Baby names banned in New Zealand

The list of name below includes punctuation marks such as a period and asterisk and the use of slashes or brackets. Since 1995, legislation has provided a set of rules for acceptable names for New Zealanders where a name, or combination of names, should not cause offence, be unreasonably long, or resemble an official title or rank.
Below are baby names rejected in New Zealand over the years, by the Department of Internal Affairs.
Justice Justus Justyce Juztice King Princess Prince Prynce Royal Duke Dukey Sargent Major Corporal Bishop Majesty Lucifer using brackets around middle names / (back slash) Knight Lady using back slash between names Judge Royale Messiah T I Queen II Sir Special Constable Sex Fruit |
Jr E V JMaster Constable Queen Victoria1 Regal Royal-Rule Emperor Christ 3rd C J G 09 Roman numerals III General Saint Lord . (full stop) 89 Eminence M VI V8 Mafia No Fear 2nd |
Majesti Rogue 4real * (star symbol) 5th S P C Honour D Minister MJ Chief Mr V8 President MC Anal A.J Baron L B H-Q Queen V