12 mamas get real about their breastfeeding journeys

Whether your breastfeeding journey is long or short, it's worth celebrating! We asked 12 mamas to share their very different experiences of breastfeeding their babies.
Carrie: I have only been able to feed using nipple shields but I am super proud of that. I fed my first daughter for 53 weeks and am feeding my second daughter using the shields again at 14 weeks. It may not be the 'norm', but I can breastfeed with them and I was determined my flat nipples weren’t gonna stop me!
Megan: My bottom line goal was to breastfeed beyond hospital, I did this, I did 5 days, my baby got 5 days of colostrum. My husband did an amazing job in helping me reach this small goal. But I did it, I breastfed.

Mandira: When my daughter failed to thrive from an undiagnosed tongue tie, formula saved us and was her medicine. With pumping and determination she was back to exclusive breast milk by week 6 and feeding from source at 9 weeks until 17 months.

Manon: I fed baby via syringe, cup and bottle for the first few weeks until he was able to latch. Now able to breastfeed! Yay!

Roamy: Take it one day - one feed - at a time. Setting yourself little goals makes it feel a lot less overwhelming if you’re struggling at the start.

Meg: I pumped for 5 months before switching over entirely to formula. I still have guilty what-if thoughts about it but I know that 5 months of breastmilk has done way more good than no months of breastmilk.

Dannielle: If at first you don't succeed, try again with help (that refers to my first child and no support and my second child and loads of support!)