Further colic help

You should always talk to your child's GP if you have any concerns about their health and wellbeing, and if you suspect your baby has colic, your doctor should be your first point of contact. If you're not sure what to do, you're not coping, or you need more advice and information, here are some resources that can help point you in the right direction and get you the support you need.
- PlunketLine operates from 7am to midnight, seven days a week, offering support and advice to parents: 0800 933 922
- Healthline operates 24 hours a day and includes a Well Child telephone advice free service: 0800 611 116
- Plunket Karitane Family Centres offer support and practical assistance for parents. Check the link above for a location that is local to you.
- La Leche League New Zealand can give support and advice to breastfeeding mothers.