Breastfeeding tips for summer mamas

As if a Kiwi summer wasn’t hot enough, add a wee hot water bottle bubba who is attached to your breast night and day and you’ve got yourself a recipe for overheating! Here are some breastfeeding tips to keep you and your little one cool and comfortable during this season of life.
Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate
Drink PLENTY of water to maintain milk supply and stay hydrated.
Breastfeeding-friendly clothes:
Invest in nursing-friendly clothing and bras designed for comfort and ease of access to avoid getting hot and bothered with changes throughout the day and night.
Feeding positions:
Experiment with different breastfeeding positions to find the one that's most cool and comfortable for you and your baby.
Cool down:
Use a fan or consider investing in an air conditioning unit to create a cool environment during feedings.
Nursing cover:
A light, breathable nursing cover can provide shade for your baby during outdoor feedings if you plan to be out and about a lot.
Sun protection:
Apply sunscreen to exposed areas if you're breastfeeding in the sun. Keep your baby's head and face shaded (babies under six months shouldn’t have sunblock applied to their sensitive skin if possible).
Protect your supply:
A portable breast pump can be a lifesaver for maintaining your milk supply and providing breast milk while you're out and about if you have a lot of activities or events to attend.
Feeding schedule:
Be flexible with feeding times to accommodate your baby's needs and comfort in the heat. Your milk composition changes depending on what they need, lean into trusting your baby and your body during this time – nature often knows best.