Nomination Resources

OHbaby! is a trusted name in the New Zealand pregnancy and parenting industry, recognised for our commitment to quality. For 23 years now, New Zealand parents have turned to OHbaby! for information, ideas, encouragement, and support in making their families’ most important decisions. The OHbaby! Awards have been developed to recognise, promote and celebrate the high quality of products and services in the New Zealand pregnancy and parenting industry. The awards are now a biennial fixture on the OHbaby! calendar.
The 2024 OHbaby! Awards, acknowledges and celebrates the best products and services in the New Zealand pregnancy and parenting industry. OHbaby! is a respected resource for information on all things related to pregnancy and parenting, and as New Zealand’s largest independent pregnancy and parenting brand, we have an influential, intelligent audience and participant numbers required to achieve a respectable, significant result.
By placing the OHbaby! award winning logo on your website, in your advertising, in store, and on your products and packaging, your product or service can receive the benefit of endorsement by a trusted New Zealand brand loved by Kiwi parents. The OHbaby! Awards logo carries the positive votes of thousands of New Zealand parents who know your product or service and believe it to be the best on the market.
New parents are introduced to the pregnancy and parenting industry every year, which makes it extremely important for you to constantly advertise and promote your product or service to the market. The OHbaby! Awards logo holds significant influence for first-time-parents and consumers making important purchasing decisions, as it gives your product or service prominence and credibility.
An OHbaby! Award is an important and prestigious award to receive and be proud of.
We are currently in the first stage of the awards where we ask the New Zealand public to nominate their favourites in eight categories (see below) . Nominations will close on 31st May 2024, and the brands and/companies with the highest amount of nominations will go through to the voting round which commences on 10th July, with winning announcements to follow on 18th October,2024.
I want my business/product to be nominated what can I do?
‘Nominate us’ promotions
The more nominations a brand/product/service gets the higher the chance it has of getting through to the VOTING round of the awards. We offer a nominations period so that we are able to ensure all new brands and products that enter the market during the two year gap between the awards are not missed. This is great as we have seen many changes over the years.
To be nominated and do well - invite your friends and customers to nominate your brand/product/service in the awards and be specific about the categories you wish to be nominated for. Remember this is the first round - if you're nominated enough to get through to the voting round for your chance to win a gold or silver award - it's beneficial to do this for voting as well.
We have banner ads and artwork you can download HERE. It's good to be specific about the category you'd like to be nominated in to make every nomination count!
Remember to be specific about what you want them to nominate you on e.g. Jump on board and nominate us for BEST PORTABLE PRODUCT in the Out & About Category and The MOST RECOMMENDED PRODUCT!
Ideas to reach your customers and get them nominating - this artwork can be used:
- On your facebook page
- On your instagram page
- On Facebook and Instagram stories (
- Banner for your website. And use the hashtag #ohbabyawards
Insta and Facebook story template. Don't forget to link to in your story. Save it to a highlight as well!
Insta post - use our template and you can use an app like picollage on your phone to add the category and topic to vote. Always be sure to tag us and use hashtag #ohbabyawards (right click to save image). You can use both images when you load multiple on Instagram, the first for the nomination text the second for the specifics as per example below:
Contact for further information on the nominations process or for advertising information.
The categories are:
Best Double Buggy/Stroller
Best Single Buggy/Stroller
Best Baby/Toddler Car Seat
Best Junior/Booster Car Seat
Best Baby Carrier
Best Baby Sling/Wrap
Best Children's Sunscreen
Best Family-Related Insurance Company
Best Childcare Provider
Best Family-Friendly Vehicle
Best Portable Product
Best Nappy Bag
Best Stretchmark Product
Best Pregnancy Test
Best Pregnancy App
Best Pregnancy Support Aid
Best Pregnancy Book
Best Maternity Clothing Brand
Best Pregnancy Supplement
Best Pregnancy/Fertility Service
Best Postpartum product
Best Labour/Birth Product
Best Hospital Bag Essential Product
Best Teething Product
Best Skincare Lotion
Best Bath-Time Product
Best Cloth Nappy Brand
Best Disposable Nappy Brand
Best Nappy Rash Product
Best Baby Wipes
Best Vaporiser/Humidifier
Best Cot Brand
Best Baby Wrap/Swaddle
Best Moses Basket/Bassinet/Hammock
Best Baby Monitor
Best Baby Bedding
Best Sleep Aid
Best Baby/Toddler Sleep Sack
Best Nursing Bra
Best Highchair
Best Baby Rusks
Best Baby Food Brand
Best Solids Feeding Product
Best Manual Breast Pump
Best Electric Breast Pump
Best Breastfeeding Aid
Best Product for Bottle-Feeding
Best Toddler Milk Formula
Best Baby/Toddler Snack
Best Lunchbox Brand
Best Learning/Educational Toy
Best Newborn Toy (0-6 months)
Best Baby Toy (6-18 months)
Best Toddler Toy (18-36 months)
Best Pre-schooler Toy (3-5 years)
Best Baby Board Book
Best Preschooler Book
Best Outdoor Toy
Best Preschooler Activity Centre/Class
Best Baby Products Online Store
Best Baby Products Store
Best Kids Clothing Store
Best Kids Clothing Brand
Best Kids Shoes
Best Baby Merino
Best Eco-Friendly Product
Best New Product
Best Boutique Retailer
Best Safety Product
Best Food Home Delivery Service
Best Laundry/Stain Remover
Best Kids Room Furniture
Best Kids TV Channel/Subscription
Most Family-Friendly Supermarket
Best Phone Camera
Best Whiteware Brand
Most Family Friendly Bank
Most Indispensable Cleaning Product