Breastfeeding Tips - Useful Advice

We asked the OHbaby! community of mums for their top tips to help first-time mums struggling with breastfeeding.
And via Facebook they responded in droves! Clearly, the sisterhood is strong and mums who had struggled themselves reached out to help new mums coming through.
We received 132 responses in 24 hours — a fantastic resource for any new mum with sore boobs and running on empty. So we’ve summarised the advice that came up most often:
- Be kind to yourself, relax, you’ve already done an amazing thing — given birth to a small person who will be nourished and nurtured no matter how you feed him.
- Take a deep breath. Remember, you’re learning a new skill here and it will take time — don’t expect to know how to do it straight off.
- The pain will ease — within four to six weeks you’re most likely to have it sorted.
- Make sure you get help from midwives and lactation consultants before you leave hospital.
- Get a lactation consultant if you’re having trouble. If that doesn’t work, hire another one or get help from La Leche League or trusted mum friends.
- For sore nipples buy a really good nipple cream — Lansinoh, Medela Purelan, Papaw ointment etc.
- Try your best to breastfeed but if you can’t do it don’t beat yourself up about it.
And in their own words:
- “All the experts tell you that if you are doing ‘breastfeeding’ right that it shouldn’t hurt, but this is definitely not true! I found it so painful for the first little while and it’s just because your breasts are going through a whole new experience that they are not used to. RiteAid Gel breastpads were a lifesaver!”
- “I really like the advice that my wonderful midwife gave me and that is to trust your body and have confidence in yourself and your decisions. I apply it to everything, before pregnancy, during and after.”
- Treat yourself as you treat your baby: with gentle understanding, kindness, patience and loving care. I always try to remember this is the first time for them too, so we learn together what works for us. And it does get easier so persevere as long as you can without sacrificing your sanity. Your baby will love you no matter if it is bottle or breast.”