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The power of journaling

The power of journaling

Use the power of writing to record your memories of the past and dreams for the future. THE BLANK PAGE There’s something …

Summer survival guide

Summer survival guide

The beach, the park, the back garden - summer beckons families to come out and play. Here are some tips for maximum fun, …

A Mother's promise

A Mother's promise

Blogger and mum of three Lisa-Jo Baker shares her promise to her daughter Zoe. (Grab the tissues…) A mother’s promise I’m tired and she’s tired. I’ve already put her to bed more than once tonight. She’s standing in the cot on tippy toes with …

Things I'd like my kids to see their mum doing

Things I'd like my kids to see their mum doing

Everything changes when you take on the title of 'mum'. Suddenly, you’re responsible for the wellbeing of a new little person. But those responsibilities extend further than just day-to-day care and welfare. Your approach to life and the examples …

Just for laughs! Need a giggle today?

Just for laughs! Need a giggle today?

Parent life can be challenging - we get it - here's some light relief for give you a giggle today, that you will no doubt relate to!                                     …

Parenting humour

Parenting humour

Parenting is beautiful, tough, gorgeous, messy… and sometimes unpredictable. We’re sharing our parenting moments in memes. Come and have a giggle with us!     …

Have you appointed a guardian for your child?

Have you appointed a guardian for your child?

What can you do to make sure your kids are looked after if you're no longer around? We look at what's involved in appointing guardians. No one likes thinking about not being there as their kids grow up but there is a worse scenario: the kids being …

Good question: Is behaviour a result of nurture or nature?

Good question: Is behaviour a result of nurture or nature?

Ratbag or model citizen? And is behaviour a result of nurture or nature? Psychologist Dr Melanie Woodfield considers these big questions facing parents, and shares tips on shaping our children into the well-rounded individuals society smiles …

10 ways to teach positive values to your kids

10 ways to teach positive values to your kids

You are your child's first and best teacher, and when it comes to imparting strong, positive values, you have a golden opportunity to lead by example.  All parents want their children to grow up with a highly developed moral compass. That is, we …

Are you going to have a second child? Or happy with one?

Are you going to have a second child? Or happy with one?

If you're a parent of one child, you may be feeling the pressure to start working on Baby Number Two. But what if you want to stop at one? Is having an only child really as sad and lonely as people like to tell us it is? Maree McNulty …

Psychologist explains how to help a child deal with grief

Psychologist explains how to help a child deal with grief

It's one of the most difficult conversations you'll ever have with your child - telling them about the loss of a loved one, whether through death, divorce, or a change in life circumstances. Most of the time, 'going away' is followed by 'coming …

Things I won't regret doing as a parent

Things I won't regret doing as a parent

Parents are infamous for self-condemnation. It’s time for some back-patting instead. Mother-of-three Pippa Henderson reflects on the things she’s pretty sure she got right. Investing in a good buggy  We chose a red phil&teds sports buggy for …

How to have good conversations with your pre-schooler

How to have good conversations with your pre-schooler

Trying to find out what your toddler is really thinking can be difficult. Dr Melanie Woodfield explains some simple strategies that you can use to open up the lines of communication. Having a real conversation with a child of any age can be a very …

Parenting through separation

Parenting through separation

When parents separate, it can be especially difficult for children. Psychologist Pauline Ogilvy explains how communication can help to make the transition as stress-free as possible. Separation is a turbulent time for adults and children. Not only …

Are smart phones the new blankies?

Are smart phones the new blankies?

Miriam McCaleb wonders if our devices have become quick-fix comforters. For a while, I’ve been running around saying “Smart phones are the new smoking”. But it has just occurred to me - today! - that Smart Phones fulfill different functions for …

Mary had a little lamb - do kids need a pet?

Mary had a little lamb - do kids need a pet?

Animals, particularly the small and furry kind, fascinate children. As soon as kids can talk, they're clamouring to bring home a cute baby rabbit or woolly lamb from the latest farm visit. But the question for all parents is how much extra work and …

Recalibrate your stress levels

Recalibrate your stress levels

Parents with young families often find their stress levels rise hugely over the holiday period. Kids are tired, routines are out-of-kilter, parents are busy and holidays can actually be a time that many parents start to dread! In this extract from …

10 amazing things my partner did for me after baby was born

10 amazing things my partner did for me after baby was born

As parents we often read stories about the wonderful prince charming, the brave knight in shining armour or the superheroes who saved the day. But what about the superheroes in our own home? Here are some of the wonderful things my brave husband did …

An education: five tips for parents who are studying

An education: five tips for parents who are studying

‘An investment in knowledge pays the best interest’ - Benjamin Franklin. Getting an education, or extending your eductation, is rarely something you’ll regret, but when you’re a parent the commitment to study comes with a huge list of …

How to really help a new parent

How to really help a new parent

You’ve got to know to understand. But unless you’re a parent yourself it can be difficult to decipher what a new parent actually needs. Pippa Henderson serves up some food for thought. Space and support New parents need oodles of both, which can …

How parenting is like the Olympics

How parenting is like the Olympics

Parenting can be a little like the Olympics, if you think about it. Christine Stride finds similarities between the different events and life with little ones. Spending all day at home looking after the kids can be a bit of a marathon. Attempting …

Five tips to give your newborn the best start in life

Five tips to give your newborn the best start in life

'All you need is love’ – so goes the song, but we all know that caring for and providing for a newborn requires a lot of practical stuff too. Here are five things you can do that could set your baby up for life.    1) Build your …

Ten things your new babysitter needs to know

Ten things your new babysitter needs to know

Whether it’s for work or play, sometimes you need a break from your house and kids, and a paid babysitter is often the only way to make this happen. If you’re new to leaving a babysitter in charge, this can be nerve-wracking for you and a little …

Why women need more sleep than men

Why women need more sleep than men

At last, there’s science behind something that women have probably always known: a study has shown that the female brain works harder than a male’s! But wait, here’s the best part: because of that, women, especially mothers, need around 20 minutes …

Weird things mums do when we're sleep-deprived

Weird things mums do when we're sleep-deprived

Have you ever poured milk onto your toast? Put your phone in the fridge? Decided to bake bread in the middle of the night? Walked into a room then wondered why you were there? Chances are, you've got a new baby! Christine Stride examines the …

How to ask other people to look after your kids

How to ask other people to look after your kids

Why do we feel uncomfortable asking others to help with our kids? Blogger Rebekah Hoeft shares her strategies for what works best when asking for help. There’s an odd stigma attached to parents leaving their children with other people, which …

How my parents entertain my baby (but it's really for them)

How my parents entertain my baby (but it's really for them)

Philippa Wintle suspects that her parents enjoy babysitting games more than her baby does. I looked forward to, but also dreaded, my maternity leave. I’m not naturally maternal, and generally find other people’s kids challenging. That has changed …

10 things no one tells you about being a parent

10 things no one tells you about being a parent

We love our kids to bits but there’s no denying they're the gateway to a life less stylish. Here are some of the lesser known outcomes of raising kids: 🍪 1. You’ll gain five kilos from eating leftover fish fingers and the Goody Gumdrop ice-cream …

5 ways parenting has changed my reactions

5 ways parenting has changed my reactions

Mum Fiona Roberton shares five ways she reacts to things now as a parent, as opposed to when she was child-free! I have lowered my standards As a mother I have had food thrown at me, been spewed on, and regularly get toothpaste on my clothes as my …

How to help your child feel understood

How to help your child feel understood

Steps to help you communicate understanding to your child to help her navigate negative feelings. The key to helping your child feel understood is to acknowledge his feelings. Follow these steps to get more in tune with your child: Label the …

Tips for moving house

Tips for moving house

Moving house is a mission. Moving house when you have small children can seem like Mission Impossible! But with the right preparation, a well thought out action plan, and some deep breaths - it can be done! Here are our top tips based on the …

Which personality traits does your baby show?

Which personality traits does your baby show?

The key to a harmonious home life is recognising individual personalities and parenting accordingly. Allison Mooney looks at four common traits in babies and pre-schoolers. Watch children playing and it takes only minutes to see their individual …

Korero Maori Tamariki Ma

Korero Maori Tamariki Ma

Give your little kiwis an introduction to Te Reo Māori with basic greetings and vocab that can be easily incorporated into daily life. Not only is being exposed to more than one language great for cognitive development, but using Te Reo honours our …

My traumatic miracle

My traumatic miracle

Bronwyn Bay's powerful story of a shocking but life-changing experience.  It was a stunning, crisp winter day in May 2013. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky and yet a storm raged inside of me. I was in the depths of post natal depression where I …

Are all your ducks in a row?

Are all your ducks in a row?

Leaving behind dependant loved ones is not something we like to talk about, but planning for the unforeseen means you can relax and enjoy today. Most of us expect to live well into retirement but sadly a surprising number don’t make it. In 2013 …

The make up debate

The make up debate

DEBATE:Should we allow our kids a dash of lippy and blusher for fun, or is it really the thin end of the wedge?  Liz Breslin and Laura Williamson take sides. Down with make-up By Laura Williamson I hate to be one of those "when I was young" …

Birthday parties: big, small or not at all?

Birthday parties: big, small or not at all?

All partied out by Liz BreslinI'm all for kids feeling special on their special days. And a birthday is pretty much the only day that is all about you (unless your mother was inconsiderate enough to give birth to twins, as I was). But I'm not sure …

10 ways for calmer days

10 ways for calmer days

Parenting young children can feel a lot like you’re constantly juggling, running late or looking for lost socks. Try some - or all - of our life hacks, simple ideas to simplify life.  1.  Make the bed as soon as you get up. Sorry for being bossy, …

The first time I took my baby to daycare

The first time I took my baby to daycare

One hot summer’s day, after an excruciatingly long episode of standing at the end of my driveway opening and closing my letterbox, to my baby's delight, I was happy in my decision to enrol him in daycare. My letterbox had become a source of intense …

Making memories: things your kids will remember forever

Making memories: things your kids will remember forever

The best memories are often just simple family moments, when you were together sharing a joke, an activity, a hug. Here's some inspiration for creating beautiful memories for your children. Start some family traditions Kids love having something …

What not to say to working mums

What not to say to working mums

Mums everywhere will know that going back to work after kids is one of the hardest choices you’ll ever make. For many women, it’s not a matter of “Will I?” but, “When will I?”, and even then the timing can be completely out of your hands. Hello, …

The key to raising a confident & self-assured kid

The key to raising a confident & self-assured kid

Showing your child unconditional love is the key to raising a confident, self-assured individual, explains Angela Smith. Children naturally want to play, and it doesn't take much to elicit smiles on their faces. They remind us to live in the moment …

Grandparenting: the Do's and Dont's

Grandparenting: the Do's and Dont's

Grandma Janice Marriott shares her words of wisdom on being the best grandparent you can be, in this extract from her book Grandparents Talk. No matter what our circumstances, whether we are distant and regularly Skyping or close by, grandparents …

Tips to quell the chaos

Tips to quell the chaos

So much to do, so little time. Effective time management can quell the chaos whether at home or in the office. Former OHbaby! editor Ellie Gwilliam, offers her tips. Remember the days when you had time to spare? A blank page in your diary? The …

Sailing solo

Sailing solo

Anchor me   David Whyman has weathered more storms than any parent should have to cope with - cyclones, big seas and the cancer that took his wife just weeks after she gave birth to their daughter. He tells Rochelle Gillespie his story of courage, …

Slow parenting

Slow parenting

Jaci Conry discovers how 'slow parenting' can make family time more meaningful and enjoyable. A couple of months ago, I was rushing through the grocery store with my preschooler and toddler. It hadn’t been an easy trip; they were whining and …

Motherhood and the business trip

Motherhood and the business trip

Miriam McCaleb recently flew from Canterbury to Canada for a conference and describes the bittersweet privilege of work-related travel, mixed with family-related homesickness.   I don’t get out much these days.  I would describe my style of …

BARK NZ Helping kids overcome their fear of dogs

BARK NZ Helping kids overcome their fear of dogs

New Zealand is a nation of dog lovers, with well over 500,000 doggie companions living in homes throughout the country.  For many of us dogs are an integral part of our family and we couldn’t imagine our lives without them.  For others, especially …

What love looks like at 2.07am

What love looks like at 2.07am

Award-winning writer Sarah Bessey describes love that is real and domestic, yet world-changing. "Mumma, I frowed up.” We wake to the pitiful words of a filthy tiny girl who promptly throws up again, all over our bedding and my maternity …

Getting kids to help around the house

Getting kids to help around the house

Are you sick of picking up after your child? Get him to do it himself - along with a number of other toddler-friendly household chores, explains early childhood educator Cheryl Dennis. One of the things two of my three grown-up children still …

The power of listening

The power of listening

When your child talks to you, do you take the time to stop and listen, or are you too busy doing other things to really hear what they're trying to communicate to you? Liz Donnelly explains how to listen with your heart as well as your …

Family manners

Family manners

  appetisers (one to two year olds) Use please and thank you. Wash hands and faces before and after the meal. Keep the food on their plates. Learn the basics of setting the table. main course (two to four year olds) Stay at the table for …

Beware of Bullying

Beware of Bullying

Bullying is a sad reality for too many school-aged children. Find out about the various types of bullying and the affect it has on the victim. Learn the best ways to deal with a target of bullying and with a bully. What is bullying? If …

What's The Difference Between Boys & Girls?

What's The Difference Between Boys & Girls?

Our first child was born in the dead of a Sunday night. Five to three to be exact. Only shift workers and insomniacs keep those sorts of hours. We hoped it wasn’t an omen of sleep patterns to come. The preceding six months had been full of …

Parenting through grief

Parenting through grief

Parenting a young family naturally directs our focus to new life. Sometimes, however, this season also includes saying goodbye to loved ones at the end of their life. Family and grief counsellor Michelle Parkinson offers some advice for helping …

Who's the boss

Who's the boss

Taking sides: who's the boss As children grow and change, we all know that rules and boundaries need to be put in place. But who makes the rules?     Because I said so by Laura Williamson A family is not a democracy. If it were, most parents …

Snack Attack! What's in those snack bars?

Snack Attack! What's in those snack bars?

It’s been a while since my last blog as I’ve been busy with end-of-term activities, Playcentre admin and keeping the kids entertained in the holidays! But now the holidays are nearing an end it’s time to think about packing school and kindy …

Story Telling - Fun Ways to Engage Your Kids!

Story Telling - Fun Ways to Engage Your Kids!

We all love a great story and, as Miriam McCaleb writes, storytelling creates much more for the family than just folklore.  Once upon a time there was a mother whose words wove webs of pure love over the heads of her children. Once there lived a …

Nine things every parent with an anxious child should try

Nine things every parent with an anxious child should try

Anxiety can happen to everyone and children are not exempt. As parents we want to help guide our children through these stressful moments but we often lack the tools to do so. Renee Jain is a life coach who specialises in cultivating skills of …

Family size

Family size

Taking sides: The more the merrier   Big family, more fun by Liz Breslin   I'm one of four siblings. Mum always said she loved us so much she'd be happy to keep going until she Had a soccer team. Dad had other ideas. He says, "I thought, hippy …

Taking sides - Organic food

Taking sides - Organic food

Taking sides: organic food  Should parents fork out the extra for "pure" produce when feeding the family?  Liz Breslin and Laura Williamson look at the pros and cons of going organic. It's better for your family: My organic awakening came in my …

Helicopter parenting

Helicopter parenting

Are we too over-protective or is the world really too dangerous to allow our children the freedom we used to have? Liz Breslin and Laura Williamson take sides.     Safety first Helicopter parenting. Cotton wool kids. Boys and girls bubble-wrapped …

In Case Of Emergency

In Case Of Emergency

On February 22 2011, New Zealand was literally rocked to its core when a 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Christchurch, bringing death and destruction to the Garden City. One of the most important lessons from that terrible day is the importance of …

Day Out Survival Guide

Day Out Survival Guide

As parents we know that days out with the kids are what childhood memories are made of, but often a promising plan can turn out to be a stressful and exhausting experience, as we wrangle our offspring from entrance to exit. The key is to do as much …

Truth, lies and the easter bunny

Truth, lies and the easter bunny

Santa, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy are childhood institutions - but are we right in letting our children believe in them, or are we setting them up for a fall? Here, two mums explain their opposing viewpoints on just how honest we …

Quality time,

Quality time,

When you spend time with your child, are you really giving him your attention, or is your mind somewhere else? Psychologist Pauline Ogilvy gives some suggestions for finding family time and spending meaningful moments with your child, even on your …


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