Baby names inspired by love

Let love be your inspiration!
Aimee 'beloved' in French
Amanda Latin name meaning "deserving to be loved," "worthy of love," or "loved very much by everyone."
Amoris the Latin word for ‘love’
Aroha the Maori word for ‘love’
Belle 'beauty' in French
Cherie 'dear' in French
Darryll an old English name meaning 'dearly loved'. It's the feminine form of Daryl, which is derived from the word 'darling', from the Old english 'deorling'.
Davina an old English name meaning ‘beloved’
Esma / Esme an Old French and Spanish name meaning 'beloved', 'esteemed'
Grania a Celtic/Irish name meaning 'love'
Juliet/ Juliette from Shakespeare's most famous romantic play, Romeo and Juliet
Milena the female given name of Slavic origin derived from the word 'mil' meaning 'gracious', 'pleasant' or 'dear'
Mila the shortened version of Milena
Rose a flower most commonly linked to romance
Valentina a feminine form of the Roman name Valentinus, which is derived from the Latin word ‘valens’ meaning ‘healthy, strong’
Venus the Roman goddess of love
Amando Italian boy’s name meaning “worthy of love”
Darryl dearly loved
Milan / Milen the masculine version Milena
Romeo from Shakespeare's most famous romantic play, Romeo and Juliet
Tristan from Shakespeare's romantic play, Tristan and Isolde
Valentin a Spanish boy’s name meaning ‘strong’
Valentinus derived from the Latin word ‘valens’ meaning ‘healthy, strong’