Colic myths

There are a lot of "old wives' tales" about colic that have entered society's hall of urban myths and legends. Without scientific proof, we're happy to set your mind at ease about some of the myths surrounding colic.
- Colic is not a disease or an illness, it is a syndrome (a defined set of symptoms and signs).
- The term "colic" is only applied to young babies, not older babies and toddlers who may cry excessively - in the case of older babies, something else is the cause.
- Colic does not occur more often in firstborns.
- Colic is not dangerous to a baby's development. Having colic does not delay their emotional or physical growth or cause them to be grumpy, fussy teenagers or adults.
- Formula-fed babies are not more susceptible to colic than breastfed babies.
- A breastfeeding mother's diet is not more likely to trigger colic. That said, babies can be affected by something their mother is ingesting, and may be crying because of lactose intolerance, an inability to digest certain foods because of their immature immune systems, or food allergies, not colic.
- Girls and boys experience colic in similar numbers.
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