Advertising with OHbaby!

OHbaby! has a wide variety of online advertising solutions to reach our extensive and highly targeted parenting audience. We can create custom solutions to help you achieve your advertising and marketing goals. OHbaby! is an award winning media company that delivers highly effective campaigns that see our clients continue advertising with us year on year. For help now in achieving your online advertising objectives, please contact us.
The OHbaby! brand is an inspirational, experienced and trusted friend, offering parenting and pregnancy guidance to New Zealand families since 2001. The website, an award-winning highly interactive site, along with the magazine, together cater to the needs of all of New Zealand's discerning mothers and mothers-to-be.
OHbaby! Magazine speaks to readers as intelligent, mature and sophisticated women, who have embraced motherhood as integral to, but not exclusive of, their identities as women. OHbaby! understands that becoming a mother is an important role in a woman's life and can be challenging. We are there to encourage, inspire, empower and inform - providing mums some special time out and rich content.
Fashion, beauty, fitness and health are all relevant to our readers and are included every issue. The OHbaby! panel of experts are available to answer specific questions on all topics including conception, obstetrics, infant and toddler sleep, psychology, homelife and nutrition for mums and their families.
OHbaby! readers are passionate about their families and their lives, and all of us at OHbaby! are passionate about our readers. We hope you will be too.
Kristina Rapley
Our readers
• 81% are aged 25-39
• 42% have holidayed overseas in the past 12 months
• 83% of our readers have purchased something as a direct result of a feature or advertising in OHbaby! Magazine
Children in the household
• 1/3 of readers are currently pregnant
• 2/3 of readers have 0-4 year olds
• Frequency: Quarterly
• Cover price: $9.40
• Retail distribution: Through all supermarkets and retail stores nationwide
• Subscription: $34 for 1 year, $64 for 2 years
• Maximum ad ratio of 35% to provide maximum advertising cut-through
For more information please contact:
Angela Pedersen (magazine and online advertising)
mob: 021 497 787
For general enquiries