.
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Posted: 25 June 2010 at 3:55pm |
Bit quiet in this forum.
Oh well, have been on my meds for a week now and have noticed the feeling of the fog lifting a bit in my mind. Certainly feeling more happy and motivated. Even made my bed today and put clothes away, such a simple task yet i didn't do that for months. Still have the odd day where I feel nauseous and have a constant headache but dont have that today so hope the side efects are easing.
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Posted: 26 June 2010 at 9:03am |
Yes it has been a bit quiet lately! Guessing everyone is busy if I am anything to go by.
Salz, great to hear that the fog is lifting and that you are more happy and motivated! And only after a week too, awesome.
I'm not doing too badly at the moment. Am still having a lot of trouble sleeping though (whether my wee man wakes or not!) so am trying a homeopathic remedy at the moment. Anyone else given this a go??? It is a bit airy fairy for my liking but I figure it is worth a shot
I am occasionally feeling myself get a bit anxious or obsessive about things (like naps!) but usually I can talk myself out of it. So some progress has been made.
I am even on the fence about having number two! A few months back I couldn't imagine anything worse
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Posted: 26 June 2010 at 7:57pm |
Salz, glad the fog appears to be lifting
1st_Time_Preggies, going from 1-2 children is a big transition, but it does get easier. Like the 1st few weeks I found mega hard, due to trying to get sleep and kep the house tidy and have some kind of life. But then I discovered you can't have it all or do it all. I did in the first few weeks get a bit down as I felt my life was taken over and lost any sense of myself and just felt like I was here simply to serve everyone but myself. But after about 3 wks, things just seemed to get easier. It's more the testing behaviour from 6 1/2 yr old that made life super hard. As she used to be so well behaved and since she turned 6, slowly her attitude has gotten worse and I think the family dynamics changing was a bit of an adjustment. But the way I see it, or at least try and see it is I will have the practise for when Annabelle is older.
Nah I'm not busy, quite the opposite. Often just bored as.
I've had some down days this week. At the start of the week I was all wanting to put an end to everything, as I thought everyone would be better off without me. Only because I yelled at older daughter and Annabelle looked all worried and I got all paranoid about yelling and worried about it being a regular thing and affecting Annabelle and causing her to be timid and anxious as she gets older. I know what yelling around babies/kids can do, from being yelled at or hearing a lot of yelling growing up. Then I was driving on the motorway and looked to the side of the road and felt like driving off it. Then I cried because I felt so low and then one evening while lying in bed I cried simply because my thoughts had gone that way. I felt like I wanted to self-harm on that day at the start of the week when I was questioning myself, but thankfully I worry what people think and don't want people thinking I'm weird or strange, so I didn't. I find it hard admitting to feeling so low, as I'm sure it's not nice to hear about. Yesterday DP was stressed and yelling at me and I felt really down and sad with him being like that. I have been in a really sensitive mood emotionally this week. Getting upset a lot. I had actually written a post that took 10 mins to write this morning, but then my net had gone down while I was writing it and I didn't realise until I went to post it and found out that way. I was like NOOOOO!!!!  As I had taken all that time to write and had nothing to show for it and couldn't even go back a page and try retrieve what was written but no luck! Damn that sucked!
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Posted: 26 June 2010 at 8:37pm |
 My beautiful 2 girls...nearly 4 and 13 months
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Posted: 26 June 2010 at 10:42pm |
I am going to poke my head in here. I have been diagnosed with PTSD from my past but it is being triggered often at the moment. I saw my doctor a few weeks ago for my 3 monthly check up and he confirmed the PTSD over PND and depression. I had PND with both my boys but he now feels it was PTSD. I am starting some intensive councilling for it, and my main struggle with PTSD is control.
I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!
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Posted: 27 June 2010 at 8:22pm |
Welcome mummy_becks glad you have got some answers and now getting the appropriate treatment. My councellor said I had PTSD too although minor. Its mainly PND for me.
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Posted: 29 June 2010 at 3:50pm |
Hi ladies, I have a confession! I have been a lurker in this thead for awhile now  So think its about time I finally joined in!
I have PND, and was diagnosed about 6weeks ago now. I got onto it fairly early and am taking 60mg citalipram.
I have had the most fantastic week since uping meds to 60mg, but today my DS2 (11wks) has not been playing the sleeping game!! Argh!! Have finally got him asleep now, but has really tested me.
Hope everyone is having a good week
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Posted: 29 June 2010 at 8:43pm |
hi coopersmum  and hi becks  I don't come on here too often cause keep getting distracted with other things but it's so nice to know there are other people out there going/been through the same things. It's fantastic to have heaps of support in lots of different ways
 My beautiful 2 girls...nearly 4 and 13 months
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Posted: 29 June 2010 at 10:33pm |
Welcome Mummy_beck and Coopersmum.
Yeah it's nice to know we are not the only Mums in the world going through this.
I've been having a crap few days. Have wanted to just piss off and leave everyone behind 2 days in a row now  And have wanted to offload my oldest daughter onto someone else for the past few days. She just treats everything as a joke. I told her to stop scretching today while I was driving, as it''s distracting and I might crash, so she laughs about it and talks about the car crashing like it's funny. It's very hard with her, she doesn't understand what is appropriate and thinks so many not so nice things are just funny and a joke. It's very hard to deal with. I've wanted to self-harm both yesterday and today  But I have made sure I am strong and haven't. But I still feel crap for wanting to. I'm just getting really overwhelmed by so much these days. It hasn't helped that my baby is refusing to go to sleep before 11:30pm, though she is tired and I attempt to put her to bed like 3 times at night. Also she is teething, and has a little cold and I'm drained and getting sick. To make matters worse today, the oil heater blew up, so no heater in our room, so baby might not be going to sleep yet due to the room being cold, though I have a beanie on her and extra blankets. Then we borrowed a heater off DP's parents and got it home to discover it doesn't work. We have fan heaters, but they can't be kept on, as they are too much of a fire risk  Not having a good week so far.
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Posted: 30 June 2010 at 7:34pm |
hi everyone im new to this topic, i havent been diagnosed...i actually havent even been to see anyone, this is all very recent, ive started feeling like im really not coping atm....DS has always been a pretty good sleeper, but for the past month or so he is refusing to go to sleep, i mean his eyes will be rolling in his head cos hes so tired and hes yawning away but will force himself to stay awake, and so he is crying until he finally goees to my arms, normally on the boob and ive resorted to co-sleeping at night becasue i dont have the energy to be up all night but lately ive been getting so frustrated with him that im putting him down in his cot and storming out of the room and then feel so bad cos he will be in there crying, and my partner (who ive been fighting with everyday) works 4pm till midnight, and sleeps in EVERY morning, reluctantly does anything to help out with T, like he will hold him for me to have a shower (if i ask) or if i need to do something else (again only if i ask) i feel so isolated because ive just moved out of my mums where me and my partner were, so im home alone from 3pm onwards, and also having no money, having to go back to uni is all so much, i feel teary all the time when im by myself and so stressed out, i feel like no-one gets it...or cares...i dont know, sorry to ramble, and sorry to post on here even though i havent been diagnosed or anything, i feel so crap so often, but love my son to bits, he is the absolulte best thing in my life and i feel so bad for feeling the way i do cos im scared hel be able to sense how im feelin and then be miserale is so draining some times its not fair
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Posted: 30 June 2010 at 11:53pm |
There are so many pages I haven't read back to see what's going on in this thread but am hoping that I can get a bit of support here. I was diagnosed with PND a little while back and although the medication has helped somewhat, it hasn't been three months yet and I'm told it can take that long to really feel its affect.
I really struggle some days. Mostly with finding my DH SOOOO irritating and sometimes I feel so angry I just want to blast him. Tonight we did blast each other and I walked out and went shopping and left him to look after the baby. Consequently the baby took forever to settle tonight (between the upset in routine and probably the argument too) and I ended up having to take him to bed for a few hours with me to get him off to sleep.
It's hard because DH has chronic depression and anxiety. You'd think I'd have understanding/sympathy from him, but instead anything I'm going through he rolls his eyes and has the attitude that he's 10x worse and has always had to cope with it. And dealing with his depression and anxiety is not easy when I'm going through it myself.
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Posted: 30 June 2010 at 11:58pm |
hugs escadachic!!! I really felt for you reading your post xo
I'm not feeling quite so low as that anymore (thanks to the meds I think) but I know what you mean about the shouting. I am sooo worried about DS and I feel terribly guilty. It wasn't just me - was DH as well, so he has to take some responsibility... but I am hoping hoping that I get better so that I won't lose the plot at him rather than DH and shout at him etc. I have experienced shouting and arguments growing up too and I know how it affected me as a kid. Breaks my heart, I just want him to be happy and to protect him.
PND is just so hard to deal with particularly if you have virtually no support.
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Posted: 01 July 2010 at 12:05am |
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Posted: 01 July 2010 at 10:06am |
Hi guys welcome to the new comers, its a brave thing to come out and realise you need help with not coping. Thats what this forum is for.
escadachic- not sure if you have a councellor but I think you need to see someone to reassess you, you shouldn't be feeling like that. Really feel for you.
nicandtyler- I know what you mean with struggling with a not very supportive DH/DP, looking back on it I think my mood effected him so we were withdrawing from each other. I actually got my DH to go to councelling too ( said we needed it to save our marriage) I know its difficult to get a male to do something like that, but it has really helped us. He even did the dishes last night!!!!! Which is such a big deal. We are learning all about what it is to be in a partnership with this parenting thing, its not all the mums job!
I would have blow ups every month or so and want to walk out as well. There are definite issues that need to be sorted but I think the depression was making me not cope and lose the plot. It takes a lot of courage to go to your GP wondering if you have depression but Im so glad I did.
I was put on Fluoxitine 20mgs and it has really worked for me, I have a zing to life again and my house is clean, I make my bed which I havn't done for over a year! It can be a bit of trial and error with finding the right medication and dose but stick at it and keep going back to your GP until you find something that works!